Bible Commentary Forever คำอธิบายความเข้าใจในพระคัมภีร์ไทยสำหรับชีวิต

John 8

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Summary. In this chapter, the Jews mainly argue with the Lord Jesus about His identity and test Him about the Law of God the Father. However, all His teachings relate to the Law of God the Father Himself since all Jesus' teachings come from the Father. John 8:1-11. Jesus forgives a woman caught in adultery. The scribes and the Pharisees bring a woman caught in adultery to test the Lord Jesus about the law of God. The Lord Jesus uses this case to teach that we are sinners and need repentance. But if we listen and obey Him, He always forgives us when we repent and feel remorse deep in our hearts. John 8:12-30. Jesus speaks about Himself to all humans. In this section, Jesus tells all humans six essential facts about Himself. 1) He is the light of the world. 2) He judges the hearts of humans, and His judgment is true because the Father is with Him. 3) The Father sent Him to earth, and the Father and Jesus Himself testify for Him. 4) He is from heaven and speaks as the Father Himself has taught Him, and He will go back to heaven to be with the Father. 5) We must believe that Jesus is who He told us He is so that we might receive forgiveness of our sins and be saved. 6) He died on the cross for all humans. John 8:31-36. Jesus tells us how to be truly His disciples. If we abide in His word, then we truly become His disciples, and the truth of the Word will set us free from the hand of the dark. John 8:37-50. Jesus debates with the Jews about His true Father. Jesus came forth on earth from God, and His true Father is the God Most High. Jesus tells all humans that if we do according to God’s will, we will listen and obey His word. John 8:51-59. Jesus tells all humans that He is One in the Trinity of God. In verse 58, the Lord Jesus tells us, “Truly, Truly, I say to you, Before Abraham was, I am.” This saying means that the Lord Jesus exists eternally from the beginning in the Trinity of God with the Father and the Holy Spirit.
[1] But Jesus went to the Mount of Olives.
Comments John 8:1 Originally John has written the story from verses 7:53 to 8:11, but people who found (read this story) had disagreements, and some even removed it from the original manuscript, but we must keep this part and maintain it in the Bible; it was wrong to take it away, from what John has written down, and we must keep it. But unfortunately, many have put their opinion into it, leading people to question this section of the Gospel.
[2] And the early morning, He arrived back in the temple, and all the people were coming to Him, and He sat down, and was teaching them.
Comments John 8:2 In this verse, notice the word “back”; it was not the first time the beloved Son of God has been here. When the verse has told that the beloved Son "arrived back," the people have heard He was coming now, and they all came in and expected that they could listen to Him speak. The beloved Son of God knows every heart seeking Him; that is why He has sat down and taught them; teaching is what He has come to do in this place.
[3] And the scribes and the Pharisees bring to Him a woman caught in adultery; and having set her in the midst,
Comments John 8:3 The religious leaders in that time also had a duty; when they caught someone committing sin, they must bring that person into the midst of the meeting. There they will have questions before making decisions, but in this case, these leaders also have a hidden agenda, which all readers will notice when you read the whole story.
[4] they say to Him, Teacher, this woman has been caught in committing adultery, in the very act.
Comments John 8:4 From this verse, we can notice that the proof had already been shown here by having eyewitness about the act; it turns out to be not an accusation but caught in action, and she has become an adulteress.
Q: Why did they only bring her and not her partner as well? A: The Bible also did not tell what man was involved with her. So, the question that arises is, could he be a gentile? The Lord's law is for His children only; the woman could have committed sin with people among them or with a brother in the faith; we can make the difference here; the man could be a gentile.
[5] Now in the Law, Moses commanded us such as these to be stoned. Thou, therefore, what do Thou say?
Comments John 8:5 This verse shows that His own people are testing the Lord’s knowledge by their intention; whatever the beloved Son of God will say, they will use it to accuse Him later on as well.
[6] Now they were saying this, testing Him, in order that they might hold to accuse Him. But Jesus having stooped down with a finger, wrote on the ground.
Comments John 8:6 All believers can notice here in this verse that they wanted to test the beloved Son of God, not the authority but His knowledge about God the Father's decision. We can say this is blasphemy as well, but at this time, the Father's mercy is upon them because the time of the beloved Son of God's work will be starting with them first to open their eyes of the heart to know the will of the Father better.
They want to put fear in the people to make them not follow Jesus because He doesn’t follow the Law of Moses, and then if they follow Jesus who does not follow the law, they will be guilty, and they will be kicked out of the synagogue (See John 9:22). So, this story here shows how the Jews are building the case against Jesus.
“But Jesus … wrote on the ground”; This writing is not on sand but the soft dirt ground. However, no place in the Bible mentions what He wrote down, so we will not have the details about it. Also, we should remember that the beloved Son of God will only do the Father’s will. The purpose of writing down is for those present in the situation so they can see what the Law is; this has shown that the beloved Son of God knows the Law more than them in detail.
[7] But as they persisted in asking Him, and having lifted Himself up, He said to them, the sinless among you, let him first cast a stone at her.
Comments John 8:7 When the beloved Son of God answered their questions, all of them realized that this is the true Teacher; only the true Teacher can point out what it is in each one’s heart, that according to what the verse has told, the one that is without sin among you; here it emphasizes among you and when He has told them without sin then stone her, every ear and heart that heard His words, their sin convicted them, how can they punish someone when they themselves are at the same level ground.
[8] And again, He stooped down and wrote on the ground.
Comments John 8:8 The Bible did not tell what Jesus wrote down. In the second round of writing on the ground, when each individual had to think about their own deeds, the beloved Son of God had written down on the ground to point out for them to think and think again before giving out the answer to their own heart. During the time He wrote down, that was the time for them to think; the Lord gave them time to think.
[9] And having heard, and being convicted by their conscience, one by one went out, having begun from the elders, [until the last, and He was left alone,] Jesus and the woman being in the midst.
Comments John 8:9 Now we can see the result; after the accusers have thought, their own minds convinced them; can they punish someone but not themselves? The elder ones in the group had left, and then the rest followed as well. In the end, only the beloved Son of God and the sinner were left in the middle of the multitude. Here only the accusers have left, but the multitude that was there to listen to the Lord’s teaching was still there (See verse 2).
; this section of the verse has been added later to the original manuscript for explanation.
[10] And Jesus, having looked up and seeing no one except the woman, said to her, where are those who accuse you? Did no one condemn you?
Comments John 8:10 This verse tells all readers that all the accusers could not stay to accuse the woman because their own conscience under the word of the beloved Son of God has worked in their hearts when they have thought they know that they themselves are not worthy to condemn anyone as well.
[11] And she said, No one, Lord. But Jesus said to her, Neither do I condemn you, go sin no longer.
Comments John 8:11 The beloved Son of God Himself has seen her heart, for all the situation that has happened to her made her realize that if she keeps sinning, that sin will catch up with her. When the Lord has told her to go and sin no longer, the gladness of life has returned to her, and it will work in her heart for a long time; everyone should think as well when you have received the forgiveness of the sin, be as this woman, go on with your life and sin no more.
Q: What is the central teaching here in this story with this woman? A: Everyone should ask themselves as well, are you a sinless person or not, and the answer for your own should be that you are not sinless. So come to the beloved Son of God for forgiveness, repent before any bad thing happens to you, think of the mercy of God, be thankful and appreciate Him, but most importantly, try not to make the same mistakes again.
Everyone commits sin, but the hope is in the beloved Son of God Himself; if you listen and obey Him, He always forgives you when you repent and feel remorse deep in your heart, and the chance to receive forgiveness may not come again. Hence, the best is to repent and not commit the sin again.
[12] Again, therefore, Jesus spoke to them, saying, I am the light of the world; the one following Me will not walk in the darkness but will have the light of life.
Comments John 8:12 See also verse 2 for continuation.
“I am the light of the world”; The beloved Son of God has told this to all, not only the people in that time but to everyone who is reading this verse. There is only one way that your soul can be saved and not go into darkness, and that is by coming to the beloved Son of God and staying in His bosom because it is only with Him that the light will be, in every other place, the rest will be in darkness, but if you are staying with the beloved Son of God, you are in the light.
“the one following Me will not walk in the darkness”; The path that the beloved Son of God has created for all humans, that is the path after His teaching; if you walk according to what the Holy Bible is teaching you, you will not walk in the dark.
“but will have the light of life”; The light from the beloved Son of God will lead your life; when that light leads your life, you yourself will absorb that light into your soul, and be in the light for safety, that is why you need the light of life. The light from the Lord will give life to your soul.
[13] The Pharisees then said to Him, Thou are bearing witness of Thyself; Thy testimony is not true.
Comments John 8:13 The Pharisees, the leaders of the people, themselves do not know what they are talking about; if the testimony of the beloved Son of God is not true, then nothing of this earth is true as well, because everything of this earth is created through Him, so they should understand and think before they say anything to the Lord.
[14] Jesus answered and said to them, Even if I am bearing witness of Myself, My testimony is true; because I know from where I am coming, and where I am going; however, you know not from where I come, or where I am going.
Comments John 8:14 As the verse has told all believers, the beloved Son of God knows where He is coming from and also has said to all readers that He knows that He is going back to the Father soon. Even He Himself had told what is to be, humans could not believe His word, but all that believe and put trust in Him and will always meditate in the Holy Bible will have that understanding because the Holy Bible has told all from the beginning of life until the end of life. Therefore, when your heart wavers, go back to the Holy Word, which will help you and strengthen your faith. When you read the Holy Word, think of the One the Holy Word has told you, you are created from the ground, but you are beloved by the Father.
[15] You judge after the flesh; I judge no one.
Comments John 8:15 According to the verse, humans judge humans according to their actions, but the Lord judges humans according to their hearts, and the beloved Son of God did not come to judge anyone at this time but to save them; come to Him and be saved.
[16] And however, if I judge, My judgment is true; because I am not alone, but I and the Father who sent Me.
Comments John 8:16 As the verse has told, the beloved Son's judgment is always true because when He judges humans, He is not alone, but the Trinity of God is always present there as well; that is why His judgment will be the true judgment for all souls. So again, as was told before, He does not judge by the action but by the heart; what is hidden in the human's heart, the Lord has seen it, which is why His judgment is true.
[17] And also, in your law, it is written that the testimony of two people is true.
[18] I am the One witness of Myself, and the Father having sent Me bears witness of Me.
Comments John 8:18 All readers can also notice from the verse that the beloved Son of God is not alone in all things He does, even humans have the same way of judgment and witness, and the judgment of the Lord is entirely true and faithful because He judges according to the heart.
The Bible has told that the Father has sent the beloved Son of God, and in the beloved Son of God has the human form that knows all the human heart, and the Father who is always with Him has become the witness for that knowledge as well because the Father is in Him.
“the Father having sent Me bears witness of Me”; it is written in the Bible that the voice from heaven has come down, and another human has heard that voice as well and that it testifies clearly that the beloved Son of God has come down according to the Father’s will.
When the verse says Father, because the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of the Father, it also has told at the same time that the Father and His Spirit (the Holy Spirit) are there.
[19] Then they said to Him, Where is Thy Father? Jesus answered, You know neither Me, nor My Father. If you knew Me, you would know My Father also.
Comments John 8:19 The question in this verse would be a common question for everyone, but these people, when they ask the beloved Son of God, "where is Thy Father," for them is a testing question to the beloved Son of God, that He should prove Himself to them. If He has the Father as a witness, He must be able to show them where the Father is (they would mean bring your Father here to testify for you). But since they have seen Jesus, and the Father is in Him, at the same time, they have seen the Father as well.
"You know neither Me, nor My Father. If you knew Me, you would know My Father also"; When this verse has told that if they did not accept the beloved Son of God, they would not accept the Father links to the fact that they see Jesus but do not accept Him, so they do not accept the Father who is in the beloved Son Himself as well.
[20] These words spoke He in the treasury, teaching in the temple; and no one seized Him, because His hour had not yet come.
Comments John 8:20 The beloved Son of God was teaching in the temple at this time, but as the verse has said to all readers, they did not seize Him because it was not His time yet.
“because His hour had not yet come”; Since He still did not finish the work that the Father had given Him, so as long as He did not finish the job, they will not arrest Him yet; that is why the verse has told His hour had not yet come.
[21] He said then further to them, I am going away, and you will search for Me, and you will die in your sin; where I go, you cannot come.
Comments John 8:21 “… you will search for Me”; Now, the beloved Son of God is talking about His death on the cross. When that time comes, He will go back to heaven, and those who oppose Him will not be able to find Him. When they seek Him, all will be empty for them, not because they seek Him without faith only, but because they seek Him with hatred, which is why they will not find Him.
“… you will die in your sin”; Because they have not acknowledged their own sin, they will die in their own sin, and they cannot go where the Lord Jesus is because they have no faith in Him.
[22] The Jews then said, Will He kill Himself, that He says, Where I go, you cannot come?
Comments John 8:22 These people try to suggest that the beloved Son of God will do the abomination thing by killing Himself. Still, God never dies, and when people talk from their own dark minds, the dark will cover their own understanding, and their ideas will come out with only the dark actions; and that is why the beloved Son of God told them that “Where I go, you cannot come.”
[23] And He said to them, You are from below; I am from above. You are of this world; I am not of this world.
Comments John 8:23 This verse has two portions, but both have the same meaning. The beloved Son of God has told them the truth about Himself. He has told them clearly that He is not of this earth but of heaven, they are of this earth, and their minds think of this earth only. Therefore, don’t try to make things of this earth for heaven, but listen. He will tell about heaven to all.
[24] I said therefore to you that you will die in your sins; for except you believe that I am, you will die in your sins.
Comments John 8:24 "... that you will die in your sins"; Because the beloved Son of God has told them who He is and where He is coming from, so if they cannot accept it, it is because their hearts are darkened, and their sins will remain in them until they have received and accepted the beloved Son of God.
“except you believe that I am”; The beloved Son of God has told them who He is; as the previous verse has said, He is not of this earth, but heaven is where He will go back again. So here, the Lord means that He is of heaven when He says, “that I am.”
[25] They said then to Him, Who are Thou? Jesus said to them, Even what I am saying to you from origin.
Comments John 8:25 They still keep asking the same question, but the beloved Son of God has told them many times about Himself, but their hearts still do not accept the word He has spoken.
[26] I have much to speak about you, and to judge, but the One that sent Me is true, and what I heard from Him, these speak I to the world.
Comments John 8:26 “I have much to speak …”; Because the beloved Son of God has come down on earth and has seen all things humans are doing, many things that the word already has told them and also now He has told them by Himself, so, when the end time comes, they will have no opportunity to argue with Him because He did not come down by Himself. But, still, He has come according to the Father’s will.
“but the One that sent Me is true …”; The beloved Son of God has repeated to them again that the Father is the true God of this earth, and He Himself has come from the Father and has declared to all people related to the Father and He Himself as well; so, all they have to do is to meditate, practice and believe in the teaching that has been given to them.
[27] They did not understand that He was speaking to them of the Father.
Comments John 8:27 When the beloved Son of God has talked about the One that sent Him, they cannot understand that He is telling them about God the Father. They all could think of this world; this world is what their eyes can see and that is, for them the truth, but when the beloved Son of God talks about God the Father, they cannot understand it.
[28] Jesus then said, When you have lifted up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am, and I do nothing from Myself, but as the Father taught Me, I speak these.
Comments John 8:28 “When you have lifted up the Son of Man …”; Now the beloved Son of God has talked about His death on the cross; the suffering that He will take for all humans, every eye could see, it is on the cross; that time when the resurrection they will realize who truly He is, but it is already too late, they have crucified the Son of God.
“I do nothing from Myself …”; When the beloved Son of God has taught all humans, His word that He has spoken, none is from Himself, but as the Father Himself has taught Him what to talk and when to talk, and that what the beloved Son of God has been doing according to what He has learned from the Father Himself.
[29] And the One having sent Me is with Me; He has not left Me alone, because I always do pleasing to Him.
