Bible Commentary Forever คำอธิบายความเข้าใจในพระคัมภีร์ไทยสำหรับชีวิต

John 4

For Greek interlinear links click the [verse numbers] below
Summary. In this chapter, everyone can see that if you have faith deep in your soul, your eyes will open and link you to the right place to be saved. John 4:1-45. Jesus and the woman from Samaria at the well. This section of Scripture is fundamental for all humans. Jesus talks with a simple, poor in spirit Samaritan woman who asks straightforward questions, and the Lord gives her the answers. We can summarize the events at the well as follows: the Lord comes at the well; He talks to a Samaritan woman coming to draw water, and teaches her about the living water for the soul by analogy with the earthly well water; Jesus declared Himself to the woman as the Messiah, the Christ, and the One who will teach people about how to worship the Father; He teaches her that to worship God it is necessary to worship Him in spirit and truth; the disciples return; the woman departs to the city and spreads the word about Jesus as being the Christ and stirs peoples hearts to come to meet the Lord; the Samaritans come out of the city to meet the Lord; the Lord teaches the disciples that His food is to do the will of the Father; He teaches them about sowing the living word and harvesting the benefits; the Lord spends two days with the Samaritans and teaches them, and they come to believe for themselves that Jesus truly is the Savior of the world. John 4:46-54. Jesus by His word heals a nobleman’s son. Jesus said to the man, "your son lives," which includes the blessing of healing for his son and spiritual blessing of faith to all his household.
[1] When, therefore, the Lord knew that the Pharisees had heard that Jesus makes and baptizes more disciples than John
[2] (indeed Jesus Himself did not baptize, but His disciples),
[3] He left Judea and departed again into Galilee.
Comments John 4:3 The beloved Son of God has known very well who is doing what, and here is the confirmation. He has left Judea and went again to Galilee because the people have been talking about Him, and sometimes the news was not accurate; the purpose the Lord went back now was to make sure that the word spread about Him will be confirmed by Him as well. Give attention to verse 1; the news spread that the beloved Son of God has baptized people, but verse 2 has told clearly that it was not Him who baptized but His disciples. The false news travels far and fast, and this is the start of His ministry, and the Lord Himself wants to make sure that people know what the truth is and what is not.
Q: Why did the Lord Jesus never baptize any of His followers in water, and why did only His disciples do it? A: The beloved Son of God came on earth to give good news, but for baptizing people also it is His wish but, not His duty that the Father has given Him (See Matthew 28:19-20).
[4] Now it was necessary for Him to pass through Samaria.
[5] Therefore He goes to a city of Samaria, called Sychar, nearby the piece of land which Jacob gave to his son Joseph,
[6] and Jacob's well was in that place. Jesus, therefore, being wearied from the travel, sat thus by the well. It was about the sixth hour.
Comments John 4:4-6 The purpose of giving the information in verses 4 and 5 is only to show the traveling of the Lord.
“Jesus, therefore, being wearied …”; The purpose that verse 6 has told that the beloved Son of God is wearied is to confirm to all readers that the beloved Son of God now in human form has not used His power to make His body stronger than a normal human; the traveling makes Him tired, and now in this verse, it has shown clearly the humanity in the beloved Son of God.
The beloved Son will always do the Father’s will; if the Bible did not tell something, all readers should take it as that is not in the Father’s will to let humans know. All readers can understand that the beloved Son of God will always do the Father’s will; regardless of whatever situation is, the Lord will only do what the Father’s will is. All readers can notice one thing: when the beloved Son of God must be completely human and wants every human to see Him as human, then He will only act as humans will behave. Still, when the time is to show His power, He will do this to strengthen someone else’s faith and keep their mind concentrated on the things in front of them.
[7] A woman comes out from Samaria to draw water. Jesus says to her, Give Me to drink.
Comments John 4:7 This verse tells that when the beloved Son of God talks to some stranger, always He has a purpose; here, to ask the woman for a drink, also has two meanings in it, and the woman's response will benefit her. We can also see clearly that the Lord wants to show mercy to all the people, not only to the Jews themselves but even to this outsider woman; being a Samaritan, she will receive mercy as well. By asking her for water, upon her action as well, the Lord Himself will give her the water of life.
[8] For His disciples had gone away into the city to buy food.
[9] The Samaritan woman, therefore, says to Him, How is it that Thou, being a Jew, ask to drink from me, being a Samaritan woman? (For Jews have no association with Samaritans.)
Comments John 4:9 The verse tells that this is a Samaritan woman, and the Jews consider her as an outsider. In that time, by the old law, the Jews will not associate with the outsiders, especially with the Samaritan people, and that is why it makes this woman feel surprised that the beloved Son of God is talking to her.
