Bible Commentary Forever คำอธิบายความเข้าใจในพระคัมภีร์ไทยสำหรับชีวิต

John 7

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Summary. In this chapter, the Lord teaches in the temple in Jerusalem, and we see how the rulers of the people built the case against the Lord Jesus to eliminate Him. John 7:1-18. Jesus attends the feast of Tabernacles and teaches in the temple. Jesus teaches in the temple and glorifies the Father, His true Teacher, the Father God Most High. No one knows what God thinks but the Trinity of God. The beloved Son of God receives the teaching directly from the Father, and He has the most authority to teach about God than any other humans because His teacher is the God Most High Himself. John 7:19-36. The multitude debates if Jesus is the Christ. The Jews sought to kill the Lord Jesus, accusing Him of breaking the Sabbath, and sent officers to seize Him. The Lord points out to them that He does good work on the Sabbath, and that is not breaking the law. The Lord Jesus tells people that He did not come down on earth alone from His own will but by the will of God the Father. The Son Himself has come from the Father, and the Father Himself is willing to send the Son. John 7:37-39. Jesus teaches in the last day of the feast. The Lord Jesus teaches that whoever believes in Him, out of their heart, will flow rivers of living water because, as a true believer, if you speak out the word of the Bible, that is the living water flowing out of you. And everyone who believes in the Lord Jesus will receive His Spirit who will convince the heart to meditate on the Holy Bible and obey His teaching. John 7:40-52. Division among the people. The leaders created confusion among the people by putting the birthplace of Jesus in Galilee instead of Bethlehem of Judea. However, Galilee has not been mentioned anywhere that can have the Christ come out from it. Therefore, the easiest way for the rulers to eliminate Jesus from the picture was to change His birthplace. So, people heard many stories, as some have told that He is from Galilee, but others have said He is from Bethlehem; however, people cannot have arguments against the rulers.
[1] And after these, Jesus was walking in Galilee; for He did not wish to walk in Judea because the Jews were seeking to kill Him.
[2] Now the feast of the Jews, of Tabernacles, was near.
Comments John 7:2 The Feast of Tabernacles is also called the Feast of Booths (See Leviticus 23:33-36).
[3] His brothers then said to Him, Depart from here, and go to Judea, so that Thy disciples also may see Thy works that Thou are doing.
[4] For no one does anything in secret, and himself seeks to be known openly. If Thou do these, manifest Thyself to the world.
[5] For even His brothers did not believe in Him.
Comments John 7:3-5 His earthly brothers say these things out of jealousy. These verses show how humans think when another human becomes known to people; here, even His earthly brothers could feel jealous of Jesus; this is all humans feeling playing here.
All of these shows readers that jealousy controls the mind as well.
[6] Jesus then says to them, My time is not yet come; but your time is always ready.
Comments John 7:6 As the verse has told, everything has its own time. The time of the beloved Son of God to magnify His glory is not yet complete to do, but for His brethren and all humans, anytime can be the time to show off. But, for the beloved Son of God, His time to save the world is not yet here, but when it comes, the world will notice what happened. Here the Lord talks about His crucifixion and His second coming to the earth.
[7] The world cannot hate you; but Me it hates, because I bear witness concerning it, that its works are evil.
Comments John 7:7 In this place, the beloved Son of God did not talk specifically to His earthly siblings but to all believers. When the reader has come to this verse, in their heart can have double thoughts of what hate the beloved Son of God is talking about here, but hate here is not the feeling of disliking someone, but the beloved Son of God wants to emphasize on the deed of each individual towards God. If your deeds are against God, the world will not hate you, but when your deeds follow God's teaching, the world will hate you.
“but Me it hates, ...”; As the verse has told, the beloved Son of God has testified against the deeds of people that do not follow the teaching of God, but go and follow the teaching of the world, and the beloved Son of God has come down to teach them to follow the teaching of God first, and leave the teaching of the world in their place. Therefore, true believers should not follow any worldly teaching but strictly follow the Holy Bible only.
