Bible Commentary Forever คำอธิบายความเข้าใจในพระคัมภีร์ไทยสำหรับชีวิต

John 12:27

ASVh Now My soul has been troubled; and what shall I say? Father, save Me from this hour. However, because of this came I to this hour.
ASV Now is my soul troubled; and what shall I say? Father, save me from this hour. But for this cause came I unto this hour.
Westcott and Hort νυν η ψυχη μου τεταρακται και τι ειπω πατερ σωσον με εκ της ωρας ταυτης αλλα δια τουτο ηλθον εις την ωραν ταυτην
Westcott and Hort Greek ASVh Strong's Exhaustive Concordance
νυν Now
3568 nun noon A primary particle of present time; "now" (as adverb of date, a transition or emphasis); also as noun or adjective present or immediate:-- henceforth, + hereafter, of late, soon, present, this (time). See also 3569, 3570. See Greek for 3569 See Greek for 3570
η -
3588 ho ho, including the feminine he hay, and the neuter to to In all their inflections; the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom):-- the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
ψυχη soul
5590 psuche psoo-khay' From 5594; breath, i.e. (by implication) spirit, abstractly or concretely (the animal sentient principle only; thus distinguished on the one hand from 4151, which is the rational and immortal soul; and on the other from 2222, which is mere vitality, even of plants: these terms thus exactly correspond respectively to the Hebrew 5315, 7307 and 2416):-- heart (+ -ily), life, mind, soul, + us, + you. See Greek for 5594 See Greek for 4151 See Greek for 2222 See Hebrew for 05315 See Hebrew for 07307 See Hebrew for 02416
μου My
1473 ego eg-o' A primary pronoun of the first person I (only expressed when emphatic):-- I, me. For the other cases and the plural see 1691, 1698, 1700, 2248, 2249, 2254, 2257, etc. See Greek for 1691 See Greek for 1698 See Greek for 1700 See Greek for 2248 See Greek for 2249 See Greek for 2254 See Greek for 2257
τεταρακται has been troubled
5015 tarasso tar-as'-so Of uncertain affinity; to stir or agitate (roil water):-- trouble.
και and
2532 kai kahee Apparently, a primary particle, having a copulative and sometimes also a cumulative force; and, also, even, so then, too, etc.; often used in connection (or composition) with other particles or small words:-- and, also, both, but, even, for, if, or, so, that, then, therefore, when, yet.
τι what
5101 tis tis Probably emphatic of 5100; an interrogative pronoun, who, which or what (in direct or indirect questions):-- every man, how (much), + no(-ne, thing), what (manner, thing), where (-by, -fore, -of, -unto, - with, -withal), whether, which, who(-m, -se), why. See Greek for 5100
ειπω shall I say
3004 lego leg'-o A primary verb; properly, to "lay" forth, i.e. (figuratively) relate (in words (usually of systematic or set discourse; whereas 2036 and 5346 generally refer to an individual expression or speech respectively; while 4483 is properly to break silence merely, and 2980 means an extended or random harangue)); by implication, to mean:-- ask, bid, boast, call, describe, give out, name, put forth, say(-ing, on), shew, speak, tell, utter. See Greek for 2036 See Greek for 5346 See Greek for 4483 See Greek for 2980
πατερ Father
3962 pater pat-ayr' Apparently a primary word; a "father" (literally or figuratively, near or more remote):-- father, parent.
σωσον save
4982 sozo sode'-zo From a primary sos (contraction for obsolete saos, "safe"); to save, i.e. deliver or protect (literally or figuratively):-- heal, preserve, save (self), do well, be (make) whole.
με Me
1473 ego eg-o' A primary pronoun of the first person I (only expressed when emphatic):-- I, me. For the other cases and the plural see 1691, 1698, 1700, 2248, 2249, 2254, 2257, etc. See Greek for 1691 See Greek for 1698 See Greek for 1700 See Greek for 2248 See Greek for 2249 See Greek for 2254 See Greek for 2257
εκ from
1537 ek ek or ex ex A primary preposition denoting origin (the point whence action or motion proceeds), from, out (of place, time, or cause; literal or figurative; direct or remote):-- after, among, X are, at, betwixt(-yond), by (the means of), exceedingly, (+ abundantly above), for(- th), from (among, forth, up), + grudgingly, + heartily, X heavenly, X hereby, + very highly, in, …ly, (because, by reason) of, off (from), on, out among (from, of), over, since, X thenceforth, through, X unto, X vehemently, with(-out). Often used in composition, with the same general import; often of completion.
