Bible Commentary Forever คำอธิบายความเข้าใจในพระคัมภีร์ไทยสำหรับชีวิต

Bible Commentary Forever Foundation

What is Special about Our Commentary?

Many books and commentaries are written about our Lord Jesus and the Bible. Yet, the Bible tells us that we have One Teacher, the Holy Spirit, and One Book, the Bible, that people need for their life. This commentary is unique; we did not base our understanding on any other book or anyone; we used only one Book, the Bible, and only one Teacher, the Holy Spirit. We believe that everyone can have these without payment. We do not sell our commentary, it is free to all, and we believe that the Lord will link people to read our commentary and open their hearts to meditate independently on the Word of God and feed their souls. We hope that you will use this commentary as a guide and encouragement for your life to become independent and rely on the Bible and the Holy Spirit for learning and meditating on the Word of God. (See Acts 2:16-21, Acts 17:11).

The primary foundation of our commentary is our belief that the entire Scripture, as given to the writers chosen by God, is dictated word-by-word by the Holy Spirit to the soul and spirit of willing disciples (writers). The entire Bible has no copied portions; all of it was given by the Holy Spirit as the Living Word to each of the writers; the writers did not copy from each other; they wrote down what the Holy Spirit dictated to them, and that is why we call the Bible as the Living Word. This commentary presents this point of belief. We believe that the Holy Spirit dictated the Gospels to each writer, and there is no copy between the writers. Each gospel writer wrote independently precisely what the Holy Spirit gave them. They had no interaction between them while writing; the only interaction was from the Holy Spirit. As a result, the Holy Spirit, which is the Spirit of truth, has given the words to be written down, so there are no errors in anything originally written down by the Gospels' writers. As we read the original Gospels, we, as humans, need to put together the writings to describe the events best. We should not attempt to find errors; instead, we should seek to solve the issues to give the most logical explanation of the events presented in all Gospels. Our commentary will always aim to offer the most reasonable solution to solve any perceivable inconsistencies in the Gospels' text. When there are differences in words and events from one Gospel to another, the way to think is how we should put all the events together from each Gospel and understand them. We must believe that there are no errors in the original Scripture writings. Each writer received the words from the Holy Spirit, who is the only Person who knows and remembers precisely the doings and the sayings of the Lord Jesus. After a time, no human mind can remember what exactly the Lord Jesus did and spoke about throughout His ministry on earth.

"But the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you." -- John 14:26.

For our explanation of our belief in writing Scripture, please read our articles: The Writing of Scripture and The Canon of Scripture.

Bible Commentary Forever Comments

"Bible Commentary Forever – The Gospels" is an ongoing work. This work is the result of our faith in the Trinity of God and our reliance on the Holy Spirit, who can give us the understanding of the Word of God, the Bible, but only by the will of the Father. The Holy Spirit is our Teacher, and all our comments and the ASVh e-Text come through prayer in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and by the infilling gifts of the Holy Spirit. By the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, we provide the comments given to us through the gifts of the Holy Spirit. First, however, we will state that the comments we put along the Bible verses are exactly what the name says, comments, not the Bible. When we say the Holy Bible, we mean the gift given by God the Father to all humankind and that the Bible writers have received by direct order what words to put down. When we claim Holy Spirit-filled comments, we refer to the interpretation and understanding of the Bible. Our comments are advice about what it should be for better understanding. When it relates to the specific meaning of the Bible verse itself, we have put down all that we got through our prayer and meditation, but in some parts, we may not put all the understanding down. Also, by the grace of God, Ngamta is translating this commentary into the Thai language (PDF files only).

"Ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you; for everyone that is asking receives; and the one seeking finds; and to the one knocking it will be opened." -- Matthew 7:7-8.

By the mercy of the Lord, on March 17th, 2021, we finalized the main comments for all four Gospels, and on July 2nd, 2023, we completed all comments revisions for all the Gospels. And by the mercy of the Lord, our son Matthew on November 5th, 2021, has completed version 2 of our website using Textpattern CMS. However, we are currently reviewing our ASVh e-text and doing minor English revisions on the Gospel of Mark. The work on our commentary has three main stages: ASVh e-text and comments generation, comments revisions, and English revisions. We started the main commentary work in December 2013 after the Lord opened our eyes to pray and meditate on His Holy Word daily, verse-by-verse and word-by-word. Come and join us and discover the riches of God's Word. Use this website as encouragement in asking the Lord through prayer to answer any questions you may have regarding His Word and the comments that we post. You do not need to be a scholar to understand God's Word; you only need faith in the beloved Son of God, Jesus Christ, prayer, and asking understanding from the Teacher of the Holy Word, the Holy Spirit. This website is up and running through faith and prayer, and the same Holy Spirit guiding us will guide you and resolve your questions.

"There is one body, and one Spirit, even as also you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all, and through all, and in all." -- Ephesians 4:4-6 (ASVh)

Bible Commentary Forever New Testament e-Text

We are offering our online commentary using the Revised Version, Standard American Edition of the Bible, more commonly known as the American Standard Version (ASV), which was first released in 1900, as the Bible text foundation to generate a literal e-text translation of the New Testament that we call ASVh. The American Standard Version Bible is currently in the public domain (see Wikipedia).
We applied two main translation principles to generate the ASVh e-text of the New Testament for our commentary. First, for each word of the ASV text, we prayed and meditated, and we wholly updated the archaic words and expressions in the ASV Bible text but tried to preserve the overall sentence structure of the original translation. Secondly, the Lord guided us to coordinate and verify the ASV Bible translation with the Wescott and Hort Greek New Testament 1881 Edition (The New Testament in the Original Greek) and Tischendorf's Eighth Edition Greek New Testament and The Codex Sinaiticus as the closest Greek text resources to the original writings, and the Strong's Greek Dictionary of the New Testament which is also in public domain (see Wikipedia). In addition, we consult other literal Bible translations, including Young's Literal Translation Bible (YLT) which is also in the public domain (see Wikipedia).
We call this updated New Testament e-text as ASV literal e-text helping Bible Commentary Forever, for short ASVh; helping Bible Commentary Forever in the sense that ASVh is a literal e-text translation of the New Testament, the closest translation to the original manuscripts that we could generate by the help of the Holy Spirit, which is copyright free.
In order to show the literal translation work for our ASVh text, our son Heman Neginoth has designed and developed the parallel textual analysis: ASVh, ASV, Wescott and Hort Greek, Strong's Exhaustive Concordance. You can access our parallel textual analysis by clicking on the verse number (shown as [n]) for the corresponding verse.

Contact Us

For Biblical commentary questions and prayer requests about Bible passages you can contact us by email at:

The website is developed and maintained by Radu and Ngamta Muresan.

We recognize contributions from:
Julia Anna Dwight with the English grammar revisions of comments, the paintings, the sign, and the promotion cards design and website layout design;
John-Luke Muresan, Reverend, (MTS Tyndale University) with comments analysis and discussions and revisions, articles, historical Biblical doctrine and canon of Scripture research, and promoting the commentary through his sermons;
Joel Aree Muresan with ASVh e-text updates, commentary reading, feedback, and promotion;
Heman Neginoth Muresan with the design and development of the parallel textual analysis database: ASVh, ASV, Wescott and Hort Greek, Strong's Exhaustive Concordance. In addition he contributes with the website programming, commentary reading, feedback and English grammar corrections.

The website design and programming are supported by Matthew Iulian Muresan and is implemented using Textpattern CMS.