[8] Go you up to the feast; I am not going up to this feast, because My time has not yet been fulfilled.
Comments John 7:8 In this place, the beloved Son did not mean that He would not go to the feast, but that He would not go with any of them because for Him to do the will of the Father, He must go to the feast alone by Himself.
“has not yet been fulfilled.” Complete the work; His work which He was doing at that time when His brothers challenged Him, was not to be finished yet; even just for a few hours, it makes a difference in what will happen. The time for the beloved Son of God to go there must be exactly the time as the Father has set for Him. The Lord means that He still had something to do at that particular time, and His time was not fulfilled yet to go with them at that time. But He will go on His own terms.
[9] Now having said these to them, He remained in Galilee.
Comments John 7:9 “He remained in Galilee”; the Holy Bible did not tell what He was doing here, but He remained in Galilee for doing work, which is not told us about what specific work.
[10] But when His brothers had gone up to the feast, then went He also up, not publicly, but in private.
[11] The Jews, therefore, were seeking Him at the feast and were saying, Where is that One?
Comments John 7:10-11 The beloved Son of God did not want to go up to the feast with His earthly siblings, but He wanted to go alone by Himself. If He were going with His earthly siblings, it would take attention to Him right away, but by going alone, He will not be noticed by people that easily.
[12] And there was much murmuring in the multitudes about Him; some indeed said, He is good; but others said, No, but He is leading the people astray.
Comments John 7:12 This verse tells us that people were talking about the beloved Son of God; each had their own opinion about Him, but none of these have listened to the voice within themselves to understand whom they were talking about. The majority were talking negative words; they had forgotten all the help that the beloved Son of God had performed to help the needy; all just thought, He did good by expecting to be praised, instead of thinking He was doing good out of love and mercy. The single-minded human could be misled when they heard the leaders in that time had talked negatively about the beloved Son of God; their mind was easy to change according to what the leaders have said.
[13] However no one was speaking openly about Him because of fear of the Jews.
Comments John 7:13 “because of fear of the Jews.” “Jews” here refers to the leaders of the people. And among the multitude, there were also spies who would go and tell the leaders what people speak. So, these are ways of controlling people.
[14] But when being in the middle of the feast, Jesus went up into the temple and was teaching.
Comments John 7:14 As we all can see, the beloved Son is in the position of teacher; that is why in the middle of the feast, He went up and was teaching.
[15] The Jews then were marveling, saying, How does He know writings, not having learned?
Comments John 7:15 It is a common wonder among the people; the beloved Son of God did not take school among humans, and by tradition, the students who had the elders' support would be the ones to go and talk and speak; but the beloved Son of God has never been taught by the leaders yet (did not have formal rabbinic training).
[16] Jesus therefore answered them and said, My teaching is not Mine, but of the One having sent Me.
Comments John 7:16 The verse clearly tells that the beloved Son of God received the teaching directly from the Father; He has the most authority to teach about God than any other humans because His teacher is the God Most High Himself.
[17] If anyone desires to do His will, he will know on the base of the teaching, whether it is of God, or I speak from Myself.
Comments John 7:17 When the beloved Son of God taught the people, He has taught them with authority and true knowledge; no one knows what God thinks, but the Trinity of God all know what God Most High wants people to do and how to worship Him.
[18] The one that speaks from himself seeks his own glory, but the One that seeks the glory of the One having sent Him, He is true, and no unrighteousness is in Him.
Comments John 7:18 If the teacher did not seek glory for themselves, the teacher would tell what he had been taught. So here, the beloved Son of God has said to all listeners that He has received teaching from the true Teacher to bring glory to the true Teacher, but not glory to Himself as a student; that is why the verse has told that He "seeks the glory of the One having sent Him.”
“… but the One that seeks the glory of the One having sent Him, He is true”; As the verse tells, the beloved Son of God did not lift Himself above His true Teacher in any way; He did not tell people to come to lift Him up, but always He glorifies the true Teacher which is the Father God Most High only.
[19] Did not Moses give the law to you, and none of you keeps the law? Why do you search to kill Me?
