Bible Commentary Forever คำอธิบายความเข้าใจในพระคัมภีร์ไทยสำหรับชีวิต

Matthew 5:44

ASVh however, I say to you, Love your enemies, and pray for those that persecute you;
ASV but I say unto you, Love your enemies, and pray for them that persecute you;
Westcott and Hort εγω δε λεγω υμιν αγαπατε τους εχθρους υμων και προσευχεσθε υπερ των διωκοντων υμας
Westcott and Hort Greek ASVh Strong's Exhaustive Concordance
εγω I
1473 ego eg-o' A primary pronoun of the first person I (only expressed when emphatic):-- I, me. For the other cases and the plural see 1691, 1698, 1700, 2248, 2249, 2254, 2257, etc. See Greek for 1691 See Greek for 1698 See Greek for 1700 See Greek for 2248 See Greek for 2249 See Greek for 2254 See Greek for 2257
δε however
1161 de deh A primary particle (adversative or continuative); but, and, etc.:-- also, and, but, moreover, now (often unexpressed in English).
λεγω say
3004 lego leg'-o A primary verb; properly, to "lay" forth, i.e. (figuratively) relate (in words (usually of systematic or set discourse; whereas 2036 and 5346 generally refer to an individual expression or speech respectively; while 4483 is properly to break silence merely, and 2980 means an extended or random harangue)); by implication, to mean:-- ask, bid, boast, call, describe, give out, name, put forth, say(-ing, on), shew, speak, tell, utter. See Greek for 2036 See Greek for 5346 See Greek for 4483 See Greek for 2980
υμιν to you
4771 su soo The personal pronoun of the second person singular; thou:-- thou. See also 4571, 4671, 4675; and for the plural 5209, 5210, 5213, 5216. See Greek for 4675 See Greek for 4571 See Greek for 4671 See Greek for 5209 See Greek for 5210 See Greek for 5213 See Greek for 5216
αγαπατε Love
25 agapao ag-ap-ah'-o Perhaps from agan (much) (or compare 5689); to love (in a social or moral sense):-- (be-)love(-ed). Compare 5368. See Hebrew for 5689 See Greek for 5368
τους -
3588 ho ho, including the feminine he hay, and the neuter to to In all their inflections; the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom):-- the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
εχθρους enemies
2190 echthros ech-thros' From a primary echtho (to hate); hateful (passively, odious, or actively, hostile); usually as a noun, an adversary (especially Satan):-- enemy, foe.
υμων your
4771 su soo The personal pronoun of the second person singular; thou:-- thou. See also 4571, 4671, 4675; and for the plural 5209, 5210, 5213, 5216. See Greek for 4675 See Greek for 4571 See Greek for 4671 See Greek for 5209 See Greek for 5210 See Greek for 5213 See Greek for 5216
και and
2532 kai kahee Apparently, a primary particle, having a copulative and sometimes also a cumulative force; and, also, even, so then, too, etc.; often used in connection (or composition) with other particles or small words:-- and, also, both, but, even, for, if, or, so, that, then, therefore, when, yet.
προσευχεσθε pray
4336 proseuchomai pros-yoo'-khom-ahee From 4314 and 2172; to pray to God, i.e. supplicate, worship:-- pray (X earnestly, for), make prayer. See Greek for 4314 See Greek for 2172
υπερ for
5228 huper hoop-er' A primary preposition; "over", i.e. (with the genitive case) of place, above, beyond, across, or causal, for the sake of, instead, regarding; with the accusative case superior to, more than:-- (+ exceeding, abundantly) above, in (on) behalf of, beyond, by, + very chiefest, concerning, exceeding (above, -ly), for, + very highly, more (than), of, over, on the part of, for sake of, in stead, than, to(-ward), very. In the comparative, it retains many of the above applications.
των those
3588 ho ho, including the feminine he hay, and the neuter to to In all their inflections; the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom):-- the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
διωκοντων that persecute
1377 dioko dee-o'-ko A prolonged (and causative) form of a primary verb dio (to flee; compare the base of 1169 and 1249); to pursue (literally or figuratively); by implication, to persecute:-- ensue, follow (after), given to, (suffer) persecute(-ion), press forward. See Greek for 1169 See Greek for 1249
υμας you
4771 su soo The personal pronoun of the second person singular; thou:-- thou. See also 4571, 4671, 4675; and for the plural 5209, 5210, 5213, 5216. See Greek for 4675 See Greek for 4571 See Greek for 4671 See Greek for 5209 See Greek for 5210 See Greek for 5213 See Greek for 5216
Greek Unicode database taken from: Parsed Westcott Hort database taken from: Parsed Byzantine majority text taken from: ASV Text taken from: Strong's Extensive Concordance taken from: