Bible Commentary Forever คำอธิบายความเข้าใจในพระคัมภีร์ไทยสำหรับชีวิต

John 13

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Summary. In this chapter, the Lord shows that He knows how His life on earth will end. But also, the Lord had come to tell all humans to know what it means to love; He has shown the true love to all humans. John 13:1-20. The Lord Jesus washes the feet of His disciples. The Lord Jesus showed His love for His disciples until the end. He washed and wiped the feet of the disciples and gave us all an example of love and humbleness to follow. He Himself was willing to show them what the true Teacher and Lord should be, by putting Himself as a servant. John 13:21-30. The Lord Jesus has told to all about the betrayer. The beloved Son of God has answered the disciples' question about the betrayer straight through His action. He wanted every disciple to notice what was being asked and what was happening. However, they did not understand well what the betrayer would do. John 13:31-35. The Lord Jesus gives a new commandment to all believers. The beloved Son of God knows full well what will happen to Him; He Himself will be glorified in His death because His death will bring many souls to worship Him and the Father. So, at this time, the Lord Jesus gives a new commandment to all, specifically that we should love one another. Through His death on the cross, every human has received His love, so every human can use His love, copy it deep into their soul, and practice this love. If we believe in the Lord Jesus as our Savior, we must obey His commandments and love one another. John 13:36-38. Jesus foretells the denial of Peter. The disciples did not understand at this time what the Lord Jesus said about His departure. Peter, in his mind, was thinking that the Lord would go someplace on earth, and he was ready to follow the Lord wherever the Lord would go. But the Lord knows the future about all, and He foretells that Peter will deny Him three times.
[1] And before the feast of the Passover, Jesus knowing that His hour had come that He would depart out of this world to the Father, in the world having loved His own, He loved them to the end.
Comments John 13:1 “… Jesus knowing”; The time of the feast is coming close by, and the beloved Son of God's departure time also; the beloved Son of God, knows very well that His time approaches because of the feast. This feast will point out the time for Him; the Father has already told Him that the feast must pass first before His departure time is coming.
“… He would depart out of this world to the Father”; The reunion time between the Father and the beloved Son is approaching; the beloved Son of God has known that He will have to depart from His disciples soon and return to the Father.
“in the world having loved His own”; The beloved Son of God has developed the human feeling of love and attachment towards His disciples, and departing from them has also created sadness in His heart.
“He loved them to the end.” He has His love for all who belong to Him until eternity, not only until the end of His human life on earth.
[2] And during supper, the devil having already put into the heart of Judas of Simon Iscariot, that he should betray Him,
Comments John 13:2 Let all believers also understand that the devil cannot touch you if your heart belongs to the beloved Son of God. But the heart of Judas was never with the beloved Son of God; he always looked for his own alone only; he has heard the teaching from the beloved Son of God Himself, but that teaching never had an impact in his heart at all.
[3] knowing that the Father has given Him all things into the hands, and that He came forth from God, and departs to God,
Comments John 13:3 “knowing that the Father has given Him …”; The beloved Son of God knows full well that the Father has given everything to Him, and He has all authority over everything; He can make decisions as He pleases; this authority has been given to Him from the Father. This is because the beloved Son of God is an obedient Son and the Father loves Him more than all; that is why the verse has told, “the Father has given Him all things into the hands.”
“… and that He came forth from God”; The beloved Son of God in human form also knows full well where He is coming from and the duty that He has received, and that after He finishes the work, He will return to the Father.
[4] rises from the supper, and lays aside the tunic; and having taken a towel, girded Himself.
Comments John 13:4 “rises from the supper.” This supper is the last Passover supper before Jesus’ crucifixion (See Matthew 26:14-39). In human form, the beloved Son of God also humbles Himself to all; all readers can see here how the beloved Son of God is among His disciples; the humbleness and mercy have also been shown.
“… girded Himself.” When the beloved Son of God has girded Himself, He has accepted His duty to take care of them all; by girding Himself, He has shown to all, with all His power, that He will help them, and they can always come to Him when they need it; He is always available and waiting to help them.
[5] Afterwards He pours water into the basin, and began to wash and to wipe the feet of the disciples, with the towel with which He was girded.
Comments John 13:5 As the verse has told to all believers, the beloved Son of God has accepted His duty as a servant, His duty to everyone by cleaning them to be pure; He provides everything for cleansing, and after He washed them, He wiped them as a father would do for their children. The love of the beloved Son of God for all humans is greater than the earthly father can do for their own children because, being the Savior, also He is a servant to take care of them as well. Therefore, all that come to Him will receive the same love and treatment as His disciples received; but only if you come with true heart, meditate on His teaching, and follow His example towards one another.
