Bible Commentary Forever คำอธิบายความเข้าใจในพระคัมภีร์ไทยสำหรับชีวิต

John 12

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Summary. This chapter has shown to all humans that the beloved Son of God has come not only for His people but for the gentiles as well; all the Father’s will is complete by the action of the cross of the Holy Son. John 12:1,9-11. Jesus in Bethany before His last Passover. The Lord Jesus came to Bethany before His crucifixion, where Lazarus was. The miracle work that happened to Lazarus convinced many hearts to believe in the beloved Son of God, and because of that, the chief priests wanted to kill Lazarus as well. John 12:2-8. The anointing of the Lord Jesus by Mary. John brings up the anointing event of the Lord Jesus in this chapter to tell us about Mary and her family and to let us know that the Lord has already been anointed before His death on the cross; His body has already been prepared for burial. However, Mary’s anointing occurred earlier, sometime before the Lord Jesus rose Lazarus from the dead. John 12:12-19. The triumphal entry of the Lord Jesus in Jerusalem. In this section, we witness the work of the Holy Spirit in people’s hearts. A great multitude of people feel the same way in their hearts and glorify the beloved Son of God coming into Jerusalem and accept the beloved Son of God as their Savior and King; all this can happen only by the work of the Holy Spirit. John 12:20-22. Some Greeks wish to see the Lord Jesus. This event marks a sign between the Father and the beloved Son of God; the gentiles themselves wished to meet the Lord Jesus, and this event happening also alerted the beloved Son of God that His time was close by to depart from the earth. John 12:23-36. The Son of Man must be lifted up. In this section, the Lord Jesus said that He must be glorified on the cross; through His words and actions, He glorifies the Father in front of the public. Also, the Father Himself responded to the Lord Jesus out from heaven, and has declared the beloved Son of God to the humans, and has shown to all humans who the beloved Son of God truly is and how much the Father has been pleased by the beloved Son of God's actions. John 12:37-43. The unbelief of the people. The prophecy of Isaiah 6:10 about the Lord’s people that He has blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts is fulfilled because of their unbelief that the Lord Jesus is the Son of God. Therefore, the Lord has blinded their eyes and hardened their heart so they do not sin while Jesus is among them on earth and might have a chance to repent after His resurrection. John 12:44-50. Jesus came to earth to save the world. The Father, the Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are Three but One in the Father. Yet, the beloved Son of God always puts the Father in front of Him, and He listens and obeys the Father’s will. Therefore, if you believe in the beloved Son of God, you believe not only in the word of the beloved Son of God but also that He has been sent by the Father to the earth to save us.
[1] Jesus therefore, six days before the Passover came to Bethany, where Lazarus was, whom Jesus raised out from the dead.
Comments John 12:1 “Jesus therefore, six days before the Passover came to Bethany.” The "six days before Passover" means that the coming of the Lord Jesus to Bethany most likely happened on a Saturday, as the Passover started the following Friday evening at sundown.
Because the Gospel of Luke is an orderly account, we can use the Gospel of Luke as a timely guideline. Based on Luke 1:3, the Gospel of Luke presents the most orderly account of the Gospel events; however, there are many time gaps within the gospel of Luke as well. For example, analyzing Luke 7:17-36, we can conclude that the anointing of Mary took place after the time when John the Baptist sent two of his disciples to Jesus (See Luke 7:19-20) and during the time when Jesus was performing many healings; at that time many people were repenting and coming to Him. Furthermore, based on the order of the events presented in the Gospel of Luke, the anointing of the Lord Jesus by Mary occurred sometime before the Crucifixion Passover and before Lazarus’ death (See John 11:1-4). Also, based on Luke 10:38-42, the Lord Jesus had further interaction with this family. However, the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and John introduce the anointing of Mary before the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus (before the Passover feast) not to present it as an orderly event to the Passover leading to the crucifixion but to show that the Lord Jesus was already anointed for His burial and that He already predicted His death and resurrection sometime before it actually happened.
For the anointing of the Lord Jesus by Mary, see also Comments Luke 7:36-38; specifically, the anointing of the head of Jesus happened before the anointing of the feet of Jesus, which was also according to the tradition. So, when the woman anointed the Lord on His head, she showed the high respect she has towards the Son of God, but when she anointed His feet with her ointment and wiped His feet with her hair, she accepted the sins of her life and begged for mercy.
Then, Matthew 26:6-13 events are not in a timely order as related to Matthew 26:1-5 events, and Mark 14:3-9 events are not in a timely order as related to Mark 14:1-2 events. So, each Gospel has its own purpose, presenting its own independent purpose in the Lord's Passover story.
Furthermore, in John’s Gospel, verses 1 to 12, we are given only the context of Bethany, which applies to the events, but not an orderly timeline of events. The events the Holy Spirit gives to a writer to put down in a Gospel follow a purpose but are not necessarily presented in a timely order because, for God, all things happened already in front of His eyes.
[2] Therefore, they made Him a supper in that place; and Martha was serving; and Lazarus was one of them reclining with Him.
Comments John 12:2 This verse tells all humans that the beloved Son of God has spent time with people that not only loved Him but put trust in Him as well, and this family is one of the examples people should follow.
In this verse, “in that place,” based on Luke 7:36-40, refers to Simon the Pharisee’s house. While the Lord was in Bethany, Mary followed the Lord Jesus from the house of Simon the Leper, where she anointed the Lord’s head, to the house of Simon the Pharisee, where she anointed the Lord’s feet. Martha and Lazarus heard that the Lord was in Bethany, so they went to join Him at the supper at Simon the Pharisee’s house, where Martha helped with the serving, and Lazarus reclined at the table with the Lord.
“Therefore, they made Him a supper in that place.” The time they made a supper for Him in that place is different from the “six days before the Passover” time in verse 1. The context of being in Bethany applies to both verses 1 and 2, but each verse presents a different human time. Specifically, the time of verse 2 happened before the time of verse 1. When verse 2 says, “therefore, they made Him a supper in that place,” the conjunction “therefore” only tells that the supper they made was in Bethany, but it does not mean at the same time as the time of verse 1, and the word “in that place” presents the Bethany as the context of the events.
The events described in John 12:2-8 happened at the time given in the Gospel of Luke 7:36-38, which is some time before this Passover event and before Lazarus’ death.
Here there is a time gap between verses 1 and 2 and reverse order of events. John brings the story of the anointing of the Lord Jesus here to remind the readers that Jesus was already anointed for His burial. What happened at this moment has shown clearly to all humans that the beloved Son of God has known before time what will happen to His body; that His human body will not remain on earth for anyone to prepare it as humans will receive (preparation); His human body will return to the Father. Jesus’ body could not be prepared using humans’ customs because His body must remain intact (See Comments Matthew 27:58-60).
In this gospel, verse 1 links timely with verse 9, and verses 2 to 8 link timely with Luke 7:36-38. Furthermore, Jesus’ body could not be anointed during the Passover festival; the anointing cannot be done during the Passover time. During that time to prepare the body, they must cut open the body to remove the internals. However, those things cannot be done for the beloved Son of God’s body because He will have risen in that body. Therefore, the marks on His body have only the nails pierced, and the chest pierced from the soldier; His body has not been opened up for treatment. By tradition, in that time, they stuffed the body with spices, but for the beloved Son of God, His body must be clean, so no one did any tradition (cutting) on His body; they only wrapped it in a linen cloth (see Comments Matthew 27:58-60) with spices on the body not inside the body (see John 19:38-42).
Cutting the body that way needs more extended time, but the Lord’s body was not prepared that way; the spices have been put only outside the body; they did not put spices inside the body of the Lord. Therefore, the Lord's body has not been touched that way; the faithful one has wrapped His body in cloth only and did not have much time to prepare internally.
Mary, the blessed woman, prepared the beloved Son of God's body by anointing Him with costly perfume. That is the thing the beloved Son of God has the pleasure of receiving from a human’s hand, and in this place, Mary is the tool the Father used in anointing the beloved Son of God. Moreover, the anointing she has done is considered a burial preparation for the beloved Son of God (see verse 7). For the time when the beloved Son of God departs from the earth, the Father has appointed already what it can be done and what not upon the heart of the person that the Father will work with, and the beloved Son of God followed; no preparation has been done. And here Mary had the loving heart towards the beloved Son of God, and the Father has used her for anointing the beloved Son of God's body before His burial. There was no special reason to make the anointing before or later; it is just upon the heart of people, the right time, and the right person with whom the Father will work.
The Bible is from the Father; what the Father has seen has not happened yet; when the Father gives the words to write down in the Bible, it will link from all directions, sometimes the things in the future will be put first, and when talking about the present will refer to both the past and the future. Still, for humans to understand, everyone must read the Bible, meditate and ask for understanding. The Father will give the Holy Spirit to help and guide the person's heart and receive understanding when that person mediates. So, therefore, the Bible cannot be understood by scholarly study and research but by meditation and the Holy Spirit's guidance.
For God, there is no time; all things happened already in front of His eyes, so the order of the events doesn’t matter; they all happened already. That is why when the Father gives the Bible to the writers, many events are not placed in their timely order as fitting for the human mind but in the order of His will; the Bible has told us that He does what He pleases.
[3] Mary therefore having taken a litra (Roman pound) of ointment of pure nard, very costly, anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped His feet with her hair; now the house was filled with the fragrance of the ointment.
Comments John 12:3 This anointing is the second anointing of Mary, and it has a different purpose as well (See Comments Luke 7:36-38). The verse has told all readers that Mary, the one that the Lord loves, had already prepared His body for burial. By anointing His feet and wiping His feet with her hair, she has shown all humans the respect she has towards the beloved Son of God, and that is why her name has been mentioned in a few places in the Bible.
[4] However, Judas Iscariot, one of His disciples, being about to betray Him, says,
[5] Why was not this ointment sold for three hundred denarii, and given to the poor?
Comments John 12:5 When the reader reads without thinking, they can misunderstand and think that Judas has a heart of mercy towards the poor, but his own word has a different meaning. He himself also thinks that he is poor as well; that is why his heart has turned to be the robber of the moneybag of the Lord, not just because of greed but the selfishness in himself also has made him do it. To give away the money was not the thing Judas would like to do; he did not see the purpose of giving. He was just a selfish person; the money blinded him and brought his true nature out; for being selfish, he only thinks of himself first.
