Bible Commentary Forever คำอธิบายความเข้าใจในพระคัมภีร์ไทยสำหรับชีวิต

Matthew 2

For Greek interlinear links click the [verse numbers] below
Summary. In Chapter 2, the Lord shows the fulfillment of four Old Testament prophesies. 1) Jesus’ Birth in Bethlehem: This event was not noticed by the people of the Lord until the Lord sent the Magi from a different kingdom to come and worship the Lord Jesus as the King of the Jews. This is important since it shows that the coming of the Most High King (the Lord Jesus) was known outside of Israel, and the Lord God sent His beloved Son to be worshiped by the whole world, not only by His chosen people of Israel. 2) The Flight to Egypt: This shows us that the Lord Jesus, Joseph, and Mary were not given any special treatment. They suffered and passed through the troubles of life as any regular humans do. For Joseph to take his family and move to a foreign land where he doesn’t know anyone would have been very difficult. This move brought harsh times for the entire family, including the Child Jesus. The Lord Jesus suffered in many ways as a man and never received any special treatment from childhood until His crucifixion. So, humans cannot say that the Lord Jesus doesn’t know what suffering is. 3) Herod Kills the Children as a Ruthless Leader: It is obvious that Herod, the leaders, and the common people did not understand who King Jesus was and the purpose of His coming to earth. Herod and the leaders felt threatened in their earthly positions. 4) The Move to Nazareth: The move to Nazareth happened to fulfill an unwritten prophecy that is given here through Matthew (“He will be called a Nazarene”). We can’t find this prophecy written in our Bible except here. However, since it is given here to us, it is clear that the Lord spoke it, at least through Matthew.
[1] Now Jesus having been born in Bethlehem of Judea, in the days of Herod the king, behold, Magi from east arrived to Jerusalem,
[2] saying, Where is the One having been born King of the Jews? For we saw His star in the east, and have come to worship Him.
Comments Matthew 2:1-2 Joseph and Mary remained in Bethlehem of Judea after the Lord Jesus was born in the manger. The story of the Lord has been told to people of many languages using different names, but they all knew the Lord as the Most High God. In their history, it has been told that the star of the Most High King who will be born will appear. Chosen Magi from other kingdoms have seen the new star and have taken a journey in search of the Most High King. The Lord stirred up their hearts until they found the Lord Jesus. They reached Bethlehem before the Lord Jesus was one year old.
[3] When Herod the king heard it, he was disturbed, and all Jerusalem with him.
Comments Matthew 2:3 Herod and the people were disturbed because the news came that the Most High King was born. Herod didn’t want to lose the kingdom, and the people didn’t want the Most High King, believing that He would be worse than Herod. They were all against the Lord before even He was born; nobody wanted a new King.
[4] And gathering together all the chief priests and scribes of the people, he inquired of them where the Christ was to be born.
[5] And they said to him, In Bethlehem of Judea, for thus it is written through the prophet,
[6] And you Bethlehem, land of Judea,
are in no way least among the rulers of Judea,
for out of you will come forth One Ruler,
who will shepherd My people Israel.
[7] Then Herod, privately having called the Magi, inquired from them exactly the time of the star appearing.
[8] And having sent them to Bethlehem, he said, Go and search out exactly for the young Child; and when you have found Him, report to me, so that I also may go and worship Him.
[9] And having heard the king, they went their way; and behold, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, until it came and stood over where the young Child was.
[10] And having seen the star, they rejoiced with exceedingly great joy.
Comments Matthew 2:10 Nobody else saw the star. Only the Magi saw the star because the Lord opened their eyes and hearts.
[11] And having come into the house they saw the young Child with Mary His mother; and having fallen down they worshipped Him; and opening their treasures, they offered to Him gifts, gold, and frankincense, and myrrh.
Comments Matthew 2:11 The Meaning of the Gift of Gold: Many things fire can destroy, but it can’t destroy gold. You can melt gold and change its shape, but it is still gold when it hardens back. Fire can’t burn it; gold is still gold. The Lord Jesus is purer and more precious than gold.
The Meaning of the Gift Frankincense: Frankincense is an aromatic gum resin that can be obtained from Boswell trees. Frankincense was part of the sacred anointing oil in Exodus 30:34. It was also used in sacrificial offerings and as a perfume. Frankincense is a natural thing that the Lord created, and it can make something else complete, perfect. The Lord Jesus is the perfect sacrifice.
The Meaning of the Gift Myrrh: Myrrh is an extract from a tree. It was used in the anointing oil described in Exodus 30:23, and it has many other uses throughout the Bible. The Word of the Lord has something in it that people can use in many ways. The Lord Jesus is the anointed Word.
[12] And being warned of God in a dream not to return to Herod, they departed into their own country by another route.
[13] Now when they were departed, behold, an angel of the Lord appears to Joseph in a dream, saying, Arise, take the young Child and His mother, and flee into Egypt, and remain there until I will tell you; for Herod will seek the young Child to destroy Him.
Comments Matthew 2:13 The general question arising here is why the Lord didn’t stop Herod. The Lord Jesus had to be completely human and suffer the same way as humans suffer. In this way, people can’t say that God doesn’t know what suffering means. The Lord Jesus has come to suffer and go through life as all men do. There was no special treatment for Him as a man.
[14] And he arose and took the young Child and His mother by night, and departed into Egypt;
Comments Matthew 2:14 For the love of humans, the Lord Jesus put down His power. As a child, the Lord Jesus learned to control His power when suffering many hardships and hunger in Egypt.
[15] and he remained there until the death of Herod; so that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet, saying, Out of Egypt have I called My Son.
[16] Then Herod, having seen that he was mocked by the Magi, was exceedingly angry, and having sent forth, and slew all the boys in Bethlehem, and in all its borders, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had exactly learned from the Magi.
[17] Then was fulfilled that having been spoken through Jeremiah the prophet, saying,
[18] A voice was heard in Ramah,
weeping and great mourning,
Rachel weeping for her children;
and she would not be comforted, because they are not.
[19] But when Herod was dead, behold, an angel of the Lord appears in a dream to Joseph in Egypt,
[20] saying, Arise and take the young Child and His mother, and go into the land of Israel; for they are dead that sought the life of the young Child.
Comments Matthew 2:20 Joseph was afraid of Herod, and he was afraid to travel back to Israel when the Lord Jesus was still too young. So, the Lord allowed Joseph to stay in Egypt for about three years until the death of Herod.
[21] And he arose and took the young Child and His mother and came into the land of Israel.
[22] Now when he heard that Archelaus reigns over Judea instead of his father Herod, he was afraid to go there; now being warned of God in a dream, he withdrew into the region of Galilee,
[23] and came and dwelt in a city being called Nazareth; so that it should be fulfilled which was spoken through the prophets, that He will be called a Nazarene.
Comments Matthew 2:23 Nazarene relates to the Lord Jesus living in Nazareth. Verse 23 reveals to us an unwritten prophecy, and it stands to testify on its own for the fulfillment of this prophecy. This prophecy was not preserved for us, but the Lord made it happen and revealed it to us through Matthew.
Life and Faith Applications. 1) Being Christians, we don’t have a guarantee that we will be kept out of the hardships of life (like in an eggshell), but wherever we go, the Lord will be with us to help us. He helped Joseph and his family survive in Egypt and safely return to their homeland. 2) We should not doubt the Bible in any way. The Word of God will be fulfilled until the last dot. So, if the prophecy is told to us by Matthew, we must believe that it was spoken by God even if we don’t find a reference in our Old Testament Bible.