Bible Commentary Forever คำอธิบายความเข้าใจในพระคัมภีร์ไทยสำหรับชีวิต

John 9

For Greek interlinear links click the [verse numbers] below
Summary. In this chapter, the Lord Jesus heals a man born blind and teaches about spiritual blindness, which is the true blindness. The events presented in this healing can be divided into five sections. John 9:1-7. The Lord Jesus heals a man born blind. The Lord Jesus tells all humans that He is the light for their souls, and He still gives His Spirit to all who have faith and trust in Him to find their way out of the darkness. The Lord Jesus showed His mercy on this poor man, anointed his eyes with the clay of His saliva, and healed him. John 9:8-12. The neighbors question the man about his healing. The man testifies to his neighbors about how the Man called Jesus healed him; then they take him to report to the Pharisees. John 9:13-34. The Pharisees question the man and his parents about his healing. The man testifies to the Pharisees about how the Lord Jesus healed him; then, his parents testify that their son was born blind. Finally, the man testifies to the Pharisees that Jesus healed him because He is from God; then, they cast him out. John 9:35-38. The formerly blind man worships the Lord Jesus. Jesus meets the man and questions him about his faith. The man testifies to his faith in the Son of God. As a result, this man found his way out of the darkness and was healed from his true blindness, and worshiped the Lord Jesus. John 9:38-41. Jesus teaches about spiritual blindness. The Lord Jesus teaches about spiritual blindness through the healing of the physically blind man. The blind man’s eyes were physically blind, but he had seen the beloved Son of God with his heart; the Pharisees' eyes themselves were not blind but did not accept the beloved Son of God and did not ask for forgiveness, and they never confess their sins, so that is the difference between the true physically blind and spiritually blind.
[1] And passing by, He saw a man blind from birth.
[2] And His disciples asked Him, saying, Rabbi, who sinned, he or his parents, that he should be born blind?
Comments John 9:2 All humans will have a similar question when we see someone having problems; the first thing we think in our minds would be, what sin did the person commit that they must suffer in this way? Even as the verse has told right now, His own disciples have asked the Lord the sin question, if the man himself or his parents committed a sin and caused this man to be blind from birth.
[3] Jesus answered, Neither he sinned, nor his parents; but that the works of God should be made visible in him.
Comments John 9:3 When something bad happens to someone, it does not mean punishment or sin, but it means that God has a purpose to make a person not complete in everything. And also, it is a way for the person in that situation to come to the Lord with the feeling from the deep of their soul and seek mercy from the God Most High, as this verse has told all readers, so, read and meditate, not only read to finish the sentence.
“but that the works of God should be made visible in him”; This tells that the work of the beloved Son of God will be shown here in this situation on the person. The important work the beloved Son of God will do for humans has also been shown here; the mercy of God has been poured down on this soul, and there is no need for anyone to be guilty in their situation. After this event, we do not know the purpose of life for this person to receive mercy. Therefore, we should wait and see the end of it before judging any situation.
When a person is born, and that person does not have good health from birth, when we look at the person and don’t know where, what, and how it happened to the person, let all remember one thing, they all have been born in the image of God as well; even they have a problem from birth, the Lord’s love and will, will still be in them. So when you look at them, thank God that they are still alive and have a chance to make an impact on all people; some may think in a negative way of that person, but some get encouragement from that person and glorify God, that the God of love still gives that person a chance to see His wondrous works on earth. And if you can have a chance to talk about God to that person, do so with love and mercy. Since you have received love and mercy for yourself already, show that to those that are having problems in their life from birth; and do not think that because of the sin of parents or themselves they have been born that way, but think of them that they will make others give thanks to God for they are alive.
[4] It is necessary for Us to work the works of the One having sent Me while it is day; the night is coming when no one is able to work.
Comments John 9:4 Here we should pay attention to the word “Us”; the beloved Son of God and His Spirit are coming down to do the work of the Father. The beloved Son of God and His Spirit have been sent for all humans to see the love of the Father towards humans.