[6] However this he said, not because he cared for the poor; but because he was a thief, and having the moneybag he used to steal that being put into it.
Comments John 12:6 Here the greed has been shown, and the selfishness has led him to steal; as the verse has told all readers, “not because he cared for the poor,” instead this is the root of darkness; and if you don’t care for the needy when you yourself are a needy person as well, it will guide you to do things that lead you to be not only a needy person but a thief as well.
[7] Jesus therefore said, Leave her alone, so that for the day of My burial she may keep it.
Comments John 12:7 The beloved Son of God has seen Mary's heart as well; the heart that she has, the Lord wants her to continue to have. She gives to the Lord what she can at this time. Still, later on, her heart will be an offering of faith towards the beloved Son of God, which is what the beloved Son of God came on earth to receive; the faith from a true heart will be the path that will be used for burial of Himself, that He did not come on earth without result.
“… she may keep it.” In this place, “she may keep it” refers to the perfume of faith, which will elute the sadness of her heart, that she has anointed the beloved Son of God, from her heart not just only from her ability of this earthly things alone; this action of herself will comfort her in the future times.
[8] For the poor, you always have with yourselves; however, Me, you do not always have.
Comments John 12:8 “Yourselves” in this verse refers to the disciples. The poor in this place is not about the wealth of this earth since not everybody has all the things they need; you will meet needy people every day. As the verse has told, you will always have the poor with you, but the beloved Son of God is the comforter of the poor; He has come on this earth and had nothing of this earth in His possession, and He will depart from this earth, and all He has left for the earth is His love and mercy for all that have faith and meditate on His teaching. Therefore, the rich will need to come to seek from Him, but the poor will be the ones who receive from Him and have it abundantly before the rich have it. The overall meaning of this verse is that the Lord Jesus is the comforter of the poor, not the riches of this earth and the duty of the disciples is to comfort the people by sharing the Gospel with them.
In this chapter, verses 2 to 8 are in a different time sequence than the following verses. In addition, verse 1: “Jesus, therefore, six days before the Passover came to Bethany, where Lazarus was, whom Jesus raised out from the dead.” is connected with the next verse, verse 9.
[9] Therefore a great crowd of the Jews learned that He is there; and they came, not because of Jesus only, but that they might see Lazarus also, whom He raised from the dead.
Comments John 12:9 Verse 9 is a continuation of verse 1, and it links with verse 1 in a timeline manner and context. The beloved Son of God has shown His mercy for these people, and Lazarus himself will be the tool used to spread the good news. The people who have heard the story will start to have faith, and also, people will realize the beloved Son of God Himself has come down and that God has not forgotten them yet. Raising Lazarus from the dead will create faith in people's hearts, and those hearts that have been touched will seek to worship God in the future.
[10] However the chief priests took counsel that they might also put Lazarus to death;
Comments John 12:10 The chief priests, the religious leaders, have seen Lazarus as a threat to their position; in their minds, one way to solve the problem is to kill him. These people, whose hearts have no mercy, are religious leaders, but all they have is only themselves to think of, not the people of God.
[11] because on account of him many of the Jews were departing, and were believing in Jesus.
Comments John 12:11 The miracle work that happened to this man has convinced many hearts to believe in the beloved Son of God, and that is the main reason for them to want to kill Lazarus; if he dies, the talk will end, and nobody will link the faith to the beloved Son of God because of him.
[12] On the next day the great multitude having come to the feast, having heard that Jesus is coming to Jerusalem,
Comments John 12:12 For verses 12 to 15, see Comments Matthew 21:1-11, Comments Mark 11:1-10, and Comments Luke 19:28-38. The context of verse 12 relates to the multitude gathering to meet Jesus and glorify Him as He enters Jerusalem, and its timeline synchronizes to Luke 19:28.
“On the next day.” This chapter presents events on three different timelines, and this “on the next day” time is not timeline related to John 12:1,9-11, or John 12:2-8. However, this time relates to the great multitude timeline, starting in verse 12. People have heard that the beloved Son of God is coming, but they did not talk about where He is right now. Here John himself only talks about people’s reaction to hearing the news that the beloved Son of God is coming. That news has stirred people’s hearts that God is showing His mercy through the beloved Son of God and makes the great multitude want to see the beloved Son of God and His work at the feast.
Q: Why did the Lord not give us the exact day of His triumphal entry into Jerusalem? A: As every believer can notice, even the Holy Bible did not tell the specific day of the entry of the beloved Son of God into Jerusalem, even though humans have set the day. The purpose the Lord did not tell is for the hearts of true believers to feel the touch of the Lord when He has entered their hearts. Therefore, this event of entry to Jerusalem for the Lord, the Lord uses it for all believers as the date He has entered into their hearts; let all believers take that day as the triumphal entry of the beloved Son of God to their heart as that the most important day of their life.
[13] took the branches of the palm trees, and went out to meet Him, and were shouting: “Hosanna! Blessed is the One coming in the name of the Lord! And the King of Israel!”
Comments John 12:13 Now all believers can see the work of the Holy Spirit in people’s hearts. For a great multitude to feel the same way in their hearts and glorify the beloved Son of God coming and accept the beloved Son of God as their Savior and King, it can be only by the work of the Holy Spirit; this verse shows to all readers that the hearts of people are ready to see the true King of life.
