Acts 1
Summary. The Book of Acts continues the ministry of the Lord Jesus after His resurrection under the leadership of the Holy Spirit. The first chapter of the Book of Acts continues the events presented in the Gospel of Luke, chapter 24. Acts 1:1-8. Wait for the promise of the Father, the Holy Spirit. The resurrected Lord Jesus tells His disciples to go out and tell people about the Lord's work and His purpose for all. Also, the Lord Jesus commands them to wait for the blessing from the Father, the baptism with the Holy Spirit. Acts 1:9-11. God the Father receives the beloved Son Jesus. Not one person but many have witnessed the departure of the Lord Jesus. Humans' eyes have seen the Lord Jesus being taken up to heaven. Acts 1:12-26. Matthias is chosen to replace the betrayer. The Lord knows whom He has in the plan, and He has a plan for the work to be finished. The betrayer has been replaced with a worthy one, the one who knows the teaching and has a heart worthy of being part of the apostleship. Human eyes and the Lord's eyes look at a person differently. Humans propose names, but the Lord chooses the heart.
[1] Indeed, the first account I made, O Theophilus, which Jesus began both to do and to teach,
Comments Acts 1:1 “The first account I made.” The first account relates to the Gospel of Luke.
“O Theophilus.” See Comments Luke 1:3.
“Which Jesus began both to do and to teach.” The beloved Son of God has come to point the way for all humans to be saved, and also, the Holy Spirit will link the hearts of humans to glorify the God of Truth.
“O Theophilus.” See Comments Luke 1:3.
“Which Jesus began both to do and to teach.” The beloved Son of God has come to point the way for all humans to be saved, and also, the Holy Spirit will link the hearts of humans to glorify the God of Truth.
[2] until the day H e was received up, having given command through the Holy Spirit to the apostles whom H e had chosen,
Comments Acts 1:2 “Until the day He was received up.” See Comments Luke 24:51 and Mark 16:19-20.
“Having given command through the Holy Spirit to the apostles whom He had chosen.” The Lord Jesus has told them to go out and tell people about the Lord's work and what His purpose is for all.
“Having given command through the Holy Spirit to the apostles whom He had chosen.” The Lord Jesus has told them to go out and tell people about the Lord's work and what His purpose is for all.
[3] to whom H e also appeared H imself alive after H is suffering with many proofs, appearing to them during forty days, and speaking concerning the kingdom of God .
Comments Acts 1:3 See Comments Luke 24:34-51.
[4] And, being assembled, H e commanded them not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the promise of the Father : which you heard of M e ;
Comments Acts 1:4 “And, being assembled.” The beloved Son also has given them a command that they should remain together and be patient (See Luke 24:33).
“He commanded them not to depart from Jerusalem ...” See Comments Luke 24:49.
“He commanded them not to depart from Jerusalem ...” See Comments Luke 24:49.
[5] for John indeed baptized with water; however, you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit , not many days after these.
Comments Acts 1:5 Now, in this place, the Lord has told His disciples what will happen to them. The blessing from the Father will come upon them when they have followed the commandment; the patience of believers will reward those who obey.
Q: What is the difference between being baptized with the Holy Spirit or in the Holy Spirit? A: There is a difference between the two. When baptized “with” the Holy Spirit, it covers the outer and inner; baptized “in” the Holy Spirit, it works in the heart and lets the person know what they should do. However, only when baptized with the Holy Spirit will there be the sign of speaking in tongues to give as a witness to others (See Acts 2:4-8). When baptized in the Holy Spirit, they will speak in tongues as a sign for themselves.
Q: What is the difference between being baptized with the Holy Spirit or in the Holy Spirit? A: There is a difference between the two. When baptized “with” the Holy Spirit, it covers the outer and inner; baptized “in” the Holy Spirit, it works in the heart and lets the person know what they should do. However, only when baptized with the Holy Spirit will there be the sign of speaking in tongues to give as a witness to others (See Acts 2:4-8). When baptized in the Holy Spirit, they will speak in tongues as a sign for themselves.
[6] Those indeed, therefore, having come together, asked H im , saying, Lord , are T hou at this time restoring the kingdom to Israel?
Comments Acts 1:6 Humans need to know details before time, but the Lord's coming or what the Lord is doing is not to tell in detail.
[7]H e said to them, It is not for you to know times or seasons, which the Father has set with His own authority.
Comments Acts 1:7 As the verse says, humans do not understand the power of God; the power of the Father is above all, and everything is according to His will only.
[8] But you will receive power, the Holy Spirit having come upon you, and you will be M y witnesses, both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the uttermost part of the earth.
Comments Acts 1:8 “But you will receive power, the Holy Spirit having come upon you.” This verse tells us the promise the Lord has made: all who believe will receive the Holy Spirit.
“And you will be My witnesses, ... and to the uttermost part of the earth.” Here is the place that tells the duty of those who receive the Holy Spirit: to witness the work of the Lord throughout the whole world.