Comments John 7:19 As the verse tells, His people did not keep the law but have come to accuse that the beloved Son of God did not obey the law, and they try to seek a way to kill the true Savior of the world.
[20] The multitude answered, Thou have a demon; who is seeking to kill Thee?
Comments John 7:20 As the people have replied to the beloved Son of God's question about their own actions and what they want to do, they have blasphemed by accusing Him that He has a demon in Him; and that is the blasphemy against the Trinity of God. How can the beloved Son of God have a demon spirit in Him? Because of this accusation, their hearts are darkened, and when the time has come, they are not fearful of crucifying the beloved Son of God.
[21] Jesus answered and said to them, I did one work, and you all marvel.
Comments John 7:21 In this place, all that the beloved Son of God wants to tell is that He has done good work to all, and they all have been surprised by the authority and power that He has, but that did not make them stop and think about who truly He is; but without the power of the Father God Most High, the beloved Son of God would not do any miracles among them.
[22] Moses has given you circumcision (not that it is of Moses, but of the fathers), and on the Sabbath, you circumcise a man.
[23] If a man receives circumcision on the Sabbath, so that the law of Moses may not be broken, are you angry with Me because I made a man whole on the Sabbath?
Comments John 7:23 The beloved Son of God has worked good work on the Sabbath, the day the Lord has set for people to worship God, and God Himself has done a good job here; but all want to blame Him as He did not obey the law of the fathers. In this place, the beloved Son of God wants to point out to them that a man has been healed on the day of the Lord, and they should think about why to be angry at the beloved Son of God for doing good work on this day.
[24] Judge not according to appearance, but judge righteous judgment.
Comments John 7:24 As the verse tells, do not judge what you see with your eyes, but always go back to the Holy Word and then let your heart meditate; don’t talk out before the word that you have read had told your heart if what you see it goes against the word or not; always let the Holy Word go out before your mind. The righteous judgment can be made only by meditating on the Holy Word.
[25] Some therefore of them of Jerusalem were saying, Is not this He whom they seek to kill?
Comments John 7:25 All readers can notice that the people in Jerusalem had been informed as well that the beloved Son would be killed for His wrongdoing. The rulers of the people used their power to guide people to accomplish their wishes; we all can notice the people will be afraid to help the beloved Son of God because they understood that He had done wrong and deserves to die.
[26] And behold, He speaks publicly, and they say nothing to Him. Can it be that the rulers certainly know that this is the Christ?
Comments John 7:26 We all can see how confused the people in that time were; they knew as well that Jesus was the Christ of God, but they were uncertain because the ruler's decisions were confusing for them; they understood the beloved Son of God should be killed, but He was still also teaching in front, so the people were in confusion, and we all can see it here.
[27] But we are aware of this One from where He is; but when the Christ comes, no one knows from where He is.
Comments John 7:27 The people have been taught that the Christ of God will come, and when the Christ comes, no one will know who His parents are because He is not a human but God. There were many written documents as well related to the birth of Christ, the rulers had been reading about it, and when they thought something did not fit, they would find another document to support their ideas to be fit for what it has been out there among people. However, the original has been written as well that the line from the Christ of God should link back to David, but it has not shown clear how and whom that the line will link to.
[28] Jesus therefore cried out in the temple, teaching and saying, You know Me, and you know from where I am; also, I have not come of Myself, but the One having sent Me is true, whom you do not know.
Comments John 7:28 The beloved Son of God has confirmed to them that they already know where He is coming from, but He wants to make sure that in their hearts, they truly know where He is coming from, and this will be the question for them to think about whenever they look at the beloved Son of God.
“cried out in the temple.” He is a teacher; when the teacher has said out the word, everyone who comes to listen should consider themselves as students; when the teacher is saying something, at the same time and later, they must think again about what the teacher really means in His words.
“also, I have not come of Myself …”; Now the beloved Son of God has told them the truth; the truth relates to the Father who has sent Him; they all know now that the beloved Son of God did not come down on earth alone from His own but by the will of God the Father.
