Bible Commentary Forever คำอธิบายความเข้าใจในพระคัมภีร์ไทยสำหรับชีวิต

Matthew 24

For Greek interlinear links click the [verse numbers] below
Summary. In this chapter, the Lord Jesus teaches His disciples and answers their questions. When they were on the Mount of Olives, they asked Him privately, “Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Thy coming, and of the consummation of the age?” In His answer, the Lord refers to three things: warnings for the believers, all the troubles that will happen in the world, and the Lord’s time of return. The Lord has warned all believers before time what will happen to the world and about the Lord’s return, but the rest of the world needs to read the Bible by themselves and learn to pray. All the things the Lord described in this chapter will indeed happen to the world. When the Lord gives warnings in the Bible, we must be ready because it will happen. 1) The Lord’s warnings to the believers: a) watch your faith; b) they will attack the Bible, be aware of your heart; c) they attack the Bible to wither the faith in the believer’s heart, that is the beginning of false christs to come; d) they will fake finding Bible manuscripts, then wrong translations will be produced and many false christs will appear; e) the Bible is the temple of the Holy Spirit on earth, and all of their attacks are directed to destroy this temple; f) be wary as false christs and false prophets will arise performing signs; g) the gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed to the whole world and then the end time will come; h) watch for the abomination of desolation when the world wide will have a fake Bible and will start to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem; i) the ones that endure to the end will be saved. 2) The Lord talks about the troubles that will happen to the world: a) wars and rumors of wars; b) wars between the giant ones; c) famines and earthquakes; d) tribulations and persecution of Christians; e) Christians will be hated by all nations, and many will fall and betray one another; f) many false prophets will arise and lead many astray; g) lawlessness; h) love of many will grow cold; i) great tribulations such as has not been from the beginning of the world and never will be again will happen before the Lord’s return; j) cosmic disasters. 3) The Lord’s time of return: a) after the great tribulation, the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and He will come on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory; b) all people on earth at that time will see the sign of the Son of Man at the same time in a vision from the Lord; c) only the Father knows the day and the hour; d) be faithful at all times no one knows the day and hour; e) There will always be a remnant of believers from beginning, first man born, until last man will be born before the Lord returns.
[1] And having gone forth, Jesus departed from the temple; and His disciples draw near to point out to Him the buildings of the temple.
Comments Matthew 24:1 “And having gone forth, Jesus departed from the temple.” There is a gap of time between the events in this chapter and the events in Chapter 23. The Lord travels nonstop, especially when it is close to His time to leave the earth. The Lord is travelling, travelling only, and there is no time for the Lord to rest; neither His body nor His heart could rest. These events are close to the Lord’s departure time.
“His disciples draw near to point out to Him the buildings of the temple.” This verse alone shows how the human mind thinks; the eyes see marvelous human works, marvelous of human hand work, but around the humans, the marvelous things the Lord made, nobody pays attention to. This verse describes this clearly.
[2] And answering, He said to them, Do you not see all these things? Truly I say to you, There shall not be left here a stone upon a stone, which will not be thrown down.
Comments Matthew 24:2 The meaning of this verse is as it is written.
[3] Now as He was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples drew near to Him in private, saying, Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Thy coming, and of the consummation of the age?
Comments Matthew 24:3 “The disciples came unto Him privately.” This shows the picture itself; the Lord was never alone because He always spent His time with people around Him. His disciples had to find a private time to be able to talk to Him. The purpose of the Lord Jesus’ coming to earth is to teach and point the way to be saved and come to God the Father, but people choose to ignore the mercy of the Father.
“These things” refers to the destruction of the temple.
“What will be the sign of Thy coming, and of the consummation of the age?” Now, it shows the heart of His own disciples. Fear seized their hearts when they started thinking about what the Lord had said to them, that the city would be destroyed and that He would depart. The Lord wants to comfort them; it is nothing that they see, but what they will see is what they should think of. Their minds were confused, as we are confused even if it is written. His disciples didn’t have the written word; how much more confusing must have been for them?