“And you will be My witnesses, ... and to the uttermost part of the earth.” Here is the place that tells the duty of those who receive the Holy Spirit: to witness the work of the Lord throughout the whole world.
[9] And having said these things, as they were beholding, H e was taken up; and a cloud hid H im from their sight.
Comments Acts 1:9 Humans have witnessed the work of the Father: the Father has received the Son up to be with Him, and humans have been witnesses to it.
[10] And while they were looking steadfastly into the heaven as H e was going, and behold, two men stood by them in white apparel;
Comments Acts 1:10 “And while they were looking steadfastly into the heaven as He was going.” In this time, not one human but more be a witness to the departure of the Lord Jesus. Humans' eyes have seen the Lord Jesus being taken up to heaven.
“Behold, two men stood by them in white apparel.” Here is the proof of the Father's mercy: the angels have come down and appeared to the human eyes.
“Behold, two men stood by them in white apparel.” Here is the proof of the Father's mercy: the angels have come down and appeared to the human eyes.
[11] who also said, Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into heaven? This Jesus , who was taken up from you into heaven, thus will come in that manner you beheld H im going into heaven.
Comments Acts 1:11 “Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into heaven?” This question is a general question that the angels have asked, but the purpose of asking is not general. These disciples have seen the Lord Jesus being taken up into heaven; this question will stir their hearts to think of where their Lord has been taken to.
“This Jesus, who was taken up ...” In this place, everyone who reads should pay attention. The Bible clearly states that the Lord has been taken up to heaven, and the human witnesses have been there to prove it. When the Lord Jesus will return, all eyes will see Him as well; not the eyes of certain people, not the eyes of those who believe, but every eye will see Him. All eyes will see together at the same time through a vision (See Comments Matthew 25:6).
“This Jesus, who was taken up ...” In this place, everyone who reads should pay attention. The Bible clearly states that the Lord has been taken up to heaven, and the human witnesses have been there to prove it. When the Lord Jesus will return, all eyes will see Him as well; not the eyes of certain people, not the eyes of those who believe, but every eye will see Him. All eyes will see together at the same time through a vision (See Comments Matthew 25:6).
[12] Then they returned to Jerusalem from the mount called Olivet, which is near Jerusalem, a Sabbath day's holding journey.
Comments Acts 1:12 “Then they returned to Jerusalem from the mount called Olivet.” This verse tells us that the Lord works in people's hearts; they went where the Lord Jesus appointed them to be.
“Which is near Jerusalem, a Sabbath day's holding journey.” Let all readers also notice that the Lord Jesus always follows the rule of the Father; the travel distance was according to the law given; the Sabbath distance was calculated by God for them to travel. By tradition itself, they shortened the distance of the Sabbath's travel, but the Lord's distance is longer than the tradition itself. All these people also learned from tradition, and their internal feelings won't let them do things differently.
“Which is near Jerusalem, a Sabbath day's holding journey.” Let all readers also notice that the Lord Jesus always follows the rule of the Father; the travel distance was according to the law given; the Sabbath distance was calculated by God for them to travel. By tradition itself, they shortened the distance of the Sabbath's travel, but the Lord's distance is longer than the tradition itself. All these people also learned from tradition, and their internal feelings won't let them do things differently.
[13] And when they had entered, they went up into the upper chamber, where they were abiding; both Peter and John, and James and Andrew, Philip and Thomas, Bartholomew and Matthew, James of Alphaeus, and Simon the Zealot, and Judas of James.
Comments Acts 1:13 They stayed together as they felt comfortable. The room was large, so they picked a spot where they stayed two together, but they were all together in an upper room as a group.
[14] These all were with one accord continued steadfastly in prayer, with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus , and with H is brothers.
Comments Acts 1:14 “These all were with one accord continued steadfastly in prayer.” When the believers join together to be one heart to glorify the Lord, that is the time the Lord is there, and He is joyful.
“With the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with His brothers.” In this place, the Bible also has mentioned women; the women whose hearts glorify the Lord, the Lord also has counted them in to tell about them in the Bible. His earthly family was there as well.
“With the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with His brothers.” In this place, the Bible also has mentioned women; the women whose hearts glorify the Lord, the Lord also has counted them in to tell about them in the Bible. His earthly family was there as well.
[15] And in these days, Peter stood up in the midst of the brothers, and said (and there was a multitude of names together, about a hundred and twenty),
Comments Acts 1:15 In this place, let everyone notice the disciple work; the one the Lord has chosen, He has given duty. When the Lord has placed the disciple among believers, that person will also be the center of attention.
[16] Men, brothers, it was necessary for the Scripture to have been fulfilled, which the Holy Spirit spoke before by the mouth of David concerning Judas, the one having become guide to those that took Jesus .
Comments Acts 1:16 “Men, brothers, it was necessary for the Scripture to have been fulfilled, which the Holy Spirit spoke before ...” As the verse tells us, the Holy Spirit will reveal men's secrets, even the deepest things men think, the most secret things in men's hearts the Holy Spirit can see through. The betrayer has already been revealed.
