Bible Commentary Forever คำอธิบายความเข้าใจในพระคัมภีร์ไทยสำหรับชีวิต

Luke 12

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Summary. In this chapter, the Lord Jesus continues to teach the disciples and the crowds. We can group the teachings of this chapter under three main headings. Luke 12:1-12. Acknowledge Christ before men and do not be afraid of men. The point teachings of this section of Scripture are: beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy; do not be afraid of those that kill the body, but have a fear of God, which can cast your soul into hell; acknowledge Jesus before men so He will acknowledge you before the angels of God. Luke 12:13-34. Give thanks to God and do not worry. In this section of Scripture, the point teaching and parables are: the teaching of keeping yourselves from all covetousness; the parable of the rich fool that did not thank God for his blessings; the parable of being not anxious for your life; the parable of giving alms for building up true treasures in heaven. Luke 12:35-59. Meditate on the teachings of the Lord and be ready at all times. The parables and point teachings of this section of Scripture are: the parable of the good and blessed servant watching for the coming of the Son of Man; the parable of the faithful and wise steward, the unfaithful and slothful servant, and the slow learner servant; the teaching about the Father's plan of salvation for humans through the cross of Jesus; the teaching about the interpreting of "this time"; the teaching about making peace with your adversary.
[1] In the meantime, when the myriads of the multitude were gathered together, consequently as to trample upon one another, He began to say to His disciples first, Take heed to yourselves of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy.
Comments Luke 12:1 "the myriads of the multitude ... upon one another". When we read this verse, we all should think about the number of people, many thousands, and the Lord is alone. Think in this place, when the Lord speaks, how many people can hear? But, by the power of the beloved Son of God, His voice has no end; many thousands and all can hear clearly; here is the place to think about how people, one upon another, can listen. Jesus has a living voice, and all will hear. When the Lord looks upon the lost sheep of Israel, the mercy has impacted His heart, but also the Lord's concern is in teaching His disciples first.
"His disciples first". In this verse, disciples refer to all His disciples, not only the apostles, but also all those that have committed their hearts to the Lord and believe in the Lord. He will teach the disciples first to prepare them to be ready for going out later.
"Take heed to yourselves of the leaven ... hypocrisy". This is the warning from the Lord to all that are there and the future ones that will be reading this passage later on. Why the Lord said "hypocrisy" of the Pharisees, it is because of their teaching, which is from a lying spirit; the word they have taught the people of God, they claim it is from the Lord, but it is from their own understanding, and they are spreading false teachings by using the name of the Lord, that is the hypocrisy they proclaim.
A dictionary definition of hypocrisy is "the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense." The Lord Jesus defines their practice of hypocrisy as the leaven of the Pharisees.
For this verse, see also Comments Matthew 16:5-11.
[2] Now there is nothing concealed up, that will not be brought to light; nor hidden, which will not be known.
Comments Luke 12:2 For verses 2 to 9, see Comments Matthew 10:26-33. Notice that these passages of Scripture in Luke and Matthew have similarities in the teaching and the meaning they bring, but there are some differences in words. Q: How should we understand these differences, especially the one in verse 6 versus Matthew 10:29? A: Related to this question, there are no errors in the Bible. As the verse before says, there are many thousands of people gathered; there is not only one time the Lord has spoken this parable, the number of the birds the Lord has used depends on the group of disciples being in front of Him. Because the Lord told this parable more than once to the disciples, that is why the number of birds in these verses is not the same. Same time event but different group of disciples, Luke and Matthew report the saying of the Lord with a distinct group of disciples, and that is why there are some words differences, but the meaning is the same.
"... nor hidden, which will not be known". For this portion of the verse, see Comments Matthew 10:26b. All truth about Jesus shall be made known, and it cannot be hidden that He is the Son of God, conceived by the Holy Spirit through the Virgin Mary, crucified, and died for our sins and that He rose again on the third day in the same body.
[3] Instead, that as much as you said in the darkness will be heard in the light; and what you uttered in the secret chambers will be proclaimed upon the housetops.
Comments Luke 12:3 For this verse, see Comments Matthew 10:27.
"that as much as you said in the darkness will be heard in the light". The thought that the Lord has put in your heart first is the thought which you cannot hide. You must tell it to people, but in the same way, the thoughts you had before, that you need to filter. Think as well, in the beginning, people, including the disciples, have heard many things about that God will come to the people, and that was the thought before, but when the Lord has spoken to you in your heart, you need to speak that out, even if it is against what you have heard before from people.