Comments on the Temple of the Lord that will Help Understand End Time Events
The link (the Bible, the Word; see John 1:1) between His temple on earth (the Lord Jesus’ human body of dust) and the Holy temple of His body (the heavenly body of the Lord Jesus) will be destroyed by the people that He came to save. Humans have no heart or mind to think or appreciate what God has done, but they appreciate small things humans do (temple buildings). Because of the narrow mind of humans, they cannot take the things they see (created by God); so, how can they take things they cannot see (heavenly things)? [Material and spiritual things both walk parallel to one another, but the human mind will not notice the invisible things of the spiritual, even being side by side. If they cannot appreciate the things eyes can see, the things that eyes cannot see are nothing to them. The earth itself is in the Lord, which tells us that the Lord is here already. He is telling us, I am already in everything around you; I am the temple, and nobody can destroy the body of the Lord Jesus, which is the true temple.]
What we say here refers to the connection of the Lord’s human body with the earth. The Bible tells us that all humans are from the dust of the earth. The Lord Himself, when He was born as a human, took the dust of the earth to form the baby. In His human nature, He is linked with the earth, which is why His human body must return to heaven (to spare the earth, so the earth doesn’t disappear).
Remember the Bible verse that says the earth is His footstool, the earth is part of His temple, and the universe itself is His throne; everything is in His throne. Imagine this: the earth itself is His creation, and He created humans on earth to enjoy, but humans have destroyed the earth. Humans are destroying God’s temple when we destroy the earth.
To link the earth and His Holy temple, you must look at the Bible as His temple; people will try to change and destroy this temple (the Bible) when they come up with the idea that the Bible is a human-made book, and that will be the time when these verses will apply. Remember, the Lord Jesus' body was never destroyed; He rose up in His body, and His body has returned to the Father because everything is in the Father. He rose up in the body to preserve the earth; (the earth) will melt away, and nothing will be left from the earth but the Lord Jesus Himself. He is already linked with the earth by being born on the earth and taking the dust of the earth with Him back to the Father; this is the Father’s plan. God created the earth and all things in it, but He also has a plan for the Son to be born from the dust of the earth to fulfill the circle of creation. Because God’s creation cannot completely disappear, it always will have the link. Think about the human body of Jesus; all will be gone, the earth will be gone, and there will be nothing left but the Lord Jesus, who has the dust of the earth in Him. The dust of the earth, how to be up in heaven, but by the Lord Himself; He has spared the complete disappearance of the earth.
Now, we go to the next step. Because of humans, this earth will be destroyed in the end, and the earth itself will melt away. When they crucified the Lord, the link is disturbed (the link of love from the Father towards humans is disturbed; the Father feels hurt to see humans crucify His Begotten Son). The Lord Jesus’ body of the earth and the connection, the Holy Spirit, between His body and earth is here, so the Lord is here. When the Holy Spirit departs from the earth, the earth will melt away. The Bible is the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit on earth; because the Bible is the Living Word, that is why it is referred to as the Holy Spirit’s dwelling. The Bible is the link between the believers and the Lord.
[4] And answering, Jesus said to them, Take heed that no one may lead you astray.
[5] For many will come in My name, saying, I am the Christ; and they will lead many astray.
Comments Matthew 24:4-5 These verses warn humans to be aware of false christs that come to mislead the Lord’s children away (those that ignore the warnings of the Lord). Even in the Bible, many places have warned you to hear and listen to the Lord speaking in your heart and match them with the Word. Many people will come telling things; the proof is in front of your eyes, in the Bible. Use the Word to judge because, by your own understanding, you will be led astray as only the Word can judge; meditate, pray, and let the Word be the food of your soul. The Word is the shield to protect you; that is the best protection available for humans. However, not everyone takes it; some have the Bible just to keep it on a shelf, but that will not help, for you must read and meditate on the Word.
“I am the Christ.” When they say, “I am the Christ,” that will happen after they come to tell you that a new bible has been found; the new christ has been found (meaning false bible translation; the Lord Jesus is the Word as the Bible tells us in the Gospel of John 1:1). When that time comes, many, many false christs (false bible translations) will appear. When they attack the Bible, that is the beginning of false christs to come; be aware of your heart; they attack the Bible to wither the faith in your heart. When false christs come, there will be many warning signs, but many will choose to ignore them. Some will impersonate and claim to know the word more than many know and will use the false word to lead people to believe that they are the lord who has returned; they will use the power of the dark. They will even perform miracles, but remember the dark side has covered that person; the power they will use is not from the Lord, but the power of the dark side. They will use the bible because that bible is the fake one; the dark cannot use the true Bible, but they can use the false one; be aware. They crucified the Lord Jesus, but the Lord sent His Word and made the Bible for us. Because the Word that came, the Bible, is the root of faith for the new generation; therefore, the first thing to attack is this foundation. The Bible is the temple of the Holy Spirit on earth, and all the attack from the dark is to destroy this temple.
