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Matthew 22:30

ASVh For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven.
ASV For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as angels in heaven.
Westcott and Hort εν γαρ τη αναστασει ουτε γαμουσιν ουτε γαμιζονται αλλ ως αγγελοι εν τω ουρανω εισιν
Westcott and Hort Greek ASVh Strong's Exhaustive Concordance
εν in
1722 en en A primary preposition denoting (fixed) position (in place, time or state), and (by implication) instrumentality (medially or constructively), i.e. a relation of rest (intermediate between 1519 and 1537); "in," at, (up-)on, by, etc.:-- about, after, against, + almost, X altogether, among, X as, at, before, between, (here-)by (+ all means), for (… sake of), + give self wholly to, (here-)in(-to, -wardly), X mightily, (because) of, (up-)on, (open-)ly, X outwardly, one, X quickly, X shortly, (speedi-)ly, X that, X there(-in, -on), through(-out), (un-)to(-ward), under, when, where(-with), while, with(-in). Often used in compounds, with substantially the same import; rarely with verbs of motion, and then not to indicate direction, except (elliptically) by a separate (and different) preposition. See Greek for 1519 See Greek for 1537
γαρ For
1063 gar gar A primary particle; properly, assigning a reason (used in argument, explanation or intensification; often with other particles):-- and, as, because (that), but, even, for, indeed, no doubt, seeing, then, therefore, verily, what, why, yet.
τη the
3588 ho ho, including the feminine he hay, and the neuter to to In all their inflections; the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom):-- the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
αναστασει resurrection
386 anastasis an-as'-tas-is From 450; a standing up again, i.e. (literally) a resurrection from death (individual, genitive case or by implication, (its author)), or (figuratively) a (moral) recovery (of spiritual truth):-- raised to life again, resurrection, rise from the dead, that should rise, rising again. See Greek for 450
ουτε they neither marry
3777 oute oo'-teh From 3756 and 5037; not too, i.e. neither or nor; by analogy, not even:-- neither, none, nor (yet), (no, yet) not, nothing. See Greek for 3756 See Greek for 5037
1060 gameo gam-eh'-o From 1062; to wed (of either sex):-- marry (a wife). See Greek for 1062
ουτε nor
3777 oute oo'-teh From 3756 and 5037; not too, i.e. neither or nor; by analogy, not even:-- neither, none, nor (yet), (no, yet) not, nothing. See Greek for 3756 See Greek for 5037
γαμιζονται are given in marriage
1061 gamisko gam-is'-ko From 1062; to espouse (a daughter to a husband):-- give in marriage. See Greek for 1062
αλλ but
235 alla al-lah' Neuter plural of 243; properly, other things, i.e. (adverbially) contrariwise (in many relations):-- and, but (even), howbeit, indeed, nay, nevertheless, no, notwithstanding, save, therefore, yea, yet. See Greek for 243
ως like
5613 hos hoce Probably adverb of comparative from 3739; which how, i.e. in that manner (very variously used, as follows):-- about, after (that), (according) as (it had been, it were), as soon (as), even as (like), for, how (greatly), like (as, unto), since, so (that), that, to wit, unto, when(-soever), while, X with all speed. See Greek for 3739
αγγελοι angels
32 aggelos ang'-el-os From aggello (probably derived from 71; compare 34) (to bring tidings); a messenger; especially an "angel"; by implication, a pastor:-- angel, messenger. See Greek for 71 See Greek for 34
εν in
1722 en en A primary preposition denoting (fixed) position (in place, time or state), and (by implication) instrumentality (medially or constructively), i.e. a relation of rest (intermediate between 1519 and 1537); "in," at, (up-)on, by, etc.:-- about, after, against, + almost, X altogether, among, X as, at, before, between, (here-)by (+ all means), for (… sake of), + give self wholly to, (here-)in(-to, -wardly), X mightily, (because) of, (up-)on, (open-)ly, X outwardly, one, X quickly, X shortly, (speedi-)ly, X that, X there(-in, -on), through(-out), (un-)to(-ward), under, when, where(-with), while, with(-in). Often used in compounds, with substantially the same import; rarely with verbs of motion, and then not to indicate direction, except (elliptically) by a separate (and different) preposition. See Greek for 1519 See Greek for 1537
τω -
3588 ho ho, including the feminine he hay, and the neuter to to In all their inflections; the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom):-- the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
ουρανω heaven
3772 ouranos oo-ran-os' Perhaps from the same as 3735 (through the idea of elevation); the sky; by extension, heaven (as the abode of God); by implication, happiness, power, eternity; specially, the Gospel (Christianity):-- air, heaven(-ly), sky. See Greek for 3735
εισιν are
1510 eimi i-mee' The first person singular present indicative; a prolonged form of a primary and defective verb; I exist (used only when emphatic):-- am, have been, X it is I, was. See also 1488, 1498, 1511, 1527, 2258, 2071, 2070, 2075, 2076, 2771, 2468, 5600. See Greek for 1488 See Greek for 1498 See Greek for 1511 See Greek for 1527 See Greek for 2258 See Greek for 2071 See Greek for 2070 See Greek for 2075 See Greek for 2076 See Greek for 2771 See Greek for 2468 See Greek for 5600
Greek Unicode database taken from: Parsed Westcott Hort database taken from: Parsed Byzantine majority text taken from: ASV Text taken from: Strong's Extensive Concordance taken from: