Bible Commentary Forever คำอธิบายความเข้าใจในพระคัมภีร์ไทยสำหรับชีวิต

How to Live a Christian Life Daily?

The Old Law

The Book of Numbers chapter 28 outlines the commands of the Lord regarding food offerings as a pleasing aroma to the Lord, which the people of Israel had to offer at the appointed times set by the Lord, specifically the daily offerings (Numbers 28:1-8), the Sabbath offerings (Numbers 28:11-15), the Passover offerings (Numbers 28:16-25), and the offerings for the Feast of Weeks (Numbers 28:26-31).

The New Law

In Matthew 5:17, Jesus tells us that He came “not to destroy, but to fulfill” the law. So, as a result, we do not need to practice the sacrificial law anymore to follow God. Our requirement as true believers is to surrender our hearts to the Lord Jesus and believe in our hearts that Jesus is the only begotten Son of God, born of the Virgin Mary, that He was crucified and died on the cross for our sins, that He was resurrected from the grave in the body on the third day, and that He is now seated at the right hand of the Father in heaven. But then, do we need anything else to do to grow in faith and become closer to the Lord? The answer is yes; we must allow the Holy Spirit to teach us to live our Christian lives. Every day we need to read and meditate on the Word of God and praise and worship the Trinity of God (God the Father, God the Son Jesus, and God the Holy Spirit).

How to Apply the Old Law to the New Law?

As Christians, how can we apply the Old Law to our lives? Since Jesus is our law, we only need to praise the Trinity of God in the name of Jesus and follow Jesus as our life example. Furthermore, we can seek a holy living by applying the Old Law to our spiritual life. We can look at food offerings that bring a pleasing aroma to the Lord as praise time, worship time, Bible study, meditation in the Word, and fasting. Any praise and worship time that we do in our life to the Trinity of God is a pleasing aroma to the Lord. As a result, we can make a spiritual parallel between the food offerings given in Numbers 28 as a command to the people of Israel and our spiritual life. In John 4.24, Jesus tells us that “God is Spirit, and they that worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” Following, we suggest a Christian lifestyle that can bring pleasing aromas to the Lord. However, we cannot do this in a religious mechanical pious life way to show that we are holy in front of others. Our worship should be only for bringing glory to God, not to ourselves, and performed under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Every Christian should ask the Lord to teach them how to live a Christian life and what would be suitable for them to do to be pleasing to the Lord. Our lifestyle changes must be done from a free loving heart, not a compelled heart, as a free will spiritual offering to the Lord.

The beloved Son of God has accomplished all requirements of the Father. As a Christian, you must obey and listen to the teachings of the beloved Son of God, and besides following the teachings, the heart must worship the Holy Son and beg the Holy Son to take all our needs to the Father. In the spiritual world, when we honor the Son, all praise that we have offered in the spiritual world, the Father also receives them; that is why the Father has sent the Son to be the perfect sacrifice for worship. So, as a Christian, worship and glorify the beloved Son who will also make the spiritual completion for that soul.

Christian Offerings

We can use Numbers chapter 28 as a guideline to set up a Christian life schedule for ourselves. As offerings for the Christian life, Christians do not need to make animal sacrifices. Still, as many as possible, they need to dedicate praise sessions to glorify God’s beloved Son Jesus, and the Holy Son will help the soul achieve the goal.

  • Each day of our life, set time sessions, at least one in the morning and one in the evening, to dedicate all praises and honor to the Holy Son as an offering to be presented to the Father.
  • Each Sunday of our life, add more prayer sessions and try to do good to others, and attend common worship with other believers.
  • In addition, each month, set a day of fasting, if able (as directed by the Holy Spirit) to glorify the Holy Trinity of God (Holy Father, Holy Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit) in the name of the Holy Son Jesus.
  • Designate other fasting days, if able, (as directed by the Holy Spirit), on top of the monthly fasting schedule, throughout the year as guided by the Holy Spirit to bring glory to the Trinity of God in the name of the Holy Son Jesus.

How to Fast as a Christian?

Fasting is a day set apart when a Christian glorifies the Trinity of God in the name of Jesus. The fast day should start in the evening before midnight and end the following day after midnight, preferably in the morning. So, for example, if your fast day is a Sunday, you would stop eating food before midnight Saturday, and you would end the fast on Monday morning after Sunday midnight, preferably when you wake Monday morning.

During the fast day, you must keep your heart in a continual worship attitude and read and meditate on the Word of God. You must come on your knees and offer praises to the Trinity of God as much as possible. The fast day is a spiritual day for you, and you must abstain from eating any food and drinking anything that has taste. You should only drink water (See Comments Matthew 4:2 and Comments Luke 4:2). In addition, the day before the fast day, you should abstain from any sexual activity with your spouse and keep your heart pure from the things of the world as much as possible. This attitude should continue until the fast is completed. When the fast is over, you must dedicate the fast to the Trinity of God in the name of Jesus and glorify the Trinity of God. In the spiritual world, the fast performed in this way becomes a pleasing aroma to the Father.