[4] Now I say to you My friends, Be not afraid of those that kill the body, and after this are not able anything more to do.
[5] But I will warn you whom you shall revere: Revere Him, who after having killed has authority to cast into the hell; yes, I say to you, Revere Him.
Comments Luke 12:4-5 For these verses, see Comments Matthew 10:28.
[6] Are not five sparrows sold for two assarii? And not one of them is forgotten in the sight of God.
Comments Luke 12:6 For this verse, see Comments Matthew 10:29. In Matthew 10:29, the verse says, "are not two sparrows sold for an assarion?" while here in this verse, we have "are not five sparrows sold for two assarii?". The meaning of these verses is the same. However, the number of birds is not the same because the Lord said this parable more than one time to the disciples. These disciples include other groups of disciples, not only the twelve apostles. The talk happened around the same time, but not on the same day; we can say over a period of time the talk happened, that is why the disciples are not the same group that hears.
Q: Why will the Lord repeat the same parables to a different group of disciples? A: For the Lord, the number of birds is not an issue, but the listeners benefit differently. If the group of people is small, the number of birds is smaller, and in the same way, for a bigger group, the number of birds used is larger. The Lord wants to show in these gospels that He cares the same way for a small or a large group of people. The meaning here is that the Lord cares for a few people as much as He cares for a larger group.
[7] Contrariwise, even the hairs of your head have been all counted. Fear not, you are more valuable than many sparrows.
Comments Luke 12:7 For this verse, see Comments Matthew 10:30-31.
[8] Now I say to you, Everyone who will assent in Me before people, him will the Son of Man also acknowledge before the angels of God;
[9] now the one that denies Me in the presence of humans will be denied before the angels of God.
Comments Luke 12:8-9 For these verses, see Comments Matthew 10:32-36.
[10] And everyone who will say a word against the Son of Man, will be forgiven; but the one that has blasphemed against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.
Comments Luke 12:10 For this verse, see Comments Matthew 12:31-32. When we say about "the world to come" in Matthew 12:32, the world before the beloved Son of God was crucified is the old world, and "the world to come" is the one after the beloved Son of God was crucified. The moment the Lord was on the cross when He took the last breath on earth, the old world has ended, and the new world started from that point on.
[11] And whenever they carry you before the synagogues, and the rulers, and the authorities, be not anxious how or what you shall answer in defense, or what you should say;
Comments Luke 12:11 For verses 11 to 12, see Comments Matthew 10:16-23, specifically verses 17 to 20.
[12] for the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what it is necessary to say.
Comments Luke 12:11-12 As the verses say, the Father will give you the Holy Spirit to teach whatever He will tell you to speak; just say only that, no need for an explanation why what, or when. But only say what you receive at that moment from the Holy Spirit.
[13] And certain one out of the multitude said to Him, Teacher, command my brother to share the inheritance with me.
Comments Luke 12:13 We can see that the beloved Son of God is more than just a man. He is a Teacher of this world and also the law keeper of humans. By the question of this person, it tells all that He is the judge that can give the order of what to do when disagreement has come between humans, even disagreement among relatives. Because people have experienced the Lord's teaching between right and wrong, He can point what is wrong, and also, He can point what is right, people have considered Him the judge for their problems and questions of life they have.
[14] And He said to him, Man, who appointed Me a magistrate or a divider against you?
Comments Luke 12:14 The Lord of life is giving this question to make everyone in that place and everyone that will read this sentence think about who has set Him up to be the judge. He did not ask the position, but humans have set Him up; in that case, all humans should and must listen to His judgment. If humans themselves set Him up, why then do not humans listen to His word? The blame at the judgment time will go on all humans.
The verse says "who appointed Me a magistrate ..."; so, when the situation arises and they ask His opinion, that it means they have put Him in the position by themselves.
[15] Then He said to them, Be you discerning, and vigilantly keep yourselves from every kind of avarice, for your life is not in the abundance of that which you possess.
Comments Luke 12:15 "keep yourselves from every kind of avarice". The mercy of God has been shown as well in this place, the Lord has told the way out, the covetousness is the main issue for humans; because humans' eyes are not on the creation of this world but are on the valuables in humans' eyes as the things humans have created, and they possess things as it is important for them to be someone of this world but did not give thanks to the Creator who created them all.