When they fake the finding of the Bible manuscript, then it will come to humans, wrong translations by humans. Some words in the true Bible that create controversial meanings will be cut off, and they will start to claim that the Bible has mistakes, and the false manuscript will be used to fix the true Bible. With technology, fake manuscript evidence will be found; with technology, they can make new things look old (make the evidence to support the new bible). This will make the majority of people fall into their trap; it will make many believe because they will come up with many so-called scientific proofs to support their findings. First, they will start with a few words that humans believe shouldn't be there. [Nowadays, if you claim it is by the power of new technology that you found the truth, you will get humans to listen. Humans worship technology; technology is useful when it is used in the right way]. If they can change one word, then a false translation will be found to support the idea. They just need an idea to make humans think, and then they will believe. Be aware, be aware, read the Word, meditate on the Word.
[6] And you will begin to hear of wars and rumors of wars; see that you not be alarmed; for these things must come to take place, but the end is not yet.
[7] For nation will rise up against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; and there will be famines and earthquakes in diverse places.
Comments Matthew 24:7 “Famines and earthquakes in diverse places.” What we have seen in the world, the worst is not yet as it will be. This verse tells us the worst will come; what is happening right now is nothing yet. One day, you will wake up and hear how many have died of hunger, and no one can help. It will be a worldwide disaster, not just in one area but worldwide, and nobody will be able to help anyone. And people will hate each other; the hatred will give power for surviving.
[8] But all these are the beginning of birth pains.
Comments Matthew 24:8 “Beginning of birth pains” or “Beginning of travail.” These birth pains here are pains that you can’t escape; you will have to take the pains like a woman giving birth. She can’t stop; even if it hurts, she still must go through it. This verse tells the same story: it is just the beginning, and it can’t be stopped as a woman will give birth. The suffering of life is the same; it is suffering, but you can’t avoid it; there is no choice to choose, and that is why it is compared to giving birth. How can Christians avoid it? The Lord will not just come and rain down peace for Christians only; that is why the Bible has told that whoever can keep pressing on until the end will be saved; many passages have shown this (See Verse 13).
[9] Then will they deliver you up to tribulation, and will kill you, and you will be hated by all the nations for My name’s sake.
Comments Matthew 24:9 This verse tells about the time prior to the Lord’s return. Everything mentioned here will happen before the Lord’s return to take His people. So, be aware, humans, and do not give up; it is not a threat but a warning for all who believe. Do not worry for those who do not believe because, in that time, it is not that they never heard of the Lord; they heard, but they ignored Him. It is not that they do not know; everybody knows; the Bible has warnings referring to this; this verse is a warning.
[10] And then many will stumble, and they will betray one another, and will hate one another.
[11] And many false prophets will arise, and will lead many astray.
[12] And because lawlessness will be multiplied, the love of the many will grow cold.
Comments Matthew 24:12 “Lawlessness” or “Iniquity.” This lawlessness relates only to the love of God. If we keep filling up our hearts with the love of God, then hate has no room to come in. Always, the Bible gives you a way out; to not fall into lawlessness, you must read the Bible and meditate on it, and you will find the way out: forgiveness for one another and love for each other. When there is no love, we give room for hate to come.
[13] But the one having endured to the end, this will be saved.
[14] And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world for a testimony to all the nations; and then shall the end come.
Comments Matthew 24:14 “And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed in the whole world.” This means that every ear heard, and every heart knows about the Lord. Still, many places on earth have never heard of the Gospel yet; there is still a long way to go. In Canada itself, the Word still needs to be proclaimed; not everyone has heard about the Gospel of the kingdom. Canada is a big country, and the Gospel has spread so little that many still do not know the Lord; however, some are going out to spread the Gospel when inside the country couldn't do it well. How can the blind lead the blind? See Luke 6:39.
“For a testimony” refers to the Good News (the Gospel) of the Son of God, which tells us that He has come down on earth and shed His blood for all mankind. That is why the Good News must go throughout the earth, so when the end times come, no one can say it is not fair because they all have heard the Good News of how to be saved. The Lord is the God of judgment; He gives all nations the chance to know how to be saved. When the wrath of God is poured down, no one can speak against what God is doing.
