Bible Commentary Forever คำอธิบายความเข้าใจในพระคัมภีร์ไทยสำหรับชีวิต

John 2

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Summary. In this chapter, the Lord Jesus shows His love and mercy towards the people and His zeal for the Father’s house. John 2:1-12. Jesus at the wedding at Cana in Galilee. People regard Jesus as a Teacher, and they want Him and His disciples to be present at the wedding. The wine miracle performed at this wedding marks the beginning of Jesus’ signs on earth. By changing the water into heavenly grape juice (good wine, non-alcoholic wine), the Lord Jesus demonstrates to all humans that He is against drinkers. The term wine in these verses does not mean alcoholic wine, but only fresh-squeezed juice from the grapes, but everyone calls it wine. John 2:13-17. This passage of Scripture describes the cleansing of the temple performed by the Lord of the Sabbath, the Lord Jesus Christ, during a Passover feast. In this cleansing action of the temple, the Lord Jesus was angry not at the people, but He was angry at their hearts and actions in using the house of worship as a marketplace. He used a “scourge of cords made out of rushes,” but He did not hit any humans or animals; He just hit the things around. John 2:18-25. The Jews ask for a sign from Jesus. The Jews asked for a sign from the Lord Jesus to justify His actions in the temple. The Lord used this event to tell all humans that the sign of His deity and being the Son of God is His bodily resurrection from the dead.
[1] And the third day a wedding happened in Cana of Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there,
Comments John 2:1 “And the third day”; this indicates just a continuation from the activity of the Lord Himself.
[2] and Jesus also was called, and His disciples, to the wedding.
Comments John 2:2 The wedding is in Cana, and people there regard the Lord as a Teacher; people just want to call Him and the disciples, the teacher, to be there; there is no personal relationship with them.
[3] And when the wine failed short, the mother of Jesus says to Him, They have no wine.
Comments John 2:3 The mother of the Lord is a common woman, and she makes herself being busy for someone else. People interpret in many ways, but the mother of the Lord just liked to be involved here.
[4] And Jesus says to her, Woman, what to Me and to you is this? My hour has not yet come.
Comments John 2:4 “Woman, what to Me and to you is this?” In this place, the beloved Son of God just wants to remind His mother that this is none of our business to be involved; that is all. Even though she has given birth to the beloved Son of God, she is still an ordinary woman of the earth; giving birth to the Lord does not make her become beyond human. Jesus calls her “woman,” which shows that she is just a regular human and does not need to be worshiped.
“My hour has not yet come.” Also, the beloved Son of God wants to remind here; His time is not here to do the work. The Lord didn’t come to do this kind of work, and that is what the Lord is telling His mother here.
[5] His mother says to the servants, Whatever He says to you, do it.
Comments John 2:5 “Whatever He says to you, do it.” Mary just wants to have the role of the mother of the beloved Son of God. Mary has said out from her own belief that the beloved Son of God will do according to her will.
We, as humans, and Mary, the way she has been pregnant, has given her confirmation that the beloved Son will be able to provide whatever they need. This is the first miracle the Lord has performed, do not confuse it with a human make-believe story.
[6] Now there were six waterpots of stone, standing according to the purification of the Jews, holding twenty or thirty gallons.
[7] Jesus says to them, Fill the waterpots with water. And they filled them up to the top.
Comments John 2:6-7 We will give attention to the servants who “filled them up to the top.” All servants obey to do the work, but humans do not listen to the voice of the most high King from heaven who tells them in their hearts not to sin. All readers can compare it here as well; did you follow all of the Lord’s teachings or not? Think about it as well here; in this place, we first mention about the servants of humans who listen to human orders, even to Mary who is not their direct master, but they listen and go to do what she told them; however, we, the rest of people, have the Bible to be the true master but we do not obey.
[8] And He says to them, Draw out now, and carry to the master of the feast. And they carried it.
Comments John 2:8 Here all servants had noticed as well; they carried the cup of water to the master of the feast.
[9] And even as the master of the feast tasted the water, having become wine, and knew not from where it is (but the servants having drawn the water knew), the master of the feast calls the bridegroom,
Comments John 2:9 “tasted the water, having become wine.” All Christians should know that the Lord teaches us not to drink alcohol. This wine that came from water is like clean water, not alcohol, but this water has the taste better than regular water; the one that never tasted this clean water before cannot understand what the clean water here means about; it is water that changed the structure into grape juice, even to the point of fermented, but still not having alcohol in it, it is the cleanest juice of all.
[10] and says to him, Everyone sets out first the good wine; and when they are drunk, then the inferior; you have kept the good wine until now.
Comments John 2:10 They have called it good wine because this water comes from the grape juice itself; the taste will be good but will not give the false feeling of drinking alcohol. This grape juice is not the grape juice of this earth; it is heavenly grape juice, which is why this water tastes good here. Here we are saying that the Lord transformed this earthly water into heavenly grape juice. This comment itself will help all humans; if the beloved Son of God has taught humans not to drink, then He Himself on earth will not drink alcohol from grapes; just remember, the alcohol will give a false sense of feeling for the drinker. This juice here was a replacement for the alcoholic wine of earth.
[11] This beginning of the signs did Jesus in Cana of Galilee and manifested His glory, and His disciples believed in Him.
Comments John 2:11 The wine miracle marks the beginning of Jesus’ signs on earth. Here, we can see in another way that the Lord is against drinkers, which is why this grape wine He made will not contain any alcohol in it.
The term wine in these verses does not mean alcoholic wine, but only when the people get the juice from the grapefruit, but everyone calls it wine.
[12] After this, He went down to Capernaum, He, and His mother, and His brethren, and His disciples; and there they stayed not many days.
Comments John 2:12 There is a purpose that Joseph's name has not been mentioned much in the Bible. So, many people had made out belief stories about him. Still, Joseph has received his portion, and few places in the Bible have been mentioned him as the earthly adoptive father of the beloved Son of God, even though he is not the physical father of the Lord Jesus, but the Bible has used his name. The way the Bible puts Joseph's name down has already shown that Joseph has been appreciated by God Himself, not by humans lifting him up.
[13] And the Passover of the Jews was near, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.
Comments John 2:13 “And the Passover of the Jews.” In that time, for the Passover, the main hosts are the Jews; the people who prepare the food for the Passover celebration must know all regulations and rules in preparing. In this verse, we can notice that the beloved Son of God, as the Lord of the Passover, must be there in Jerusalem to celebrate.
The Lord of the Passover has participated in many Passover traditions, as the Bible has mentioned in many places about Passover. Each Passover itself has its own event happening; some may have similarities, but if the reader pays attention, they will notice the differences.
[14] And He found in the temple those that sold oxen and lambs and doves, and the moneychangers sitting;
Comments John 2:14 Let the reader pay attention to how the people have used the house of God as a market. All readers should think here as well; when you go to worship the Lord, do you want to see a marketplace, and that you are in the middle of it? By doing this, when they have misused the worship place, these people have made the Lord Himself feel unwelcomed.
Nowadays, people use the worship place as a social service place for meetings, so the worship becomes secondary; the majority of people when they go to the worship place, first, will think whom they will see today, but do not think to go to meet the Lord and worship Him. People in this time have misunderstood what God wants His people to do; when you come to worship, just stop doing social service in a place of worship.
Many go to take a position, not for worship but to do for a living; the heart has not been set straight for the place, but straight for the benefit of what they can get out of that place they go; they even use God as a way to make a profit for themselves but not for the soul of people.
[15] and having made a scourge of cords made out of rushes, He cast all out of the temple, both the sheep and the oxen; He poured out the coins of the moneychangers and overthrew the tables,
Comments John 2:15 This verse tells all readers about the anger of the Lord, the Lord was angry not at the people, but He was angry at their hearts and actions in using the house of worship as a marketplace. The scourge of cords comes as a warning for all humans; at this time, the beloved Son of God in the human form used this scourge to whip the things (all the things that were there; imagine the picture of the market and whatever else would be there; those things are not fit for the place of worship). He did not whip the humans or animals with it, but in the end time, He will use His anger in the shape of a whip to hit the soul. The pain for the soul to feel is much greater than the physical can feel, so be careful all readers what you are doing in the house of worship; the punishment for these will be stronger than those that walk outside and do bad things.
[16] and to those selling the doves He said, Take these from here; make not My Father’s house a house of market.
Comments John 2:16 This verse tells us how people have used the house of worship; they sold these birds as merchandise in the house of the Lord. The action of worshiping using these birds is good but bringing them to be sold in the house of worship is what was wrong here. Humans have not understood the feeling of the beloved Son of God when He has walked in the house of worship, and He has seen the place being used for selling things and not for glorifying the Father Himself; these market actions have brought to His heart feelings of hurt, and that is why the verse tells about His actions, but when humans read about His actions, they have built feelings against the beloved Son of God’s action of anger. Still, they all forget that His anger is from the sorrow of His heart when He saw what humans were doing to His Father’s house. They show unwanted the presence of God in His own house, but they don’t blame themselves for those actions; since the beloved Son of God has demonstrated anger here, all the hearts go in blaming the beloved Son of God for doing it, not themselves for doing wrong.