“while it is day.” This day refers to the day that the beloved Son of God is still alive and walking as a human on earth. When the night comes, that is when they have crucified the beloved Son of God.
“the night is coming when no one is able to work.” When they have crucified the beloved Son of God, the night of the soul has come for all humans. The beloved Son of God is the light for the soul; when humans have crucified Him, His light has stopped for the humans until He has risen. Those who do not accept and ask the beloved Son of God's Spirit to come upon them will not be able to work to free their own soul from the dark.
[5] When I am in the world, I am the light of the world.
Comments John 9:5 The beloved Son of God has told all humans that He is the light for their souls. When He was in the world, humans did not respect Him as the true light of their life, and now He is with Father in heaven, but He still gives His Spirit to all that have faith and trust in Him.
[6] These having said, He spat on the ground, and made clay of the spittle, and applied the clay to his eyes,
Comments John 9:6 First, give attention; this blind man did not have eyes in his eye sockets. Humans come from the ground, which is why the beloved Son of God used the ground with the blessing from His body. He has anointed the blind with the clay of His saliva; the result will be beyond believable for humans to see.
[7] and said to him, Depart, wash into the pool of Siloam (which is, by interpretation, Sent). He went after, therefore, and washed, and went seeing.
Comments John 9:7 Q: The Lord made clay with the saliva and anointed this man's eyes, then He told the man to go and wash in the pool of Siloam. Why would the Lord send him to wash if the man didn't have eyes in the sockets? A: As the verse 6 tells, the Lord anointed the man's eyes with the clay. If the Lord has applied the clay into his eyes, have you ever thought what that would be like? Anointed here has a deeper meaning than just the covering of the eyes. If the man already has eyes inside the sockets, the Lord does not need to put the clay into his eyes. But, by putting the clay into his eyes' sockets, that clay became eyes for him.
"Depart, wash into the pool of Siloam"; This pool had many needy people staying around and waiting. So when the blind man went there and washed his eyes in that pool, it also made all people who sat there see the wonderful miracle the blind man had received, making everyone try to find out what really happened to him. How could it be that a blind man can see again by washing? So the Lord did this miracle to strengthen and stir up people's faith at that time and for our times as well.
[8] The neighbors then, and those having seen him before, that he was a beggar, were saying, Is not this who was sitting and begging?
Comments John 9:8 We all can notice that people know this person as the blind beggar. He is well-known among people as a man in need of mercy from God. This miracle will work in everyone’s heart to ask what had happened to this blind beggar? Now he has become normal as everyone, and the work of the beloved Son of God will stir up people’s hearts to think and wonder what really happened and who can make things happen this way.
[9] Some were saying, It is he; others said, No, but he is like him. That one was saying, I am.
[10] They said therefore to him, How then were your eyes opened?
Comments John 9:10 Now we all can notice that people are wondering what happened to the blind man. Their hearts have been stirred up from what they have seen, and people will think more that something wonderful has happened among them now.
[11] He answered, The Man called Jesus made clay, and applied to my eyes, and said to me, Depart to Siloam, and wash; then I went away and having washed, I received sight.
Comments John 9:11 The man has told what the beloved Son of God has done for him, and that is a witness for the mercy of God. Who can make the blind eyes to be opened? Everyone that heard about it will think the same thing, that it is a miracle.
“then I went away and having washed, I received sight.” We can talk about the man's obedience here. The beloved Son of God told him to wash his eyes, and he went and obeyed; the result of obedience was that he received his sight.
[12] And they said to him, Where is He? He says, I do not know.
[13] They bring to the Pharisees him that formerly was blind.
Comments John 9:13 We should notice that there is a gap of time between verses 12 and 13. All readers can clearly see that the Pharisees control every aspect of people's life. Therefore, when something happens beyond usual, it becomes a duty for people to report to the Pharisees, which is how they control the people.
[14] And it was Sabbath in the day which Jesus made the clay and opened his eyes.
Comments John 9:14 It is a specific law for the day of the Lord, and people want to know what their religious leaders would think about this healing.
[15] Again then the Pharisees also asked him how he received sight. And he said to them, He put clay on my eyes, and I washed, and I see.
Comments John 9:15 This verse shows the people's situations from the two-sided story, the blind and the Pharisees; now, the Pharisees themselves have heard how he received his sight from the witness himself.
[16] Some, therefore, of the Pharisees said, This Man is not from God because He is not keeping the Sabbath. Others said, How can a Man that is a sinner do such signs? And there was division among them.
Comments John 9:16 People could not do work on the Sabbath by the old tradition and teaching. But, still, the beloved Son of God is the Lord of the Sabbath, and He is doing the work on His day, so that is what they should think as well. But they have misunderstood the purpose of the Lord’s day, so do good work on the Lord’s day, which is what all humans should do, not only try to catch someone doing good on the Lord’s day.
“And there was division among them.” All readers can notice that between them arose a division now. The division happened between the ones that love the Lord and worship Him and those who love the Lord but use the Lord's law to control people without asking and without meditating for the real meaning.
[17] They say, therefore, to the blind further, What do you say concerning Him because He opened your eyes? And he said, He is a prophet.
Comments John 9:17 They have asked the blind man about the beloved Son of God. The blind man, without teaching, has acknowledged the beloved Son of God as a prophet because he has felt the work that the beloved Son of God has done for him, and his heart has accepted Him. With all his knowledge, the one who can do miracle work is a prophet; however, he did not have the knowledge yet about the beloved Son of God.
[18] The Jews then did not believe concerning him that he was blind and received sight until they called the parents of him having received sight,
[19] and they asked them, saying, Is this your son, of whom you say that was born blind? How therefore does he now see?
Comments John 9:19 The Pharisees, who were the leaders of the people, wanted to make sure this was not a made-up story about the man that was born blind and had received sight; however, they were expecting that this was not a true story that the blind man had told.
[20] Then his parents answered and said, We know that this is our son, and that he was born blind;
[21] but how he now sees, we do not know; or who opened his eyes, we do not know; question him, he has maturity; he will speak for himself.
Comments John 9:21 The way the parents answered also told all readers that the blind man has become a healthy person, but he is no longer a child under their care. When the condition of the body has returned to good health, the parents also believe that their responsibility towards the grown-up child has ended because this person is not a child but a man.
[22] These said his parents, because they feared the Jews; for the Jews had agreed together already, that if anyone should confess Him Christ, he should be put out of the synagogue.
Comments John 9:22 We all can notice from this verse how fearful the people were toward the religious leaders. If the leaders have already agreed they don’t accept the beloved Son of God, nobody can accept Him as well; if someone accepts the beloved Son of God, that person will be cut off from all the help they will give.
Everyone that goes to the synagogue must listen to them, so if they have told you do not help this person, they all must obey, which is why people fear them. All the money they receive from people becomes for themselves because people, by the law of God, have faith and bring in all the wealth they have beyond the need and give it to the synagogue. The religious leaders will be the ones that distribute the help to the people, so that is why they have a voice for control. They use the basic needs of humans as a weapon for controlling everyone.
“feared the Jews.” When it comes to this term (Jews), the Bible means about the leaders that have received the position to rule in all things about worshiping God.
[23] Because of this, said his parents, He has maturity, ask him.
[24] Therefore they called a second time the man who had been blind, and said to him, Give glory to God, we know that this Man is a sinner.
Comments John 9:24 Now the religious leaders themselves have blasphemed against the beloved Son of God. The Lord has helped the blind man, but the religious leaders have told people that the one who helped this man is a common sinner; but the man has been healed from God the Father, not someone else that made him be healed.
[25] He, therefore, answered, If He is a sinner, I do not know; one thing I do know, that, being blind, now I see.
Comments John 9:25 The beloved Son of God has opened not only the physical eyes of this man but his heart as well. For this blind man, regardless of who or what He is, he has received mercy, and his sight returned to him. Therefore, if they have told him that the beloved Son of God is a sinner, for this blind man, this accusation has no meaning because he has already experienced the Lord's mercy.
[26] They said, therefore, to him, What did He do to you? How did He open your eyes?
Comments John 9:26 Now all the questions come to the man; all the people want to know if He really did something or if this man only thinks that the beloved Son of God did it. Since, in their eyes, Jesus is just a common Man, the main thing they don’t want to believe in what has happened is how a common Man can make this man’s eyes be opened again.
[27] He answered them, I told you already, and you did not listen. Why do you wish to hear again? And you do not desire to become His disciples.
Comments John 9:27 Pay attention to the common person's answer. He had told what happened, and still, they asked him again. If this healing action is a miracle, then the question comes as normal, and you should go and be His disciples as the answer of the innocent man has told them.
[28] And they reviled him, and said, You are a disciple of that One, but we are disciples of Moses.
Comments John 9:28 As the leaders have answered to this ordinary person, you are a commoner, go to be the disciple of the beloved Son of God, but we are learned (trained, schooled, we have the knowledge, we are not commoners), and we are Moses' disciples.
[29] We know that God has spoken to Moses; however, we do not know from where this One is.
Comments John 9:29 With Moses, it has been recorded that God spoke with him, but for the beloved Son of God, people do not know who He is; is He just a common Man, or is He a prophet? But, they would rather put Him as a prophet than put Him to be God's beloved Son.
[30] The man answered and said to them, For this is amazing, that you know not from where He is, even He opened my eyes.
Comments John 9:30 The common man has recognized the amazing work the beloved Son of God has done for him. Regardless of where the beloved Son of God comes from, the work has been done already, so emphasize on the miracle work.
As the common man has answered, give attention to what happened to him, now he is not blind, and that is a miracle already, and "you as a leader do not know who has this power of healing?" is his question. Think of the miracle work that Jesus has performed, and everyone should notice that He cannot be a common man anymore; with the power to do miracle work, He is not just a man anymore, but He is to be put above all men.
[31] We know that God does not hear sinners, but if someone is God-fearing and does His will, him He hears.
Comments John 9:31 When praying to the God Most High, as a believer, pay attention to this verse. As the beloved Son of God has prayed to the Father, and the Father heard Him, He will hear all believers; when everyone covered by His beloved Son's blood comes worshiping Him with their whole heart, He will hear them certainly.
“and does His will.” All true believers that worship the Father will know in their hearts the Father’s will regarding what they should and should not do, through the Spirit of His beloved Son; every heart will feel that as well. Here it emphasizes on the Spirit of the Son; the verse itself is according to listening; the Father will not listen to normal humans, but through the Spirit of His Son, the Father will hear a prayer done in Jesus’ name.
[32] Out of the age, it was not heard that someone opened eyes of one born blind.
[33] If this Man were not from God, He would not be able to do anything.
Comments John 9:33 This statement here is a true statement of a believer. This man has already in his heart connected with the beloved Son of God and has come to believe that He must come from God the Father Himself because a normal man cannot do this miracle work with his eyes.
[34] They answered and said to him, You were completely born in sins, and do you teach us? And they cast him outside.
Comments John 9:34 The dark mind will not hear the truth. This man, being born blind, does not mean that he was born in sin, but the ones who talk are the ones who live in sin. When the ear has been shut, and the eye has been blinded, not physical but spiritual, all their heart feelings have been blinded; by casting out the poor man, these leaders have discouraged the faith of this poor man as well.
[35] Jesus heard that they had cast him out and, having found him, said, Do you believe in the Son of Man?
Comments John 9:35 Let all readers give attention; the beloved Son of God Himself has asked this poor man and all the people at the same time, “Do you believe in the Son of Man?” Do not give the answer out, but meditate on the word “believe,” believe not just by the feeling or by the thought but believe deep down in your heart that the beloved Son of God in this place has called Himself “Son of Man” because He has taken the human form and has used His life as a human (meaning Son of God in human form).
For “Son of Man,” see also Comments John 5:25.
[36] He answered and said, And who is He, Lord, that I may believe in Him?
Comments John 9:36 Let all believers take notice of this man's faith, blind of the eyes, but not blind at heart. Give attention to what it says here; he is already willing to believe in the beloved Son of God; his heart has already opened to receive the beloved Son of God.
[37] Jesus said to him, Also you have seen Him, and He is speaking with you.
Comments John 9:37 The beloved Son of God has told this poor man straight; unlike He talked with others, all believers can notice the mercy of the Lord Jesus in this verse. The beloved Son of God has told this man, you did not only see Him, but you are talking with Him as well, so the Lord Jesus wants to comfort his poor heart with this word.
[38] And he said, Lord, I believe. And he worshipped Him.
Comments John 9:38 Let all believers pay attention to how this poor man has believed, and now he is worshiping the beloved Son of God; he has confirmed his faith not only by saying "I believe," but he has worshiped the beloved Son of God as well.
The beloved Son of God will never stop the sincere heart from worshiping Him, so if you worship Him with a true heart, the beloved Son of God will receive that worship with gladness and joy, as we all can notice with this verse.
[39] And Jesus said, For judgment came I into this world, that those that do not see may see, and those seeing may become blind.
Comments John 9:39 The beloved Son of God has told all humans in detail in this verse itself; because He has already been born as a human and knows what humans are going through, His judgment is fair. Because He as a human also knows the suffering humans are going through, the humans will not be able to argue with, you are God, and are in heaven, and you don’t know how is to go through suffering; instead, the beloved Son of God Himself can tell all humans you are humans, but I know more than you what suffering means. Your eyes are open, but you did not see what joy the Father has prepared for you; all you can think, many good things, but you didn’t have it, and you think that is the suffering you receive, blind at heart you are, that’s all, look around but use your heart to see not the eyes themselves, that is what the verse has told all readers here.
“that those that do not see may see, and those seeing may become blind.” As the verse before has told, the blind man has seen the Lord with his heart, but the rest of the people have seen the Lord with their eyes, but their hearts did not recognize Him; their physical eyes became blind as their hearts, opposite with the blind man, blind at eyes but seeing with his heart.
[40] Out from among the Pharisees, those who were with Him heard these, and said to Him, Even though we are not blind.
Comments John 9:40 With the Pharisee's word themselves, that is a confession, they have eyes and ears, have seen the beloved Son of God and heard His teaching, but they are blind, both physically and spiritually.
[41] Jesus said to them, If you were blind, you would have no sin; but now that you say, We see, your sin remains.
Comments John 9:41 The verses before are referring to the blind man, the physical eye is blind, but he has seen the beloved Son of God with his heart; the Pharisees' eyes themselves are not blind but did not accept the beloved Son of God and did not ask for forgiveness, and they never confess their sins, so that is the difference between the true physically blind and spiritually blind. The physically blind man has received forgiveness because he has already recognized and worshiped the beloved Son of God with his heart, and the blind man will be with the Lord in the end.
“but now that you say, We see …”; If you are physically blind, you won’t see the work of God, and you will not be accountable for the sin when you disrespect the work of God on earth because your eyes did not see. But those that have complete eyesight, in each day have seen the miracle works of God but did not thank Him for His mercy and did not appreciate the love of God for this earth, and became blind at heart and their sin will remain blocked inside their soul.
Life and Faith Application. 1) The Lord Jesus is the light of the world. Faith in the beloved Son of God gives us true spiritual light, takes our souls out of the darkness, and brings us eternal life with the Lord. 2) When you see people with disability, show them love; they are also born in the image of God. 3) Believe in the miracle work that the Lord Jesus worked and is given to us in the Bible by the Holy Spirit. 4) Believe that the Lord Jesus is the Son of God, and that is why He did all these miracles to help us believe who He is. 5) Worship the Lord Jesus as the beloved Son of God. Faith for eternal life for our souls is found only in Him.