Comments John 8:29 As the verse has said to all believers, when the beloved Son of God was born as a human and lived among humans, the Father Himself also was in Him and lived among humans with Him as well; that is why the beloved Son has told "He has not left Me alone"; all the actions of the beloved Son of God, He does them according to the Father’s will, which is pleasing to the Father for He is the obedient Son.
[30] Speaking these of Him, many believed in Him.
[31] Jesus, therefore, said to those Jews who had believed Him, If you abide in My word, truly you are My disciples,
Comments John 8:31 As the verse has told, listening is not enough; you must also abide in His word. All true believers should know this deep in their souls, the beloved Son's word, every word has meaning. He did not speak useless words at all during He has spent life on earth in human form.
“if you abide”; Belief is only in mind, but abide is deep to the soul, the soul will follow according to the teaching of the beloved Son of God; when the soul has done that, both mind and soul will obey every word the beloved Son of God has taught. In those times, the beloved Son of God was with them, but now He has given all humans the Holy Bible. Now it is easy to find the Holy Bible, but people do not all do that. In the past, they did not have the Holy Bible to read but had the Holy Son to listen to. Human hearts now and then are stubborn, in the same way; when you have the Holy Word, abide in the Holy Word reading, meditate, and follow all that has been written, and that is when you can say you are a true believer of God.
[32] and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
Comments John 8:32 When you have believed in His word, meditate and follow, and the truth in His word will set you free, as the verse tells.
“... the truth will set you free”; The truth of the Word will set you free from the hand of the dark. If you have the Word in your soul, the dark cannot put a hold on you; the word of the beloved Son will be the shield for protection to your soul.
[33] They answered to Him, We are Abraham's seed, and have never yet been in bondage to anyone. How do Thou say, You will be set free?
Comments John 8:33 His people thought only about Abraham's children; they considered themselves to be the descendants of Abraham himself, but when the beloved Son of God has told them that "you will be set free," He did not talk about physical freedom but about the slave of the soul to the dark, instead of being the slave to the light through the Holy Word.
[34] Jesus answered them, Truly, truly, I say to you, Everyone committing sin is a slave of sin.
Comments John 8:34 The beloved Son of God has told them here that when anyone is sinning, they have surrendered their soul to the dark, and that is why they become a bondage to the dark side, and the dark will use them as a slave according to the dark side's will.
[35] But the slave does not remain in the house forever; the son remains forever.
Comments John 8:35 “But the slave does not remain …”; The slave abides according to the slave master's will, but when the slave master does not see any benefit from the slave, they will not be kind to them but torture them deep in their own soul itself. But that slave will not abide in the slave house forever if that slave in any moment has realized that he is a sinner and comes begging for mercy from the beloved Son of God with deep true repentance in their soul; this way, they will find the way to break through from that slave house.
“… the son abides forever”; In this part of the verse, the beloved Son of God is talking about the true believers in Him; all of them will become children of God, and they all will abide with Him forever in heaven not with bondage but with joy to receive the position of slave to serve the God Almighty.
[36] If therefore the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.
Comments John 8:36 As the verse has told, when the beloved Son of God has taken you in as His brethren, you will never again be a slave to the dark, as long as you truly abide in His teaching. So, when the Son of God has set you free and taken you to be by His side, that is free as He is free from all.
[37] I know that you are Abraham's seed; but you seek to kill Me, because My word has no place in you.
Comments John 8:37 They consider themselves Abraham's children, but their actions are opposite because the living word from the beloved Son of God did not stay in their hearts since they gave their hearts to anger. Therefore, they considered that the beloved Son of God had done wrong things against the teaching of God by comparing their actions against the beloved Son of God's actions, then the guilty one in their eyes is not them but the beloved Son of God; that is why the beloved Son of God has told them straight, His word that He has taught them has no place in their hearts to learn.
[38] I speak what I have seen with My Father; so, you also do what you have heard from your father.
Comments John 8:38 As the verse has told, the beloved Son has done all that the Father has done as well, but the humans also had done the wicked things as their fathers did; this is a comparison between the fathers, the Father of the beloved Son of God and the father of the human nature.
[39] They answered and said to Him, Our father is Abraham. Jesus says to them, If you were Abraham's children, you would do the works of Abraham.