[15] When therefore you may see the abomination of desolation, which was spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place (let him that reads understand),
Comments Matthew 24:15 This verse refers to a period of time before the Lord’s return; before the Lord’s return, the Lord will give the understanding of this verse, and each individual touched by the Word will receive the understanding.
“Abomination of desolation.” Watch for the false translation and the fake bible through the whole world. If you have a fake bible in the world, you will have a fake temple. Therefore, watch for the coming of the fake bible and who will build the temple in Jerusalem. If they claim they find something about the temple of the Lord that is described in the bible and try to correct the bible, the people who find this fake bible will claim that the information about the temple as written in the true Bible is not true. Then, they will find a place and build a new temple to fit with the new fake bible they find. It is blasphemy to claim that something is not true in the Bible.
“Let him that reads understand,” tells us that the weight of responsibility is the same; here, each individual is responsible for reading and meditating on the Word, but before the Lord’s return, the Lord gives understanding.
[16] then those in Judea let them flee to the mountains;
[17] let the one on the housetop not go down to take anything out of his house;
[18] and let the one in the field not return back to take his cloak.
[19] But woe to those having child in the womb, and to those that nurse infants in those days!
[20] And pray that your flight be not in the winter, nor on a Sabbath;
[21] for then will be great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, no, nor ever will be.
[22] And except those days had been shortened, not any flesh would have been saved; however, because of the elect those days will be shortened.
Comments Matthew 24:22 As the Bible has told us, all disasters and tribulations will come upon the earth. The whole earth will be affected; the Bible tells clearly that not many people will be left on earth (Isaiah 13:12). A few true believers who have a special duty will be left on earth for the work, but so few humans will be left over. All of the technology would be of no use at that time; finding food alone would be hard enough, so there would be no need for technology. It will be very hard for the ones left over, but the mercy of God makes that time shorter; otherwise, none will be left over.
[23] Then if anyone may say to you, Behold, here is the christ, or, Here, believe it not.
[24] For there will arise false christs, and false prophets, and will give great signs and wonders; so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.
Comments Matthew 24:23-24 See Comments Matthew 24:4-5.
[25] Behold, I have told you beforehand.
[26] If therefore they may say to you, Behold, he is in the wilderness, do not go out; Behold, in the inner chambers, believe it not.
[27] For as the lightning comes forth from the rising of the sun, and shines even to the west; so will be the coming of the Son of Man.
Comments Matthew 24:27 Everyone’s eyes will see when the Lord returns, not by technology to see. That is why the Bible tells us that like lightning (speed of the light), every eye will see; not technology light, the Lord’s lightning, that is the speed discussed here. The speed of the Lord’s return is faster than the speed of human technology; it cannot be compared. To understand, you can think that it is similar to the whole earth having a vision simultaneously. As the Bible says, vision is like going into a trance, which is how the Lord is seen when He returns. How can you make people on the other side of the earth see the Lord at the same time? Now, the Bible tells us “in a trance”; this is the mercy of the Lord to give everyone a vision at the same time. This way, everyone has a chance to see, at the same time, the One God of the Earth return. That is why everyone must be in a trance, to be in the exact same moment to see the Lord Jesus’ return and eliminate boasting. Remember, the Bible says that we shall see Him coming on the cloud (See Revelation 1:7).
[28] For wherever the carcass is, there will the vultures be gathered together.
Comments Matthew 24:28 This sentence is to be taken in a spiritual way of thinking. All the carcasses of the earth, not human bodies but the souls of humans, the ones that did not come, all of them that did not come to the cross, will be thrown into one place. All the evil ones (the vultures) will go there and have a feast on them; as it is written, they go to eat the carcasses.
[29] Then immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken;
Comments Matthew 24:29 Within this verse, there are two time gaps: the first is the gap between human time (our Earth time) and spiritual time (parallel Earth time), and the second is the gap between the events mentioned. Imagine the heaven time as a whole, and within this time, there is contained the earthly time and the spiritual time, which are separated by a gap. The heaven time is the time of the Father. Hidden in time, one is the human time gap, and the other is the spiritual time gap. The spiritual world has its events timed by spiritual time, and the human world has its events timed by human time. The heaven time has knowledge about both times and what’s happening within both worlds. Also, the Bible talks about many interferences (time overlap) within our world from the spiritual world.