[16] Then He spoke a parable to them, saying, The ground of a certain wealthy person brought forth a good harvest,
[17] and he was reasoning within himself, saying, What shall I do, for I have not where to collect up my harvest?
Comments Luke 12:16-17 For this rich man, his land has yielded out so much, and this made his heart swell with pride. His mind already plans what he will do for the future, but he did not think yet to give thanks to the Lord of life who made his field yield out so much for him.
[18] And he said, This will I do: I will destroy my storehouse, and will build greater; and there will collect up all the wheat and my goods.
Comments Luke 12:18 As the verse has told here, he destroyed his own barns with his heart full of greed. His heart now is overjoyed with the harvest that he has gathered; he thinks of the future but still does not give thanks to the Lord of life.
[19] And I will say to my soul, Soul, you have many good things laid up for many years; rest, eat, drink, be merry.
Comments Luke 12:19 We can see from this verse, he did not tell himself, but he told his soul. This act shows how deep the mind of this man rejoices in the riches of this world, that is all that he has in his mind. It shows the deep meaning of the things for him and, for all the treasure he has, the greed has gone deep into his soul.
[20] But God said to him, Foolish one, this night is your soul demanded back of you; and what you have prepared, to whom will be?
Comments Luke 12:20 The verse tells all, you rejoice daytime, when the night comes you perish and who will benefit from all the riches you collected, it will not be you, you will perish tonight.
"is your soul demanded back of you". When the Lord has taken you away from this earth, your soul itself will take your life with it, and that is why the verse has told to all, think twice; what you have collected on this earth means nothing for the soul.
[21] So is the one that stores up treasures for himself and is not rich toward God.
Comments Luke 12:21 Build up treasures of this earth but did not build treasures towards the world to come. The treasures of this earth mean nothing for the Lord; you don't buy any place with the Lord in heaven unless you build up treasures towards the Lord.
Q: Assuming this is a real case, from God's will, what should this person do to be considered rich towards God? A: The Lord blessed the person on this earth, and the Lord wants that person to go and bless someone else as well. If you have more, give out more, because all you have is coming from the Lord, what you have is not yours but the Lord's, as the Lord gives you go out and give to others, this way you are building treasures towards God.
[22] Then He said to His disciples, Because of this I say to you, Be not anxious for your soul, what you will eat; nor about the flesh, what you will put on.
Comments Luke 12:22 For verses 22 to 31, see Comments Matthew 6:25-34.
[23] For the spirit is more than the food, and the flesh more than the clothing.
[24] Take note of the ravens, that they sow not, nor harvest; which have no storehouse nor barn; and God feeds them. Of how much more value are you than the birds!
[25] And which of you by being anxious has the power to add an hour to his lifespan?
[26] If, therefore you have power, not even the least to do, why are you anxious with respect to the rest?
[27] Take note of the wild lilies, how they grow. They work hard not, nor do they spin; however, I say to you, Not even Solomon in all his glory was clothed as one of these.
[28] But if God in this manner clothes the grass in the field, which today is, and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, how much more you of little faith?
[29] And seek you not what you shall eat, and what you shall drink, and be not anxious.
[30] For all these do the Gentiles of the world seek after; but your Father knows that you have need of these.
[31] But seek you His kingdom, and these will be added to you.
Comments Luke 12:22-31 Q: How should a true believer live their life on earth as guided by this parable? One could think that we do not need to do anything, only go easy, and the Lord will somehow provide all we need. A: The parable did not tell do not work, most important of all do not worry, if you do your work, the Lord will bring the benefit out of that work for you, your family and even to help someone else; this is the main thing to think about in this parable.
In this passage of Scripture, the Holy Spirit gave each writer (Matthew and Luke) the same parable, but the translations have used different words in various places, but that does not change any meaning. The Bible is the work of the Holy Spirit, and we must think that all that the writers wrote is from the Lord, not human-made. So, for example, a person with the knowledge of the world thinking, when you read the parables it creates doubt in your heart as well, but because of your intellectual it makes you think that way; but there is the way of the heart to think, when you read the parables meditate and ask understanding from the Lord, and then you will get the correct meaning.
People read and think the same way, which is wrong, why the Lord made one Bible and included differences in it. If the Lord wants to please the humans, He could separate and make more than one Bible, but there is One God and one Bible, and the reader needs to meditate and ask mercy from the Lord to understand and see what is the truth about, not think with the head and reasoning what is wrong about the writings.
[32] Fear not, little flock; for your Father is well-pleased to give you the kingdom.
Comments Luke 12:32 "Little flock" here refers to all the faithful servants that the Lord has chosen; we also can call them as His disciples among all the people, not just the apostles (See verse 22).
The kingdom in this place is not a land of this earth, but the realm of the new world to come, not as an area, but as an authority above which the Lord will give them.
[33] Exchange your possessions, and give alms; make to yourselves money-bags which wax not old, a store-house in the heavens, where no thief draws near, nor moth ruin.
Comments Luke 12:33 "Exchange your possessions, and give alms." This does not mean you sell everything you have, but whatever you have more than what you need, you should sell and give it away as alms. To have a big house does not go against the Lord's teaching. If you use every part of that house you have, that is considered the proper house in the eyes of the Lord. This applies to all true believers. Q: To whom should you give those extra profits? A: You give out as helping, that helping is the gift you give to the Lord, not the money itself you give to people. The money you give out from the deep of your heart, the willingness to give, that willingness is the true value, not the actual money itself.
"make to yourselves money-bags which wax not old ..." Whatever you have given for the Lord, that the Lord will also treasure it for you. When you come to His kingdom, that treasure will be waiting for you, and no one can take it away from you because the Lord is the One that gives it to you. What you give to the Lord is not only about the money, the praise you have for the Lord, every praising that you make that has value, and it becomes a treasure in heaven for you; it is more valuable than any money can buy. We as humans value time; you get paid by the hour, how much time you spend in praising the Lord that time is valued out in money, those are alms as well you give to the Lord. The meaning of alms to the Lord is broader than we can understand; what we have put here is not a complete definition; each person can pray and find the meaning of alms that apply to them.
[34] For in what place your treasure is, in that place will your heart be also.
Comments Luke 12:33-34 This verse links to the verse before. Think first of what your treasure is; if you think of treasures of this earth, that is not the true treasure; the real treasure is with the Lord. So, if your heart thinks of the Lord, not talking about your head thinking, your deep heart thinking; and if that heart thinks and gives thanks to the Lord, your heart of this earth that you can feel will be there with the Lord as well.
For verses 33 to 34, see also Comments Matthew 6:19-21.
[35] Let your loins be girded and the lamps burning;
Comments Luke 12:35 This verse gives two ways of meaning. "Let your loins be girded," girded here is not clothing, but reading the Word and meditating to prepare yourself ready for everything that will come your way; "the lamps burning," lamp here is not the lamp that humans use for lighting to give clear vision but this is your soul, that you meditate in the Word, and keep your soul burning with the knowledge, and feel close to the Lord as you are there with Him in person.
[36] and be you resembling men waiting for their master when he shall return from the wedding feast; that, when he comes and knocks, they may at once open to him.
Comments Luke 12:36 "... men waiting for their master." This verse follows verse 35. When you have prepared yourself and waiting, you are like a good servant worthy of reward because you girded yourself to be ready to receive your master.
"when he shall return from the wedding feast." This is the essential part of the verse; now, the Lord is talking about the marriage feast of someone important for life. The beloved Son of God will return to receive His bride, He has gone back to His kingdom, and He will return when His kingdom is prepared and ready to receive His bride. Therefore, this marriage feast refers to the wedding feast of the Lord when He will return on earth again.
"return from the wedding feast." The return from the wedding feast is not about celebration yet, but about preparing for the wedding feast. He has returned after He has prepared the wedding feast to receive His bride.
"when he comes and knocks, they may at once open to him." In this place, it talks about His servants that He has given them duty. In human terms, we can say, all missionaries, pastors, and the workers that go out to spread the word, those are His servants referring here. Are they ready to receive the king? Have they been meditating and practicing all that He is teaching them? If they themselves are not prepared, they will not be able to prepare His guests for coming in; the true believers are the guests.
The idea is that the Lord has a wedding feast to receive His bride (see the marriage feast parable in Matthew 22:1-13). But before the wedding feast, the Lord will prepare the place for the feast itself and the guest room; then, after He has everything ready, He will come personally to bring His bride to the feast.
[37] Blessed are those slaves, whom the master having come will find vigilant. Truly I say to you, that he will gird himself, and make them recline, and will come and serve them.
Comments Luke 12:37 The word "vigilant" is not vigilant about the way you walk, but vigilant about your heart, what your heart has been thought and has kept in itself, regardless, negative thinking or not, that is the part you must be aware of. If your heart is not clean, you will not notice the Lord close by you.
"the master having come." Q: Is this talking about physical appearance? A: As the Bible has told, no one knows the second coming of the beloved Son of God, His coming is faster than the wind and brighter than the lighting itself; if you are not watching, you will not see Him.
"Truly I say to you, that he will gird himself, and make them recline." This table has been set up and waiting for the worthy servants of the Lord to sit on. When the Lord comes to take them, He will put them in their seat, which belongs to them alone. This table is on earth but not this earth, the earth above the earth (see Comments Matthew 13:30b "Brief notes on the Second Coming of the Lord" where we discuss the parallel earth concept), which is the Lord's kingdom itself. This table is called the celebration table, where everyone will be rejoicing in the presence of the Lord Himself. This verse refers to the rapture of the servants of the Lord. The Lord comes at this time and takes all His faithful servants to be with Him on this parallel earth; at first, He will take only the faithful servants; then He will come back later to take all His people with Him; lastly, they will all be in the celebration hall in His kingdom, all His people will be there together. The first He takes those who already completed the job (first rapture); for those who are still working, He will come later to take them when they finish the job (second rapture).
"will come and serve them." This does not mean that the Lord will walk around and give them things, but in this place, the Lord Himself will be the One who chooses who will get what reward according to their hearts and deeds. The reward is not money, but it is a joy beyond words. For all the guests sitting at the table, the Lord Himself will be the One who announces it who gets what; that is why the verse says, "come and serve them."
[38] And if he comes in the second, and if in the third watch, and finds in this manner blessed are those.
Comments Luke 12:38 By saying second and third watch, it does not mean the number of times the Lord is coming back to earth. Regardless of the time, when the Lord comes, He takes the whole amount of His election who are ready and waiting. At the same time, the Lord will take the guests with Him, those that are ready. The election are the ones that are chosen from the beginning, but the guests are the ones that the Lord invites them. For the servants and guests that are not ready yet, but the Lord has chosen those, He will come back for them as well, and if they keep themselves ready and waiting, He will take them in the second or third watch. Come back second and third watch, but His presence never left yet from the first arrival (His birth on earth), His presence never leaves the earth. During the waiting period before the actual marriage feast, the Lord will continue taking those who are ready; His presence never leaves the earth during this time; His physical body did not touch the earth yet, but His presence has touched the earth. See also Comments Matthew 25:6, "Additional Notes on Timeline Events Related to the Second Coming of the Lord and End Time" and "Complementary Comments about the Marriage Feast, Rapture, and Tribulation."
[39] But know this, that if the head of the household had known what hour the thief was coming, he would have kept vigilant and would not have allowed his house to be broken into.
Comments Luke 12:39 For verses 39 to 46, see Comments Matthew 24:43-51.
[40] Be you then ready; because at the hour that you expect not the Son of Man comes.
Comments Luke 12:39-40 The link in these verses is just the timing about these both comings, the thief and the Lord, no one knows when the Lord is coming, and no one knows as well when some bad things will happen to you. The Lord has given a warning to all, be ready at all times because everything can happen in a moment of time, no one knows when the beloved Son of God will come back; humans will not expect it is in this moment, but the beloved Son of God will come like the flashing of light, be ready keep your heart in prayer and keep all your actions clean, do not associate with abominations, those things will drag your soul away from the light of the Lord.
See also, Comments Matthew 24:43-44.
[41] Then Peter said, Lord, speak Thou this parable to us, or also to all?
Comments Luke 12:41 This verse is given only in this gospel. We all can see clearly that even the apostles have questions. Is this parable just for the believers or for everyone? But what the Lord has spoken here, it will be used for the whole world. But also, the Lord has given warnings for His children as well because their hearts will be more tender to think and meditate on His Word, the people out there will read and see as it has no meaning for their life; watch out all believers.
[42] And the Lord said, Who therefore is the trustworthy and prudent guardian, whom his lord will set over his household, to give measured portion of food in proper time?
Comments Luke 12:42 "Who therefore is the trustworthy and prudent guardian." In this place, the Lord asks us all humans; what you think of yourself to be, trustworthy or prudent, or both of them are in you. You can be trustworthy alone but not prudent; that can lead you to have problems. If you are prudent but not trustworthy, it will lead you to the wrong path. Trustworthy and prudent here refer to meditating and reading in the Word of life from the Lord, and also when reading the Word of life, be serious and take it as that will be food for your own soul.
