Bible Commentary Forever คำอธิบายความเข้าใจในพระคัมภีร์ไทยสำหรับชีวิต

Luke 24

For Greek interlinear links click the [verse numbers] below
Summary. . This chapter is important in teaching about the bodily resurrection of the Lord Jesus. Also, this chapter tells all true believers that the beloved Son of God has taught His disciples to go out and tell the good news about the risen Lord Jesus who comes to save their souls. This good news cannot be kept only for the disciples, but they all must go out and spread this good news. The next person that has heard the good news also receives the same duty to go out and proclaim the same good news to all. Luke 24:1-12. The resurrection of the Lord Jesus. A group of women who followed the Lord Jesus from Galilee witnessed the empty tomb on the first day of the week. Two angels spoke to them and told them that He is risen and reminded them of how He told that "the Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and the third day arise". Luke 24:13-32. Jesus appears to His two disciples. The Lord Jesus appeared to these two in His heavenly form as they were on the road to Emmaus. This section of Scripture shows that the purpose of spreading good news about the Lord Jesus has started. Verses 19 to 24 summarize for us the good news, and there is always a way to tell someone the good news. Jesus is alive, and He has both His human body and His heavenly body joined together now and His Spirit covers all the earth. Luke 24:33-48. Jesus appears to all His disciples. In the evening of the same day, when Jesus arose from the grave, He appeared to His eleven apostles and to other disciples that were gathered with them. The Lord showed "to them the hands and the feet" to prove them that He is alive, and He rose in His body, as He told them, and that He is not a Spirit but has flesh and bones. Then He ate "a piece of a broiled fish" in front of them, and then He taught them to understand the Scriptures concerning Him that He must suffer and rise on the third day. Luke 24:49. Jesus instructs the disciples. In a different appearance to the disciples, Jesus told them to wait in the city for the promise of the Father which He would send, namely the Holy Spirit. Luke 24:50-53. The Ascension. Before His departure, Ascension into heaven, Jesus Himself led the disciples out as far as Bethany somewhere on the Mount of Olives. There He was separated from them and His own Spirit carried His human body into heaven. Now, His heavenly body is joined with His human body, and He is seated at the right hand of the Father in heaven.
[1] But on the first day of the week, at early dawn, they came to the tomb, bringing the spices which they had prepared.
Comments Luke 24:1 For verses 1 to 10, see Comments Matthew 28:1-8 and Comments Mark 16:1-8.
For this verse See Comments Matthew 28:1 and Comments Mark 16:1-2.
Matthew 28:1a says, "After the Sabbath day, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week". The Sabbath day really starts on Friday at sun set and ends on Saturday at sunset, as per our Gentile day system (See Matthew 26:17).
In the old times, the Lord's people set the Sabbath day early on Friday at sunset and from that moment on it was the Sabbath day. We are still on Friday, but the sun has gone down, and Friday has ended for them and at that moment it became Saturday. In the Jewish time setting, Saturday (the Sabbath) started at sunset on Friday. From Friday at sunset until Saturday at sunset, it was considered the Sabbath day. The women went to the tomb on Sunday very early in the morning before the sunrise.
See Comments Mark 16:1-2 for events analysis.
[2] And they found the stone rolled away from the tomb.
Comments Luke 24:2 Matthew 28:2 tells that "an angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled away the stone, and set upon it". See Comments Matthew 28:2-7.
[3] And they entered in and found not the body of the Lord Jesus.
Comments Luke 24:3 As the Bible tells us, this tomb belongs to Joseph. He was a wealthy man and the tomb was large, so few people could easily enter inside.
[4] And it came to pass, while they were perplexed about this, behold, two men stood by them in dazzling garments;
Comments Luke 24:3-4 These are angels, but they used the covering of look like men. (See Comments Mark 16:5).
[5] and as they were terrified of them and bowed down their faces to the ground, they said to them, Why seek you the living among the dead?
[6] He is not here, but He is risen! Remember how He spoke to you when He was yet in Galilee,
[7] saying that the Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and the third day arise.
[8] And they remembered His words,
[9] and having returned from the tomb, they reported all these things to the eleven, and to all the rest.
Comments Luke 24:5-9 For these verses, see Comments Mark 16:5-8 and Comments Matthew 28:2-7.
Remember as well, there was not only one woman present, so both angels talked to them, to make sure that they could see, and could think clearly what was happening at the tomb. The angels have told them "Why seek you the living among the dead", and by referring to this, the angels made sure that in their hearts they believe the beloved Son of God is not physically there, He is alive. Jesus is risen and the angels reminded them of what He had told them, and then these words stirred them and made their hearts and memories think of what the beloved Son of God had told them when He was with them. This has made them come to believe that what is happening now to them is not a dream and everything the beloved Son of God has told them has happened and will happen until the last Word that He has told them.
[10] Now they were Mary Magdalene, and Joanna, and Mary the mother of James, and the other women with them who told these things to the apostles.
Comments Luke 24:1-10 See also Mark 16:1 for the list of named women that came to the tomb of Jesus, but here in this verse it tells us plainly that besides these women named here in Luke 24:10 and Mark 16:1, there were other women with them. From this group of women that came to the tomb, only a few of them were bringing spices to anoint the Lord and others just came along.
The verse tells us clearly, not only those that have been named told these things to the apostles, but many others as well.
All gospels give accurate information without errors as to what events took place at the tomb. We believers must read all the gospels and combine all events together to be able to have a clear picture of what took place at the tomb. For a better understanding see Comments Mark 16:1-8 Comparison analysis.
[11] And their words appeared before them as idle talk; and they disbelieved them.
Comments Luke 24:11 All readers can see that the people at that time who had been with the beloved Son of God could not believe these women who told them that the beloved Son of God is risen. So, what about people nowadays? How many people believe what has been written here without seeing the site?
See Comments Mark 16:9-11 and Comments John 20:11-18. See also the comments for Mark 16:9-11 about Mary Magdalene visit at the tomb.
[12] But Peter arose, and ran to the tomb; and having stooped down he sees the linen cloths only; and he went away, wondering at that which was come to pass.
Comments Luke 24:12 Peter went to the tomb and, as the verse tells, he stooped and looked inside, but he had not gotten in yet, and he saw the clothes of the Lord, the rest of the information from all gospels, all readers must combine them. Each gospel tells only a portion of the story and it is the duty of the readers to combine them.
See John 20:1-10 for the complete story about Peter and the other disciple at the tomb, where it tells us that Peter and the other disciple both eventually entered inside the tomb as well. Combining the information from both these gospels, we can understand that both these disciples (Peter and the other disciple) had stooped and looked in first, and then they entered inside the tomb. When you read a story in a gospel, keep in mind that each gospel has a duty of its own as well; one gospel will describe general things, but another will tell more specific things. All readers must combine the parts of the story together from all gospels and a full understanding of the story will come.
[13] And behold, two of them were going that very day to a village named Emmaus, which was about seven miles distance from Jerusalem.
Comments Luke 24:13 This event is the same event as the one described in Mark 16:12-13 (see Comments Mark 16:12-13). These two were not apostles, they were other disciples of the Lord Jesus (see verse 33).
[14] And they communed with each other about all these things which had taken place.
[15] And it came to pass, while they communed and reasoned together, that Jesus Himself drew near, and went with them.
[16] But their eyes were held that they should not know Him.
Comments Luke 24:14-16 From this verse, the readers can understand that the beloved Son of God appears to all that have faith and believe in Him, not only for the purpose of using them, but for the purpose of helping them. Because when they hear someone else had a chance to meet the Lord, even if they did not know it was the Lord at that time, later on they will realize that the Lord will never leave them, He will always be there and someone can witness.
See Comments Mark 16:12-13 as the Lord Jesus appeared to these two in His heavenly form. The heavenly forms are different from human forms; the heavenly form of the beloved Son of God Himself has material that can be touched, but for others, it has material but not touchable.
Q: Why did the Lord appear to some people only at first? A: There is always purpose with the Lord; it helps one another later, not necessarily at this point of time.
[17] And He said to them, What conversation is this that you have with one another walking? And they stood still, looking sad.
[18] And one of them, named Cleopas, answering said to Him, Do Thou alone visit Jerusalem and not know the things which are come to pass there in these days?
Comments Luke 24:17-18 The readers can notice from this answer, the purpose of spreading good news has started. These two started talking with strangers to tell what has happened during that time, and this will start the talk further on. This is the way to spread the good news and this is the Lord's will for all to do; when you meet someone new, you hope they will have faith as well.
[19] And He said to them, What things? And they said to Him, The things concerning Jesus the Nazarene, who was a man, a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people;
Comments Luke 24:19 In this verse they tell all who Jesus is and what His work is and the portion of Scripture, verses 19 to 24, summarizes the Gospel of the beloved Son of God on earth.
[20] and how the chief priests and our rulers delivered Him up to be condemned to death, and crucified Him.
Comments Luke 24:20 In this verse we will concentrate on the chief priests. From their position, their duty was to glorify God, but they had used their duty in condemning the beloved Son of God to crucify Him, and that was the end of their action.
[21] But we hoped that it is He who is about to redeem Israel. Yes and besides all this, it is now the third day since these things came to pass.
Comments Luke 24:21 This verse shows the reader clearly that the people of God have been expecting the Messiah to come and redeem the people; they know who would redeem them, but they did not believe in Him yet.
The verse also tells us that Jesus rose after three days passed after His crucifixion.
[22] Moreover certain women of our company astonished us. Having been early at the tomb,
[23] and when they found not His body, they came, declaring, that they had also seen a vision of angels, who say that He is living.
[24] And some of those that were with us went to the tomb, and found it even so as the women had said, but Him they saw not.
Comments Luke 24:22-24 All readers can notice from these verses that some women have seen the tomb empty, and also, they have received mercy from God the Father to send His angel to tell them that the beloved Son of God is still alive. Jesus being alive has been confirmed by the empty tomb and this is a firm confirmation of what had happened.
From the conversation in these verses (19 to 24), this is the good news, and there is always a way to tell someone the good news. Depending on the situation each one of us is finding ourselves in, we could start with a little conversation, and in the end, everyone can tell the true gospel to every listener they meet.
[25] And He said to them, O foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe in all that the prophets have spoken!
[26] Was it not necessary for the Christ to suffer these things, and to enter into His glory?
Comments Luke 24:26 The beloved Son of God Himself accepts all the suffering and, after all is done, He will go back to heaven, because the beloved Son of God will always do according to what has been spoken by the Father through all the prophets of the Lord.
[27] And beginning from Moses and from all the prophets, He interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself.
[28] And they drew near to the village where they were going, and He made as though He would go farther.
Comments Luke 24:28 The beloved Son of God wants all that believe in Him to think before they judge. For this portion of the verse, "and He made as though He would go further", most people interpret that Jesus wants to test His followers and pretend to do something else differently.
[29] And they compelled Him, saying, Abide with us; for it is toward evening, and the day is now far spent. And He went in to abide with them.
Comments Luke 24:29 Now all readers can understand what the verse before has told. All His followers should ask Him to stay with them and the beloved Son of God wants them to do this by themselves. If they want Him to be with them, they must ask Him, because He will not force Himself to be there if He will not be asked, and here is the place we can notice.
[30] And it came to pass, when He reclined with them at the table, He took the bread and blessed; and breaking it He gave to them.
Comments Luke 24:30 The beloved Son of God has made those that are at the table be with Him, and He Himself will be the bread for them later as well. Now, He has the bread in His hand, but later they will have the bread to fill up the stomach, and the bread of life to fill up the soul as well.
[31] And their eyes were opened, and they knew Him; and He vanished out of their sight.
Comments Luke 24:31 When the beloved Son of God has shared the bread from His hand, all eyes will be open, not just the eyes of the body but the eyes of the soul as well, as the verse has told here clearly "and they knew Him".
"He vanished out of their sight". In this place, His heavenly body has returned to be a completely heavenly body and the human eyes will not be able to see Him, as most people think nowadays. As long as you are in a human body, what a heavenly body will be, you cannot see it. Also, think this way as well, you as a human body, when the heavenly body has covered your body, you still have a human body, but another human will not see your body anymore. In this place it is the same way. The beloved Son of God has a human body, but when His heavenly body covers Him, His human body will vanish out of sight, but it does not mean He loses His human body, just the heavenly body covered it for the eyes of humans, not to see it.
[32] And they said one to another, Was not our heart burning within us, as He spoke to us on the road, as He opened to us the Scriptures?
Comments Luke 24:32 When the beloved Son of God spoke to them, He did not ask how they were, but the Lord used the opportunity to teach them, as the verse told, "He opened to us the Scriptures".
[33] And they rose up that very hour, and returned to Jerusalem, and found the eleven gathered together, and them that were with them,
Comments Luke 24:33 The eleven apostles were never alone either, they always had people around them, and this verse confirms that. We should notice that sometimes between this verse and verse 36, Thomas has left the gathering (See John 20:24).
[34] saying, The Lord is risen indeed and has appeared to Simon.
Comments Luke 24:33-34 (See Mark 16:7 and 1 Corinthians 15:5)
From these verses we can conclude that one of the apostles has told these two disciples that "The Lord is risen indeed and has appeared to Simon".
In 1 Corinthians 15:5 we are also told that Jesus "appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve". This is confirmed only here in this verse in the Gospel of Luke, where it tells us that the Lord appeared to Simon first before He appeared to the other apostles.
Q: Why does 1 Corinthians 15:5 say twelve apostles when in the gospels it mentions eleven only? A: Because at that time, the next apostle had already been with them as well, but in the gospel's time they did not ask yet who he would be. The new apostle was in the group, but he was not assigned yet as one of the twelve (See Acts 12:1-26).
[35] And they rehearsed the things that happened on the road, and how He was known to them in the breaking of the bread.
Comments Luke 24:35 In order to open their eyes and minds and see the Lord clearly, He broke the bread and gave it to the disciples to take. According to this verse, the true believers will notice when the Lord appears to them with the purpose of confirming and strengthening their faith, when the Lord will break the bread. [Think this way, the Lord is coming back. We, as Christians, how can we be sure that He is the true Lord? When we have communion with the Lord, He will break the bread and that action will confirm in our hearts that the Bible has told us about this action of the Lord.] Breaking the bread itself has a very important meaning on its own. The bread represents the beloved Son of God, and He has given His human flesh to all the people in the world to take it as a remembrance of His sacrifice. When you break the bread, in the communion action, is when you must remember the beloved Son of God.
[36] And as they spoke these things, He Himself stood in the midst of them, and says to them, Peace to you.
Comments Luke 24:36 Jesus Himself stood in the midst of them and this is a confirmation to all disciples that the Lord of life is indeed alive right now. This will make the disciples have peace and help them also to eliminate fear and doubt, because hard work is waiting ahead of them.
This appearance here in verse 36 happened in Jerusalem on the evening of that day before the one on the mountain in Galilee. This appearance here in this verse, in Jerusalem, is the same appearance as the one described in Mark 16:14 and John 20:19-23 (See Comments Mark 16:14 and Comments John 20:19-23).
In Mark 16:7, the angel tells "... He goes before you into Galilee, there you will see Him, as He said to you."
In Matthew 28:16, we understand that the apostles went to Galilee indeed to the mountain where the Lord Jesus had appointed them, and they saw Him and worshiped Him there, but some were still in doubt.
We can conclude from these verses that the Lord Jesus appeared to the apostles at least two times when they were gathered. To understand the complete picture and the appearances of Jesus to the disciples, we need to combine these events in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke with the events described in the Gospel of John, chapters 20 and 21.
"He Himself stood in the midst of them". Q: How could a material body just appear in the midst of them without any obstacles? A: From the question has told to all as well, what is impossible for God to do? The beloved Son of God, in human form, also has the same form as God as well. He can walk through anything and neither wood nor iron can stop Him, and no one will notice His movements either. He is human, but also God in that time; He has already returned to the Father and received back all the glory of the beloved Son of God to cover the human body.
[37] But they were terrified and frightened, and supposed that they beheld a spirit.
Comments Luke 24:37 It is common for humans, and they are regular humans, to be frightened, because they have seen Him crucified and die on the cross, and that is why all their minds were thinking He is not a real person but just a spirit.
[38] And He said to them, Why are you troubled? and why do doubts arise in your hearts?
Comments Luke 24:38 For the apostles in that time to have this doubt, all humans nowadays will have the same doubt as well about the beloved Son of God, "Is He a man or a God?", that what most humans ask as well; if He is true human, some certain things He should not be able to do, but can He be in the same time human and God, that why the verse has asked "why do doubts arise in your hearts?".
[39] See My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself, touch Me, and see; for a spirit has not flesh and bones, just as you see Me having.
Comments Luke 24:39 As this verse has told to all readers, even as we are nowadays to think as well, if you can touch and feel the beloved Son of God's human body, is that going to build up more faith or not? As this verse has told to all disciples, stop having doubt and believe, that is the main thing.
[40] And having said this, He showed to them the hands and the feet.
Comments Luke 24:40 To show them here is not just to see the hands and the feet alone, but to see the scars from the nails on the beloved Son of God's body. He has let all His disciples see His wounded body, to let them see that He is a real human as they are; that is the reason to show them these parts of His body.
[41] And while they still disbelieved for joy, and wondered, He said to them, Have you here anything to eat?
Comments Luke 24:41 As the verse tells us, the disciples now have joy, but they still wonder as well. By Jesus asking them for food, He has ensured all the disciples' hearts that He is a real human at this time as well.
Q: How can a heavenly body consume earthly food? A: There are many places in the Bible where the heavenly forms can eat (See for example, Genesis 18:8), because when human food enters the mouth of the heavenly form that food will change instantly and it will be fit for the heavenly form to consume, that is why the Lord asked food from them to make them feel certain that is He Himself talking to them. Heavenly forms are material while the spirit is not material. Heavenly forms do not travel regularly to earth. When the three men appeared to Abraham, they were heavenly forms, not spirits and that is why they could eat food.
Q: Does the heavenly body then need to eat food regularly like us? A: The heavenly body needs heavenly food regularly, because some certain conditions make the heavenly body still in need of food, but it is not for humans to know what food is to be considered as heavenly food.
[42] And they gave Him a piece of a broiled fish.
[43] And He took it, and ate before them.
Comments Luke 24:43 The verse tells that indeed the Lord ate the food, and this is a further confirmation of His bodily resurrection.
[44] And He said to them, These are My words which I spoke to you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which are written in the law of Moses, and the Prophets, and the Psalms, concerning Me.
Comments Luke 24:44 "All things must be fulfilled" refers to Jesus' teaching about His death as the Lamb of God for the remission of our sins and His resurrection after three days (see verses 45-47). The beloved Son of God will fulfill all things that have been written about Him and here is the proof of it.
[45] Then opened He their mind, to understand the Scriptures;
[46] and He said to them, Thus it has been written, that the Christ should suffer, and rise out from the dead the third day;
[47] and that repentance and remission of sins should be proclaimed in His name to all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem.
[48] You are witnesses of these things.
Comments Luke 24:48 In this place, the beloved Son of God has told all His disciples and readers, all things must be fulfilled, and what it is written we all should think of it that the beloved Son of God has completed.
Note that the appearance of Jesus to the disciples described in verses 36 to 48 took place on the resurrection day. Also, note that there is a gap of time between the events ending in this verse and the events starting in the next verse.
[49] And behold, I am sending out the promise of My Father upon you; but remain you in the city, until you be clothed with power from on high.
Comments Luke 24:49 We can notice there is a gap of time between verses 36 to 48 and verse 49. Between these verses, there is a noticeable break between the events presented, and it tells all readers that there is a gap of time. In John 20:26, we are told that eight days later, from the appearance described in Luke 24:36-48, while the disciples were in Jerusalem somewhere, inside again, the Lord appeared to them and Thomas was with them. Then in John 21:14 we are told that at the Sea of Tiberias, the Lord revealed Himself to the disciples for the third time. As written in Acts 1:3, Jesus appeared to the disciples for a period of 40 days and spoke with them about the kingdom of God.
The saying of the Lord Jesus in verse 49 happened during a different appearance of the Lord Jesus to the disciples, while in Jerusalem, sometimes shortly before His Ascension, when He instructs them to remain in the city (Jerusalem) to be "clothes with power from on high". More specifically, this saying in this verse took place at the same time as the saying in Acts 1:4 when the Lord "was staying with them" in Jerusalem at a place where all were gathered together. From this place in Jerusalem, while the Lord was staying with them, He led them up to Bethany on the mount of Olives from where He ascended into heaven (see verses 50 to 53 and Acts 1:4-11).
"And behold, I send out the promise of My Father upon you". The beloved Son of God has told the disciples straight that the promise of the Father, the beloved Son of God has sent it for them, and this promise will help them to do the work, not only miracle work but the gift of speaking as well, they will remember everything that the beloved Son of God has taught them, even nothing has been written out yet, but all will remember exactly the same things. And also, many things the Lord will give them according to the promise of the Father. Even the verse has not told all readers clearly but, when the Lord said "clothed with power from on high" this portion refers to covering all of them with the Holy Spirit, which is the Spirit from the Father Himself.
[50] And He led them out as far as to Bethany, and He lifted up His hands, and blessed them.
Comments Luke 24:50 Note that this verse is connected to a different appearance of the Lord Jesus to the disciples and not to the one described in verses 36 to 48. Bethany is a village on the Mount of Olives. Jesus appeared to the disciples in Jerusalem, before His Ascension, where they were gathered together, and then He led them out as far as Bethany somewhere on the Mount of Olives. The Ascension itself is described in Acts 1:6-11.
[51] And it came to pass, as He blessed them, He was separated from them, and was carried up into heaven.
Comments Luke 24:51 The Lord ascended to heaven from somewhere on the mount of Olives, but not from the village of Bethany itself. The Ascension itself is described in Acts 1:6-11.
"and was carried up into heaven". His own Spirit carried His human body into heaven.
The travel of the Lord into heaven happened instantly, faster than the blinking of an eye. The Lord Jesus in His heavenly body, from our conception of time and space, can travel instantly, but since the heavenly body is of material form, He cannot appear at the same time in multiple places. However, because the speed of travel is so fast, He can travel many places in a blink of an eye. Currently, the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of the Lord Jesus cover the whole world. To connect with the spiritual world, fasting and prayer are needed. The heart that meditates on the teaching will open the path of connection for that soul and the mercy of the beloved Son of God will help that soul to connect with His Spirit as well. The Lord Jesus in His heavenly body will not come back to the earth until His second coming.
[52] And they worshipped Him, and returned to Jerusalem with great joy,
[53] and were continually all in the temple, blessing God.
Life and Faith Applications. 1)Depending on the situation each one of us is finding ourselves in, we could start with a little conversation, and in the end, everyone could tell the true gospel to every listener the Lord brings in their path. 2) A true follower of Jesus Christ must believe in His full body resurrection, flesh and bones. The Lord emphasized His bodily resurrection many times in the Gospels, and here in the Gospel of Luke we have Him showing Himself to the disciples and teaching them about His suffering and resurrection on the third day and explaining to them the Scriptures. 3) All believers should pray without waveringfor the baptism of the Holy Spirit. 4) All believers should wait and pray for the returning of the Lord Jesus to earth.