“The sun will be darkened” means that human time will be stopped; the Father uses His hand to block the sun, and this action will create a gap between human time and spiritual time (spiritual time continues while human time is stopped).
The main point of this verse rests in the last part, when “the powers of the heavens will be shaken.” This is a time point of sharing events that come between the human Earth and the parallel Earth. Right now, these times go alongside each other; when they are parallel, we do not see; they must overlap for us to see. When the overlap time comes, we will see the parallel Earth, but it is a long period of time for humans; many generations will pass through time before they can see the parallel Earth with their eyes.
A warning comes for this verse. Watch! Some with fake understanding will come.
[30] and then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
Comments Matthew 24:30 “Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven.” See comments on verse 27 to understand how this sign will appear to all people on earth and how it can come to the east and west to see. The trance (vision) will come into effect for the whole earth. The sign that people will see will be the Lord sitting on the throne with the cloud above Him (this is mentioned in many places in the Bible). How glorious this scene will be for humans to see the throne of God coming down from heaven.
[31] And He will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from the ends of the heavens to the ends of them.
Comments Matthew 24:31 “He will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet.” The sign will be in the sky, and humans will hear the sound from heaven. His army will blow the trumpet sound, shaking the sky, and even humans on Earth could feel the sky shaking. This is the point when humans will see His army come into the sky, riding on the clouds of heaven. Humans will see this just before the Lord comes, the army of angels riding on the clouds to proclaim the Lord’s return.
[32] Now from the fig tree learn the parable: when its branch already may have become tender, and it puts out the leaves, you know that the summer is near;
[33] even so you also, when you see all these things, know that He is near, at the doors.
Comments Matthew 24:32-33 It will come; people will use these verses to make up believe story, the story that has proven that the Lord has returned (this is talking about the fake christs). By what happens around the world, they will use this parable as a comparison to preparing the path for the fake christ.
[34] Truly I say to you, This generation will not pass away, until all these things shall be accomplished.
Comments Matthew 24:34 “This generation” refers only to the generation of believers with true faith (from the beginning, the first man born, until the last man born before the Lord returns). Remember that this verse talks about true believers.
“Shall not pass away” is the faith that the true believers have in them; it will not pass away from them because the Lord Himself is the one who helps them to keep that faith. Therefore, there will always be a remnant of true believers on earth from the first man on earth until the Lord’s return.
[35] Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words shall not pass away.
Comments Matthew 24:35 This verse has a complete meaning. It is a comparison, so let the reader understand.
[36] However, about that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of the heavens, nor the Son, except the Father only.
Comments Matthew 24:36 The original text clearly tells us, “nor the Son,” but do not forget the Trinity itself, the God of Three but One in unity; the duty may be different, but the power and authority is One, and the Father is above all. Think about it this way: in the Father Himself is the unity of the Three, the Father, the Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit; all of them are in unity as One in the Father. Also, remember that all is in the Father, and everything belongs to the Father.
Those who claim to know “that day and hour” have acted in an abomination way, the unforgivable sin; no one, not even the Son Himself, could speak to represent the Father, so no one can. How foolish are they! Do not listen to them; how dare they try to represent the Father? The Son and the Holy Spirit couldn’t represent the Father; will then the things He created represent Him?
[37] For as were the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.
[38] For as in those days which were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark,
[39] and they knew not until the flood came, and took all away; thus will be the coming of the Son of Man.
Comments Matthew 24:37-39 These verses explain the moment of the event that will happen. They are saying that no one knows. The flood covered the earth, and no one knew; they all did their own activity. In the same way, the Son of Man will come: no one knows, not even the angels; it will just happen suddenly. That is why no prediction is possible; the verse tells us clearly: no prediction. These verses are not to judge the time; they are only to tell that no one knows the time.
[40] Then will be two in the field: one is taken, and one is left;
[41] two will be grinding at the mill: one is taken, and one is left.
Comments Matthew 24:40-41 These verses have a hidden meaning; the human body cannot be caught up in the air straight, but it will be in a similar way with the transfiguration; the human body is transformed and caught up in the air to glorify the Lord in the air. Then, all those who have been caught up will go to be with the Lord. This is the first catch-up, but there will still be humans left on the earth. The first catch-up does not include the Christians in name, for all the Christians in name will be left over on earth because the Christians in the name don’t have their heart given completely to the Lord.