"whom his lord will set over his household." Not every church on this earth is that the Lord calls His household. His household is the place where the Lord has appointed His faithful and prudent guardian to be there and guide the members of that place to walk and follow according to the teaching of the Bible, and not according to the teaching of men that try to teach the worldly way to the people.
"to give measured portion of food in proper time." Proper time is the time when all gather together and worship the Lord with one heart, rejoicing and not worrying who does or who does not do what. When you gather with the hearts, no one knows the heart of any, only the Lord knows, let the Lord be the judge, not you yourselves. The guardian will know his duty and will do according to what the Lord has told in their heart, and people can feel that the time of worship is unique because all will be in front of the Lord at the same time as they worship.
See also, Comments Matthew 24:45.
[43] Blessed is that servant, whom his master having come, will find so doing.
Comments Luke 12:43 This verse relates to the verse before, the servant that the Lord has given duty will have peace and blessings if he keeps on meditating on the Word of life and not going out boasting according to his work.
[44] Truly I say to you that he will designate him over all his possessions.
Comments Luke 12:44 "he will designate him over all his possessions." The Lord will give him authority in teaching the Word according to the true meaning of what the Lord wants it, and the Lord Himself will be the One who gives that understanding to His servant. Think of what this servant duty is, teaching; usually, the Lord is the One who teaches, but now the Lord gives duty to someone to teach.
See also, Comments Matthew 24:46-47.
[45] But if that servant should say in his heart, My master tarries to come; and should begin to punish the menservants and the maidservants, and to eat and to drink, and to get drunk;
Comments Luke 12:45 "and should begin to punish the menservants and the maidservants." Punish in this place is not physical beating; this is the punishing of the spiritual soul and dignity because this servant has the knowledge of the Holy Word, and he has used the Holy Word as a tool to mistreat the children of the Lord; the menservants and the maidservants, these are the children of the Lord.
"and to eat and to drink, and to get drunk." When the verse has told get drunk, the person has lost control not just of the physical but also of the spiritual as well; eat and drink is not the food or beverage here, but this person has fed himself with the world and the teachings of the world; this person gets drunk with the things of the world.
See also, Comments Matthew 24:48.
[46] the master of that servant will come in a day that he anticipates not, and in an hour that he knows not, and will flog him severely and will appoint his portion with the unfaithful.
Comments Luke 12:46a See Comments Matthew 24:50.
Comments Luke 12:46b "and will flog him severely ..." The Lord will punish this person and also will cast him out into the dark place, which is the place of suffering where they never have a chance to see the light of the Lord again. This is because this person has used his authority in mistreating the children of God, and that is why the verse has told his portion is with the unfaithful.
"will appoint his portion with the unfaithful." This means sending them away, casting them out, in the sense that they are not anymore part of the family of God.
[47] Moreover that servant, who knew his master's will, and made not ready, nor did according to his will, will be beaten often;
Comments Luke 12:47 In this verse, it tells, "according to his will," master's will, this servant has known what the master's will is, known but did not do, it is the same way as all believers that read the Bible and know what the Lord's teaching is but do not follow; when the judgment time comes these will be punished. The beating is not hitting the physical body, but it is a suffering that the soul endures during punishment; all humans can understand how painful that feeling will be.
"and made not ready, nor did according to his will." Put it the easy way; these servants do not say "thus says the Lord" when conveying the message. We may not notice, but some preachers will say this is "from my understanding," and this is the difference.
Q: What is the difference between the servant in verses 45 and 46 ("should begin to punish the menservants and the maidservants, and to eat and to drink, and to get drunk; ... and will appoint his portion with the unfaithful") and the one in verse 47 ("who knew his master's will, and made not ready, nor did according to his will, will be beaten often")?
A: Look first at the action of these servants. The one punishing the Lord's children and being drunk and the other knowing the will of the master but not following; both are servants of the Lord, but the outcome of their actions are not the same; one will be sent with the unfaithful, another one the Lord will punish but is not sent away with the unfaithful. The degree of punishment is different, we can notice by the action of that servant. The first servant loses salvation (see verse 46), but the other one does not, but his soul will be punished in some way.
These two servants, in verses 47 and 45, represent two types of preachers that we can see, ones who use the Bible and interpret out by themselves, and others who do not use the whole Bible but pick out some passages to interpret somewhere and support their own doctrine but do not consider other passages in the Bible, do not link the entire Bible.
[48] but he that knew not, and acted deserving blows, will be flogged with few. Now to whoever much was given, from him will much be demanded; and to whom was committed much, of him will they demand the more.
Comments Luke 12:48a "but he that knew not." Q: What type of servant is this that does not know the will of God? A: We already have met many; they just finished school but serving their own ego, not the Lord's will. If that servant did not repent and ask forgiveness, they would continue that way without changing; that is why they will be punished.
"Beaten often" versus "flogged with few;" these relate to the degree of punishment.
Comments Luke 12:48b "Now to whoever much was given, from him will much be demanded". According to the verse, "whoever much was given," the Lord has given you something, and then He will require you to work with that and make benefit out of what the Lord has given you. So, in this verse, He gives much; when the Lord has given you much, the requirement will be much as well, do not stay and keep your hands tied; you have feet and hands, go out and do the work. See also Comments Matthew 13:12.
"and to whom was committed much, of him will they demand the more." Here, in this last portion of the verse, "whom" and "him" refer to the Lord. This part of the verse is almost opposite to the one before, the ones that have worked much for the Lord, but by their own will, not by the Lord's calling, this group of people will ask much repayment from the Lord according to their work. These they did much but by their own will and they did not follow the Lord's will. Still, they forgot to think that if the Lord asks you to do much, indeed the Lord will give you repayment as well.
[49] I came to bring fire upon the earth; and I wish that it will be, now after all this waiting, kindled.
Comments Luke 12:49 "I came to bring fire upon the earth." The Lord has told the whole earth to know, the beloved Son of God came down with fire; whosoever is against God, that fire will consume that person. This fire will be a burning feeling, which the Lord has put deep into the soul; when it burns out, the suffering of that person will be beyond words can tell, but this fire burning, will be burning only in the soul of the one that is against God, that is also a warning. This is a deep feeling of the soul, and that person cannot find peace regardless of what they will do; the peace of God will run away from them.
"I wish that it will be now after all this waiting kindled." The Lord's wish is to receive every soul, even those souls that go against God, the Lord desires to welcome them; even those souls that received already the burning fire suffering, the Lord wants them to be saved, the Lord's mercy is great. Therefore, the Lord wants this fire to start to consume these people who are against God, but He wishes that they will repent and come to the Lord to be forgiven.
[50] However I have a baptism to be baptized; and how am I distressed until it be accomplished!
Comments Luke 12:50 "However I have a baptism to be baptized." For the Lord Himself, two kinds of baptism that He is talking about here; first, the physical baptism in water as an example for all humans; second, the baptism in the Holy Spirit as all have seen that the Holy Spirit descended on Him. These baptisms have shown all humans the blessing that the Father has prepared for all that accept and follow the beloved Son of God. Meditate on His teaching, without exception, all the Lord's teaching in the Bible, no exception.
"how am I distressed until it be accomplished." The beloved Son of God in human form knows full well what will happen to Him according to fulfilling the Father's plan for all humans. The beloved Son of God has carried the sins of this world upon His death, the death on the cross; all humans cannot imagine the pain and suffering that He will feel in the death point of the human form.
Q: How do these two portions of this verse link together? A: They cannot link if the Lord will not be baptized in the water first; He must be baptized in the water first to fulfill the plan. If the Lord is not baptized, the humans will not be saved; that is why distress comes until it is accomplished (the Father's plan of salvation for humans).
This verse talks about the Father's plan of salvation for humans. By suffering on the cross, the Lord Jesus brings baptism in water and Holy Spirit to all humans so they can be saved by faith in the beloved Son of God.
Q: When the Lord Jesus was baptized in the water, the Holy Spirit descended on Him like a dove during that time. However, the Bible never mentions that the Lord Jesus spoke in tongues, as mentioned in Acts 2 when the apostles were baptized with the Holy Spirit. A: The Bible did not mention the prayer of the Lord Himself while baptized in the Holy Spirit, and we do not find any place in the Bible telling what the Lord conversed with the Holy Spirit and the Father while praying. Would that be that He was conversing with the Father and the Holy Spirit in angelic tongues or human-speaking language? When the Bible mentions the Lord prays all night long, it does not say speaking in tongues; and praying all night long does not mean praying in human language, and also it does not mean praying only in angelic language, but the Bible did tell, that the beloved Son has conversations with the Father and comes to do the plan according to the prayer that He has with the Father.
[51] Think you that I am come to give peace on the earth? I tell you, No; but rather division;
Comments Luke 12:51 For verses 51 to 53, see Comments Matthew 10:34-35.
[52] for there will be from now five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three.
[53] They will be divided, father against son, and son against father; mother against daughter, and daughter against mother; mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law, and daughter in law against mother-in-law.
Comments Luke 12:51-53 This passage of Scripture has the same meaning as Matthew 10:34-35. There are some word differences between these two gospels, but the meaning of the passages is the same. For example, verse 52 is given only here in the Gospel of Luke. These events described here will happen in their fulness in a time prior to the tribulation period and during the tribulation period. When you read the passages, the differences do not interfere with the understanding because it has one meaning; each reader is responsible for reading all gospels to get a complete understanding.
[54] Now He said to the multitudes also, Whenever you see a cloud rising up from the west, straightaway you say, A thunderstorm is coming; and it happens in this manner.
[55] And whenever you see a south wind blowing, you say, There will be a scorching heat; and it happens.
Comments Luke 12:54-55 Humans now and then do the same, predict what they do not know; they don't know what happens to their life, but here they claim themselves to know what the Lord will do and make the rest of humans believe them. Instead of people thinking God will give what is His, they believe what people tell about what is happening tomorrow; the hypocrites have taken away the thought of humans. Now technology gives humans a way of prediction and comparison, and we can sometimes see that it happens as they predict, but think as well, the Lord created all things and made them flow along with a pattern and always will be that way.
[56] Hypocrites, you know how to interpret the appearance of the earth and of the heaven; but, do you not know to discern this proper time?
Comments Luke 12:56a As the verse has told, interpret the appearance, but are they correct a hundred percent as they say? All should look this way as well, but nobody thinks that way; so, why everyone gives a human's interpretation a chance to be wrong? But when it comes to acts of nature and disasters come, they blame the Lord, but why don't they predict first that something bad will be happening? But they wait until the things happen, then they start to tell they know what will happen next by comparing with the past; this is the way of interpreting.
Comments Luke 12:56b "This proper time" does not mean, at this moment, but "this proper time" means what the earth goes through; they cannot interpret what will happen to the earth in this time. The earth has received the beloved Son of God already, but the earth does not know that the earth itself comes close to be disappearing, no longer existing, when the time comes to the end of time (See Acts 17:30-31).
[57] Moreover why also, of yourselves, judge you not righteously?
Comments Luke 12:57 Think twice when anyone reads this verse; what you consider right and wrong may not be as God judges. Wrong in human's eyes may not be wrong in God's side, and what is right in human's eyes, in the same way, the Lord may not see it right as well. So, judge by yourself between what is right and wrong in your idea; if that can be confirmed with the Holy Word, then you can make a conclusion that is right or wrong, always go back and compare and find the confirmation with the Word of God.
[58] For while you depart with your opponent to the ruler, in the journey offer profit to be released from him; not by chance he should drag you to the magistrate, and the magistrate will deliver you to the officer, and the officer will throw you into prison.
Comments Luke 12:58 For verse 58-59, see also Comments Matthew 5:23-26 which deal with conflicts between brothers.
When you as a believer have conflict with an outsider, if you are wrong, the Lord will convince in your heart that you are wrong; do not ignore that feeling, because when you go and fight with them, you will bring shame to the name of the Lord for your action. But, if you know and feel for sure in your heart that you are not wrong, then make sure you have witnesses that can confirm your story before you fight with the outsiders because only that way can you be set free from your problem.
[59] I say to you, No, not, you shall come out from that place until you have given back even the last small coin.
Comments Luke 12:59 If you are wrong and ignore the voice of the Lord when the world judges you, they will take all that you have and will ruin your life because you have ignored the warning from the Lord. Although, sometimes it is not a big thing what you did; still, you have been accused of something which you have participated in wrongdoing. Nowadays, the way to get out from these accusations is to pay fines and extra money to make the case against you be dropped; money can talk for you, the law and the mind of people these days do not concern right or wrong, but they are concerned only about how much they can take from you.
Life and Faith Applications. 1) Be not anxious about how to defend your faith in front of people; the Father will give you the Holy Spirit to teach whatever He will tell you to speak. 2) Give thanks to the Lord of life for all the blessings, small or big, that He brings on you. 3) Build up treasures for the world to come by giving alms to the Lord; pray to understand what the meaning of alms for you is. 4) Pray and meditate on the Word of God and keep your heart clean, so you are always ready for the returning of the Son of Man. 5) Try to be at peace with everyone that the Lord brings in your path.