[10] Jesus answered and said to her, If you had known the gift of God, and who is saying to you, Give Me to drink, you would have asked of Him, and He would have given you living water.
Comments John 4:10 “If you had known the gift of God.” The verse says that the gift of God is not only the Holy Spirit alone, but also the beloved Son of God is the most precious gift the Father had given to all humans.
“and who is saying to you, Give Me to drink.” Now the beloved Son of God, talking to her, wants to bring attention to Himself. Give me to drink, and this will make her realize that she is talking with a Jewish man who asks a Samaritan woman for a drink.
“you would have asked of Him … living water”. When someone talks to the beloved Son of God, inside their heart will be stirring up, and this woman did have that feeling, but she let her earthly feeling block it. Being a Jew and talking to her, she should think again, why this person is asking her for a drink. And now it is a chance for her to ask the beloved Son of God, the gift of heaven for herself, but most humans have forsaken this inner feeling when they think about the beloved Son of God. Still, they have ignored that feeling, the feeling inside of them that they are talking with the beloved Son of God; and use His name in a wrong way, which happens so often on earth.
[11] The woman says to Him, Sir, Thou have nothing to draw with and the well is deep; from where therefore hold Thou the living water?
[12] Thou are not greater than our father Jacob, who gave us the well and drank out of it himself, and his sons, and his livestock.
Comments John 4:12 The Samaritan people have heard about all the work of the Lord since a long time ago; as this verse has told the readers, this woman has linked all the great job to the past, and she has doubted now how the beloved Son of God can do all the things as her forefathers have done for them. The woman's statement is a common question for all people to have. Because the Lord has told her that He would give her the living water, that is why she links this water of the Lord with Jacob’s well that they have been using, which is a common link in the mind of humans. In the old-time has been told, Jacob saw God at that spot, and then the well has been dug, and people have used that water, but the water did not have any miracle power. However, they believe it is the well of God because God has shown Jacob where to dig the well.
[13] Jesus answered and said to her, Everyone that drinks from this water will thirst again;
Comments John 4:13 In this verse, the beloved Son of God has told her the truth about the water; when you drink, the human body, after you drink, still feels thirsty again.
[14] but whoever may drink from the water that I will give him will never thirst to eternity; but rather, the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life.
Comments John 4:14 “but whoever may drink … to eternity”; The beloved Son has told the truth to the woman; the water that the Lord will give is the water for the soul, which is the beloved Son’s teaching; His teaching is that water.
“but rather, the water … to eternal life”; When the teaching of the beloved Son of God enters into your heart, it will keep flowing nonstop, even you sleep or are awake; the living water will always be at work in you if you have taken His teaching and practice it, following with all your heart, and with no doubt and no waver. The living word of the beloved Son of God is the living water; the word of the beloved Son of God has power and will never stop flowing in all the hearts that have faith in Him.
[15] The woman says to Him, Sir, give me this water, in order that I thirst not, and not go about here to draw.
Comments John 4:15 This woman has asked the beloved Son of God for mercy and also asked of Him the living water. Because of the way she has said, in her heart, she had believed in eternal life from the living water from the Lord, that is why she said: “give me this water, in order that I thirst not, and not go about here to draw.” Because of the word the beloved Son of God has said, He will give her “a well of water springing up to eternal life,” she believes in the living water from the Lord.
“give me this water, in order that I thirst not”; Give attention to this portion of the verse; as she has asked the beloved Son of God for the living water, in her belief if she gets this water, she will not thirst for any water again. So, think of this Samaritan woman’s faith; in her heart, she believes that if she has drunk the living water from the beloved Son of God, she will never need another water again; that is her faith.
[16] He says to her, Go, call out your husband, and come here.
Comments John 4:16 The Lord knows who the woman is, but the Lord has told her to call her husband, and her answer will tell all readers who truly she is.
[17] The woman answered and said to Him, I have no husband. Jesus says to her, You said rightly, I have no husband;
[18] for you have had five husbands, and he whom you now have is not your husband; this you have spoken truly.
Comments John 4:18 This verse shows clearly that the beloved Son of God knows everyone, He knows them until the core; the Lord has not met this woman yet, but He knows who she is and that had been told to all readers here, that the beloved Son of God has full knowledge about everyone on earth.
[19] The woman says to Him, Sir, I perceive that Thou are a prophet.
[20] Our fathers worshipped in this mountain, and you say that in Jerusalem is the place where it is proper to worship.