[29] I know Him, because I am from Him, and He sent Me.
Comments John 7:29 This verse confirms the true relationship between God the Father and the beloved Son of God. The Son Himself has come from the Father, and the Father Himself is willing to send the Son; the beloved Son of God has told them, “because I am from Him, and He sent Me.”
[30] They were seeking then to lay hold of Him, but no one laid the hand upon Him because His hour had not yet come.
[31] Now out of the multitude, many believed in Him and were saying, The Christ, when He comes, He will not do more signs than He did.
Comments John 7:31 According to the verse itself, many have believed in the beloved Son of God, but also, they still had questions; if this is the beloved Son of God, is He a human as well now, or just part of God is here. They didn’t understand the concept that Jesus was fully human and fully God.
[32] The Pharisees listened to the multitude whispering these concerning Him, and the chief priests and the Pharisees sent officers in order to take Him.
Comments John 7:32 The multitude here was whispering against the Pharisees. According to the previous verse, the readers can notice that the people were not entirely against the beloved Son of God but had doubts because of the decision the Pharisees were making. People were concerned why Jesus was still teaching if the leaders decided He was not the Christ; if they were the leaders, the decision about eliminating Jesus from the leadership must be made fast.
[33] Jesus then said, Still a little time am I with you, and I go to the One having sent Me.
Comments John 7:33 The reader can notice the heart of the beloved Son of God. He wants to be with the people but also, His time to depart from the human form comes closer, and He will go back to the Father; the human in Him makes Him feel a longing to be with the humans as well.
[34] You will seek Me and will not find Me; and where I am, you cannot come.
Comments John 7:34 As the verse tells us, where the beloved Son of God will be, humans cannot come; the whole heaven will have only one human there in human body, the beloved Son of God Himself.
[35] The Jews then said to themselves, Where is He about to go that we will not find Him? He is not about to go to the Dispersion among the Greeks and teach the Greeks.
Comments John 7:35 The people understand only one way, the beloved Son of God will escape from the country and go to be with the Gentiles, whereas the Jews will not go to look for and be with those uncircumcised people.
[36] What is this word that He said, you will seek Me, and will not find Me; and where I am, you cannot come?
Comments John 7:36 They only repeated what the beloved Son of God said, but they didn’t understand anything.
[37] Now in the last day, the great of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink.
Comments John 7:37 As the verse tells, the invitation from the mouth of the beloved Son of God is if you thirst for understanding, come to Him, meditate, worship, and ask for understanding; just do so as the invitation gets to you; regardless of who you are, if you read this verse, you are invited to come to Jesus.
[38] Whoever believes in Me, just as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.
Comments John 7:38 Give attention to the words “whoever believes in Me,” not just saying but with your heart crying out, believe and ask mercy with your heart, and the heavenly peace will come unto you and will flow out from you as a living water for everyone who listens and prays; and that person after praying and meditating will understand what the Holy Bible has told.
“out of his heart will flow rivers of living water”; Because you are a believer, and if you speak out the word of the Bible, that is the living water flowing out of you.
[39] But this said He about the Spirit, whom they, having believed in Him, were about to receive; for Spirit was not yet, because Jesus was not yet glorified.
Comments John 7:39 “But this said He about the Spirit …”; Everyone who believes in the beloved Son of God will receive His Spirit who will convince the heart to obey in His teaching; all who obey and believe will receive the Spirit of the beloved Son of God.
The Spirit of the beloved Son of God is Spirit (referred to in this verse), but the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of the Father. These are not four persons, but the Spirit of the beloved Son is Jesus Himself, He Himself, who is beside the Father; He with His Spirit will go to everyone who has accepted Him as their Savior. Jesus and His Spirit are one person; Jesus is in the human form beside the Father, and because of that, He has Spirit because His body is still as a human body. He departed from the earth in the human body and is with the Father in that body, but His Spirit also covers His body because human flesh can’t be there. Still, if His Spirit covers His body, we can think another way, as His Spirit is as a cocoon and the beloved Son of God in the human body is inside the Spirit of the beloved Son of God Himself. The Father is beyond the human mind; the Father is everything because everything is in the Father Himself already; He is beyond what the human mind can understand. The Bible did tell that the Father is Spirit, but that Spirit is different from any spirit; the Father is Spirit who can create everything by His will, so the Father has Holy Spirit as well.
[40] Some of the multitude then, having heard these words, were saying, This is truly the Prophet.
Comments John 7:40 Because of all the work the beloved Son of God has done among people, it makes them take Him as a Prophet of the Lord, but no one has taken Him as the beloved Son of God yet. In their minds, the people were thinking of the Prophet prophesied by Moses, but they did not refer to Him as the beloved Son of God Himself. For them, He was only a prophet of the Lord, not the Son of God. Therefore, they did not recognize Him as the One truly prophesied by Moses in Deuteronomy 18:15.
[41] Others were saying, This is the Christ. But others were saying, Indeed not, does the Christ come out of Galilee?
Comments John 7:41 There were not only two understandings about Christ; there were many understandings among people. The ones that interpret from what they found (researched) and others interpret from what they pray. To the latter, the Lord gives them true understanding. Also, all these understandings have been put down as records, and later on, when people found the records, they combined them all together. In the same way, some used earthly knowledge, and some meditated and prayed for understanding, and that is why in that time, there were many versions of records appearing among people.
We can notice from the verse that people only think that if this is the Christ, He cannot come out of a Galilee town. It was not easy for common people to understand when the religious leaders in that time had kept the true record for themselves, and this was what people knew only. So, the people understood that Christ should not come out of Galilee. It has been discussed among the leaders where He should come from, and they had put it according to their own understanding, regardless of what they felt inside their hearts. The way they came to the answer was just to keep themselves, to be the ones that know the truth; the commoners will never have a chance to know where this information has come from, they only take whatever the religious leaders tell them, and that becomes the story.
They, the leaders, will tell where Jesus comes from, and they put Him as coming from Galilee (see verse 52). Yet the Bible tells us that Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea (See Matthew 2:1).
The people challenged the true birthplace of Jesus and assumed that He was born in Galilee as the leaders taught them. So, they had doubts about Jesus being the Christ since no prophet comes out of Galilee, as they had been taught. They did not accept where He was born (Bethlehem of Judea), so they doubted His identity and where He should be born. If He truly is the Christ, He must be born according to what the Scripture has told them, but also, they did not truly see the real Scripture itself; what they know is just from hearing what the leaders told them, but not from reading the true Scripture itself.
[42] Has not the Scripture said that the Christ comes out of the seed of David, and from Bethlehem, the village where David was?
Comments John 7:42 This verse is the truth that the people also knew about it, but they could not say or talk much unless the religious leaders allowed them to say it; everything was according to the leaders to decide for all the people in that time.
Q: Did they say this because some knew that Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea? Or did they say this by not knowing that Jesus was born in Bethlehem, assuming that He came from Galilee (Nazareth)?
A: They understand that He comes from Bethlehem, but they cannot accept it since there are too many talks related to the beloved Son of God. People heard many stories, as some have told that He is from Galilee, but others have said that He is from Bethlehem; both places have created confusion for people, so they waited to hear what the leaders would tell them about where He should be born.
[43] So a division happened in the multitude because of Him.
[44] And some of them desired to lay hold of Him, but no one laid hands on Him.
Comments John 7:44 No one laid hands on Him because His time had not yet come.
[45] The officers then came to the chief priests and Pharisees, and those said to them, Because of what did you not bring Him?
[46] The officers answered, Never a Man talked like this << as this Man talks >>.
Comments John 7:46 All readers should notice that the officers have been confused as well; they received the order to arrest the beloved Son of God, but when they heard His speaking, they couldn’t bring themselves to arrest Him. Because the true living word had spoken in their hearts as well, the officers could not lay hands on Jesus at this time.
[47] The Pharisees then answered them, No way, have you also been led astray?
Comments John 7:47 The Pharisees themselves try to put pressure on the officers by accusing them of being led astray, which will create fear in the officers themselves; this is another way these leaders control people.
[48] Not anyone of the rulers believed in Him or out of the Pharisees;
Comments John 7:48 The Pharisees are putting pressure on the officers. We can notice how their answer points out that the rulers do not believe in the beloved Son of God, so they should follow the example of their religious leaders. So, now they have given a choice to the people, and this is the way the fox controls the people, everyone that reads can notice it here; they make people have an option to choose, you want to choose the beloved Son of God who has no authority (in their legal system), or you want to choose the Pharisees leaders who had the power to control their lives at that time.
[49] However, this multitude that knows not the law is accursed.
Comments John 7:49 Because the Pharisees are the leaders and know all the law, that is why, if the commoners do not know any law like them, the Pharisees themselves will use this as an advantage by controlling the people. Therefore, in their ways, people are not blessed but be cursed if they do not do according to what they told them.
[50] Nicodemus says to them (the one having come to Him before, being one of them),
Comments John 7:50 “the one having come to Him before, being one of them”; This does not have a deep meaning, only that he did come by himself to meet the Lord. (Is nothing beyond this to read in this verse).
[51] Does our law judge a man, except it first heard from him and known what he does?
Comments John 7:51 Nicodemus only wants to ensure that if something goes the wrong way, the blame is not on himself for what he has told people. Also, we can take as he already has told people to think about what they are doing, but after you have told them to follow, you come to tell them to think; now, it means nothing to the commoners' minds. But also, this statement makes people believe them more about the fact that the beloved Son of God is guilty. Even if people have good thoughts regarding the beloved Son of God, they will not talk further because the religious leaders who know everything have already pointed out that the beloved Son of God is guilty by the law. So therefore, nobody should follow Him, so they are not placed against the law as well.
Nicodemus is just a simple man who loves his own position more than doing the right thing. Therefore, even with what he feels in his heart, he will not tell everyone that they should not go against the beloved Son of God because he fears losing his power as well.
After they together (the leaders) told people that Jesus is guilty by the law, by coming now to tell them to think what they plan to do will not affect the commoners.
[52] They answered and said to him, Are you also from Galilee? Search, and see that out of Galilee arises no prophet.
Comments John 7:52 The leaders themselves had to put in everyone's mind that the birthplace of the beloved Son of God was Galilee. However, Galilee has not been mentioned anywhere that can have the servant of the Lord come out from it; even for a prophet, they did not say that any would come out from there, and the leaders use this as a point to convince everyone to obey what they told.
Q: Some people know that Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea; why did they imply that He was born in Galilee?
A: As a reader, think as well, if the beloved Son of God has been proclaimed as born in Bethlehem, many problems will arise for the leaders since the record in many places will not go against the beloved Son of God. However, if the leaders do not want any problems for themselves, they cannot let people think that the beloved Son of God was born in Bethlehem.
Think this way as well, if the news has been confirmed that the beloved Son of God has been born in Bethlehem, the rulers cannot go against Him right away, and whatever the leaders want to do with Him, it will not be that easy anymore. Therefore, to eliminate Him from the picture, the easiest way is to change His birthplace; then, even the scholars cannot come to make any arguments against the rulers.
Jesus spent part of His life in Galilee, but He didn’t spend much time in Bethlehem; He was only born there since His earthly caretaker, Joseph was from Bethlehem, so they went there for the census, and Jesus was born at that time. After Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem, the family went to Egypt, then came back to live in Nazareth, so it was easy for the leaders to put His birthplace in Galilee.
[53] And they went each to his own house.
Life and Faith Application. 1) Believe that the birthplace of Jesus was Bethlehem of Judea and Jesus is the Christ the Son of the Living God. 2) Believe in the beloved Son of God, meditate on the Word of God and speak out the word of the Bible to those that the Lord brings your way. 3) For a Christian, Jesus fulfilled the Law of God, so we do not need to keep the Sabbath by the old law, but our duty is to do good to people each day.