“One is taken, and one is left” is just an example to show that not all the people on earth will be caught up in the air, but just a small number will be caught up (not 50%); the Bible tells us that a small number will be captured first (See Matthew 22:14).
[42] Be awake therefore, for you do not know on what day your Lord comes.
Comments Matthew 24:42 “Stay awake” or “watch” is the position to think about; here, it is not the body that must be awake but the heart. So, abide by the Word at all times, and the Word will keep your heart awake and waiting.
[43] Then know this, that if the master of the house had known in what watch the thief was coming, he would have been awake, and would not have allowed his house to be broken into.
[44] Because of this also, you be ready; for in that hour you do not expect, the Son of Man comes.
Comments Matthew 24:43-44 As this verse tells us, we do not know the day or the hour when our Lord Jesus is coming back, so stay awake and be ready. That is why it is important for a follower of the Lord Jesus to meditate on the Word and memorize Bible verses; in that way, our hearts stay awake.
[45] Who then is the faithful and wise servant, whom the master has set over his household, to give to them the food in due season?
Comments Matthew 24:45 “Faithful and wise servant.” The faithful is the person who is willing at all costs to follow, and the servant is the person that the Lord has called for certain duties. There are many duties in the kingdom of God; the Lord calls many servants. The wise is the one that gets certain duties that need the wisdom to be done. “Household” in this place refers to the church that holds onto the name of the Lord to worship, not to those churches that are set up just for social service (entertainment, which is not truly for worshiping the Lord). “The master” here refers to the Lord Jesus. “Them” refers to the believers who come to the Lord and worship the Lord among believers, not believers who stay in their place, no acting of worship to come to the Lord, for all need to come with the heart to worship and glorify the Lord. “The food in due season” is the food not for the body but spiritual food, teaching the Word, not from themselves. These servants, before teaching, come to glorify the Lord and ask the Lord for the message, not preparing one week ahead for the message. The message is right now to give to the people; the Lord gives the message right away when it is the right time. When it mentions “due season,” this is the food for the spirit, so the soul interacts with the Lord each moment of time and brings joyful praise to glorify the Lord with the soul. And in those moments, the soul needs different food; some food is received from reading, some food from meditating in the Word, and another food from fasting (abstaining from food for the human body to present the spiritual food for the soul).
[46] Blessed is that servant, whom his master having come will find thus doing.
[47] Truly Isay to you that he will set him over all his possessions.
Comments Matthew 24:46-47 “He will set him over all his possessions.” This refers to the ones that the Lord calls for that place, a specific place. The Lord will give him (that servant) a duty to give the message according to the Lord’s will, not the person’s will. This is not easy, but it is based on trusting and asking the Lord for help.
[48] But if that evil servant should say in his heart, My master tarries;
[49] and should begin to strike his fellow-servants, and to eat and to drink with the drunkards;
Comments Matthew 24:48-49 “Evil servant.” They are called this way because of the actions that the servant treats the Lord’s children; whoever mistreats the Lord’s children will be called an evil servant.
See also Comments Luke 12:45.
[50] the master of that servant will come in a day in which he expects not, and in an hour which he knows not,
Comments Matthew 24:50 Be wary of the world; they will poison your mind that the Lord is not coming. This verse tells us that He comes when no one is expecting Him to come. Everything goes well for that person with success in life on earth but failure in the life of the soul. The Lord comes fast as a flashing of light; be aware: when He comes, you do not have time anymore to repent because His coming is too fast.
[51] and will cut him in pieces, and appoint his portion with the hypocrites; there will be the weeping and the gnashing of teeth.
Comments Matthew 24:51 See Comments Luke 12:46b.
Life and Faith Applications. 1) The Bible is the temple of the Holy Spirit on earth, and all the attacks are meant to destroy this temple. Watch the Bible translation you use; many fake translations will appear as time goes on. 2) Do not think that you can have a life of sin (slacking), and you will repent before you die or when you see the time is near for the Lord to come. Your life can end unexpectedly, and the Lord’s coming is unexpected, like lightning flashing. You have no time then, so walk now in the way that the Lord expects you to walk. Do not slack; the speed of the Lord’s coming is faster than your heart can ask for forgiveness. 3) Life is full of troubles and tribulations, but we must keep our faith alive until the end. 4) We need to join with other believers and worship the Lord in a group; it is never too late to start. Any time is good to worship, and any place is good to worship the Lord.