Comments John 8:39 Abraham has been known as the father of faith, and if these people consider themselves his children, then they should be faithful to God as their father was.
[40] But now you seek to kill Me, a Man who has spoken to you the truth, which I heard from God; this Abraham did not.
Comments John 8:40 “this Abraham did not.” If the reader thinks of the life of Abraham, while he was in the desert, the strangers came, and he gave them water; but the beloved Son of God has given them (the Jews) the message, which He has received from the Father, but they are not willing to listen; their actions are opposite with Abraham. Therefore, Abraham treated strangers better than how they treated the beloved Son of God, and that is why we tell their actions are opposite.
[41] You are doing the works of your father. They said to Him, We were not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God.
Comments John 8:41 “You are doing the works of your father.” The beloved Son of God has told them that they do the works of their earthly father in pushing away the truth and being stubborn as an ox; their own actions and answers also have supported this.
“They said to Him, …”; Here they mean that if He is the beloved Son of God, then His Father cannot be a human, and Mary is not fit to be a mother. Also, at the same time, they have told the beloved Son of God that they are the children of God, and God the Father is their Father as well; but this is by their own understanding only, not because this has been taught to them, but they take themselves to be different than the rest of humans.
All they want is to make sure and confirm to their own children that if this is truly the Son of God, Mary should not be married to a human, and because they have seen Mary use her life as a human, the birth of the beloved Son of God has become a question for them. That way of belief is common in human thinking, and if you want to set up a belief and that belief fits with human thought, then that belief will catch on. But if you want to believe that the beloved Son of God has not been born by human will but by the will of God the Father alone, you must believe in the virgin birth of Jesus and that Mary did not conceive through human seed but by the Holy Spirit, and this is a miracle.
[42] Jesus said to them, If God were your Father, you would love Me, for I came forth and am here from God; for not even have I come of Myself, but He sent Me.
Comments John 8:42 The beloved Son of God has said to all of His people that if you truly believe in God the Father, then you will believe in Him as well because the love for the Father will guide them to know the Father’s will; the same as the beloved Son of God has loved the Father and does all things according to the Father’s will for Him to become a human, it has already shown love and respect in Himself towards God the Father.
[43] Because of what do you not understand My talk? Because you are not able to hear My word.
Comments John 8:43 When the beloved Son of God told them that they could not hear His word, He did not mean only the physical alone, but the spiritual ear as well, because the beloved Son of God has not talked in riddles but straight that He is coming from God the Father Himself.
[44] You are from your father, the devil, and the desires of your father it is your will to do. He is a murderer from the beginning and stands not in the truth because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own; for he is a liar, and the father of it.
Comments John 8:44 The beloved Son of God in human form has told all humans what the true evil is; the nature of Satan is liar, and he only talks the lie; he cannot talk any truth because in him has no place of truth. The dark in the evil is the same way as the blind would look through the light of this earth; it is so dark until the light has no impact on it. Because it is so dark, the light has no impact on those that look at Jesus because when the dark has looked at the beloved Son of God, they cannot see any light but only the hurtful to themselves.
Because the truth of God has an impact on the liar and hurts them, that is the reason for Satan to try to hurt all the light of God in any human. When they see the light, they will try to go and stop it by hurting those people's souls, by putting the seed of lie around them because the lie will guide them to walk away from the light by themselves, and after that, the dark will occupy that soul.
[45] And since I speak the truth, you do not believe Me.
Comments John 8:45 The truth the beloved Son of God has spoken to them has confused their hearts and made them struggle. They are confused in their own minds because of the teachings from their forefathers, because the truth which the beloved Son of God has spoken cut that old knowledge they have been taught in the past, and that is why they struggle to try to understand what their forefather have taught and what the beloved Son is teaching. However, their final decision will be used to judge them because they have heard the living word with their ears, and they cannot say anymore that they have never been taught about the true God.
[46] Which of you convicts Me concerning sin? If I speak the truth, why do you not believe Me?
Comments John 8:46 Let all readers give attention to the word sin; the beloved Son of God is the only sinless human being on this earth. He never has even one single word that is not true come out of His mouth; the beloved Son's mouth can’t speak lies, and He has told the truth to all humans. He will even give His life for all humans, and no one can love humans as He has loved all humans. So, if His love is so great, why do humans not believe in the beloved Son of God?
[47] Whoever is from God hears the words of God; because of this cause, you hear not because you are not from God.
Comments John 8:47 “from God”; if you are “from God,” you do according to God’s will.
The beloved Son of God has repeated to them why they cannot hear the truth, because their hearts cannot accept the true living word from the beloved Son of God. As the verse has told, they cannot hear because they are not from God. Now the beloved Son of God has repeated to them the teaching from the Father Himself, the word the Beloved Son of God has spoken is from the Father, believe and be saved.
[48] The Jews answered and said to Him, Are we not saying well that Thou are a Samaritan and have a demon?
Comments John 8:48 It is blasphemy to accuse God’s beloved Son of having a demon and be like a gentile Samaritan. When they could not find any sin in Him, they accused the beloved Son of God in many ways, but they could find no proof for any of their accusations, which is why it is blasphemy.
“that Thou are a Samaritan.” God’s children have no association with the Samaritans because they consider the Samaritans as outsiders and are not worthy of living among them because, at that time, the Samaritans were dealing with dark spirits, and His children accused the beloved Son of God of dealing with the dark spirit as well; at the same time, they accused Him as He is no longer from the Jewish line of blood.
[49] Jesus answered, I do not have a demon; but I honor My Father, and you dishonor Me.
Comments John 8:49 We can clearly see that they had dishonored the beloved Son of God by accusing Him that He has a demon when all He did was glorify the Father and show them how to worship the Father in the truth.
[50] But I do not seek My own glory; there is the One that seeks and judges.
Comments John 8:50 The beloved Son of God never seeks anyone to glorify Him, but all His work always has pointed to the Father, who has all authority and power. The Father is the God Most High, and all must worship the Father. The Father Himself seeks those that worship Him, and the Father Himself will judge them according to their hearts because every eye has seen the work of the Father on this earth. The Father created humans, so if the Father has used the ground and created humans, then all humans must seek to worship Him from deep of their souls, and that is what the Father is looking for, so worship Him with all your soul and heart.
“there is the One”; “The One” is the Trinity of God; the definition of being One God, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, who is the God of Three but all in One. The Father is the God Most High but all Three are together as One.
[51] Truly, truly, I say to you, If anyone keeps My word, he will never see death.
Comments John 8:51 The beloved Son of God has told all humans that every word He has spoken out is life, and if you keep the word of life in you, that word will always keep you alive, and your soul will not see death.
[52] The Jews said to Him, Now we know that Thou have a demon. Abraham died, and the prophets; and Thou say, If anyone keeps My word, he will never taste of death.
Comments John 8:52 Here we see the men's minds thinking; when they cannot understand, they always will find someone to blame, but in this place, they did not only blame the beloved Son of God, but they also blasphemed against God by accusing the beloved Son of God to have a demon in Himself. With narrow minds, they think only of this earth; instead of asking the beloved Son of God to explain, they are accusing Him. But even nowadays, all humans do that as well; they are reading the living word, and instead of asking for understanding from the Holy Spirit, they use their own understanding to interpret and teach others.
“Abraham died, and the prophets …”; Abraham and the prophets are humans; humans are born and die, but the beloved Son of God has told them to keep His word. His word is the living word for your soul, so you will not die spiritually; if you abide in the living word, your soul will live for eternity with the Lord.
[53] Thou are not greater than our father Abraham, who died, and the prophets died! Whom do Thou make Thyself?
Comments John 8:53 They were still tied up in their minds with the physical body, but the beloved Son of God has not talked about the physical body to anyone nor about Himself as a human. Humans will die, but His word will never die because His word is the living word for eternal life. So the beloved Son of God did not talk about humans that are born and die, not even about Himself as human, but He is talking about His living word.
[54] Jesus answered, If I glorify Myself, My glory is nothing; it is My Father who glorifies Me; of whom you say, He is our God,
Comments John 8:54 The beloved Son of God never lifted Himself above the Father. Still, here the beloved Son of God has told all humans that the Father Himself has glorified Him by letting Him come down to be a human; His Father is their God whom they claim to believe in, but they never seek His will for anything.
[55] but you have not known Him, but I know Him; and if I say, I do not know Him, I will be like you, a liar; but I know Him, and I keep His word.
Comments John 8:55 All readers can clearly see the humbleness of God’s beloved Son; even being in the Trinity, He Himself still tells all humans that He has kept the Father’s word. We believers can see clearly that the beloved Son of God always puts Himself under the Father. Still, He has also told all humans that He knows the Father. Always the beloved Son of God has kept the Father’s word. The liar will not lift up anyone above themselves, and His own people have come to accuse Him of being possessed by a demon, a liar possession. Still, about all His teachings, the beloved Son of God has never told us that they are His own, but they are from the Father who sent Him and taught Him.
[56] Your father Abraham rejoiced in order that he would see My day; and he saw it and was glad.
Comments John 8:56 As the verse has told, Abraham himself rejoiced because he has known from the Father Himself that the beloved Son of God will come down on earth for humans, and Abraham has told all as well that he is glad and rejoices for that day of his life that he has known about this. By the mercy of the Father, He has shown humans how glad they can feel when anyone can see that day of their life that they live under the protection of God. (See Genesis 15:5-6, Genesis 22:17-18).
[57] The Jews therefore said to Him, Thou are not yet fifty years, and have Thou seen Abraham?
Comments John 8:57 When the beloved Son of God has told them what He has seen and known, all His people do think the same way, that He, as a human at an early age, cannot see or know what their forefathers have done in the past. As the reader has read in this verse, they implied that the beloved Son of God in young human age could not know about Abraham, especially as He is not one of them, a high religious leader.
[58] Jesus said to them, Truly, Truly, I say to you, Before Abraham was, I am.
Comments John 8:58 Here in this place, the beloved Son of God has told all humans that He is from the beginning. Even before Abraham was born, He was already there before that time, but all readers should meditate on how long before that time. Here in this place, the beloved Son of God had told all humans that before creation existed, He was already there, before them all.
“I am.” This saying means that the Lord Jesus exists eternally and that every time is His, and He is already there because time has no beginning and ending for Him since He exists before time. So, when the Father created the earth and humans, He also was there with the Father. So then, this verse also tells that the Trinity of God existed before anything happened.
[59] Then, they took up stones that they might cast at Him; but Jesus concealed Himself and went out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and thus passed by.
Comments John 8:59 “Then, they took up stones that they might cast at Him”; The accused person must be stoned by the old law when the accusation comes as blasphemy. Now His people have accused the beloved Son of God of trying to take the position as God, which is why they wanted to stone Him; in the Old Testament, it is mentioned in many places that the punishment for the one that blasphemes will be by stoning to death.
“but Jesus concealed Himself”; The word concealed (hid in some translations) in this place is not hiding. Jesus walked through them right in front, but with His mercy, He stopped the time for a moment, and He walked past through all of them without being stoned, and He went out of the temple. As He walked past by in the midst of them, nobody noticed Him walking by since He had concealed the vision of everyone, miraculously, in order not to make anyone commit the great sin at that moment of time.
“going through the midst of them, and thus passed by”; This part of the verse was part of the original given to John.
Q: How do we have this portion of the verse missing in some manuscripts if John had it in the original writing? A: During translations, someone observes that the beloved Son of God hid Himself, as the verse has told, so they concluded that the first portion of this verse is going against the last portion; and by their own thoughts, to make it correctly, they cut the last part.
Life and Faith Application. 1) When the Lord Jesus prompts your heart about some sin, you must repent immediately. Regardless of how small or big the sin is, the Lord will forgive you if you truly repent from your heart. 2) Believe that Jesus is the beloved Son of God the Father, and He is One in the Trinity of God. The Lord Jesus exists in the Trinity of God from the beginning. 3) Believe that the Lord Jesus speaks what He hears from the Father and forgiveness of sins and eternal life is found in Him only. 4) Do not speak bad words against the Lord Jesus since He is One with the Father and the Holy Spirit.