“The one having become guide to those that took Jesus.” It is the beginning of suffering the beloved Son has taken from the one who claimed to believe in Him and who has betrayed the Lord of Life with the most sinful deed.
“The one having become guide to those that took Jesus.” It is the beginning of suffering the beloved Son has taken from the one who claimed to believe in Him and who has betrayed the Lord of Life with the most sinful deed.
[17] For he was numbered among us, and received a portion in this ministry.
[18] (Indeed, this man, then acquired a field with the reward of iniquity, and having fallen headlong, he burst asunder in the middle, and all his bowels gushed out.
Comments Acts 1:18 “Indeed, this man, then acquired a field with the reward of iniquity.” When this person received a reward for his evil deed, the first thing he did was acquire things to show off.
“And having fallen headlong ...” Let the reader pay attention: this was not an unmerited punishment from the Lord; this is the result of the person's evil deed. The punishment came upon the person when the person had committed the greatest sin, and that sin itself destroyed that person.
Q: Matthew 27:5-8 says that Judas threw the silver into the temple, and the chief priest took the pieces of silver and purchased the potter’s field, while Acts 1:18 says that Judas himself acquired a field. A: What is the correct understanding of these two passages? The account in Matthew is a correct render of the events, and the account in Acts is incomplete.
“And having fallen headlong ...” Let the reader pay attention: this was not an unmerited punishment from the Lord; this is the result of the person's evil deed. The punishment came upon the person when the person had committed the greatest sin, and that sin itself destroyed that person.
Q: Matthew 27:5-8 says that Judas threw the silver into the temple, and the chief priest took the pieces of silver and purchased the potter’s field, while Acts 1:18 says that Judas himself acquired a field. A: What is the correct understanding of these two passages? The account in Matthew is a correct render of the events, and the account in Acts is incomplete.
[19] And it became known to all those dwelling in Jerusalem; so that in their own language that field was called Akeldama, that is, Field of blood.)
[20] For it has been written in the book of Psalms: Let his dwelling become desolate,
And let there be no one dwell in it:
and,His office let another take.
And let there be no one dwell in it:
Comments Acts 1:20 Cited from Psalm 69:25 and Psalm 109:8.
[21] It behooves, therefore, of the men having accompanied us, during all the time that the Lord Jesus went in and went out among us,
[22] having begun from the baptism of John, until the day in which H e was taken up from us, one of these to become a witness with us of H is resurrection.
Comments Acts 1:21-22 These verses tell all humans that the Lord knows whom He has in plan. As the verse says, until the beloved Son of God is taken up into heaven, He still has a plan for the work to be finished. The betrayer has been replaced with a worthy one, the one who knows the teaching and has a heart worthy to be counted in.
[23] And they put forward two, Joseph called Barsabbas, who was called Justus, and Matthias.
Comments Acts 1:23 “And they gave lots for them.” For humans to avoid conflict at that time, they used a lot casting.
“And the lot fell on Matthias ...” The lot has been given from the guidance of the Lord, and the Lord has chosen the person out of it.
Q: Is the lot method still useful today when making similar decisions? A: If people have faith and use the lot method honestly with prayer, they can still use it.
Q: How did Joseph feel after not being chosen? A: When you read, be aware as well that these two persons had faith, and the hearts of both of them were willing to follow the Lord's decision. People who trust the Lord will accept the result and will not have bad feelings for it.
“And the lot fell on Matthias ...” The lot has been given from the guidance of the Lord, and the Lord has chosen the person out of it.
Q: Is the lot method still useful today when making similar decisions? A: If people have faith and use the lot method honestly with prayer, they can still use it.
Q: How did Joseph feel after not being chosen? A: When you read, be aware as well that these two persons had faith, and the hearts of both of them were willing to follow the Lord's decision. People who trust the Lord will accept the result and will not have bad feelings for it.
Comments Acts 1:23 Human eyes and the Lord's eyes look at a person differently. Humans propose names, but the Lord chooses the heart. This verse is an example of the difference between humans and the Lord's ways of doing things.
[24] And having prayed, they said, Thou , Lord , knower of the hearts of all, show which one of these two T hou has chosen,
[25] to take the place in this ministry and apostleship, from which Judas turned aside to go to his own place.
Comments Acts 1:24-25 Let the readers pay attention to the fact that the apostles prayed. When anyone has questions or problems, come in prayer to the Lord. The Lord has all the answers for everyone, and if the person comes with true faith and is willing to obey, the answer will be given.
[26] And they gave lots for them; and the lot fell on Matthias; and he was numbered with the eleven apostles.
Life and Faith Applications. 1) The blessing of the Father, the baptism in the Holy Spirit, comes on those who believe and follow the commandments; the patience of believers will reward those who obey. 2) When the believers join together, they must have one heart in glorifying the Lord, and the Lord will join them. 3) We must be willing to follow the call of the Lord from our hearts. 4) Believers can still use the lot method when necessary, but they must have faith and use it honestly and in prayer.