Acts 2
Summary. In this chapter, at the Pentecost, as the disciples were waiting in prayer, as instructed by the Lord Jesus, we witness the miracle of the promise of the Father: the gift of the Holy Spirit is poured on the Lord Jesus' disciples. Acts 2:1-13. The coming of the Holy Spirit. Here, we see that the Lord Jesus kept His promise to send “the promise of My Father upon you,” as stated in Luke 24:49. The mighty works of God have been manifested in this place. The Holy Spirit came upon the disciples, as they were gathered together in one place praying, in a powerful way by miraculous audible and visible signs and baptized all those gathered in that place, so they all started to speak in tongues and prophesy about the mighty works of God Almighty. People from all over the ancient world have witnessed the miraculous work of God. The power of God has no time or space limit, and the baptism in the Holy Spirit has been given to all, then and now, who seek and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as being the Savior of the world. Acts 2:14-36. The sermon of Peter at Pentecost. Peter, an ordinary fisherman by occupation, was anointed by the power of the Holy Spirit and delivered a powerful message to all those gathered in Jerusalem. Peter testifies that the Lord Jesus, who was crucified and put to death by lawless men, was raised up in the body by God the Father, and He is the One who received from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, which He poured out on them as seen by all. The Lord Jesus, who was crucified, is Lord and Christ, seated at the right hand of God the Father, and has the power to save all those who believe in Him. Acts 2:37-41. Many believers are baptized and added to their number. The mighty power of God works in the hearts of people. When people repent and baptize in the water, then they will receive the promise of the Father if they seek it and are ready. Distance and time have no limit for the Lord; the gift of the Holy Spirit is available to all humans and all generations, past and future. Acts 2:42-47. The believers live in unity. The work of God is powerful throughout every generation of humans, and all people should be in awe at the mighty works of God. When believers join together and praise God Almighty together, the work of glorifying God Almighty begins among other people as well.
[1] And in the day of Pentecost being fulfilled, they were all together in one place.
[2] And suddenly came from heaven a sound as of the rushing of a mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.
Comments Acts 2:1-2 “... they were all together in one place.” When believers join together in faith, the mighty work will happen.
“And suddenly came from heaven a sound as of the rushing of a mighty wind.” The Lord has created everything; as it is written, no one knows where the wind comes from and where it will go, and here in this place, the Lord comes with the mighty wind. See Comments John 3:8.
“And it filled all the house where they were sitting.” When the wind filled up the place, all those who were in it were covered with the wind; the Lord would use everyone to do the work.
“And suddenly came from heaven a sound as of the rushing of a mighty wind.” The Lord has created everything; as it is written, no one knows where the wind comes from and where it will go, and here in this place, the Lord comes with the mighty wind. See Comments John 3:8.
“And it filled all the house where they were sitting.” When the wind filled up the place, all those who were in it were covered with the wind; the Lord would use everyone to do the work.
[3] And there appeared to them tongues parting asunder, as of fire, and it sat upon each one of them.
Comments Acts 2:3 “And there appeared to them tongues parting asunder, as of fire.” Let all readers pay attention to what the mighty work the Lord performed here. When the fire comes upon a person, that person has received a gift. A special gift from the Father has been revealed here.
“And it sat upon each one of them.” The blessing from the Lord is unlimited; as many people gather, the blessing is enough for all.
Note: The human eye could see the shape of fire leaping above each person; this miracle strengthened the person who received this gift.
“And it sat upon each one of them.” The blessing from the Lord is unlimited; as many people gather, the blessing is enough for all.
Note: The human eye could see the shape of fire leaping above each person; this miracle strengthened the person who received this gift.
[4] And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit , and began to speak in other tongues, as the Spirit was giving them utterance.
Comments Acts 2:4 “And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit.” Give attention to what the word says: all, not part, but all were filled with the gift from the Father.
“And began to speak in other tongues.” Here, it confirms the sign of the gift: when you are baptized with the Holy Spirit, the gift of other tongues also will be there. And this also shows humans that the will of the Lord has been spoken out for all to know.
Q: What type of tongues were given here as the sign of the baptism with the Holy Spirit? A: Human language does not need interpretation, but the angelic language must be accompanied by interpretation. Here, the disciples spoke both angelic and human languages.
“As the Spirit was giving them utterance.” When the will of the Lord has been proclaimed, understanding will also come. When the word says, “giving them utterance,” that means they spoke in angelic languages and then translated into various human languages as the Spirit gave them utterance.
Here, utterance means a spoken word about the work of God.
“And began to speak in other tongues.” Here, it confirms the sign of the gift: when you are baptized with the Holy Spirit, the gift of other tongues also will be there. And this also shows humans that the will of the Lord has been spoken out for all to know.
Q: What type of tongues were given here as the sign of the baptism with the Holy Spirit? A: Human language does not need interpretation, but the angelic language must be accompanied by interpretation. Here, the disciples spoke both angelic and human languages.
“As the Spirit was giving them utterance.” When the will of the Lord has been proclaimed, understanding will also come. When the word says, “giving them utterance,” that means they spoke in angelic languages and then translated into various human languages as the Spirit gave them utterance.
Here, utterance means a spoken word about the work of God.
[5] Now there were dwelling in Jerusalem Jews, devout men, from every nation under heaven.
Comments Acts 2:5 In this verse it tells to all humans as well that the Lord has performed a miracle and everyone will notice the power of God.
“Jews, devout men.” These are a group of males who devoted themselves to searching for the truth about God.
“From every nation under heaven.” This generally means that all nations from under heaven were there and had seen the miracle.
“Jews, devout men.” These are a group of males who devoted themselves to searching for the truth about God.
“From every nation under heaven.” This generally means that all nations from under heaven were there and had seen the miracle.
[6] Now this sound having happened, the multitude came together, and were confounded, because each one heard them speaking in his own language.
Comments Acts 2:6 “Now this sound having happened, the multitude came together, and were confounded.” In this place, when humans hear a mighty sound by ear, it has worked and stirred their minds to think, and their reaction of the heart from what they hear with their ear has stirred their hearts to think what truly happened. Now, their hearts are opened with eagerness to know the truth.
“Because each one heard them speaking in his own language.” Now, the wonder in their hearts has come to their heads: how these people can know their language; each person's heart has been touched by it.
Summary of what happened from verse 1 to verse 6:
The disciples were gathered together in one place, praying and waiting for the promise from the Father.
“Suddenly came from heaven a sound as of the rushing of a mighty wind.” The disciples and others heard this mighty sound, which drew attention to itself, and people started to look where the sound came from. When the sound came, people looked to see where the loud sound came from.
“And there appeared to them tongues parting asunder.” These tongues of fire appeared only in the place where the disciples were praying. At this time, the disciples received the promised gift from the Father and were baptized with the Holy Spirit. They started to speak in angelic tongues and prophesy inside the place.
Then, the Holy Spirit stirred the disciples (all those gathered in the place praying) to go out and prophesy to people about the work of God. When they came out, they testified to people whom they met in those people's birth language, which amazed people and created confusion among them.
Confounded meaning: confused, perplexed.
“Because each one heard them speaking in his own language.” Now, the wonder in their hearts has come to their heads: how these people can know their language; each person's heart has been touched by it.
Summary of what happened from verse 1 to verse 6:
The disciples were gathered together in one place, praying and waiting for the promise from the Father.
“Suddenly came from heaven a sound as of the rushing of a mighty wind.” The disciples and others heard this mighty sound, which drew attention to itself, and people started to look where the sound came from. When the sound came, people looked to see where the loud sound came from.
“And there appeared to them tongues parting asunder.” These tongues of fire appeared only in the place where the disciples were praying. At this time, the disciples received the promised gift from the Father and were baptized with the Holy Spirit. They started to speak in angelic tongues and prophesy inside the place.
Then, the Holy Spirit stirred the disciples (all those gathered in the place praying) to go out and prophesy to people about the work of God. When they came out, they testified to people whom they met in those people's birth language, which amazed people and created confusion among them.
Confounded meaning: confused, perplexed.
[7] Then they were all amazed and marvelled, saying, Behold, are not all these who speak Galileans?
[8] And how do we hear everyone in our own language, in which we were born?
Comments Acts 2:7-8 This verse tells all humans that when each person hears their own birth language, the Word has worked in their hearts, and each head realizes that God is here.
[9] Parthians, and Medes, and Elamites, and the dwellers in Mesopotamia, in Judaea and Cappadocia, in Pontus and Asia,
[10] in Phrygia and Pamphylia, in Egypt and the parts of Libya about Cyrene, and those visiting from Rome, both Jews and converts,
[11] Cretans and Arabs, we hear them speaking in our tongues the mighty works of God !
Comments Acts 2:9-11 As the verses tell all readers, the mighty works of God have been performed here. The people have experienced a miracle, and the Word of God has opened their hearts to think, and all who were there have come to one conclusion: God is there among people. What happened here has already been told in itself: this is the result of the disciples being baptized with the Holy Spirit.
Q: The baptism in the Holy Spirit is a completion of the salvation seal, which means that the human spirit has joined the salvation seal of the believer. And, speaking in tongues is the sign for the believer that they received the baptism in the Holy Spirit (See Comments Matthew 16:18 and Comments John 1:33). Why is it essential for a believer to have the baptism in the Holy Spirit and have their spirit join the salvation seal? A: The Lord God has a plan for that person when their spirit joins the salvation seal; the work from the will of the Father will be performed through that joining. See the examples in this chapter of Acts 2.
Q: What happens inside of us when a person repents and invites the Lord Jesus to live in their hearts? A: At this time, that person has much work to do before being able to get to the next level. Here, the Spirit of the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit are just checking and going through the person's soul.
Q: What happens inside of us when a person goes and baptizes in water? A: The person has started to walk in the step of completing and receiving both baptisms: in the water (the baptism of repentance) and in the Holy Spirit (the baptism of fulfillment).
Q: What happens inside of us when a person seeks and receives the baptism in the Holy Spirit? A. The spirit of the person joins the salvation seal.
For these questions, see also Comments Matthew 16:18 and Comments John 1:33. However, the baptism in the Holy Spirit can happen before the baptism in the water when the heart of that person is ready to seek and receive (See Acts 10).
Q: The baptism in the Holy Spirit is a completion of the salvation seal, which means that the human spirit has joined the salvation seal of the believer. And, speaking in tongues is the sign for the believer that they received the baptism in the Holy Spirit (See Comments Matthew 16:18 and Comments John 1:33). Why is it essential for a believer to have the baptism in the Holy Spirit and have their spirit join the salvation seal? A: The Lord God has a plan for that person when their spirit joins the salvation seal; the work from the will of the Father will be performed through that joining. See the examples in this chapter of Acts 2.
Q: What happens inside of us when a person repents and invites the Lord Jesus to live in their hearts? A: At this time, that person has much work to do before being able to get to the next level. Here, the Spirit of the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit are just checking and going through the person's soul.
Q: What happens inside of us when a person goes and baptizes in water? A: The person has started to walk in the step of completing and receiving both baptisms: in the water (the baptism of repentance) and in the Holy Spirit (the baptism of fulfillment).
Q: What happens inside of us when a person seeks and receives the baptism in the Holy Spirit? A. The spirit of the person joins the salvation seal.
For these questions, see also Comments Matthew 16:18 and Comments John 1:33. However, the baptism in the Holy Spirit can happen before the baptism in the water when the heart of that person is ready to seek and receive (See Acts 10).
[12] Then they were all amazed, and were perplexed, saying one to another, What does this wish to be?
Comments Acts 2:12 In this place, people have seen miracles with themselves happening, and then the conflict between the head and the heart has been shown. A miracle cannot be understood by logic or the head; it can only be understood by faith.
[13] But others mocking said, They are full with new wine.
[14] However, Peter, standing up with the eleven, lifted up his voice, and spoke forth to them: Men of Judaea, and all those dwelling at Jerusalem, let this be known to you, and give ear to my words.
Comments Acts 2:14 “However, Peter, standing up with the eleven ...” After the apostles came back together, Peter stood up and spoke by the will of the Lord.
“Men of Judaea, and ... give ear to my words.” Peter has called out all's attention to listen to what the Lord's message is. At this point, the Lord is working among people who listen as well; when their ears hear, the work will begin in their hearts as well. It is important to pay attention to hearing the message.
“Men of Judaea, and ... give ear to my words.” Peter has called out all's attention to listen to what the Lord's message is. At this point, the Lord is working among people who listen as well; when their ears hear, the work will begin in their hearts as well. It is important to pay attention to hearing the message.
[15] For these are not drunken, as you suppose; for it is the third hour of the day;
Comments Acts 2:15 When people see a miracle that they cannot explain, they all try to find a way to justify the miracle. The only thing they can make themselves be pleased with is that these people speak out from the power of alcohol: the ability to speak comes out of the spirit of alcohol.
[16] but this is that which has been spoken through the prophet Joel:
Comments Acts 2:16 Cited from Joel 2:28-32.
[17] And it shall be in the last days, says God ,
I will pour out of M y Spirit upon all flesh:
And your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
And your young men shall see visions,
And your elders shall dream dreams:
And your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
And your young men shall see visions,
And your elders shall dream dreams:
Comments Acts 2:17 “And it shall be in the last days, says God.” These are the last days before they turn to believe in God, when their hearts start to realize that God is real. Specifically, we mean that these last days refer to these days here in this place when the Holy Spirit was given to all humans.
“I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh.” The time will come when the Father will pour down the Holy Spirit to all true believers when the beloved Son has returned to heaven.
“And your sons and your daughters shall prophesy ... shall dream dreams.” This is part of the gifts the Father will give; no matter who you are or what you are, if your heart is true to the Lord and your faith is firm, the gift will be poured down on you.
“I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh.” The time will come when the Father will pour down the Holy Spirit to all true believers when the beloved Son has returned to heaven.
“And your sons and your daughters shall prophesy ... shall dream dreams.” This is part of the gifts the Father will give; no matter who you are or what you are, if your heart is true to the Lord and your faith is firm, the gift will be poured down on you.
[18] and even upon my male servants and upon my handmaidens
in those daysI will pour out of M y Spirit , and they shall prophesy.
in those days
Comments Acts 2:18 Let all readers link this verse to the verse before it, for the Lord does not look for the appearance or treasure of this earth; regardless of who you are, if your heart is true, come: the Lord receives you all.
Q: What does this gift of prophecy mean here? A: The select ones will receive a special gift: some by hearing, some by seeing, and some by heart telling; all these will bring the person to speak out about the mighty work of God.
Q: What does this gift of prophecy mean here? A: The select ones will receive a special gift: some by hearing, some by seeing, and some by heart telling; all these will bring the person to speak out about the mighty work of God.
[19] And I will show wonders in the heaven above,
And signs on the earth below;
Blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke.
And signs on the earth below;
Blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke.
Comments Acts 2:19 Let all readers notice that this is a sign. The God of heaven will declare the sign that all humans will not understand. If the great sign is shown to humans when you read the Holy Word, why do humans not think and be afraid of what the real thing will be?
“Blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke.” First, think, who's blood is talking about in this place? Blood represents great death upon the earth. Fire, think, why will fire come? And how big will this fire be? The Bible also describes smoke coming out of God's nostrils; the breath of God Most High contains smoke and fire; the time will come when the earth must be cleaned, and God Most High will cleanse His earth with these.
“Blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke.” First, think, who's blood is talking about in this place? Blood represents great death upon the earth. Fire, think, why will fire come? And how big will this fire be? The Bible also describes smoke coming out of God's nostrils; the breath of God Most High contains smoke and fire; the time will come when the earth must be cleaned, and God Most High will cleanse His earth with these.
[20] The sun shall be turned into darkness,
And the moon into blood,
Before the day of theLord comes,
That great and glorious.
And the moon into blood,
Before the day of the
That great and glorious.
Comments Acts 2:20 “The sun shall be turned into darkness ... That great and glorious.” When the beloved Son of God comes back to judge humans, all these signs will happen; His glory will shatter everything.
[21] And it shall be, everyone, whoever shall call upon the name of the Lord will be saved.
Comments Acts 2:21 Disaster comes upon, but those who glorify the Living God will be saved; His glory will cover all true believers to protect them.
Note: Verses 17, 18, and 21 apply starting with the time when the Lord Jesus returned to heaven and sent the Holy Spirit on earth. Verses 19 to 21 apply to an unspecified length of time prior to the Lord's second return to earth.
Note: Verses 17, 18, and 21 apply starting with the time when the Lord Jesus returned to heaven and sent the Holy Spirit on earth. Verses 19 to 21 apply to an unspecified length of time prior to the Lord's second return to earth.
[22] Men of Israel, hear these words: Jesus of Nazareth, a M an approved by God to you by mighty works and wonders and signs, which God did by H im in the midst of you, even as you yourselves know;
Comments Acts 2:22 Hear all people! This verse tells you all about a Man, Jesus of Nazareth, who has been given by God the Father. He has shown many miracles and good works to the eyes of humans. Come to listen and think of Him before it is too late.
[23] H im , being delivered up by the determinate plan and foreknowledge of God , having crucified, you put to death by lawless hands;
Comments Acts 2:23 The Son of God has been accused by His own people; the people of God themselves have chosen to disrespect their God.
“Being delivered up by the determinate plan and foreknowledge of God.” It was not in the plan of God for His people to do this, but the Lord allowed the dark mind to act in their way, which He foreknew.
“... having crucified, you put to death by lawless hands.” The leaders whose hearts had no law in them were the ones who decided whom to make decisions to crucify the Lord Jesus, meaning that the lawless leaders took the Lord Jesus to the lawless hands of Pilate.
“Being delivered up by the determinate plan and foreknowledge of God.” It was not in the plan of God for His people to do this, but the Lord allowed the dark mind to act in their way, which He foreknew.
“... having crucified, you put to death by lawless hands.” The leaders whose hearts had no law in them were the ones who decided whom to make decisions to crucify the Lord Jesus, meaning that the lawless leaders took the Lord Jesus to the lawless hands of Pilate.
[24] whom God raised up, having loosed the agony of death, inasmuch as it was not possible for Him to be held by it.
Comments Acts 2:24 “Whom God raised up.” Take heart, all humans, here the Bible tells all: the Father has come to join with His Son, the great miracle has happened right now; the Father, the Creator of all, has raised up the beloved Son to life in the human body again. The Lord Jesus is now in the same human body with the Father.
“Having loosed the agony of death.” The beloved Son has tasted the pain of death in the human body. God of life has tasted death for all humans; right now, in His risen human body, when the moment of death, the pain of it, cannot hang on the Lord of Life: He defeated death for all.
“Inasmuch as it was not possible for Him to be held by it.” The beloved Son is the God of Life; the death cannot have hands to hold on Him.
“Having loosed the agony of death.” The beloved Son has tasted the pain of death in the human body. God of life has tasted death for all humans; right now, in His risen human body, when the moment of death, the pain of it, cannot hang on the Lord of Life: He defeated death for all.
“Inasmuch as it was not possible for Him to be held by it.” The beloved Son is the God of Life; the death cannot have hands to hold on Him.
[25] For David says concerning H im ,
I foresaw theLord always before me,
BecauseH e is on my right hand, that I should not be moved.
I foresaw the
Comments Acts 2:25 “... I foresaw the Lord always before me.” This place also clearly tells all humans that the one who has faith in the Lord will always feel the Lord close by.
“Because He is on my right hand, that I should not be moved.” For the one who trusts in the Lord's mercy will always feel confident.
“Because He is on my right hand, that I should not be moved.” For the one who trusts in the Lord's mercy will always feel confident.
[26] Because of this my heart was glad, and my tongue rejoiced;
And now my flesh also will dwell in hope,
And now my flesh also will dwell in hope,
Comments Acts 2:26 When you trust in the Lord your God, your heart will always rejoice, and no fear will come upon you; the heart that trusts in the Lord will feel joyful, as this verse has told. When you don't have fear, it means you have hope.
Comments Acts 2:27 “Because Thou will not leave my soul into Hades.” For the one truly faithful to the Lord God Almighty will experience the lifting up of the soul.
“Nor will Thou allow Thy Holy One to see decay.” “Thy Holy One” is the beloved Son of God who is the only “Thy Holy One.” The verse also tells the reader clearly that the flesh of the beloved One of God will never face decay.
“Nor will Thou allow Thy Holy One to see decay.” “Thy Holy One” is the beloved Son of God who is the only “Thy Holy One.” The verse also tells the reader clearly that the flesh of the beloved One of God will never face decay.
Comments Acts 2:28 “Thou have made known to me the ways of life.” The Lord is the One who sets the path for a person, and here is the place that tells that the Lord sets the path for a person.
“Thou shall fill me with gladness with Thy presence.” When the Lord makes Himself known to someone, that person will have joy to feel that the Lord is near them.
“Thou shall fill me with gladness with Thy presence.” When the Lord makes Himself known to someone, that person will have joy to feel that the Lord is near them.
[29] Men, brothers! It is permitted to speak to you freely about the patriarch David, that he both died and was buried, and his tomb is among us unto this day.
Comments Acts 2:29 As the verse tells us, the Lord freely gives the opportunity and the words for a person to speak; when the person has faith in the guidance of the Lord, they will receive the knowledge as well.
[30] Being therefore a prophet, and knowing that God swore with an oath to him, that out of the fruit of his loins to set upon H is throne;
Comments Acts 2:30 As the verse tells us, God Almighty has a plan, and His plan will succeed. It also tells us that the beloved Son will come to be human; all the prophets had prophesied about this, and it will be fulfilled. God Almighty declared long ago about the coming of the beloved Son of God on earth.
“To set upon His throne.” His throne talks about the Lord's throne Himself.
“To set upon His throne.” His throne talks about the Lord's throne Himself.
[31] having foreseen, he spoke concerning the resurrection of the Christ , that neither was H e left into Hades, nor did H is flesh see decay.
Comments Acts 2:31 “Having foreseen, he spoke concerning the resurrection of the Christ.” When the verse says foreseen, it is clear on its own as well. The Lord has told details regarding the Son.
“That neither was He left into Hades.” When the Lord was crucified as a human, He did not stay in Hades; the Hades have no power to hold Him there.
“Nor did His flesh see decay.” The beloved Son of God never died; His flesh is still human flesh and is with Him in heaven, where He belongs.
“That neither was He left into Hades.” When the Lord was crucified as a human, He did not stay in Hades; the Hades have no power to hold Him there.
“Nor did His flesh see decay.” The beloved Son of God never died; His flesh is still human flesh and is with Him in heaven, where He belongs.
Comments Acts 2:32 As the verse tells us, human witnesses have also stood firm that the beloved Son of God has been raised and is still with them.
[33] therefore, having been exalted to the right hand of God , and having received from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit , H e has poured out this, which you also are seeing and hearing.
Comments Acts 2:33 “Therefore, having been exalted to the right hand of God.” Let all readers pay attention to what the verse says: the beloved Son belongs to the right hand of the Father; the God Most High and the Son are always together.
“And having received from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit.” In this place, we see that what the Father has promised always will be fulfilled; now, the beloved Son of God has received the Spirit of the Father to go with Him wherever He will be. When we have given ourselves to the Son, He sees us, and His will is on us. When on earth the Holy Spirit was upon the beloved Son of God, and now, after the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and through the Son and then comes to the earth.
“He has poured out this, which you also are seeing and hearing.” The love from the beloved Son is beyond measure; what He has received, He gives freely; for all who truly believe and are willing to follow, they will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit from the Son as well.
“And having received from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit.” In this place, we see that what the Father has promised always will be fulfilled; now, the beloved Son of God has received the Spirit of the Father to go with Him wherever He will be. When we have given ourselves to the Son, He sees us, and His will is on us. When on earth the Holy Spirit was upon the beloved Son of God, and now, after the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and through the Son and then comes to the earth.
“He has poured out this, which you also are seeing and hearing.” The love from the beloved Son is beyond measure; what He has received, He gives freely; for all who truly believe and are willing to follow, they will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit from the Son as well.
[34] For David did not ascend into the heavens; however, he says himself:
The Lord said to my Lord,
Sit at my right hand,
The Lord said to my Lord,
Sit at my right hand,
Comments Acts 2:34 “For David did not ascend into the heavens.” The verse clearly states that David has not entered heaven yet; David's soul is still in a resting place, at Abraham's bosom. In this place, entering heaven means being in front of the throne of God the Father.
“However, he says himself: The Lord said to my Lord.” In this place, people give many meanings, but two kinds of Lords are mentioned here. The first “Lord” refers to the Father, and the second “Lord” to the Lord Jesus.
“Sit at my right hand.” In this place, the Father has given authority to the Son to sit by His right hand.
Q: How can we understand the concept of the Son Jesus Christ sitting at the right hand of the Father? A: When the word says “sit at My right hand,” it does not mean sitting in a human way as sitting on a chair, but it means that the authority power on the judgment day has been given to the Son as well; the Lord Jesus is on the right hand of the Father with equal power to judge, but under the authority of the Father as well, the judgment, when announced, the Father also approves it.
“However, he says himself: The Lord said to my Lord.” In this place, people give many meanings, but two kinds of Lords are mentioned here. The first “Lord” refers to the Father, and the second “Lord” to the Lord Jesus.
“Sit at my right hand.” In this place, the Father has given authority to the Son to sit by His right hand.
Q: How can we understand the concept of the Son Jesus Christ sitting at the right hand of the Father? A: When the word says “sit at My right hand,” it does not mean sitting in a human way as sitting on a chair, but it means that the authority power on the judgment day has been given to the Son as well; the Lord Jesus is on the right hand of the Father with equal power to judge, but under the authority of the Father as well, the judgment, when announced, the Father also approves it.
Comments Acts 2:35 “Until I place Thine enemies.” “I place” means to put all the enemies of the beloved Son of God in a place designated for them by the Father. “Until”: Before reaching this point, all of these enemies have already been in a torture chamber.
“The footstool of Thy feet.” All those who did not come to glorify the beloved Son of God will be considered enemies; all their souls will be placed down at the footstool of the beloved Son, which is not a resting place but a place of suffering and waiting to be punished.
“The footstool of Thy feet.” All those who did not come to glorify the beloved Son of God will be considered enemies; all their souls will be placed down at the footstool of the beloved Son, which is not a resting place but a place of suffering and waiting to be punished.
[36] Let all the house of Israel therefore know assuredly, that God has made H im both Lord and Christ , this Jesus whom you crucified.
Comments Acts 2:36 “... this Jesus whom you crucified.” All readers pay attention: as the verse says, the beloved Son has been crucified. So, all should have a firm belief that the beloved Son of God has given up His human life for all humans; come and receive the gift from Him; don't let your dark mind hold you away from the Light.
“God has made Him both Lord and Christ.” Because of the sacrifice the beloved Son has taken, the Father surrenders Himself to the love His Son has shown for humans. And now, the Father has put the Son on His right-hand side to be the Christ for all humans.
“God has made Him both Lord and Christ.” Because of the sacrifice the beloved Son has taken, the Father surrenders Himself to the love His Son has shown for humans. And now, the Father has put the Son on His right-hand side to be the Christ for all humans.
[37] Now having heard, they were pierced to the heart, and they said to Peter and the remaining apostles, Men, brothers, what shall we do?
Comments Acts 2:37 “Now having heard, they were pierced to the heart.” As the verse says, the truth will set you free, and this is the place of proof for it; when people hear the truth about God, their hearts are stirred by the Holy Spirit, and the work of God will be magnified among people.
“And they said to Peter ... what shall we do?” When the work of God begins in the hearts of humans, the question will come of how to make it right with God, and their hearts will want to know the right way and the right thing to do to make amendments with God.
“And they said to Peter ... what shall we do?” When the work of God begins in the hearts of humans, the question will come of how to make it right with God, and their hearts will want to know the right way and the right thing to do to make amendments with God.
[38] And Peter to them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit .
Comments Acts 2:38 “And Peter to them, Repent ... your sins.” The verse tells us who can give you forgiveness, the Lord Jesus Christ. Open your heart and open your mouth to glorify the Lord, and make yourself ready.
“And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” The gift of God, the most powerful, the gift of the Holy Spirit will be given to you, be ready. You repent and receive the baptism of repentance in the water first, and then the Holy Spirit will come to baptize you if you seek it and are ready.
“And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” The gift of God, the most powerful, the gift of the Holy Spirit will be given to you, be ready. You repent and receive the baptism of repentance in the water first, and then the Holy Spirit will come to baptize you if you seek it and are ready.
[39] For to you is the promise, and to your children, and to all those afar off, as many as the Lord our God shall call to H im .
Comments Acts 2:39 “For to you is the promise, and to your children, and to all those afar off.” Give heart to what the verse says: the Father always fulfills His promise; the promise of the Mighty Power, the Holy Spirit, will be given to all that search and glorify the beloved Son of God with all their hearts.
“And to all those afar off.” Those “afar off” in this place mean not only those within the distance around the earth itself; the God Almighty's presence is everywhere, not just this earth but the universe as well; time and distance have no limit for Him.
“As many as the Lord our God shall call to Him.” The distance, north, east, south, west, has no end; The Lord will call all who truly believe and give their hearts to Him.
Q: Is the baptism in the Holy Spirit limited by time, meaning it was given only to the apostle era? A: There is no time limit for the gift of the Holy Spirit to come. The verse also says that the promise is for “those afar off,” so distance and time are no limit for the gift.
Q: Some say that the baptism in the Holy Spirit with prophesies and tongues had seized with the completion of the Bible canon. Is this view correct? A: This thinking of humans has limited the power of God. God Almighty, who created all things has no limit of power.
Q: What is the benefit for a believer to have the baptism in the Holy Spirit these days? A: For the believer nowadays to see or experience the baptism in the Holy Spirit will help the true believer to understand and feel closer to the God all Maker; the dwelling of the Holy Spirit in the heart of the believer who received the baptism in the Holy Spirit will remain active even if the person's heart becomes cold toward Him, He still resides there and is waiting. (See also Comments John 1:33).
“And to all those afar off.” Those “afar off” in this place mean not only those within the distance around the earth itself; the God Almighty's presence is everywhere, not just this earth but the universe as well; time and distance have no limit for Him.
“As many as the Lord our God shall call to Him.” The distance, north, east, south, west, has no end; The Lord will call all who truly believe and give their hearts to Him.
Q: Is the baptism in the Holy Spirit limited by time, meaning it was given only to the apostle era? A: There is no time limit for the gift of the Holy Spirit to come. The verse also says that the promise is for “those afar off,” so distance and time are no limit for the gift.
Q: Some say that the baptism in the Holy Spirit with prophesies and tongues had seized with the completion of the Bible canon. Is this view correct? A: This thinking of humans has limited the power of God. God Almighty, who created all things has no limit of power.
Q: What is the benefit for a believer to have the baptism in the Holy Spirit these days? A: For the believer nowadays to see or experience the baptism in the Holy Spirit will help the true believer to understand and feel closer to the God all Maker; the dwelling of the Holy Spirit in the heart of the believer who received the baptism in the Holy Spirit will remain active even if the person's heart becomes cold toward Him, He still resides there and is waiting. (See also Comments John 1:33).
[40] And many other words he affirmed, and was exhorting them, saying, Be saved from this crooked generation.
Comments Acts 2:40 “And many other words he affirmed, and was exhorting them.” The Word of God has been revealed to people, and the Word has worked in the people's hearts. The hearts of people have come to realize that God has never left them.
“Be saved from this crooked generation.” As the verse reveals, the crooked generation makes the people's hearts worry and feel bad. Peter advises all hearts to return to the Word of God and seek advice.
“Be saved from this crooked generation.” As the verse reveals, the crooked generation makes the people's hearts worry and feel bad. Peter advises all hearts to return to the Word of God and seek advice.
[41] Therefore, those, indeed, having received his word were baptized, and there were added in that day, about three thousand souls.
Comments Acts 2:41 “... having received his word were baptized.” In this place, it clearly shows that when people's hearts are opened to receive the word, the soft hearts will also receive the blessing. They received the water baptism at this point, but more blessings in the Spirit will also come.
“... about three thousand souls.” Give attention to the amount of souls that came; the amount and the time are no limits for the work of God.
“... about three thousand souls.” Give attention to the amount of souls that came; the amount and the time are no limits for the work of God.
[42] And they were steadfastly continuing in the apostles' teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of the bread and the prayers.
Comments Acts 2:42 As the verse says, all people have one heart in faith with God and continue receiving the Communion of the Lord with joy together.
[43] Then fear came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles.
Comments Acts 2:43 Not only should the people in that time be in awe, but the ones who read right now should feel that as well; the work of God is powerful throughout every generation of humans.
[44] And all who believed were together the same and having all things in common;
Comments Acts 2:44 Let all readers notice that when the Lord works among people, the hearts will be in unity together, and selfishness has no room to be among true believers for the human mind to give their possession to the group of people as giving it for work in worship share to all.
[45] and they sold their possessions and goods, and distributed them to all, according as anyone had need.
Comments Acts 2:45 This verse tells us what all believers should do to one another; everything belongs to the Lord, so share with those in need as the Lord puts in your heart.
Q: Should believers today practice this way of living in common? A: The will of the Lord is for everyone to live like this, but the world cannot accept this way.
Q: Should believers today practice this way of living in common? A: The will of the Lord is for everyone to live like this, but the world cannot accept this way.
[46] And every day steadfastly continuing with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread at every house, they partook food with gladness and sincerity of heart,
Comments Acts 2:46 “And every day steadfastly continuing with one accord in the temple.” The Lord always works in people's hearts to come and worship the Lord together.
“And breaking bread at every house.” The Lord always wants the believers to share the Holy Bread of Life together; here, it is a sharing custom, and people take turns hosting it.
“They partook food with gladness and sincerity of heart, ...” Take notice of the last part of the verse itself; the heart is the place to look for; when believers join together, the heart is the part that will be counted.
“And breaking bread at every house.” The Lord always wants the believers to share the Holy Bread of Life together; here, it is a sharing custom, and people take turns hosting it.
“They partook food with gladness and sincerity of heart, ...” Take notice of the last part of the verse itself; the heart is the place to look for; when believers join together, the heart is the part that will be counted.
[47] praising God, and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to them every day those that were saved.
Comments Acts 2:47 “... praising God, and having favor with all the people.” When believers join together and praise God Almighty together, the work of glorifying God Almighty begins among other people as well.
“And the Lord added ...” When believers glorify God together, the power of prayer works and people around can also feel; that is why the people should come to join together, not because of having fun but having joy in worshiping the Lord, and as the verse tells their number multiplied daily.
“And the Lord added ...” When believers glorify God together, the power of prayer works and people around can also feel; that is why the people should come to join together, not because of having fun but having joy in worshiping the Lord, and as the verse tells their number multiplied daily.
Life and Faith Applications. 1) Pray with other believers and seek the baptism in the Holy Spirit; it is the will of the Father that the sign of the baptism in the Holy Spirit is by speaking in other tongues, which can be angelic tongues. 2) We must believe in the testimony of the Bible about the Lord Jesus: He is Lord and Christ, and He was crucified for our transgressions and has risen in the body and is seated at the Father's right hand. 3) Testify about the works of God as the Lord brings opportunity; when a person has faith, the Lord freely gives the words and knowledge. 4) We must continue steadfastly in the Bible teachings, the fellowship of the believers, and the Communion of the Lord and the prayers.