Comments John 4:20 The Samaritans themselves had knowledge about the God Most High as well, but because they have been treated as outsiders, their place of worship was not inside Jerusalem city. The Lord has chosen the Jews to worship Him inside Jerusalem city. By the old Law, during festivals of Sabbath, the outsiders could not be inside the holy temple.
“Our fathers worshipped in this mountain.” She is talking about the root of her people; as the verse has told, they worshiped up in the mountain.
[21] Jesus says to her, Woman, believe Me, that a time is coming, when neither in this mountain nor in Jerusalem, will you worship the Father.
Comments John 4:21 This verse is the most important verse of this conversation. To worship the Father is not the place that is important; as the beloved Son of God tells, the time is coming now, that not in any place, nor in Jerusalem where people should worship the Father, because the Father Himself has sent His beloved Son for people, and later on the verses will tell clearer where the people should worship the Father.
[22] You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know because deliverance is from out of the Jews.
Comments John 4:22 When the beloved Son of God has told in this verse, “deliverance is from out of the Jews,” He does not mean that the salvation is only for the Jews, but that every human who accepts the beloved Son of God and believes in His birth, death, and resurrection, and also has faith that through Him only their sins can be forgiven will find deliverance.
“we worship … out of the Jews.” When the verse says we, this refers only to the Jewish people at this moment, but the salvation has extended to all humans, starting from the Jews with the beloved Son of God Himself. Jesus came through the Jewish nation because these are the chosen people from the Father Himself; He has chosen them.
[23] But a time is coming, and now is, when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; and indeed, the Father seeks such as these to worship Him,
Comments John 4:23 “But a time is coming, and now is”; As this verse tells, right now the time has come for all humans to be saved; “and now is” which means at this moment when the beloved Son of God has taken human form, this is what the term "now" means.
“When the true … in spirit and truth”. Give attention to the term, the true worshipers, not those that worship only by action, but those that worship with the deep of their hearts, without using the mind to convince themselves to worship, but the deep urge from the heart has stirred the mind of the person to think after the heart, that is the true worshiper.
“in spirit and truth”; This is the part that is hard for humans to understand because humans have used the term spirit in specific meaning only, but for the Lord Himself, the spirit is the heart of the soul of true believers, which only the true believers can feel that heart; and that heart itself will reveal the truth about God to that person.
“and indeed, the Father seeks such as these to worship Him.” The Father Himself seeks the persons who have true faith and true feeling in seeking and being aware of themselves at all times how to glorify the God Most High. That is what the Father is seeking.
[24] God the Spirit, and those worshiping Him, it is necessary to worship in spirit and truth.
Comments John 4:24 This verse talks about the Father’s identity Himself. The Father Himself cannot be seen or touched, and those that want to worship Him and know Him must do so with the deep of their spirit and the truth of their heart; only that way the Father can be joyful when all His children worship Him with the truth of their own spirit.
[25] The woman says to Him; I know that Messiah is coming who is called Christ; whenever He comes, He will tell us all.
Comments John 4:25 All readers can notice from this verse that the knowledge about the beloved Son of God has been told for a long time ago, and all humans have heard about the Messiah coming. Still, not all of them are seeking for Him with their hearts, but for those who open their hearts to Him, the beloved Son of God Himself will make them know that He is beside them already in this time.
Q: What does the term Messiah really mean? A: Messiah is the One who will lead all humans to be saved and be able to be close with the Father Himself because all those who accept the Messiah will also be accepted by the Father Himself. Also, the Bible tells us that the Messiah is the anointed One of the Father.
[26] Jesus says to her, I am the One speaking to you.
Comments John 4:26 The Bible has talked about Messiah, but here is the place Jesus has told by Himself that He Himself truly is the Messiah for humans, and all readers should believe that as well. Even you did not hear Him speak, as He spoke to this Samaritan woman, but the Bible has declared the beloved Son of God as Messiah. All readers can notice the innocence of her heart; she has talked to the beloved Son of God as children would; her heart is clean as a child’s heart would be; that is why the beloved Son of God declared Himself to her as Messiah.
[27] And upon this came His disciples. They marveled that He was speaking with a woman; however, no one said, What do Thou seek? Or, Why do Thou speak with her?
Comments John 4:27 The beloved Son of God talked with the Samaritan woman, which makes His disciples feel uncomfortable regarding her because she is not a Jewish person. These questions here in this verse are common questions they would ask Him; they would want to know the purpose of the conversation with the outsiders.