[14] And Jesus, having found a young donkey, sat upon it; according as it is written,
[15] Fear not, daughter of Zion; behold, Your King comes, sitting on a donkey's colt.
Comments John 12:15 Verse 15 is a compressed quote given by the Holy Spirit to John from Zachariah 9:9. Always the beloved Son of God will do according to the Father’s will, and as it is written here in this verse, we can notice that the beloved Son of God has followed what the Father has told in the Holy Word. Because the Father Himself does not want anyone to be afraid of the coming of the beloved Son of God, but to feel comfortable and be loved by Him, the beloved Son of God has lowered Himself to be a human. The beloved Son of God lowered Himself to be a human because of the love and mercy He has towards all humans that He has created.
[16] These did not perceive His disciples at the first; however, when Jesus was glorified, then remembered they that these were written of Him, and they had done these to Him.
Comments John 12:16 As the verse tells, His disciples did not fully understand all that happened, and then His disciples realized that everything that has happened to the beloved Son of God has already been written, and all things must happen as it is written. And later, His own disciples concluded that everything the beloved Son of God would do if the Father had given to the prophets to be written in the Bible. Therefore, the beloved Son of God will obey and do, not by force but by being willing to receive everything written about Him.
[17] The multitude therefore that was with Him when He called Lazarus out of the tomb, and raised him from the dead, continued to bear witness.
Comments John 12:17 The beloved Son of God has told all people clearly in the event with Lazarus that He is not just the Lord of the living but also the Lord of the dead. Therefore, when the beloved Son of God called out Lazarus from the tomb, also He showed His power and authority over the death realm. Specifically, the death realm cannot hold someone if He wishes that, that someone come back. Because He is the beloved Son of God, when He has spoken, His voice and the Father's voice also came out at the same time. This verse shows that God is one, the beloved Son of God and the Father are One, and the death realm has acknowledged the power of His voice.
[18] Because of this, also the multitude went to meet Him, because they heard of Him having done the sign.
Comments John 12:18 The talk about the beloved Son’s authority has spread among His people, and everyone that has heard about this miracle has been touched in their heart and wanted to meet the beloved Son of God. So, now the work of the beloved Son of God on earth has more witnesses to spread the word as well; the word travels fast, and people realized that God has visited them now.
[19] The Pharisees therefore said among themselves, You see that you gain nothing; behold, the world has gone after Him.
Comments John 12:19 All readers can notice that the Pharisees have jealousy, not because someone has done good, but because someone has come in the name of the Lord and performed miracles among people and led the people's hearts away from following them. If people follow the beloved Son of God, it will threaten their authority as leaders. In their way, the plan of stopping the work of God has to start now; they want to find a way to stop the people from going away from them and following the beloved Son of God and keep their power to control the people furthermore.
[20] And there were certain Greeks among those coming up that they might worship at the feast;
[21] these then came to Philip, from Bethsaida of Galilee, and were asking him, saying, Sir, we wish to see Jesus.
Comments John 12:20-21 The people that have come to worship at the feast also have come to seek the Lord, but certain people came to meet Philip because of their hearts, thinking he can help them to meet the beloved Son of God. This event is also a beginning of the time marking for the beloved Son of God as well; the gentiles themselves wished to meet Him, and this event happening also alerted the beloved Son of God that His time was close by to depart and leave His disciples. This verse also lets the reader know about Philip and where he is coming from; the origin of him, which followed the beloved Son of God, has pointed to people as well where the beloved Son of God has traveled and also let people know that Philip has followed the beloved Son of God for sometimes as well.
[22] Philip goes and tells Andrew; Andrew and Philip come, and tell Jesus.
Comments John 12:22 There is no specific meaning here; only consider it a way of being between disciples.
[23] And Jesus answered them, saying, The hour has come, that the Son of Man should be glorified.
Comments John 12:23 This sign is only between the Father and the Son. For the beloved Son of God, a certain sign has been given to Him, as the Father Himself has appointed; when something happens, the beloved Son of God will also know what the next step should be. At this point, the beloved Son of God also knows that He will be lifted up; His time to be glorified by all, not only by His nation but also by the gentiles, has come.
[24] Truly, truly, I say to you, If the grain of wheat, having fallen into the earth, should not die, it abides alone; however, if it should die, it bears much fruit.
Comments John 12:24 Now the beloved Son of God has given a parable to all readers related to Himself and the time that He will depart from this earth. As the verse says, if you want to plant the grain but do not put the grain into the ground and let it die, that grain will never sprout and make brunches; as one grain, if it dies, will make many more grains, the same way, the death of the beloved Son of God on the cross has given birth to uncountable souls for glorifying the Father in heaven. If the beloved Son of God did not die, humans would not talk about Him, and when nobody talks about the beloved Son of God, neither heart will be open to receive the good news. The earth and all things in it will disappear without a second chance; however, when a person's heart has received the Lord Jesus' death on the cross, His death on the cross will give new birth to that person.
[25] Whoever loves his life loses it; and whoever hates his life in this world will keep it to life eternal.
Comments John 12:25 “Whoever loves his life loses it;” “Loves his life” in this place is not the life that we are breathing and living right now, but the life in the mind and living soul of the person. The way humans can feel to love their soul life (by faith in God) that is the reason for humans to try to seek the way to extend that life for themselves. So, therefore, “Whoever loves his life” refers to the life of the soul, and “loses it” refers to the earthy life.
“whoever hates his life in this world”; Whosoever has seen the comfortable of life right now and wants to hold on to that comfortable life and riches on this earth, that person will perish without hope. Still, whoever ignores the comfort of this life and seeks God by reading the Holy Word, meditating, and worshiping the God of living will have eternal life in heaven. Reading and meditating on the Holy Word, every human finds it a hard job to do on this earth. Still, whosoever finds joy in doing it, that person’s heart will seek to find a way to be closer to love and enjoy service for the Lord on this earth, and the reward at the end is eternal life.
“will keep it.” Keep faith in this life relates to the beloved Son of God; when a person has kept faith also, that person will meditate on the teaching of the Holy Bible, and the Trinity of God will wake up their soul to enjoy that faith with that life of the person on this earth.
[26] If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there will also My servant be; if anyone serves Me, him will the Father honor.
Comments John 12:26 When a person serves the beloved Son of God, that person also has become the servant of Him, and if that person keeps the faith, the Father Himself will receive that person as His servant as well; especially when someone has accepted the beloved Son of God, that person has been accepted by the Father as well.
“if anyone serves Me, him will the Father honor.” When the Father has honored someone, that also tells everyone that the Father's honor has been known by the Father Himself, and the Father Himself will be pleased with that person, which is the highest honor a human can receive. The Father's honor, the person will receive when the person comes to eternal life, not the life of this earth anymore.
Q: Why does the Lord use the term “serves” and not believe in this verse? A: The beloved Son has used the term "serve" since when you serve someone, you must also obey and listen to the commandments; you cannot serve your master if you do not obey His orders. So, therefore, all believers must obey the teaching of the Holy Word and meditate on it in their hearts. When the believers meditate on the teaching of the Holy Word, then they will follow the beloved Son of God, and they will never lift themselves to be the same; always, the true believers will put themselves down and be willing with all their hearts to serve the master. But when talking about belief, all Christians must believe all the teaching of the Holy Bible and believe in their hearts that the Holy Bible is the Holy Word coming from God.
[27] Now My soul has been troubled; and what shall I say? Father, save Me from this hour. However, because of this came I to this hour.
Comments John 12:27 “Now, My soul has been troubled.” This part of the verse refers to the beloved Son of God in human form; during being human, His soul also had all the same feelings as every soul should have. Therefore, when the beloved Son of God has felt troubled, that refers to the feeling of humans in Him; this also shows that He knew very well His end time as a human is coming soon to Him.
“Father, save Me from this hour.” When the beloved Son of God has trouble in Himself, only to one Person He will go, and that Person is the Father Himself, and this has shown to all humans that in His humanity, He has called out to the Father as every human child should do as well. So, when the beloved Son felt that the time was hard, in His humanity, He showed what we should do; but also, at the same time, He already knew what He would do.
“However, because of this came I to this hour.” Also, this part of the verse has told all believers that because of the love that the beloved Son has towards all humans, He is willing to face this time in His human life on earth as well.
[28] Father, glorify Thy name. There came, then, a voice out from heaven: I both glorified, and I will glorify again.
Comments John 12:28 “Father, glorify Thy name.” The beloved Son of God has glorified the Father in front of the public, so everyone has seen the way the beloved Son of God behaves towards the Father. And when the Father has replied back to the beloved Son of God, it has also shown to all humans who the beloved Son of God truly is and how much the Father has been pleased by the beloved Son of God's actions. This verse alone has told humans about the authority and power that the beloved Son of God has on this earth.
“I both glorified, and I will glorify again.” The first glorifying by the Father was when the beloved Son of God accepted the duty to be born as a human, and the second glorifying was when the beloved Son of God was crucified on the cross; the beloved Son of God also has glorified the Father in two kinds of actions, first by coming down and taking human form, second, by His death on the cross. God, Himself, has tested death, and no human can argue at the judgment time; God knows all, the pain of being human and the pain of death.
[29] The multitude therefore, having stood and heard, was saying that there has been thunder; others were saying, An angel has spoken to Him.
Comments John 12:29 This verse shows that by the voice of the Father alone, humans can see and feel the power of His voice, but the humans' hearts still remain darkened and ignorant. If the Father's voice is so powerful, how powerful will it be when His finger points to the earth at the end of time? Let all believers think about this.
Q: Did Jesus talk here to the disciples only or the multitude around as well? A: Jesus talked to the disciples (see verse 23), but the multitude also heard Him. The humans did not think about the Father at this time and about the power of His voice; the angel will not talk out unless he has permission from the Father; humans have no comparisons for themselves, but the verse tells what humans thought at that moment in time. However, verse 28 tells us clearly that the voice of the Father has spoken to the beloved Son of God.
[30] Jesus answered and said, This voice has not come on account of Me, but on account of you.
Comments John 12:30 The beloved Son of God has told all readers and hearers that the Father's voice was not for Him alone but for all who heard the voice. In their ears, the confirmation from the Father (I both glorified, and I will glorify again) had been given to all that were there; humans have heard the Father's voice.
