Bible Commentary Forever คำอธิบายความเข้าใจในพระคัมภีร์ไทยสำหรับชีวิต

John 14

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Summary.In this chapter, the Lord Jesus talks about the Trinity of God and about His love for the Father and what it means to be a true believer. John 14:1-14. The Lord Jesus is the way, and the truth, and the life. The Lord Jesus goes to the Father, but He is coming again to receive us. He is the way, the truth, and the life, so He must be our leader, and we must use His teaching and meditate on His word, and we will know the way to walk on this life and go to the Father. The main teaching of the Holy Word is that Jesus is the Son of God, and He is One with the Father, and when the beloved Son of God was on earth, everything He spoke was not from Himself alone. The living word comes out from His mouth because in Him is the Trinity of God at work on earth. John 14:15-32. The Lord Jesus teaches what it means to love Him. Loving the Lord Jesus means keeping all the commandments He gave us in the Holy Bible. Any true believer who knows the commandments must keep them all to call themselves a true believer in God. If we love the Lord Jesus and keep His commandments, He will ask the Father to send the Intercessor (the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Christ) to abide with us to the age. When you read and meditate on the Holy Bible, ask for the Holy Spirit, in the name of the Lord Jesus, to be your teacher and give you a true understanding of the Holy Word. The beloved Son of God also promised peace to come, in the kingdom of God, to all true believers; the peace from the beloved Son of God is peace between the beloved Son of God and the true believers that have true repentance of their hearts.
[1] Let not your heart be troubled; believe in God, also believe in Me.
Comments John 14:1 This teaching here is given to the disciples at the Last Passover event before Jesus’ crucifixion. “Let not your heart be troubled.” Let all believers always think what they truly believe, and stand firm on what you have knowledge about, what your heart has received through the Holy Bible (stand firm on the knowledge that your heart has received through the Holy Bible); the understanding and knowledge about the Holy Bible always will link you to the beloved Son of God’s Deity.
“believe in God, also believe in Me.” Believe in God in this place refers to the Father; when you believe in the Father, your heart will want to find the way to be where the Father is and reach Him. If your heart wants that, you must also believe in the beloved Son of God because He is the only way you can reach the Father.
[2] In My Father’s house are many mansions; and if not, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?
Comments John 14:2 “Father’s house.” The Father’s house is the heaven, but not just only the heaven above; it is also everything that surrounds the seen and unseen world; all it belongs to the Father.
“Mansions.” The mansions are in a specific place for the believers in the beloved Son of God to be; these mansions are also close to the throne of the Father Himself because this place belongs to the beloved Son of God as well.
The Father’s house is so big, and there are many portions in it, and each portion is used for a different purpose. We will know that place which belongs to the beloved Son of God when we are up there; this knowledge will be given to all those that have been called to stay in that part. (The house is divided into many places, and each place is divided into many portions; the potion is also a big space area, and each portion has many parts).
“… that I go to prepare a place for you?” Because it is a place that the Father has prepared for the beloved Son of God to give to all that belong to the beloved Son of God Himself; here in this place, these souls will glorify the Father behind the beloved Son of God who is standing in front of the throne of God.
The Father has many mansions waiting for His people; when the verse has told that He is going to prepare the place, the place is already there, but He means to make the mansion ready to receive the owner; the Lord Himself will be the one who completes that work because this person also has a special place in the Lord’s heart as well.
Q: What mansion are we talking about in this verse? A: If you think a palace or mansion on this earth is beautiful, what the Lord has prepared cannot even compare with what things this earth has to offer; it is beyond a human mind can imagine; this mansion will be bigger than any palace of this earth for each individual, and that is all everyone can think of how special each individual is for the Lord Himself. There you will never be alone; the presence of the Lord is always everywhere; even when you are in your mansion, you can still feel that the presence of the Lord is there. The heavenly mansions inside also have many compartments, which are prepared for the heavenly hosts to stay; the Lord has prepared the heavenly body to dwell in those mansions.
The Lord Himself will be the One that prepares all things for each individual believer.
[3] And if I go and prepare a place for you, I am coming again, and will receive you to Myself; that where I am, you may be also.
Comments John 14:3 “I am coming again, and will receive you to Myself”; This is a promise from the beloved Son of God Himself; He is going back to heaven to prepare the place; when it is all ready, He will return back the second time to earth; in that time the whole earth will see Him return. (See also Matthew Comments 25:6 and Matthew Comments 13:30).
The beloved Son of God will take all those that belong to Him with Him, and everyone that belongs to the beloved Son of God will go back with Him; this is a promise from the beloved Son of God; He takes all those that belong to Him to Himself; these souls that glorify the beloved Son of God will have the eyes, that are open, to be able to see the Father as well. However, more things than just humans belong to the Lord.
“… that where I am, you may be also.” The beloved Son of God will be in front of the throne of the Father, and all those who belong to Him will stand behind Him to glorify the Father. The voice that all those souls make to glorify the Father is through the beloved Son of God; the Father will hear those voices as well, but all must go through the beloved Son of God. Those souls' bodies are not here yet; when they all go up, everyone will have a body prepared for them; the souls will have the heavenly body; the earthly body is melted away already. Only one earthly body will be left at that time, which is the resurrected body of the beloved Son of God Himself.
The mansion that has been prepared for the heavenly body to dwell is waiting to receive the owner; when the soul has joined with the heavenly body, they will dwell in there; many, many mansions have been prepared for those heavenly bodies. We did comment on the second earth that comes and that the eyes of those on earth can also see this new earth (See Matthew Comments 25:6 and Matthew Comments 13:30). However, not all will go there because the new earth will be only for those heavenly bodies to dwell; those heavenly bodies do nothing (are waiting) until they receive the souls that belong to the beloved Son of God. According to the verse, the Lord is preparing the heavenly bodies because the heavenly body is for eternity; this human body has limited time. The beloved Son of God will be the King of the second earth, and all His subjects will be with Him to glorify the Father day and night; it is impossible for the human mind to imagine the picture; the second earth is the perfect earth, and nothing of this earth resembles with.
[4] And where I go, you know the way.
Comments John 14:4 Here is the confirmation for all believers that wherever the beloved Son of God will be, all true believers will know the way to go there as well because they all will walk following His footsteps; His footsteps will be the path for all true believers, and that is why the verse has told that “you know the way.”
[5] Thomas says to Him, Lord, we do not know where Thou go; how are we able to know the way?
Comments John 14:5 Now the beloved Son of God in the human body has talked to His disciples, and Thomas also has questions of his own. When you think as humans think, you cannot imagine what the beloved Son of God is talking about right now. Regarding the way all have asked this question, even His disciples asked, and the beloved Son of God will tell them about the way they must follow; all true believers will know the way.
[6] Jesus says to him, I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, if not by Me.
Comments John 14:6 “I am the way.” The beloved Son of God has said to all true believers, according to the way of living, you walk on the road, but when to come to be alive on both this earth and the earth to come, you must walk the way the beloved Son of God has walked for you; you can see what He has taught you, use that way for your walk. When He says He is the way, He also tells all readers: you have the beloved Son of God as a leader, use His teaching, meditate on His word, and you will know the way to walk on this life.
“and the truth.” The beloved Son of God in human form is the truth for humans. His way of being human has also shown all humans that humans can be better than now. The Lord did not create humans just for His pleasure; He loves humans, and the beloved Son of God is the proof of His true love for humans; when the beloved Son has accepted the human form, the true love of God has been proven to all humans. He is the truth because He has come in person and has taken the form of a human; think in this way as well, the God Most High came down and took human form to show the true love of God towards humans; the truth of God has been shown in His love.
“and the life.” Through the beloved Son of God, you can have life after death. The life He will give to you is for eternity; that is the true life you will get if you keep the teaching of the Holy Bible until the last day of your life on earth.
“no one comes ….” The Father is the Most High God, and to come to Him is only one way through the beloved Son of God. So, there is no other way to be close to the Father, but only if you are behind the beloved Son of God; the glory of the beloved Son will shadow your soul, and your soul will be safe in front of the Father.
[7] If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; from now you know Him, and have seen Him.
Comments John 14:7a “If you had known Me”; Anyone that accepts the beloved Son of God and walks according to His teachings has known the beloved Son of God. Because all the things the beloved Son of God has done, He has done according to the Father’s will, and when you follow the beloved Son of God in all directions, you have known the Father's will for yourself as well.
Q: How can we say that we know the Lord Jesus and the Father? A: When you meditate on the Holy Bible, think that every word is alive because the Father Himself has made all the words to be alive. The Holy Bible is the living word, so when you meditate on the living word, that living word will give life to your soul, and deep down in your soul, you have met the Father Himself; His word is the way to the Father; the Father and the beloved Son are One, and when you have known the beloved Son of God, you have known the Father Himself, and the Father Himself loves you as well.
Q: How can you feel that the word of the Bible is alive? A: When you have memorized the word, you will feel that the living word touches you; the living word that you memorize will act in you and make you become a living soul for God.
Q: What about memorizing other words from other books, not the Bible? A: Those words have no power, but the Holy Word has power, and the Holy Word gives life to all living; other words that you practice memorizing have no power in them. When you yourself commit sin and think of the Word, the living Word will touch your mind and heart, and you know that you have sinned against God; only the living Word can do that way to you; another word in the world cannot convict the heart of men to know the right and wrong towards God, only the living word can do that. You can call yourself a true believer when every word from the Bible has meaning for you, and you take it seriously.
“you would have known My Father also …”; After you have known the beloved Son of God, at the same time, you have known the Father, and you have seen Him in the teaching that the Father has given to the beloved Son to give; and when you follow the teachings, you have seen the Father as well. Then, when you look at the cross, you have seen the beloved Son of God Himself; that is why the cross is important for all that want to know how His human form looks like; His human form was on that cross already for all humans, treasure the feeling that you have towards the cross that the beloved Son of God had been crucified for you.
Q: How did the apostles and the writers of the Bible understand all the deep spiritual teachings? A: They have a deeper understanding than other humans can have; the Father Himself is the One that gave them the understanding and the duty to put down all the teachings of God.
[8] Philip says to Him, Lord, show us the Father, and it suffices us.
Comments John 14:8 The disciple with the beloved Son of God still wonders, and all humans, after the beloved Son of God is not on earth anymore, will also wonder how they will know the way. But also remember that the beloved Son of God has told us He will not leave us alone; He is going back to heaven but has promised that He will come back again to take us with Him. So if you truly believe this, look forward to the day when we all will be with God's beloved Son to glorify the Father with Him. At that time, we don’t have to ask where the Father is because we ourselves will be glorifying the Father and standing there behind the beloved Son of God to shout out and glorify the Lord.
Because the beloved Son of God has talked many times about the Father, this has stirred up the hearts of the listeners to think they are with the beloved Son of God and they haven’t seen the Father yet. Still, the beloved Son of God has talked about the Father, so where is the Father? The same question will be to all, show us the Father, but when you have seen the beloved Son of God, you also have seen the Father. So in this verse, Philip has asked the beloved Son of God, as all humans want to ask as well, but when the time comes, this answer will be in front of their eyes.
[9] Jesus says to him, So long a time I am with you, and do you not know Me, Philip? The one having seen Me has seen the Father; how do you say, Show us the Father?
Comments John 14:9 “So long a time I am with you …”; During this time, the beloved Son of God has physically been with the disciples, and Philip also was there with Him. The beloved Son of God had been teaching all the disciples, they have seen Him and listened to His teachings, but they did not understand or know completely yet who He is. When Philip asked to show them the Father, it also showed that the disciples themselves did not completely understand the meaning of the Lord's talk. Still, the beloved Son of God would give that understanding to them when the right time came, and they all would understand the meaning because each would have work to complete, and all things happened in due time.
“The one having seen Me has seen the Father”; When the beloved Son of God has told the disciples that they have seen Him and have seen the Father at the same time, this answer that they have already seen Him and the Father who sent Him, will be with them for the work to come. The work for all disciples in spreading the teaching relies on this knowledge they have; the full knowledge about God has not been given to them yet. Still, when the time comes, the full knowledge will be given to them for the work.
[10] Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father in Me? The words that I speak to you I do not speak from Myself; but the Father dwelling in Me does His works.
Comments John 14:10 “Do you not believe …”; The beloved Son of God asks all believers this question: do you truly believe the Three in One? When the verse has told the Father, that means two as well, the Father and the Holy Spirit are together, and both are in the beloved Son of God together. Therefore, when He was on earth as a human, the beloved Son of God was never alone; the Three in One were always together.
“The words that I speak to you …”; When the beloved Son of God was on earth, everything He spoke was not from Himself alone; the living word comes out from His mouth because in Him is the Trinity of God at work on earth.
“… but the Father dwelling in Me does His works.” As the verse has told all true believers, the Father dwells in the Son and not just dwells alone, but He is at work as well; the work that the beloved Son of God has done on earth is the Father’s work as well. The beloved Son of God has not spent His life on earth doing nothing; He always did the work of the Father; the life on earth for Him, even if it was short, but every moment has meaning from the Father.
[11] Believe Me that I in the Father, and the Father in Me; but if not, believe because of the works themselves.
Comments John 14:10-11 These verses talk about the Trinity of God and that the Trinity of God has given the living word to be the Holy Bible. As these verses have told, the Holy Bible is from the Father, not from God's beloved Son alone.
“... but if not, believe because of the works themselves.” Therefore, because the Holy Bible is from the Father, whosoever does not believe in the Holy Bible, believe in the death on the cross of the beloved Son of God, the love beyond human words can say; God of heaven was willing to taste the death in order to help the creatures He has created, no love is greater than this.
When the verse has told “but if not,” it refers to believing in the death on the cross and the resurrection of the beloved Son of God because after the resurrection, He did not spend time alone but returned back to the Father. In our faith, we must have both together: crucifixion and resurrection; to be complete faith, it must be faith in the crucifixion and the resurrection of the Lord Jesus; when the beloved Son of God has accepted His death on the cross, the Father has already wept for what will happen to the Son.
[The meaning of this verse would be: believe in the Holy Bible and if not, then at least believe because of the death of the Lord Jesus on the cross]
[12] Truly, truly, I say to you, the one that believes in Me, the works that I do, also will he do; and greater than these will he do; because I am going to the Father.
Comments John 14:12 “… the works that I do, also will he do”; As the verse has told all believers that if you believe in the beloved Son of God, the works that He did and doing now already support who He is, and according to the Father’s will, true believers that follow all His commandments strictly will also be able to perform His works. But if that person doubts in his heart, this doubt refers only to himself; that doubt also will limit the person in doing the work, and that person will notice the limitation has occurred, which will remind the person to analyze their heart again. Then, when that person has analyzed everything, that person will know the lack of faith, and when they come back in faith to be complete, they can continue to do the work again.
“and greater than these will he do”; When the verse says, "greater than this," it refers only to the works but does not include the raising up of themselves from the dead; but many miracles the true believers can do; as the verse has told, the beloved Son of God has returned to the Father, and whatever the true believers will do will be under the guidance of the beloved Son of God as well.
Q: The apostles in the book of Acts have performed the miracles of raising the dead. A: However, there are no apostles after the ones appointed by the Lord Jesus. The apostles could perform the miracles because they had received this authority from the beloved Son of God. But, after the beloved Son of God had been crucified, He did not appoint other apostles to perform miracles as the old apostles who have served alongside Him. However, the miracles have not ceased with the apostles but are not done the same way as the apostles did them. Still, if the true believers come to the beloved Son of God with all their hearts and have faith and beg for the power from the Holy Spirit, then they can perform under the name of the beloved Son of God, but not by their own name or other names. Give attention, true believers, under the name of the beloved Son of God, the miracles can still be done; when the true believers ask from the beloved Son of God, then with the beloved Son of God's will, the Holy Spirit will perform the work according to the will of the beloved Son of God Himself, because the Holy Spirit belongs to the Father, and the Father with the beloved Son of God are One. (See also Comments Matthew 10:8).
Q: These days we have many self-proclaimed apostles. Are these true apostles? A: Their name has not been put down in the Bible because the beloved Son of God has not appointed them; we can say they are self-proclaimed; only those that have been written down in the Holy Bible are truly apostles. The Bible has often mentioned that at the end times, many will self-proclaim to be the son of god, not only to be apostles; what we have seen now cannot be compared with what will be in the future.
Q: Why these days do we not hear about many miracles? A: You don’t hear about miracles, but it does not mean it doesn’t happen; still, many miracles are happening, but they do not get permission to be revealed because people’s hearts are hardened and will interpret those works in the wrong way.
[13] And whatever you will ask in My name, that will I do, so that the Father might be glorified in the Son.
Comments John 14:13 Read the whole verse carefully and think, when a true believer has done the works that the beloved Son of God has done and abides at all times in the blood of the beloved Son of God, all the actions that the true believer has done will glorify the Father at the same time as well. The Father Himself will be happy to do all that work in the name of the beloved Son of God.
Q: What is the difference between verse 13 and verse 14? A: A little bit of difference, but also, verse 13 confirms the Trinity of God; when you ask the beloved Son of God for something, the Holy Spirit also will take that request to the Father and the beloved Son of God will do according to the Father’s will.
[14] If you ask Me anything in My name, I will do.
Comments John 14:14 When the verse has told, "ask anything," if that asking is not against the will of the Father, the beloved Son of God will do it according to the purpose and the faith of the person who asks and receives.
Whatever you ask, if it is not against the Holy Word, the Father will also listen to that. However, the majority of people also interpret the meaning of the Holy Word according to their own understanding. But, if you did not ask the Holy Spirit to guide the meaning of the Holy Word for yourself, you would not feel that what you ask is against the Father’s will or not.
[15] If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.
Comments John 14:15 The beloved Son of God has given a clear meaning to loving Him. As the verse has told, if you love Him, keep all the commandments He has given to you; if you don’t remember all the commandments, you do not love Him enough yet, you did not repeat His commandments enough in your heart; but if your heart truly wants to know, go and search in the Holy Bible and you will see all the commandments He has given.
This verse refers to all humans because the Father has created the humans for His pleasure; so, you, as a human, since you are created for Him, must follow His commandments.
Q: In Matthew 22:37-40, the Lord Jesus gave two important commandments. What other commandments should we consider besides these two? A: When the beloved Son of God has talked about love, He also has talked about loving the Word as well, and then you must find for yourself how to love the Word and what you should do with that love of the Word; should you just read the Word and let it rest or meditate on it and get understanding and follow? And when you understand and follow, that would be enough to follow His commandments.
[16] And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Intercessor that exists with you to the age,
Comments John 14:16 “another Intercessor”; Besides the Spirit of the beloved Son of God, "another" refers to the Holy Spirit, which the Father will give to the true believers; the Spirit of the beloved Son of God has already been given to all that truly believe in His Deity and follow His commandments.
“Intercessor” refers to the Spirit of Christ and the Holy Spirit; both are Intercessors; the duty of both Spirits will be to guide the true believers and help the true believers to meditate on the Holy Word.
This verse refers to all that follow the Lord’s teaching; if you follow the Holy Bible and meditate and practice, then when you have both meditation and practice, the beloved Son of God will do as the verse has told to all. For all true believers to receive the Holy Spirit, they must also abide by the teaching. When you have received the Holy Spirit, He will not depart from you only when your heart has blasphemed against the Trinity of God.
Following the Lord’s teaching also refers to letting the Holy Word be the food of your soul; your body needs food, and the soul needs food as well; you eat food every day, so meditate on the Holy Word every day as well.
Think in this way as well; people may talk about God all day long, but that does not have any impact in their heart on what God truly is for them if they don’t meditate on the Word; most think only God is up there, not down here; they have forgotten that He has given the Living Word, and the Word cannot be living Word if God is not in the Word; that can tell to all believers, God is on earth as well; if you don’t read the living Word, you have not been in touch with God Himself.
Q: We talk about the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, and the Spirit of Christ in these comments. How do we understand the Trinity in this context? A: We cannot say that the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Christ are identical, but we can say that both Intercessors are One because the Father and the Son are One. The Father and the beloved Son are One; when we say Trinity, we refer to the Father, the Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit; but the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Christ are also joined to be One and to work together.
Q: The Father is a person, the Holy Spirit is a person, and the Son is a person; what can we say then about the Spirit of Christ within the Trinity of God? A: Remember as well that within these Three, only the beloved Son of God is in human form; the beloved Son of God returned to heaven in human form; in human form, He must have the Spirit, so the Spirit of Christ is with Him; but, also, He has sent His Spirit to help the humans. No human can understand the Deity of God.
[17] the Spirit of divine truth, whom the world is not able to receive; because it does not see Him, neither knows Him; you know Him, because He abides with you, and will be in you.
Comments John 14:17 “the Spirit of divine truth ….” As the verse tells to all believers, the Spirit of divine truth because it is the Spirit of God, and it cannot be any untruth in Him; even though human life always tells lies, but when the Spirit of God came upon the whole world, the one that accepts and abides in the teachings of the Lord will not be able to tell a lie or do unrighteous things, because the Spirit of divine truth will not give peace to that person. If that person acts against the Holy Word teachings, the peace that the person felt would also disappear from that person.
“because it does not see Him”; Humans’ eyes do not have the ability to see the Spirit of God; this makes humans feel that if they cannot see, then there is no Spirit of God around them. Humans always need to see proof from God, but God does not have the duty to prove to humans; you have seen all His work, look around you and look to yourself as well; all are the work of God around you and in you; so, why humans’ minds still think that things they cannot see cannot be true?
“neither knows Him”; Those who do not have faith in God will not know about Him because those persons will not meditate on the Holy Word. Whoever does not meditate in the Holy Word will never know God in their heart; even the eyes have seen His work, but the heart of the person will not accept that it is the work of God who created all things. But those who know Him will always have in their hearts to read and meditate more on the Holy Word because, in their hearts, they wish to be closer to Him.
“you know Him …”; This part of the verse only talks about the true believers. True believers know God because, in their hearts, they thank Him for the work of His hands around them, and when those persons meditate on the Word of God, the Word of God also abides in them. The hearts of true believers will always feel that the Spirit of God is in them and be with them, helping them and guiding them in all their actions to come closer to God Himself; the hearts of true believers always will have joy in praising and glorifying the Lord God Most High.
[18] I will not leave you orphans; I am coming to you.
Comments John 14:18 As all readers can notice, in this verse, the beloved Son of God has made a promise to come back for us; the beloved Son of God will be as our parent; all true believers will be as His children, and none will be as an orphan because the beloved Son of God lives for eternity, and as His children always we will have Him with us. So, when the beloved Son says, “I am coming to you,” it becomes His promise to come to us; it is the beloved Son of God who made this promise; all true believers that believe in Him should remember this in their heart, He is coming back for you as well.
[19] Still a little, and the world sees Me no more; however, you see Me; because I live, and you will live.
Comments John 14:19 As this verse tells, the beloved Son of God has said to all believers straight that His time as a human on earth has come to an end, and all true believers in Him will not see him with their physical eyes anymore; also, the people of the whole world as well, will not see Him anymore with their physical eyes.
“however, you see Me”; Here, as the reader can notice, the beloved Son of God has told all true believers that they see Him, but not yet with a physical eye, but with the eye of the soul; and, not only just the eye of soul sees Him but, our own inner feeling feels Him as well; we feel that the beloved Son of God, His love, is still with everyone here.
“because I live, and you will live.” Let all true believers take note of this portion; because the Holy Son lives forever, His presence will make all humans still be alive until the end of the time comes for all; and at that time when the judgment has been announced to all living, those that live because of the life of the beloved Son of God will get the first place to be announced to come up in front to receive the judgment of grace; and after that those true believers will spend life eternally with the beloved Son of God.
[20] In that day you will know that I in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you.
Comments John 14:20 When the verse says, “I in,” it means being in forever; but if it says, “I am in,” it means being in right now only.
As the verse has told to all true believers, in their hearts they already have felt the beloved Son of God; when their heart has acknowledged the beloved Son of God, that heart has already acknowledged the Father which is in Him as well; and He Himself (Jesus) is in that person’s heart; and in the heart of the beloved Son of God, you also have a place to be as well, as the verse has told straight to all believers.
“In that day” refers to the day of the resurrection when the beloved Son of God has returned back to heaven.
[21] The one having My commandments, and keeping them, that one is the one loving Me; and the one loving Me, will be loved by My heavenly Father; I will love him and will declare Myself to him.
Comments John 14:21 “The one having My commandments, and keeping them”; These two portions always go together because if you know the commandments but don’t keep them, that will not be complete. Any true believer that knows the commandments must truly keep them all, not just in the head but deep in the heart as well. When you have kept them, you can call yourself a true believer in God; this qualification is needed to set yourself apart from the rest of the world.
“… that one is the one loving Me; and the one loving Me, will be loved by My heavenly Father”; As the verse has told all true believers, if you love the beloved Son of God, the Father will also love you. Therefore, to win the love of the Father, the heart of a true believer must listen and obey all teachings of the beloved Son of God.
“I will love him and will declare Myself to him.” This saying is the promise of the beloved Son of God to show Himself to all true believers, and He will love all those that truly love Him and obey His teachings. And those true believers will experience the beloved Son of God’s love in their hearts and also can feel His love and presence around them, and those persons will never feel alone anymore; the love of the beloved Son of God will surround the true believers at all times.
[22] Judas (not the Iscariot) says to Him, Lord, and what has occurred that Thou are about to declare Thyself to us, and not to the world?
Comments John 14:22 “Judas … to us.” When Judas asked this question, also in his heart, he already had the question that he wanted to know. So, when the beloved Son of God told them that He would show Himself to them, it made him also think if they were more special than the rest of the world.
This question will also be for the rest of the people to whom the beloved Son of God will show Himself. Is He talking here about the chosen ones or not? The answer for all is true, the beloved Son of God is talking about the chosen ones that have been chosen to listen and obey His teachings. If you do not listen and obey, you will become like the rest of the world who hear about the beloved Son of God but do not believe that what He says is true; this difference makes the world (of those that know about the Bible) separated into two types of souls, the souls that listen and obey the teaching of the Holy Bible, and other souls that know about the Holy Bible but do not believe it is the true teaching of God. The point of separation is the heart of each soul itself, if you believe in the Holy Bible, you must meditate and read, and those actions will convince the person's soul to come and be willing to serve the Lord God Almighty without doubting or delay.
“and not to the world.” This part of the verse refers to those that have surrendered their hearts to the dark side’s teachings. These persons have known the Holy Word but did not believe, and instead of meditating on the Word for faith, those persons have meditated on the Word to find mistakes in the Word and be able to fight the ones that come with faith to make their faith weakened by throwing doubts in their hearts; it is difficult for the rest of the world to know the difference between the Spirit of the Holy Word and the spirit of the dark teaching.
[23] Jesus answered and said to him, If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word, and My Father will love him, and We will come to him, and will make a home with him.
Comments John 14:23 “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word.” So, as the verse clearly tells, if you love the beloved Son of God, you will keep His teachings in your heart; but, when you keep His word, you must also read and meditate on the Holy Bible; the Holy Bible has all the teachings, and those teachings will make your heart ready to receive Him as well.
“... and My Father will love him.” Give attention to what the verse has said to all true believers. The beloved Son of God has told all that the Father Himself will love you because you love the beloved Son of God. And this is the way the Father shows love to anyone: when that person meditates on the Holy Word, that person will realize the peace in their heart, and during that time, within the heart, they will have great joy because the Father Himself also is happy with that soul. The root of all happiness for the soul is the Holy Word of God.
“and We will come to him.” Give attention to the word “We”; this refers to the Trinity of God, and at the same time, the Spirit of the beloved Son of God will also be there.
“… and will make a home with him.” When the heart of a true believer becomes home for the Lord, that heart of the blessed one will receive the greatest joy of life, which will also make the faith grow. The home is the place where God will dwell and also will make that home the proper place for receiving all praising of the soul; the request the soul will ask for the Lord to dwell in will receive the answer, and deep in the heart of true believers, it will acknowledge the answer they have received, which they can feel by the soul, not by the feeling of the head itself; that feeling will be deep down until the person cannot tell where that happiness comes from. Therefore, to decorate the heart to be the home of the Lord, all believers should put the praises in the heart which glorify the Trinity of God; the words used for glorifying the Trinity of God will decorate the heart of the soul itself for the Lord.
Q: How does the Lord live in our hearts? A: Do not think in physical terms but spiritual terms. The heart of the true believer is like a palace, which will have many rooms in it, and each room will be used for a different purpose as well because that heart has become the home of God to dwell.
A: That is the will of the Father to live in our souls when we open our souls to receive Him; the Father uses the Holy Bible to be the path for humans to get in touch with the Holy Spirit; through the Holy Bible, the Holy Spirit will work in the heart of the reader, and when that heart has invited the Holy Spirit to be their guide, the Holy Spirit will use that invitation and put Himself to join with the soul itself.
The Holy Spirit and the Spirit of the beloved Son are in the Holy Word itself. Also, let all believers remember one thing as well: the Holy Bible is the living word; God has spoken every word in the Holy Bible; the word never dies, always is alive and has life; the word itself has life and gives life to all true believers; if you truly believe you can feel the word is alive; general people will not have that feeling, only the true believers will gain that feeling, which is a gift from the Father Himself when you have meditated on the Holy Word.
We also can say in another way: the Holy Bible is a path of the connection between the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Christ with the true believer when they meditate on the Word; when you meditate, you have connected your soul to the path which the Lord guides you. The Word that the Living God has spoken, that word has life in itself; the Holy Bible is the true living word of God, and every word in the Bible is alive. So, you need to connect first with the path before you can connect with the Lord.
[24] The one that loves Me not, keeps not My words; and the word which you hear is not Mine, but of the Father who sent Me.
Comments John 14:24 “The one that loves Me not …”; As the verse tells all readers, when you do not love the beloved Son of God, you will not keep what He has taught in the Holy Bible. The Holy Bible is not an ordinary book; the Holy Bible will give life to all who meditate and follow because the root of the Holy Bible is the Trinity of God; no other book can give you life as the Holy Bible gives you. This saying in this verse is not repeating the verse before, but the Lord has shown the opposite; the verse before has told about you having faith and doing, but this verse has said the opposite that when you do not love the beloved Son of God, you will also not love His teachings; but His teachings are not from Himself, they are from the Father. The beloved Son of God wants to make sure that all readers pay attention to the difference between these two verses, and the verses will talk to you when you pay attention to the differences.
Here the Lord Jesus wants to make it clear that the Father and the Holy Spirit will not come to those that do not love Him. The idea of the verse is that some might think that somehow the Father will come to them regardless of if they love or not the beloved Son of God, but that is not true. When verse 23 says, “We will come to him, and make a home with him,” this applies only to those that love the beloved Son of God and keep His teachings.
“… but of the Father who sent Me.” The beloved Son of God has told all true believers the truth; the Word that He is teaching to all humans is not His Own word but of the Father who sent Him to teach that Word; let all true believers think of that as well; if the Holy Bible has the words from the Father, then every word in the Holy Bible would give life to all that meditate and believe in that word.
[25] These I have talked to you, remaining alongside you.
Comments John 14:25 During Jesus' speaking the Word, the disciples have benefit, but also at the same time this word will be put down in the Holy Bible, all humans will benefit of it as well; not only the disciples in that time alone.
The beloved Son of God does not have much time to be with the humans on earth; the Holy Word that the beloved Son has given in the Holy Bible during the time He spent as a human on earth will remind all humans how much God loves them. The Father has created all humans and loves them, and He loves them so much until He has sent His begotten Son to save them. So, while the Holy Word is still with us on earth, read and meditate on the Holy Word before the dark will rise up again and put an order for humans not to spread the Holy Word anymore. So, all people should be aware of the dark side activity; when you see them attacking the Holy Word, be aware that the time is close for them to persecute all true believers left over on earth.
[26] However, the Intercessor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and will bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.
Comments John 14:26 Verses to check: Romans 8:9-10, Romans 8:34, Romans 8:26-27, John 17:9-11, John 17:20-21, Romans 8:36-39, Acts 16:6-7, Revelation 3:5, Revelation 3:19-21.
As the verse has told to all true believers, the Holy Spirit will be given to you under the name of the beloved Son of God; all that have asked of Him will be filled with the Holy Spirit in their soul because the Father loves the beloved Son, and He will do according to what the beloved Son of God is asking Him for that true believer.
“… He will teach you all things.” When you read and meditate on the Holy Bible, ask for the Holy Spirit, in the name of the Lord Jesus, to be your teacher to give you the understanding, and then you will get the right understanding of the Holy Word. Humans alone cannot understand all the Holy Word because the Holy Word does not tell about the physical earth itself alone, but also tells about spiritual things and life; the things humans cannot see and understand without the help of the Holy Spirit, and that is why everyone who reads the Holy Bible must ask the help.
“… and will bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.” The Holy Bible may be small, but the Holy Bible has compacted all knowledge about the unseen things and seen things. Humans will not be able to remember all that the Bible has told; for a human to be able to remember the Holy Word, it needs help from the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of the Father, and He will bring all the teachings to your remembrance to guide your life on this earth and lead the soul to the unseen world; the soul itself needs the guidance from the Holy Bible, and the Holy Spirit will help the soul to remember all the teachings.
The verse has told not only for the disciple in that time alone, but the Holy Word will guide the whole world after as well; the disciples have received the Holy Word and put it down, and what the disciples have put down is from the Father Himself, and that will be the true living word for the next generations to come.
[27] Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives, I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid.
Comments John 14:27 “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you.” The beloved Son of God also promised peace to all true believers; the peace from the beloved Son of God is peace between the beloved Son of God and the true believers that have true repentance of their heart; repentance that does not come from the head but from the heart. For the beloved Son of God to help any true believer, repentance from the heart must happen, and the beloved Son of God will bring that repentance as a petition to the Father; in that way, the distance of the soul to the Father is shortening as well, and when the distance is shorter the Father will forgive that soul according to the beloved Son of God's petition for that soul; when the distance shortens the Father also notices that that soul has truly repented as well.
“… not as the world gives, I give to you.” This verse talks about the peace to come in the kingdom of God. Look at the verse itself; it has told, not as the world gives; when the verse has already told, not as the world can give, it has told at the same time that it didn’t talk about this earth anymore. The world gives peace only of this earth, but the beloved Son of God gives peace for that soul for the earth to come, and the beloved Son of God has promised here that He will give that peace to that true believer’s soul. The earth to come has nothing like this earth; think of who the King of that earth is; you need to have that peace in your soul in order to be able to stay. If compared with what you have on this earth and the earth to come, the way humans live and think will be different, the troubles of life which humans are facing here, up there that soul will not remember of it at all; when you cannot remember the troubles, your soul will be as clear water without waves, and the soul will feel the peace of itself towards God; the radiance of the soul will also change, right now on this earth the soul is tainted with sin, but on that earth to come the radiance will shine out because the sin has been wiped off. As a human on earth, you will try and fight for a living, but in the life of the earth to come, everything has been provided; you do not need to fight for a living anymore; the world to come is a perfect world with all things, the need in your heart and mind is fulfilled there.
“Let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid.” Any true believer who reads this part of the verse, let the worry be free from their heart, and do not be afraid of the unknown that will come upon the feeling of the soul. Meditate on the word, and that fear will shrink off by itself. When your heart has no fear, your soul also will feel peace. “Neither let it be afraid”; the afraid here relates to the fear of the unknown in the world to come because there, things are not the same as in this world; the soul will have difficulty adjusting, but with the mercy of God, the soul will feel comfortable to be there.
[28] You heard that I said to you, I am going away, and I am coming to you. If you loved Me, you would have rejoiced, because I am going to the Father, for the Father is greater than I.
Comments John 14:28 “You heard that I said to you, I am going away, and I am coming to you.” Therefore, let all true believers have peace in their hearts; this is the promise of the beloved Son of God Himself, He is going away, but also, He promises to all that He will return again, so trust in His word and believe in His promise.
“If you loved Me, you would have rejoiced.” So, the love that you already have for the beloved Son of God do not let it die. When He has said He is going away, going away but not abandoning His true believers; but also have joy in your heart because of His promise, and that joy will stay with you if you truly believe and trust in the beloved Son of God.
“because I am going to the Father.” The Trinity of God is always true, and now it is the time between the Father and the beloved Son of God to decide about the future of humans. All things will be done when the Trinity of God has made decisions regarding the future of this world because of the death of the beloved Son of God on the cross; this death has brought sadness to heaven as well, but the Father will be glad to have the beloved Son of God in the human form beside Him. When we say “all things will be done,” we mean: when God has created all things, He also created them for His pleasure, but humans have listened to the evil voice and crucified the beloved Son of God on the cross, so all things in this place it is including from first creation until the crucifixion and the end time of this earth; everything will be judged.
“for the Father is greater than I.” The God of Three, but One in heart, but always the Father is above all; all the decisions belong to the Father, but the God of Three will always do things together; let everyone notice that always the beloved Son of God will lift up the Father first; the Trinity of God is One, but each has a different duty, but all duty comes from the Father who will spread it out for every person to do; even the Trinity itself has a duty as well.
[29] And now I have told you before it happens, that, when it may happen, you might believe.
Comments John 14:29 The beloved Son of God has told all humans that He has seen things what may happen, and it will happen according to what He has said; and when your eyes have seen what happened, that will strengthen your faith that the beloved Son of God truly is who He is as He has said; what He has told to all humans is not the Word of Himself alone, but the Trinity of God has spoken out; all things will happen according to His Word.
[30] I will no longer talk much with you, for the ruler of this world comes; and he has nothing on Me;
Comments John 14:30 “… for the ruler of this world comes”; The dark does not know the plan of salvation; the only thing the dark wants is to fight with God, and the only way the dark can think how to fight is by using humans. If God in human form has spent life as a human, then the dark itself can only think that humans mean something to God, and for them, the beloved Son of God in human form must die first in order to destroy the plan for humans; God in human form must disappear first for them. As the verse has told to all believers, the dark wants to concur the whole world, and now they are coming; if anyone does not meditate on the Word and follows the teaching of God, the evil one will use the pleasures of this world itself to lead that soul astray; the human soul always seeks for fun first; to meditate on the Word it needs work to do, and humans do not like to be serious about the Word of God, and the dark side will use this weakness of humans in order to make humans fall in the trap of pleasures and fun of the earthly things.
“and he has nothing on Me.” Because the beloved Son of God is in human form, the dark themselves believe that if God goes into their domain of the dark, God Himself will lose His Own power. They believe this world (the earth itself) is the world of light and has given the power to the beloved Son of God, and if the beloved Son of God goes into the dark domain, He will lose His power; for the dark believe that this world has given the beloved Son of God power. So, the dark themselves believe that if they can keep the beloved Son of God in their domain, they have won the fight with God because their power is strongest in the dark domain. God is the God of light, so if the beloved Son of God will be kept in the dark domain, He will have no power left to fight. For the dark itself, that is the victory: if they can keep the beloved Son of God in their domain, they can brag they have won, and the beloved Son of God will become a slave in the dark domain. The dark never understand the power of God; they can only think that in their own domain, God cannot fight with them on their own terms. So, the “nothing” in this verse refers to keeping the beloved Son of God without power in the dark domain. In the dark's thought, the Son in human form does not have the same power as the Father in heavenly form does. So, when the verse says, “he has nothing on Me,” it refers to the fact that the dark has thought in their own mind that they can use the beloved Son of God to trick humans into believing in the dark, so if they can keep the beloved Son in their domain the claim for humans (human souls) has succeeded in their hand.
[31] but that the world may know that I love the Father, and according as the Father gives Me commandment, even so, I do. Arise, let Us go from here.
Comments John 14:31 “but that the world may know that I love the Father.” The beloved Son of God wants to remind all humans that He loves the Father the most; the love in this place is perfect love, and the perfect love will also obey and respect the Father; to make His love perfect, the beloved Son of God must listen and obey the Father’s command as well.
“… even so, I do.” Whatever the Father wants the beloved Son to do, He will do so; regardless of how difficult it is, the beloved Son of God is willing to do all that work.
“Arise, let Us go from here.” Here the beloved Son of God has reminded the disciples that the time has come for them to keep moving on. And He will still be with them until the end.
Life and Faith Application. 1) When you read and meditate on the Holy Bible, pray, and ask, in the name of Jesus, for the Holy Spirit to come and to guide you and give you understanding; the understanding and knowledge about the Holy Bible always will link you to the beloved Son of God’s Deity, so stand firm on the knowledge you have received through the Holy Bible. 2) To be a true follower of the Lord Jesus, you must meditate on the Holy Bible through the Holy Spirit's help and follow all the commandments that the Lord gave. 3) If you love the Lord Jesus, you will keep His teachings, and the Father will love you. 4) Do not worry; the Lord Jesus is with the Father, but His word promises He will come again and take us to be with Him.