Q: How did John the apostle know all this detailed discussion the Lord Jesus had with this Samaritan woman when none of the disciples were present at the well until now? A: That is the purpose the Gospel of John is in the Bible; the Holy Spirit has given Him the words to put down, the men themselves cannot repeat the entire conversation, especially when they are not there. Here is yet another example that clearly shows that the Bible must be Holy Spirit dictated. The writers of the Bible received their words directly from the Holy Spirit; only the Holy Spirit can reproduce this entire discussion between this Samaritan woman and the Lord Jesus.
[28] Then the woman left her water pot, and went away into the city, and says to the people,
[29] Come, see a Man who told me how many I did. Can this be the Christ?
Comments John 4:29 All readers can clearly see that the Lord chooses whomever He pleases; this Samaritan woman is an example; she is an outsider, but her heart and wishes are clean; she believes in her heart that the beloved Son of God, the Christ Himself, has spoken to her.
[30] They went forth out of the city and were coming towards Him.
Comments John 4:30 In this verse we see that the beloved Son of God knows very well whom He will use to make an impact; the woman went away and talked to the people of the town; what she has said to the people make all their hearts stirred, and they want to know who this is that she is talking about, could this be the Christ Himself.
[31] In the meanwhile, the disciples were urging Him, saying, Rabbi, eat.
[32] But He said to them, I have food to eat that you do not know.
Comments John 4:32 In this verse, the beloved Son of God has told His disciples to think about what food He is talking about; that is why He used the term “food to eat that you do not know”; for the disciples, if it is real food, they will know, but here the beloved Son of God had emphasized that this food they do not know what it is; just to make them think.
[33] The disciples, therefore, said one to another, Did anyone bring Him to eat?
[34] Jesus says to them, My food is to do the will of Him having sent Me, and to complete His work.
Comments John 4:34 This verse tells that the beloved Son of God has life living for serving the Father on this earth; that is why He did tell the disciples that His food is to do the will of the Father; this has told all readers clearly that He has come and lived on this earth for that purpose only.
“My food.” To accomplish the will of the Father, He speaks the living word from the Father to them, and that living word is the true food that He Himself has received from the Father, and to accomplish the work, He has given that living word for humans to have it as well.
[35] Do you not say, That there are still four months, then comes the harvest? Behold, I say to you, Lift up your eyes, and look upon the fields because they are bright towards harvest.
Comments John 4:35 When the beloved Son of God has told them to look out on the fields, He wants them to open their eyes and see all the living souls on the earth, and they will see that those souls need to be fed as well; these lost souls will be ready to receive the Word after the disciples have heard the living Word as well, and the disciples are the workers who will go out and gather them; after they have given them the knowledge they received from the Lord, the disciples will receive the benefit of it as well.
"That there are still four months, then comes the harvest"; Jesus means here that He will be with the disciples for a while to teach them, then they are ready to go and spread the Word.
[36] The one reaping receives a reward and gathers fruit into life eternal; so that the one sowing and the one reaping may rejoice together.
Comments John 4:36 “The one reaping receives a reward and gathers fruit into life eternal.” So, those that have received the living word will be the ones who receive the reward, if they have opened their hearts, not just to receive but to do as well; when they follow the living word, they themselves will have that chance to be as one of the beloved Son of God’s disciples and go out to do the work by spreading the living word out further.
“so that the one sowing and the one reaping may rejoice together.” The first disciples and the ones who have received the word after both will reap eternal life together; that is why the verse has told that they will rejoice together. In the end time, when all are in heaven, they will all rejoice together.
“may rejoice together.” They both will be together in heaven and rejoice together because they have benefited from the living word together.
[37] For herein is the saying true, One is sowing and another harvesting.
Comments John 4:37 The one that sows is the disciples, including all who receive the word and do it. So then, when they do the work of spreading out, all those that have received the word will reap the benefits; both of them still reap the benefits together, as they go up on the stairs the first reach to the end, but the next person who follows will reach to the end as well, that is why the verse has told: “One is sowing and another harvesting.”
[38] I sent you to harvest what you have not toiled for; others have toiled, and you have entered into their laborious toil.
Comments John 4:38 The true laborer is the Holy Spirit; God's beloved Son has taught the disciples, but the real laborer is the Holy Spirit. When the disciples talk, the Holy Spirit works, that is why the verse has told is not them that labor, others have labored, and the disciples just are there to reap the benefit when the people that heard the word turn their hearts to the Lord, and the disciples have received the reward for that. So, the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Christ work together into people's hearts when a disciple tells the Gospel.