[31] Now is the judgment of this world; now will the ruler of this world be cast out.
Comments John 12:31 Because the Father has spoken out from heaven, at the same time, the Father has judged all humans as well because the Father Himself has declared the beloved Son of God to the humans. Therefore, the ones that did not believe in the beloved Son of God did not believe in the Father Himself as well, and all the rulers of the world will be punished because they have led the people astray; the Lord has given them duty as a ruler for people, but they did not do their job, their punishment will be greater than the commoners who did not have a chance to learn about the work of God for humans.
Q: How does God give rulers duty? A: Some people have a duty towards others as well; the Lord has given them a gift, the gift of talking with people, but instead of teaching people, they have proclaimed themselves as leaders by using the gift the Lord has given them. In their hearts, they all know the real truth that they don't know anything by themselves and have received knowledge from God, but they believe their understanding is the correct one and turn to believe in their own intelligence, not God’s gift. So likewise, all humans receive intelligence from the Lord, but they have strayed away and proclaimed themselves above all. Instead of giving thanks to the Lord, they give thanks to themselves that they are the right ones to rule, not God to rule over the world.
“now will the ruler of this world be cast out.” The ruler of this world is the servant of the dark side; all humans who listen to the dark and ignore the voice of the beloved Son of God fall in this category. The Father has given this world into the hand of the beloved Son of God, and all those that reject Him have closed their hearts and shut out the voice of His Spirit; those have given themselves to the dark to rule; when the judgment time will come all those have no chance to argue, they will be cast out into the hades.
[32] And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all to Myself.
Comments John 12:32 The beloved Son of God has been crucified, and in His death, He has taken all those who believed in Him as He departed to heaven; all those who have faith in Him will be taken to be with Him in Paradise for waiting for the judgment time. So, likewise, those left on earth who come to the beloved Son of God after His crucifixion, He will take them as well; as the verse has told all readers, the beloved Son of God has drawn all that belong to Him to Himself.
[33] Now this He was saying, signifying by what manner of death He was about to die.
Comments John 12:32-33 These verses tells the purpose of the death in the human form of the beloved Son of God; as a human, He has faced death, but this death of His has brought life to all that will die believing in His name.
[34] The multitude therefore answered Him, We have heard from the law that the Christ abides forever; and how do Thou say, That the Son of Man it behooves to be lifted up? Who is this Son of Man?
Comments John 12:34 “The multitude therefore answered Him”; What the Lord said, the multitude also has heard and knew very well what the beloved Son of God was telling them, but within themselves, they have ignored His word; that is why when they talked with Him, the question they have is related to His humanity but not to His true identity as God.
“We have heard from the law …”; As the verse has told, the Lord has already given them the details in the Law that the beloved Son of God will live for eternity. The Christ of God will never die, and their own Law has also told this.
“and how do Thou say, …”; Humans did not understand the term “lifted up.” Therefore, when they crucified the beloved Son of God, the death that He faced showed to all humans that the Father had lifted Him up on high in that death.
“Who is this Son of Man?” Everyone has the same question, why the beloved Son of God calls Himself Son of Man? First, everyone must remember that the beloved Son of God is one hundred percent human, so to be human, He is a Man. When the Son of Man has called Himself this way, He refers to His own human nature that He has taken with Him back to heaven; the beloved Son of God has returned back to the Father in the human body, which makes Him become the Son of Man.
[35] Jesus then said to them, Still a little time is the light among you. Walk in the manner of the light you have, so that darkness might not overtake you; but the one walking in the darkness does not know where he is going.
Comments John 12:35 “Jesus then said to them …”; When the beloved Son of God was on earth as a human, He had told all humans, then and now, that His teaching is the light for all people. Therefore, all humans should meditate and pray on His teachings. While He was among them, He Himself was the light, but soon He will leave them and also give all the true light, the Holy Bible. Now the true light is in the Holy Bible because the beloved Son of God has returned back to heaven. Still, He never took His light from humans, which is why His teaching will remain and be the true light for everyone that comes and meditates on His teaching; follow what He has taught, and that is what the true believer in Him should do.
“Walk in the manner of the light you have …”; As believers, when you continue your life, if you abide in the beloved Son of God’s teachings, you still have light with you, and you can continue to walk in your daily life with faith and trust in the true light of the beloved Son of God.
“but the one walking in the darkness …”; Whoever does not follow the teachings that the beloved Son of God has given in the Holy Bible, that person walks in the dark and does not know that his soul has walked into the pit of hell, and the person does not even know, that they are walking to destruction.
[36] While you have the light, believe in the light, so that you may become sons of light. These spoke Jesus, and having gone away He was hidden from them.
Comments John 12:36 “While you have the light …”; As the verse has told, walk when you have the light. The light in this place is faith in the Trinity of God; if you are a true believer and accept the Trinity of God in your soul, you become a child of the light.
“having gone away He was hidden from them.” Jesus still continues His journey because He never stops long in one place; people have taken that as He is running away from problems, but the beloved Son of God still has much work to do. He went away from them, but did not go for hiding, but went out and worked for the light by telling them about the mercy of the Father; He Himself also taught them and told them what they should do to be saved; so, meditate and study and pray for mercy to understand, and the living word also will become the light for your soul.
[37] Yet, so many signs of Him having been done before them, they did not believe in Him;
Comments John 12:37 The beloved Son of God has done many miracle signs for the people to see, yet their hearts were still hardened; they wanted to see more signs, but they still did not believe who He is.
[38] so that the word of Isaiah the prophet might be fulfilled that said:
Lord, who has believed our report?
And the arm of the Lord, to whom was it revealed?
Comments John 12:38 This verse did not tell that if the people did not do certain things, the beloved Son would not come, and also, it is not a condition for the beloved Son of God to perform miracles, but all things must happen according to the Father’s will which has been revealed through the prophet. This quote is from Isaiah 53:1.
“Lord, who has believed our report?” When the verse says our report, it refers to the word that has been spoken through the prophet related to the beloved Son of God, mainly that He will come down to the earth to be the Savior of the world. The Father Himself has already told people, and many prophets have declared the will of the Father to save the world through His beloved Son's mercy; even the people’s hearts want to be saved but do not want to believe that the only one way to be saved is through the beloved Son of God, and they try to seek other ways to be saved; regardless of how many prophets will come and tell, their disobedient hearts never believed in the Father's plan.
“And the arm of the Lord, to whom was it revealed?” The Father has told the people through His prophets that the mercy of the Father has been revealed. “And to whom” refers to the whole world; they have seen the work, and the word had been pronounced to all.
[39] On account of this, they were not able to believe, for that Isaiah said again,
[40] He has blinded their eyes,
and has hardened their heart,
In order that they should not see with the eyes;
and perceive with the heart, and turn,
and I will heal them.
Comments John 12:40 “He has blinded their eyes.” “He” in this place refers to the Father Himself; now, here is the place to talk about the election. For some of them, the Father has blocked their eyes to see. Even if they are looking through His creation, they will not acknowledge the Lord's handwork. Everything the Lord created works together very well because the Father Himself created them and put them in order; something will rely on something else, and that is the way the Father wants all things to be; all things work together in harmony, one will have more than another, but both still need each other as well.
“and hardened their heart.” Therefore, when the Father has blinded their eyes, He also has hardened their heart; their heart will not respond to what they hear because their eyes have been blinded, making their heart hardened and not rejoicing in the works of the Lord.
He has blinded their eyes and hardened their heart so they do not sin while Jesus is among them on earth and might have a chance to repent after His resurrection. If the Father did not do this to them, their soul will never have a chance at the resurrection.
“In order that they should not see with the eyes.” Even when they have seen with their own eyes, in their eyes is empty, almost to be as seeing nothing.
“and perceive with the heart, and turn.” So then, if they have used the spiritual eyes that the Lord gives, they will acknowledge Him in their heart and come back to glorify Him before it is too late. Meaning that the Lord wants them to believe without seeing (any miracles), but believing from their heart and turn to Him and repent.
“and I will heal them.” So then, when they have come with humble hearts and glorify the Trinity of God, the Father will heal them completely, and their eyes will see what the Father has done, and their heart will acknowledge what they have seen, and their ears will hear the praising of the others that praise the God Almighty, and their own heart will stop and glorify God Almighty, and the Lord will have mercy on them.
Q: Why are we saying, “for some of them, the Father has blocked their eyes to see”? A: Because the Father has already seen what they will do, and by blocking their eyes, they will still have a chance for their soul to be saved. In that way, they blaspheme without seeing, and the guilt on them will be lesser; it is opposite to those that the Father did not block their eyes and commit sin; these people will not be forgiven on the judgment day.
John 12:40 verse is a quotation from Isaiah 6:10 (ESV) which says:
"Make the heart of this people dull,
and their ears heavy,
and blind their eyes;
lest they see with their eyes,
and hear with their ears,
and understand with their hearts,
and turn and be healed."
Q: How do we understand the words differences between Isaiah 6:10 and John 12:40? A: Different translations, but the meaning is the same; some have translated out of their own understanding, but still, they line up with the correct order. For example, John has received what the Lord wanted him to put down, which is the correct way for this Gospel. Still, if people try to compare somewhere and bring it here, it will not match, but John has the right to put it down because the Lord has seen the work that will be accomplished by giving a different way of arrangement; however, the meaning has not changed at all.
[41] These things said Isaiah, because he saw His glory, and spoke concerning Him.
Comments John 12:41 Isaiah has seen the glory of the beloved Son of God, and that glory has impacted his heart, and the Father has used him to prophesy the word and write it down.
[42] Nevertheless, even also out of the rulers, many believed in Him; but on account of the Pharisees, they were not confessing in order that they might not be put out of the synagogue:
Comments John 12:42 From this verse, let all readers notice the ones who believed in the beloved Son of God but were afraid of people, which made their hearts not open to receive the word. This world has blocked many eyes; the ones who want to be accepted by people have forgotten that it is much better to be accepted by God and not by the people. Still, if you want to be someone of this world and ignore the voice of God in your heart, you will be like these people, be the rulers but afraid to be kicked from the worship place; think first, the worship place of this earth may accept you, but the place of worship in heaven has denied you because you have listened to humans before listening to God.
[43] for they took pleasure in the opinion of people more than the opinion of God.