This Passover event and the cleaning of the temple described in verses 13 to 16 is a different event than the one described in Mark 11:15-17. The Lord Jesus has participated in many Passover traditions, and this one here happens at the beginning of His ministry on earth after the miracle at the wedding in Cana.
[17] His disciples remembered that it is written, Zeal of Thy house will consume Me.
Comments John 2:17 The verse tells us that the disciples have remembered after all things had happened, but, for the beloved Son of God Himself, the zeal had hurt His feelings when humans have not respected His zeal. Think that the verse says zeal of Thy house; this zeal refers to the house of the Father Himself, which is inside the Father Himself as well. Because the verse says zeal of Thy house will consume the beloved Son of God Himself, this can only be in the Father’s house that can consume the beloved Son of God.
[18] The Jews then answered and said to Him, What sign do Thou show to us, for Thou doing these?
Comments John 2:18 The verse has told that His own people want the beloved Son of God to prove Himself by doing miracles in order for them to believe in Him; all miracles He has shown are not enough yet for them.
[19] Jesus answered and said to them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.
[20] The Jews then said, Forty and six years was this temple building, and will Thou raise it up in three days?
[21] But He was speaking about the temple of His body.
Comments John 2:19-21 As these three verses show, the beloved Son of God has not hidden His identity from His people. The proof is in verse 19 when He has told them that within three days, He would rise from the dead: “and in three days I will raise it up.” He has told them ahead of time that even if you destroy this body, in three days, He is back again, with the same human body, because this is the beloved Son of God's human body, and nobody can destroy it.
[22] When then He was raised out of the dead, His disciples remembered that He had said this and believed the Scripture and the word which Jesus had spoken.
Comments John 2:22 This verse has told all believers that His own disciples have remembered after all had happened. So are you; all the believers will remember the Scripture without reading it again (unless you have the true translation of the Bible). All the knowledge will be provided to all true believers through the Holy Spirit. To say this way is because, in the future, the true translation of the Bible will not be made again; whoever has it now must treasure it and pass it to the next generation; the time will come when humans will forbid each other to make another true translation Bible copy to give to the next generation, and that is why the believers will be provided with the knowledge through the Holy Spirit within their soul to remember the words of the Lord. Talking about and reading about is different; you talk about the main things, but so many details have been written in the Bible, no human mind can remember all if there is not a written true Bible.
[As it happened here with the disciples, in this comment, we talk about the fundamentals of the Christian faith in the Lord Jesus, such as the Trinity of God, the Virgin birth, and the bodily resurrection from the dead. These, the Holy Spirit will bring to the remembrance of the true believers even if they ban the true translation of the Bible; these will still be propagated by talking among believers and using the remaining true translations that will exist.]
[23] Now when He was in Jerusalem at the Passover, during the feast, many believed in His name, beholding His signs that He was doing.
Comments John 2:23 “beholding His signs that He was doing”; People were talking about all the things they had heard, what He did, and were expecting that He would do something more here as well, every moment they were waiting for Him to do something.
[24] But Jesus Himself did not entrust Himself to them because He knew all people,
Comments John 2:24 The beloved Son of God Himself knows all humans and understands the way humans think. They are talking of the signs He has done, but not all of them have seen, some just heard, and not all their hearts have trust in Him yet; right now, they want Him to prove Himself by doing some miracles in front of them.
[25] and because He had no need that anyone should bear witness about human; for He, Himself knew what was in human.
Comments John 2:25 Now the Lord wants to let people talk, and that talk will create doubt and curiosity, which will bring them to come and ask Him questions later, and those questions in the heart the Lord wants everyone to have and think about them and ask Him for the answer.
Life and Faith Application. 1) The Lord Jesus never drank alcohol, and He demonstrated that He is against drinking by transforming water into grape juice at the wedding in Cana, so true believers should not drink alcohol. 2) Do not transform the church into a social club but use the church to worship the Lord and give glory to the Trinity of God. 3) Do not ask for a sign from the Lord to prove His deity; He already proved His deity by His bodily resurrection from the dead.