“others have toiled.” You do not make the people have faith; the word you have spoken leads the Holy Spirit to work in the hearts and people's faith. The Holy Spirit is one person, but He enters around many persons at the same time, then continues the labor in others. We can think this way as well, the Holy Spirit works in one heart, and that person goes out and works, continuing as well, it becomes a chain reaction, that is why the term others is used here.
“you have entered into their laborious toil.” You have entered into because it started from you who has obeyed the Holy Spirit and went out to work; you have entered into their labor by being the one who gives out the word to them.
[39] Now from that city, many of the Samaritans believed in Him because of the word of the woman, who testified, He told me all things whatever I did.
[40] Then even as the Samaritans came towards Him, they asked Him to abide with them; and He abode there two days.
[41] And many more believed because of His word,
Comments John 4:40-41 The beloved Son of God has started His work; within these two days, God's beloved Son has spoken many things to people, more than the Samaritan woman could tell them; that is why more people believed in Him.
[42] and they said to the woman, No longer we believe because of your speaking; for ourselves have heard and know that this is truly the Savior of the world.
Comments John 4:42 We should all pay attention to this verse; people may go to witness to people, but the Holy Word itself has to do the work because when people hear the word from the beloved Son of God, the Holy Word will work in their hearts, as this verse has told: “for ourselves have heard, and know that this is truly the Savior of the world.” Holy Spirit uses the Holy Word that the Lord has spoken to work in people’s hearts.
[43] Then after the two days, He went forth from there into Galilee.
[44] For Jesus, Himself bore witness, that a prophet has no honor in his own hometown.
Comments John 4:43-44 “a prophet has no honor in his own hometown.” There are many stages of His childhood life that He has been moving with His earthly parents, but no place itself that the beloved Son of God called home, that is why there are many debates among humans, but in the Bible has told all readers as well that He is from Galilee.
[45] Therefore when He came into Galilee, the Galileans received Him, having seen all the things that He did in Jerusalem at the feast; for they themselves also went to the feast.
Comments John 4:45 The verse has told that they received Him.
[46] He came therefore again into Cana of Galilee, where He made the water wine. And there was a certain nobleman, whose son was sick at Capernaum.
Comments John 4:46 As the verse tells, we can see that the beloved Son of God has not been there the first time. The people had already known about the beloved Son of God from His work itself, not just from the rumors.
[47] He, having heard that Jesus had come from Judea into Galilee, went to Him, and asked that He would come down, and heal his son; for he was about to die.
Comments John 4:47 As the verse has told, the father has faith; when his own child was close to death, the father's mind was thinking how to help his own son, and the heart has told him that one way to help him is by asking mercy from the beloved Son of God.
[48] Jesus therefore said to him, Unless you see signs and wonders, you will not believe.
[49] The nobleman says to Him, Lord, come down before my child dies.
Comments John 4:49 The beloved Son of God has seen through his heart how much this father loves his son; with mercy, the Lord will do the work.
[50] Jesus says to him, Go, your son lives. The man believed the word that Jesus said to him, and he went.
Comments John 4:50 All readers take notice, the beloved Son did not ask the condition of sickness or any kind of injury, but the beloved Son has given a blessing, the child will live, as the verse has told: “your son lives.”
“The man believed …”; Give attention, the belief in the word of the Lord has linked the man to faith, the heart of the man believed in the word that the beloved Son of God has spoken, and he went home with faith, and that faith will give him the benefit.
[51] And he now going down, his servants met him, saying, that his child lives.
[52] Then he inquired from them the hour in which he got better. They said then to him, Yesterday at the seventh hour, the fever left him.
[53] So the father perceived that it was at that hour at which Jesus said to him, Your son lives. And himself believed, and all his household.
Comments John 4:53 As the verse tells, by the man's faith in the beloved Son of God, his son will live, and he has received the blessing.
"And himself believed, and all his household." When the Lord said to the man, "your son lives," that also includes the blessing of healing and faith to the household. The confirmation of faith has come upon him when the verse says, "himself believed."
[54] This is again the second sign that Jesus did, having come from Judea into Galilee.
Comments John 4:54 This sign is the second sign of mercy that the Lord did. The beloved Son of God has done many signs (See John 2:23,John 3:2, John 4:45), but this is the second sign of mercy; other signs that He has done are signs of authority, but this verse has talked about the second sign of mercy.
The miracle of water to wine in Cana of Galilee (See John 2:11) was a sign of mercy towards His mother, Mary.
Life and Faith Application. 1) Jesus is the living water for our souls; invite Him to come into your life. 2) God the Spirit, and we must worship Him in spirit and truth. 3) Spread the living word to others, and you will both rejoice together in the end. 4) Believe the word of Jesus, and blessings will come to you and your family.