της -
3588 ho ho, including the feminine he hay, and the neuter to to In all their inflections; the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom):-- the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
ωρας hour
5610 hora ho'-rah Apparently a primary word; an "hour" (literally or figuratively):-- day, hour, instant, season, X short, (even-)tide, (high) time.
ταυτης this
3778 houtos hoo'-tos, including nominative masculine plural houtoi hoo'-toy, nominative feminine singular haute how'-tay, and nominative feminine plural hautai how'-tahee From the article 3588 and 846; the he (she or it), i.e. this or that (often with article repeated):-- he (it was that), hereof, it, she, such as, the same, these, they, this (man, same, woman), which, who. See Greek for 846 See Greek for 3588
αλλα However
235 alla al-lah' Neuter plural of 243; properly, other things, i.e. (adverbially) contrariwise (in many relations):-- and, but (even), howbeit, indeed, nay, nevertheless, no, notwithstanding, save, therefore, yea, yet. See Greek for 243
δια because of
1223 dia dee-ah' A primary preposition denoting the channel of an act; through (in very wide applications, local, causal, or occasional):-- after, always, among, at, to avoid, because of (that), briefly, by, for (cause) … fore, from, in, by occasion of, of, by reason of, for sake, that, thereby, therefore, X though, through(-out), to, wherefore, with (-in). In composition it retains the same general importance.
τουτο this
3778 houtos hoo'-tos, including nominative masculine plural houtoi hoo'-toy, nominative feminine singular haute how'-tay, and nominative feminine plural hautai how'-tahee From the article 3588 and 846; the he (she or it), i.e. this or that (often with article repeated):-- he (it was that), hereof, it, she, such as, the same, these, they, this (man, same, woman), which, who. See Greek for 846 See Greek for 3588
ηλθον came I
2064 erchomai er'-khom-ahee Middle voice of a primary verb (used only in the present and imperfect tenses, the others being supplied by a kindred (middle voice) eleuthomai el-yoo'-thom-ahee, or (active) eltho el'-tho, which do not otherwise occur); to come or go (in a great variety of applications, literally and figuratively):-- accompany, appear, bring, come, enter, fall out, go, grow, X light, X next, pass, resort, be set.
εις to
1519 eis ice A primary preposition; to or into (indicating the point reached or entered), of place, time, or (figuratively) purpose (result, etc.); also in adverbial phrases:-- (abundant-)ly, against, among, as, at, (back-)ward, before, by, concerning, + continual, + far more exceeding, for (intent, purpose), fore, + forth, in (among, at, unto, -so much that, -to), to the intent that, + of one mind, + never, of, (up-)on, + perish, + set at one again, (so) that, therefore(-unto), throughout, til, to (be, the end, -ward), (here-)until(-to), …ward, (where-)fore, with. Often used in composition with the same general import, but only with verbs (etc.) expressing motion (literally or figuratively).
την -
3588 ho ho, including the feminine he hay, and the neuter to to In all their inflections; the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom):-- the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
ωραν hour
5610 hora ho'-rah Apparently a primary word; an "hour" (literally or figuratively):-- day, hour, instant, season, X short, (even-)tide, (high) time.
ταυτην this
3778 houtos hoo'-tos, including nominative masculine plural houtoi hoo'-toy, nominative feminine singular haute how'-tay, and nominative feminine plural hautai how'-tahee From the article 3588 and 846; the he (she or it), i.e. this or that (often with article repeated):-- he (it was that), hereof, it, she, such as, the same, these, they, this (man, same, woman), which, who. See Greek for 846 See Greek for 3588
Greek Unicode database taken from: Parsed Westcott Hort database taken from: Parsed Byzantine majority text taken from: ASV Text taken from: Strong's Extensive Concordance taken from: