Bible Commentary Forever คำอธิบายความเข้าใจในพระคัมภีร์ไทยสำหรับชีวิต

Mark 16

For Greek interlinear links click the [verse numbers] below
Summary. In this chapter, we are given three essential events with specific purposes. 1) The resurrection of the Lord Jesus: The Lord’s resurrection is the purpose of our faith. Some women are mentioned here who witnessed the empty tomb and the angel confirming to them that the Lord has risen indeed, and He will meet His disciples in Galilee. 2) The appearance of the Lord Jesus to the select ones: the purpose of the Lord appearing to some select ones after His resurrection was to strengthen their faith in the Lord. In this chapter, the Lord appeared to Mary Magdalene, two of His disciples, and the eleven disciples as they were reclining at the table. 3) The Lord Jesus gave the commission to the disciples, which extends to all that call upon the name of the Lord, to go “into all the world and proclaim the Gospel to the whole creation”; the purpose of the commission is to give the duty to all believers of the Lord Jesus.
[1] And the Sabbath having past, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome, bought spices, that they might come and anoint Him.
[2] And very early on the first day of the week, they come to the tomb, the sun having arisen.
[3] And they were saying among themselves, Who will roll away for us the stone from the entrance of the tomb?
[4] And looking up, they see that the stone has been rolled away; for it was extremely large.
[5] And entering into the tomb, they saw a young man sitting on the right side, clothed in a white robe; and they were amazed.
[6] And he says to them, Be not amazed. You seek Jesus, the Nazarene, the One having been crucified. He is risen! He is not here! Behold, the place where they laid Him!
[7] But go, tell His disciples and Peter that He goes before you into Galilee; there shall you see Him, as He said to you.
[8] And they went out, and fled from the tomb; for trembling and astonishment had seized them; and they spoke nothing to anyone; for they were afraid.
Comments Mark 16:1-8 For Mark 16:1-8, see Comments Matthew 28:1-8, and Comments Luke 24:1-10.

Comparison Analysis
Mark 16:1-2, Matthew 28:1. See Comments Matthew 28:1. Matthew 28:1 tells us that Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to see the tomb; Mark 16:1 tells us that Mary Magdalene and Mary and Salome went with spices to the tomb; Luke 24:1 tells us that they went to the tomb; and John 20:1 mentions only Mary Magdalene.
Q: Why are there these differences in reporting the resurrection events? A: From the Gospel’s accounts, it is evident that more women came to the tomb, but the individual Gospels do not name them all (for those that followed the Lord, See Matthew 27:55, Luke 23:55-56, and Luke 24:10). The way the Bible describes the resurrection events it covers all that has happened. If the Lord wants to tell one certain thing only, there will not be many books in the Bible. Still, many things happened in a short period of time, and the Lord shorted it out when telling the writers, and that is why He used more books to tell the story and support one another. The books will go and overlap each other and explain the same thing but from different directions of looking at it. Therefore, when we are reading the Bible, we need to find the common point that comes out of all the Gospels.
Mark 16:3. In this verse, we see that these women worry about moving the stone from the entrance of the tomb.
Matthew 28:2-6. These verses take place between Mark 16:3 and Mark 16:4. Here, we see that the women were frightened. The angel mentioned here in Matthew 28:2 is different than the men (angels disguised as men) mentioned in Mark 16:5 and Luke 24:4.
“And behold there was a great earthquake … rolled away the stone, and sat upon it.” Q: How long did the earthquake and the rolling of the stone take place? A: This earthquake was localized at the tomb of the Lord Jesus, and all of these happened very fast, which is why some Gospels did not mention this.
Mark 16:4. Now, the women looked up and saw the stone rolled away, so they went inside. In Matthew 28:6, we are told that the angel invited them inside the tomb to see the place where the Lord had laid.
Mark 16:5. There were two men (these were angels but used the covering to look like men, disguised as men) sitting where the Lord had laid (See Luke 24:4). When the women came in, at first, in their eyes, they saw one man, but to the other, they did not pay attention yet. This verse tells that they emphasize on the one sitting on the right side. Q: What is the purpose of omitting in the Gospel of Mark that there were two men? A: In Mark, it has reported only one man, and this is according to what the women saw in their first impression.
Mark 16:6. This confirms what the Lord has told them before. Here, we have the testimony of the unseen and the seen world about the resurrection of the Lord Jesus.
Mark 16:7, Matthew 28:7. See Comments Matthew 28:2-7. Q: Why does Mark say, “Go, tell His disciples and Peter”? A: Remember that in one portion of the Bible, the Lord tells who will deny Him (See Mark 14:30). But the Lord did not get angry at what happened; the Lord made sure that Peter would be called to the meeting because he was one of the disciples.
Mark 16:7, Matthew 28:8.
Summary of events happening at the tomb of the Lord Jesus until this verse
1. A group of women (the Bible names some but not all) went to the tomb of the Lord Jesus very early (towards the dawn) on the first day of the week (Sunday).
2. When they approached the tomb, there was an earthquake, and an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and rolled back the large stone from the tomb’s entrance; this act took place very fast.
3. This angel tells them to come and see the place where the Lord laid.
4. The women went inside the tomb (but we don’t know how many, who all were, or in what order).
5. Inside, two men (angels disguised as men) sat by the place where the Lord Jesus had laid.
6. These men told the women to tell the disciples and Peter that the Lord Jesus was risen and go and meet Him in Galilee as He had told them before.
7. The women went out of the tomb and fled, frightened and amazed.
[9] Now having risen early the first day of the week, He appeared first to Mary Magdalene, from whom He had cast out seven demons.
[10] She having gone, told those who had been with Him, as they mourned and wept.
[11] And they, having heard that He is alive, and has been seen by her, disbelieved.
Comments Mark 16:9-11a (See John 20:11-18). The events described herein Mark 16:9-11 are the same events given in John 20:11-18.
In these verses, we are told that the Lord Jesus appeared first to Mary Magdalene, and she went and told “those who had been with Him”; however, we are not told who the ones were she reported the news and where they were.
Summary showing that Mary Magdalene has been at the tomb more than one time
1. In Matthew 28:1-15, we have a group of two women who are mentioned as going to see the tomb (Mary Magdalene and the other Mary). They went after the Sabbath towards the dawn of the first day. Here, the angel from heaven rolls the stone from the tomb. As they departed from the tomb, the Lord Jesus met them. Also, here, we are told that there was a guard of soldiers present as well.
2. In Mark 16:1-8, we have a group of three women (Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome) going to the tomb with spices to anoint the Lord Jesus. They went very early on the first day as the sun had risen. They found the stone of the tomb’s entrance being rolled away. They went inside, where they saw one young man. Then they went and said nothing to anyone because they were afraid.
3. In Mark 16:9-13, we see that the Lord Jesus rose early on the first day of the week, and He appeared first to Mary Magdalene. Then she went and told those who were with Him.
4. In Luke 24:1-12, we have a group of women going to the tomb with spices on the first day at early dawn. They found the stone rolled away, and they went inside. They saw two men who talked to them. They returned from the tomb and told these things to the eleven apostles. In this group, we have Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James, and the other women.
5. In John 20:1-10, we are told that Mary Magdalene came to the tomb early while it was still dark. She found the stone rolled away. She ran to tell Peter and the other disciple whom the Lord Jesus loved.
6. In John 20:1-10, we see that Peter and the other disciple went to the tomb after Mary Magdalene told them what she saw. They went in and then went back to their homes.
7. In John 20:11-18, we see that Mary Magdalene stayed behind after Peter and the other disciple left. She remained outside the tomb, and the Lord Jesus appeared to her. Then she went and announced to the disciples that she saw the risen Lord Jesus.
Conclusion. John 20:1 happens at the same time as the events in Matthew, Mark, and Luke, meaning that Mary Magdalene went to the tomb for the first time with the group of women as described in Matthew, Mark, and Luke. The Gospel of John tells things that already happened; John repeats what has been told; the Lord has told John what it should be, but his telling is not before or after but between the events (between Matthew 28:8 and Matthew 28:9). It is understood that Mary Magdalene went to the tomb with the group of women as described in Matthew 28:1-15. She saw the angel rolling the stone and also went inside with the other women. At some point in time, she ran back to look for Peter and the other disciple. The events related to her and Peter and the other disciple happened as described in John 20:1-18, but before the events described in Matthew 28:9-10.
The events of the resurrection described in all four Gospels are not for unbelievers; they are for believers to think about not just by head but by heart as well. When the Lord has risen, the world can’t accept it, but the heart that has faith will believe it. The deep faith in the heart will tell us that what the Bible says has happened to the last word.
Q: If Mary witnessed the angel rolling the stone, as described in Matthew, and if she went inside the tomb and listened to the men, why did she believe that the body of the Lord Jesus was stolen when, in fact, she was told by the angels that the Lord Jesus had risen? A: Fear creates doubt; now she faces both at the same time: fear from within and doubt from the mind to think. She faced both heavily: fear and doubt.
[12] Now after these things He was manifested in another form to two of them, as they walked, on their way into the country.
[13] And they, having gone, told it to the rest; neither did they believe them.
Comments Mark 16:12-13 “He was manifested in another form.” Q: We believe that the Lord Jesus rose in the flesh, and the same body that was in the tomb rose back to life; what does this verse mean by saying that the Lord Jesus appeared in another form to these two? A: In this place, when it talks about the form of the Lord, it talks about the heavenly form that appeared. The disciples had never seen this before, which is why they could not recognize the heavenly form; it was just a blessing for them to see the heavenly form. The resurrection is entirely different than here; the resurrection goes back in humanly form, but in this place, the Lord Jesus, when He appeared to these two, He used the heavenly form; that was a blessing for them. Think about a cocoon: in the same way the heavenly form covers the flesh, the heavenly form just covers the outside of the fleshly body of the Lord; the flesh of the Lord never disappears. When we all go there to heaven, we will all see His flesh because He is the only One who will have flesh among humans.
Q: The Lord Jesus rose in the flesh, so what happened with the blood and the water in His body? A: The Lord Jesus has given all His blood to the world; that is why when anyone is baptized in the water, that person is baptized in the blood of the Lord Jesus. When the Lord Jesus was crucified, His blood was poured out; the world will benefit, and every human will benefit because the blood of the Lord Jesus will never dry out because He left it for a purpose. His blood itself is a living soul for all humans that will be born again after that generation when the Lord was on earth. He is alive, and His blood still flows for all humans from beginning to end; therefore, go and baptize in the water, and you will receive the blood of the Lord Jesus to cover your soul as well. The heavenly body has preserved the human body of the Lord Jesus, and the food for that human body is received through the heavenly body; that is why it will never be decayed; when we go there, we will see His human body, which is still as on the day He was on earth. You must understand as well: the heavenly cocoon, when it covers the Lord Jesus’ body, also penetrates down within; His heavenly and the flesh also become one, and that is why the flesh body will continue to be alive because the heavenly becomes the water and the blood for the Lord Jesus’ human body to preserve that human flesh.
No other human can keep the human body. The things the Lord created will never disappear; the beloved Son of God already has the flesh in Him. All humans will be destroyed, but only One left, which is the Lord Jesus Himself; because the Lord loves humans, He won’t let all humans disappear. Elijah, Moses, and others that the Bible mentions as being caught up in heaven are different; their flesh body was transformed to be heavenly bodies, but no flesh of this earth was left; when they transformed, their human body had been destroyed, and the heavenly body replaced their human body. Because the flesh cannot be there in heaven, but when the Lord Jesus has risen, His spirit and soul returned to the flesh body to be completely human alive again, so there will be only One human in the flesh left in the whole universe: the Lord Jesus. The Lord Jesus’ body can be there in heaven because the Lord never sinned in human flesh, unlike the others who sinned. A sinful body cannot be in heaven; only the Lord Jesus’ body can since He never sinned.
[14] And afterward, He was manifested to the eleven as they were reclining; and He upbraided their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they believed not those having seen Him arisen from the dead.
[15] And He said to them, Go you into all the world, and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.
[16] The one that believes and is baptized will be saved; but the one that disbelieves will be condemned.
[17] And these signs will accompany those that believe: in My name they will cast out demons; they shall speak with new tongues;
[18] and with their hands they will take up serpents, and if they drink anything deadly, it shall not hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will be well.
Comments Mark 16:14-18
Mark 16:14. This verse also applies not only in the past but now as well. The Lord Jesus’ own disciples have not believed those who have seen Him. Nowadays, people will be much worse than them; even if the Lord shows miracles now, they will not believe but only think that human knowledge has created all these things (miracles). That is one of the reasons we do not see miracles anymore: because the internal heart of humans has turned away from the Lord, and people believe in their own intelligence only; these are the humans these days. Miracles such as the blind can see, the mute can speak, and the dead raised, which the Lord performed while on earth, are beyond humans’ ability because of faith; humans’ lack of faith has shut down the performance of miracles by humans. It is not that the Lord does not perform miracles, but because the human heart lacks faith, miracles are not needed for those hearts. However, miracles of the inner heart of having faith in the Lord are still performed each day. Miracles of mercy from the Lord we can still see. The miracles in this place mean that if you see a person who is not saved, the Holy Spirit will speak in your heart to go and talk to that person, and if you use the Word to talk to that person, the miracle of mercy will be shown to that person. The Lord will open the heart of that person to accept the mercy of the Lord, and that person will be saved because you have listened to the voice and talked to them; this is a mercy miracle. Also, suppose you see a person who is sick, and you go there. In that case, you pray and use the name of the Lord; you are the one that begs for mercy to heal the person, and the Lord will do that mercy for you because your heart has responded to the voice of the Lord. The Lord still heals today, but it is upon the person who prays and upon the receiver. The Lord heals because the person who prays has faith, and the person who receives has faith.
Mark 16:15. Take this verse as is.
Mark 16:16. This verse is a warning for all humans, the Lord has already come down, has shown mercy for all humans, but not all have come to Him; the mercy has been shown, but not every human receives, and at the end, they will come and accuse that the Lord has not shown mercy to them, but the way to be saved has been given. The Living Word of God is the way, come read and follow and you will be saved, and go to tell the one that the Lord brings to your path and share the Living Word with them; those that the Lord brings for you, they will listen to you, but if they do not listen, it is their own fault, not yours, your duty is just to tell.
Mark 16:17. Q: Are these verses for today? A: These verses are still happening today, but watch out for the difference between coming from the mercy of God and testing the mercy of God. Not everyone who comes and asks mercy from the Lord is doing so because they want that mercy, but because they want the Lord to prove Himself that He is capable of doing that; this is testing. Watch out; many come and command God what they want God to do; this is not right; it is testing, and it is for their own benefit but not for God’s glory.
“They will speak with new tongues.” Speaking in tongues is a gift and it is given as a sign to believers (See Comments John 1:33, and 1 Corinthians 14:22).
“With their hands, they will take up serpents, and if they drink anything deadly, it shall not hurt them.” Watch out for the purpose of this act; if someone catches up with their hands a serpent, why do they pick it up? Can you avoid that serpent, or are you testing the Lord? If you don’t have to pick up the serpent, why bother doing it? You cannot do this intentionally for a show.
“They will lay hands on the sick, and they will be well.” Now, it talks about having faith in the Lord; have faith with your whole heart that the Lord’s mercy will come upon the person you are involved with, and this verse will happen.
[19] Truly, therefore, the Lord Jesus, after He had spoken to them, was received up into heaven and sat at the right hand of God.
[20] And they went out, and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word by the signs that followed. Amen.
Comments Mark 16:19-20
Mark 16:19. “was received up into heaven. “This act is the act of the Father reuniting with the Son in the human body; this is the essential part of this verse: the Lord Jesus has been received up by the Father Himself.
Mark 16:20. This verse has a clear meaning. The main point is that the disciples went out and preached the Gospel everywhere, confirming the Word by the signs.
Life and Faith Applications. 1) The resurrection of the Lord Jesus was physical in the flesh, and we must believe the reports of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus as written for us in the Bible. 2) All Christians should follow the commission of the Lord: “Go you into all the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation.” We all can do this by praying for those who are called out to go and supporting them as we can. 3) As we minister to those that the Lord brings in our path, the Lord’s mercy will be shown if we pray with faith from a sincere heart.