Comments John 12:43 For the ones that take pleasure in the opinion of people, the opinion of God becomes nothing for them; because by glory from people, they will be lifted up on this earth, and their eyes could see that glory now, but the glory of God is not of this earth, but the earth that will come later. And humans are not willing to wait to receive glory later, so they choose to receive now the glory from people instead of waiting for God.
[44] And Jesus cried out and said, Whoever believes in Me, believes not in Me, but in the One having sent Me.
Comments John 12:44 In this verse, all believers can notice that the beloved Son of God always puts the Father in front of Him. The beloved Son of God has put Himself below the Father, the Father has sent Him, and He listens and obeys the Father’s will. Therefore, if you believe in the beloved Son of God, it has shown that you believe not just only the word of the beloved Son of God, but you believe that He has been sent by the Father.
[45] And whoever beholds Me, beholds the One having sent Me.
Comments John 12:45 For us today, “beholds” (gaze upon) does not refer to physical seeing but to the Holy Word, which talks about the beloved Son of God that has come to the earth.
[46] I have come, a light into the world, so that whoever is believing in Me, should not remain in the darkness.
Comments John 12:46 In this verse, all Christians can notice the mercy of the Father; the Father has sent the beloved Son of God, the true light for the soul, to all who believe in Him and abide in His teaching. When you abide by His teaching, the dark cannot cover your soul. All His teaching in the Holy Bible must be followed. The one who reads but does not meditate will not get the protection; the living word needs meditation to grow and send the long root into the soul of the person.
[47] And if anyone listens My sayings, and does not believe, I do not judge him; for I did not come that I might judge the world, but that I might save the world.
Comments John 12:47 “…, I do not judge him;” As the verse has told to all readers, listening but not believing, the beloved Son of God has not judged that person, but the Spirit of the beloved Son of God, which is in the Holy Word, knows if the person believes the Word or not, and that makes the beloved Son of God know that person as well. This knowledge will be used on the last day for judgment, but this knowledge of the Spirit of the beloved Son of God will be revealed on the judgment day with the Father, and that person will receive the judgment. So, the Lord is telling us that He did not come at that time in the world to judge the world at that time, but to give His word and the light of salvation to all people. The judgment of all people will take place at the judgment day.
“…but that I might save the world.” The purpose of the beloved Son of God to come on earth is to save everyone, not to judge anyone; the person who will judge is the Father Himself, but through the beloved Son of God; all that believe and meditate, the beloved Son of God will save them. You follow something but you don’t know the meaning, when you meditate you know what the Holy Word has told you, and that will lead you to follow, before following you must meditate.
[48] The one rejecting Me, and receiving not My sayings, has One judging him. The word which I spoke, that one will judge him in the last day.
Comments John 12:48 “… has One judging him.” The beloved Son of God has said to all believers that the One judge is the Father; He alone can judge all things.
“The word which I spoke, …”; Remember also that the Bible has told that the Father has given Him the word; whatever the beloved Son of God has spoken is not His own word alone, but the Father’s word as well, and that is why the Lord has told all, that the word He spoke will judge.
[49] For I spoke not from Myself; but the Father having sent Me, Himself gave Me commandment, what I should say, and what I should speak.
Comments John 12:49 “For I spoke not from Myself …”; Here is the place of confirmation that the word the Lord Jesus spoke is from the Father, and that is why the word will judge, and the word has the power to judge every soul.
“Himself gave Me commandment.” “Himself” here is the Father; the Lord Jesus spoke what the Father commanded; the word He has spoken is from the Father. The Trinity is difficult to understand. The Trinity is not about equality but about unity, being Three as One in the Father. The Trinity is One, but the Father is above all; three ways of going, but the starting point always is the Father, and from the Father Himself, it becomes three ways, which is why it becomes Trinity but One. The Son and the Holy Spirit exist from the beginning and within the Father, different persons but still as one unit, the same God of Three but three personalities.
[50] And I know that His commandment is life eternal; what therefore I speak, according as the Father has said to Me, so I speak.
Comments John 12:50 “… is life eternal”; The beloved Son of God has told all believers that the word of the Father is life eternal; the word is life and gives life in the same time as well.
“What therefore I speak …”; All the Father's commandment to the beloved Son of God, that is the word the beloved Son of God has spoken out. During the beloved Son of God being in human form on earth, all His words are from the Father, and the living word has been given to all humans. By the mercy of the Father, the living word became human. The Lord Jesus is the Word, and He speaks the Word; He is all because the Father has begotten Him; all in the beloved Son of God is from the Father; there is no another identity between the God of Three (the Father, the Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit); all are One and One in all.
Life and Faith Application1) The Lord wants us to give Him our heart; our heart will be an offering of faith towards the beloved Son of God, which is what the beloved Son of God came on earth to receive. 2) Whoever you are, you can find salvation in the beloved Son of God; it doesn’t matter your race or condition; you only need to give your heart to the Lord truly. 3) There is a judgment day coming on all the souls of humans; the word the Lord Jesus spoke is from the Father, which is why the word will judge, and the word has the power to judge every soul. 4) All true believers must believe in the Trinity of God; the Trinity is One, but the Father is above all; three ways of going, but the starting point always is the Father, and from the Father Himself, it becomes three ways, which is why it becomes Trinity but One.