Q: Should Christians practice this foot-washing example given by the Lord? A: All believers should practice this as well because humbling yourselves to be a servant would show that you follow the beloved Son of God's teaching. The humbleness to humans has been shown here when the beloved Son of God in human form has shown to all that He has accepted to be a hundred percent real human and accepted the role of a servant to serve all humans and give everyone a chance to be saved. The church of God in the past has practiced the foot-washing tradition. Still, because of pride, humans have canceled this tradition by practicing what they believe is the right thing to do and putting what the beloved Son of God has shown them as a sign of humility only, not as the action that needs to be done; so they say that if you are humble in your heart, you have followed already what the beloved Son of God has taught you which is not the correct way of interpreting this example of humbleness the Lord gave; the beloved Son of God has cleaned His disciples' feet and wiped them and in doing that He has shown humbleness in Him toward all humans. The best time to practice foot-washing is when you take communion.
[6] Then He comes to Simon Peter who says to Him, Lord, do Thou wash my feet?
Comments John 13:6 The question that Peter has is normal for all humans; as a disciple, when the Master wants to wash his feet, it impacts his heart; like what is happening to his own Master? However, the action of the beloved Son of God has told all disciples that a true leader must also be willing to do all things for the followers, and all His disciples have seen here an example of a true Master. Peter himself has received this, the humbleness of his Master versus the heart of a common man.
[7] Jesus answered and said to him, That I do, you do not perceive just now; however, you will come to know after these.
Comments John 13:7 The beloved Son of God also has given the answer to all of His disciples here; whatever the beloved Son of God has taught them, they may not understand now, but when the beloved Son of God has been lifted up on high, they all will understand the true meaning of His humbleness action.
[8] Peter says to Him, Thou might not wash my feet to the age. Jesus answered him, If I do not wash you, you have no part with Me.
Comments John 13:8 Peter has talked here out of his heart. He knows that he himself is not worthy of His master to serve him as a servant. But the beloved Son of God has told all that if you do not accept His humbleness and mercy, you also have no part in His work. Therefore, by giving them the example, the beloved Son of God has taught them all that the true master must not think of themselves first but of those that are under their authority; and His disciples must learn this because they will go and work among people, and they will be an example for the people coming after them as well.
Q: How did the disciples know about the virgin birth of the beloved Son of God? A: All the disciples had one thing in common, the Holy Spirit revealed to them who is the true Father of the beloved Son of God, and also the Holy Spirit had revealed to them that Mary was a virgin when she had the beloved Son of God in her womb; no man had union with her, man cannot use the mother of the beloved Son of God, and she must remain virgin until she gave birth.
[9] Simon Peter says to Him, Lord, not my feet only, but also the hands and the head.
Comments John 13:9 Peter is a common man, and the Lord has called him to be a disciple; for himself, the Lord has washed his feet, but still, it made him feel he is not clean enough. Therefore, in his heart, he wants to be truly clean and worthy to be a disciple, and that is why he has asked for the beloved Son of God to wash his hands and head as well since he wants to make sure he is clean enough.
[10] Jesus says to him, The one that is bathed has not need to wash except the feet, but is clean wholly; and you are clean, but not all.
Comments John 13:10 The beloved Son of God has told the disciples and the believers that when you have cleaned your action, repented, and acknowledged your sins, you should consider yourself being washed and wholly clean. But when the verse has told "except the feet," this relates to the way you use your life on this earth; sometimes the mind is tainted with feelings and makes you become unclean; in that time, you should clean your feet; this cleaning of the feet refers to all things, cleaning your action and washing your feet with water as well; cleaning your action means confessing your sins and following all the teaching of the beloved Son of God with all your heart without wavering. By washing the feet, we express our humbleness of the heart towards the Lord, and we acknowledge our wrong.
“… and you are clean, but not all.” In this place, the beloved Son of God told the disciples that they were all clean from within, except Judas, who did not recognize his sins yet; and that person needed to confess and seek help from the Lord.
[11] For He knew the one betraying Him; because of this, He said that You are not all clean.
Comments John 13:11 The verse has told all readers clearly that the beloved Son of God knows the future and what will happen. And, among His own disciples, not all are the good ones; as He has said now, for Judas the betrayer as well to hear and think about that he still has a chance to be saved if only he would clean his heart and come to talk with the Lord to get advice.
[12] Therefore, when He had washed their feet, and taken His tunic, and having reclined again, He said to them, Do you know what I have done to you?
Comments John 13:12 The verse tells clearly what the Lord has done for them. Now they also need to think as well about who is their Lord and master who had lowered Himself to wash their feet. Most importantly, He has taught them about humbleness; they have been with Him and seen the example of humbleness; He wants them to think of this time with them.
[13] You call Me, the Teacher, and the Lord; and you say well, for I am.
Comments John 13:13 It was not the beloved Son of God that lifted Himself up, but all have put Him as the Lord and the Teacher; He Himself was willing to show them what the true Teacher and Lord should be as well, by putting Himself to be as an example for them to see and follow.
[14] If I therefore, the Lord and the Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash the feet of one another.
Comments John 13:14 “Ought” indicates duty; therefore, as the verse has told to all believers clearly, if the beloved Son of God has humbled Himself, you, as a follower of the beloved Son of God, must do the same way. Do not lift yourself above your own brothers in faith; between the believers, treat each other as you would like them to treat you; all of you have the same position, children of God; no one is above any; you are all equal in the eyes of the Lord.
[15] For I have given you an example, that you also should do as I have done to you.
Comments John 13:15 This is a straight requirement from the beloved Son of God; what He has done, He also requires us to do without exception.
People may change, but God never changes. If among people you can do as the beloved Son of God has done, then show yourself humble, not just humble by word but humble also at heart; do not think enviously or jealously toward any; jealousy will hunt you down and give you no peace, and even in your own sleep you will not find rest.
[16] Truly, truly, I say to you, a servant is not greater than his lord; nor a messenger greater than the one having sent him.
Comments John 13:16 In this verse, the beloved Son of God is talking about Himself. He considers Himself as the Father’s servant; even when He is in human form, His heart and soul still worship the Father, and also, He has considered the Father as His God.
“… nor a messenger greater than the one having sent him.” When the beloved Son of God has done the work on earth, He always asks first what the Father’s will for Him is to do. All Christians can notice this from the Bible; the beloved Son of God always follows the Father’s will, and He never considers Himself equal to the Father; that is why the Father Himself has glorified the beloved Son of God by Himself as well. The Father has glorified the Son, as the Son has glorified the Father, and the Holy Bible has told us about this. He has taken the duty as the Savior of the world and taken human form to be His body, which makes Him lower than the Father. The verse has also told the same way, the one that has been sent is the beloved Son of God, but the one that sent Him is the Father Himself. Pay attention that He is lower than the Father in His human form. As the beloved Son of God in human form, He has accepted the position of being lower than the Father, and this verse confirms it here.
[17] If you know these, blessed are you if you do them.
Comments John 13:17 This verse also relates to the few verses before; if you know your duty and position, do your work without expecting the reward before the work is done. And also, do the work with joy and have faith that you are worthy of the work you have received, and all will be well with you, and the people around you will receive the benefit of it too.
[18] I do not speak concerning all of you; I know whom I have chosen; however, that the Scripture may be fulfilled: The one eating my bread lifted up his heel against Me.
Comments John 13:18 “…I know whom I have chosen”; This place also has told all believers that the Lord knows everybody, and whomever He has chosen to give the duty, He also has seen whether the person will succeed or not.
“however, that the Scripture may be fulfilled …”; As the Scripture has written about the betrayer, he will be part of the beloved Son's blessing on earth, and even if he had received the benefit already, the greed in that person was never enough until he had to go against the One that has given him all things. Therefore, as the verse has told, the Scripture may be fulfilled; regardless of where each individual will be, if that heart never seeks peace from the Lord, that person will never stop until their heart's greed has been fulfilled. The beloved Son of God knew who would betray Him, but from the beginning, He still chose him because, during working, this person also will impact someone else's heart to benefit and gain faith; it was not all wasted, even the greedy heart still could make good for others to see as well.
“… lifted up his heel against Me.” This part of the verse tells all believers that the person’s own heart had made him go against the beloved Son of God; no one forced him to go against the beloved Son of God, but his own heart had led him to do it, and no one can blame that because the beloved Son of God has chosen him to be the one that will betray Him. But on the opposite way, if this person can betray the beloved Son of God, he could do worse things to others. Still, being among the disciples of the beloved Son of God, the work that he has seen, what the beloved Son of God has done to others, would soften his heart if he stopped and thought before the action of evil has been done.
[19] From this time I tell you, before it comes to pass, so that, when it happens, you might believe that I am.
Comments John 13:19 Let all readers pay attention to this verse carefully; the beloved Son of God has warned every believer that time never stops for anyone. Even for the beloved Son of God when He was in human form on earth, He has gone through all suffering as humans should; when He accomplished the work, everyone who develops faith in His teaching will have a firm confirmation regarding who truly the beloved Son of God is.
[20] Truly, Truly, I say to you, the one receiving anyone I send receives Me; and the one receiving Me receives the One having sent Me.
Comments John 13:20 As the verse has told to every human on earth; if you have received someone in the name of the beloved Son of God, it is the same as you have received the beloved Son of God Himself to your home; and when you have received the beloved Son of God you also have received the Father who has sent Him to earth as well; this verse has told all clearly.
See also Comments Matthew 26:19-25.
[21] Having said these, Jesus was troubled in the Spirit, and testified, and said, Truly, truly, I say to you, that one of you will betray Me.
Comments John 13:21 “Jesus was troubled in the Spirit”; With concern for His disciples, the beloved Son of God has been filled with worry in His Spirit. Still, at this time, the Spirit of Christ is with Him. But, when He departs from the earth, the Spirit of Christ will abide with those that have given their lives in the hand of the beloved Son of God, and have trusted in His mercy, and also meditate on the Holy Bible, in everything that the Holy Bible has told; everyone should meditate on the Holy Bible, and the path for going back to heaven for that soul will be open according to the heart that has meditated on the living word of the Bible.
“… one of you will betray Me.” This is the most difficult job for the beloved Son of God: every time He looks at that disciple’s face, the action of the betrayer has already happened in His eyes. When that disciple betrays his Lord, the help for that soul is only through the mercy of the Father.
Q: Why did the leaders need the betrayer's help to arrest the Lord? A: By the old law, they need a witness to accuse someone, and that witness must be able to point out to whom that they hear speaking things against the leaders; and the betrayer was the witness of this in order to arrest the beloved Son of God. Also, they needed a reliable witness to prevent people going against them. The most reliable witness is a disciple of the beloved Son of God; if a disciple has betrayed their own Lord in that way, the people will not fight against the leaders' way of judging.
[22] The disciples were looking one upon another, uncertain whom He speaks about.
[23] There was reclining in the bosom of Jesus one of His disciples, whom Jesus loved.
Comments John 13:23 “one of His disciples, whom Jesus loved.” Because of this verse, many make a theory out about the apostle John; but the Holy Bible did not name the apostle here, and we will not point to John or another; let this be as one of the disciples that most of the time stayed by the beloved Son of God's side and was willing to go with Him in all situations, good or bad for that person himself. Other disciples noticed the closeness, but neither of them thought about the beloved Son of God loving someone in their group more than another.
“reclining in the bosom”; Nowadays, we have separate chairs to sit at the table, but at that time, if people did not sit on the floor, they would sit on a bench, and here sitting on the bench one of the disciples sits closer to the body of the beloved Son of God and sometimes even would lean on His body; however, when the verse says "in the bosom" it does not mean hugging but leaning.
Most of the time, they would sit on the floor when at the table (See also comments Matthew 26:23).
[24] Simon Peter then nods to him, and says to him, To ask who it is about of whom He speaks.
Comments John 13:24 As the verse has told, Peter, a man of curiosity, wants to know what the beloved Son of God is talking about, but he is not close to the beloved Son of God during this time and has motioned to his fellow disciple to ask the beloved Son of God whom He meant.
Q: Why didn’t Peter ask himself to the Lord? A: Sometimes, if you stay far and ask questions, as Peter was not close by, their question may not be heard, and the person may feel disappointed if their question has not been answered immediately. When Peter motioned to his fellow disciple to ask the question, it was the right way, and all readers could notice that the beloved Son of God had answered.
[25] Thus, that one having leaned back on the breast of Jesus says to Him, Lord, who is it?
Comments John 13:25 This verse only tells the general relationship between the beloved Son of God and this disciple. Also, everyone who reads the Holy Bible should think as well that the beloved Son of God in human form is also a hundred percent God. So, when He looks at the disciples, they all are like babies for Him; their thoughts are childish in the eyes of the beloved Son of God; they are His dear children, and the relationship will be as a father and their children.
[26] Jesus then answers, That one it is, to whom I will dip the morsel, and will give him. So, having dipped the morsel, He takes and gives to Judas of Simon Iscariot.
Comments John 13:26 Let all readers notice that the beloved Son of God has answered the question straight. When the beloved Son of God has given the morsel to that disciple, the other disciples could notice what the action has been done; even the disciples that did not ask the question also can notice when the beloved Son of God has replied by the action. He also wants every disciple to notice what is being asked and what is happening. Still, at this time, they did not understand what was about Judas.
Q: It is a great sin to be the betrayer of the Lord Jesus; by the Lord pointing to the betrayer, did the Lord choose him to do the bad act? A: Regardless of if the beloved Son of God has pointed him out or not, in the betrayer's mind, he already thought of doing the bad act; all he thought about was how to benefit himself. It was not the beloved Son of God's intention to choose him to be a betrayer; regardless of what happened, Judas will betray the beloved Son of God; it was his own will to make money for spending. All he expected at this time, by betraying the highly respected teacher, was that he would get more money; greed had captured him.
See also Comments Matthew 26:23. However, a different meal is eaten during the Passover in Matthew’s passage. The Passover is not over in a short period of time; during the Passover, there was a conversation as well, and the way each gospel describes it is from a different angle of the Passover. So here in John, it is the same Passover but told at a different time. Here in John, we witness the beginning of the Passover meal, when the meal was first taken, but after that, the disciples still took more food back and forth; each gospel described the same Passover but at different meal times.
[27] And with the morsel, then entered Satan into that one. Jesus therefore says to him, What you do, do quickly.
Comments John 13:27 When the beloved Son of God saw his face after Satan entered into that one, the beloved Son of God knew His time had come to an end as a human on earth. So, if the end for Him will happen, the beloved Son wanted Judas to go and do his act quickly; there was no need for delaying, as the time for His departure had come.
[28] And no one of those reclining knew to what He spoke this to him.
Comments John 13:28 Because this was a simple talking, everyone took it as it was a normal thing to say; no one at the table made a difference in this talk, which is the way the beloved Son of God wanted to be. No one needed to know at that time what He meant when He said, “What you do, do quickly.”
[29] For some were thinking, because Judas had the bag, that Jesus is saying to him, Buy what we have need for the feast; or, that he should give something to the poor.
[30] Therefore, having received the morsel, that one went out immediately, and it was night.
Comments John 13:30 The betrayer himself knew full well what he was doing, and he already had his plan to accomplish; the betrayer's mind and heart were at work to betray the beloved Son of God; the money of this world has power to those that their heart is seeking for it.
[31] When therefore he had gone out, Jesus says, Now the Son of Man has been glorified, and God has been glorified in Him.
Comments John 13:31 “Now the Son of Man has been glorified “; The beloved Son of God knows full well what will happen to Him; in His death, He Himself will be glorified because His death will bring many souls to worship Him and the Father.
“and God has been glorified in Him.” Therefore, when they had crucified the beloved Son of God, that death had glorified the Father because the beloved Son of God will resurrect, and that resurrection of the beloved Son of God had declared to the whole world that the Father is in Him, and everything is from the Father. So the salvation for humans comes from the Father through the death on the cross of the beloved Son of God, and in this cross, the Father Himself will glorify the beloved Son of God. It is impossible for the Father to taste death, but in the Trinity of God, the Father Himself has tasted death as well; in the death of the beloved Son of God, the Father knows how painful death in a human would be.
[32] If God has been glorified in Him, also God will glorify Him in Himself, and immediately will glorify Him.
Comments John 13:32 Now the beloved Son of God has talked about the Father; if the Father has glorified the Son, it is the same as the Father has glorified the Son in Himself because the Father and the Son are One. So, One will glorify Another; it makes no difference if someone else will come to glorify the God of living or not; the God of glory does not need humans to glorify Him because the beloved Son of God also is a human, and the Father already has the true human glorifying Him in heaven. The beloved Son of God represents the human race in front of the Father.
[33] Little children, still a little while I am among you. You will seek Me; and just as I said to the Jews, Where I go, you are not able to go, and now I say to you.
Comments John 13:33 “… You will seek Me”; The beloved Son of God has told His disciples and humans at the same time that if you want to meet Him, seek Him now when He is here with you. When He is not with you on earth, the only way you can find Him is in the Holy Bible. And also, you will find the Spirit of Christ Himself when you meditate on His teaching; His teaching is the true way to eternal life.
“still a little while I am among you.” The beloved Son of God has told His people that He will be with them for a little while, and it is time for them to come to Him before it is too late.
“Where I go, you are not able to go, and now I say to you.” The beloved Son of God has told His people as well that where He is going, they cannot go now, and where He is going, not everyone can go; He has told them in this place to come to Him and go with Him, and that way they can reach to the place with Him.
[34] A new commandment I give to you, that you should love one another; just as I have loved you, in order that also you should love one another.
Comments John 13:34 As a new commandment, the beloved Son of God has been given to all humans, not only to believers alone. The beloved Son loves all humans, and His death is for all that come to Him. Therefore, for the non-believers, when they have a chance to come and glorify the beloved Son of God, He will accept them as well, and this commandment will apply to them; every human has received His love, use His love, copy it deep until your soul and do as well; if you believe in Him, obey His commandment as well.
The Lord Jesus must love all in order to be able to receive them after they have come to Him. If this commandment does not apply to all, the new believers will not be saved; but the new believers will also be saved, and the love of the Lord Jesus is waiting for all, even in the future far away for those who will come later.
[35] By this will all know that you are My disciples, if you have love among one another.
Comments John 13:35 As the verse has told to everyone, those that have love for the Lord Jesus will love everyone as well, and when whosoever has applied this commandment, that person has become His disciple.
[36] Simon Peter says to Him, Lord, where do Thou go? Jesus answered, Where I go, you are not able to follow Me now; but you will follow afterward.
Comments John 13:36 “… where do Thou go?” Peter is human, and when the beloved Son of God told them about His departure, it made Peter think only about this earth, where the beloved Son of God will go. In his mind, he has already wished to be with the beloved Son of God; but now they cannot fulfill the job and be with Him yet; everyone has a job to do, and Peter himself, as well, has the work to do, but when the job is done His disciples will be with Him. When you follow the beloved Son of God’s command, you will also follow where He will be.
“Where I go, you are not able to follow Me now”; No one can follow the beloved Son of God until they finish the work that each individual has received; some may have small little job, but that job still needs to be done as well, because the word “now” means at this moment of time; so, not all can go now.
“… but you will follow afterward.” Therefore, whoever has meditated and followed all that the living word has told will find the path to follow the beloved Son of God. The path to follow, first, starts with meditating on the Holy Word, then, when you meditate, you will follow the teaching, and you will walk to the right path to follow because the beloved Son of God will be guiding and waiting for you all; if you keep the faith until the end, you will meet Him and be with Him in Paradise.
[37] Peter says to Him, Lord, why am I not able to follow Thee just now? I will lay down my life for Thee.
Comments John 13:37 “… why am I not able to follow Thee just now?” Peter has been following the Lord Jesus for some time, and now when he sees the beloved Son of God having trouble in His Spirit, he worries; in his heart right now, he worries about why he is not worthy to follow his Lord now. This feeling will not be only for Peter alone; all His disciples will have the same feeling about why they cannot follow the Lord now.
“I will lay down my life for Thee.” Give attention to the words Peter has used in this place. By his words, he wants to give his life for the beloved Son of God; all followers of the beloved Son of God should feel that way as well; however, to feel and to be able to do are two different things; right now, as the feeling of Peter himself is, he could die for his Lord.
[38] Jesus answered, Will you lay down your life for Me? Truly, truly, I say to you, The cock will not crow, until you have denied Me three times.
Comments John 13:38 “Will you lay down your life for Me?” The beloved Son of God has asked a straightforward question to all; this question is not related to Peter alone but to all believers as well. So, ask yourself as well in this time, will you give your life to your Lord when you know, as the Holy Bible has told in detail, what suffering the beloved Son of God has gone through?
“Truly, truly, I say to you, …”; This verse tells all readers clearly that the beloved Son of God has seen the future happen. Peter will deny Him three times; it has already happened in front of Him. The word denying has echoed in the air already. Let every believer be aware of what you are talking about your faith; when you read the Holy Bible and say things that are not appropriate, what you have said is in the air, and the beloved Son of God hears them already.
Life and Faith Application. 1) The Lord gave us examples of how to be true followers of Him; by following all His teachings, we will find the path to be with Him at the end of our lives on earth; the Lord Jesus gave us an example of humbleness, and we need to follow and humble ourselves toward one another. 2) We need to meditate on the Holy Bible and the teachings of the Lord and apply them literally to our lives; we should not allow ourselves to be controlled by money and should not allow greed to capture our heart. 3) The Lord Jesus gave us a new commandment: to love one another; He Himself gave His life on the cross for all humans showing His true love for us all; we need to copy His love deep inside our souls and, as true believers, show our love to all. 4) We must be ready to give our lives to the Lord, regardless of our challenges on this earth.