Bible Commentary Forever คำอธิบายความเข้าใจในพระคัมภีร์ไทยสำหรับชีวิต

John 6

For Greek interlinear links click the [verse numbers] below
Summary. In this chapter, Jesus teaches the disciples and us about the difference between food for the physical body and food for the soul and how to get eternal life for our souls. John 6:1-15. Jesus feeds a great multitude. The Lord has mercy on the people that followed Him on the Tiberias side of the Sea of Galilee, and He provides food for them by multiplying five barley loaves and two small fishes from a little boy. In this portion of Scripture, the Lord also wants to teach His disciples and us how to solve our problems by coming first to the Lord of life in helping because He is the Lord and knows all the ways to help. John 6:16-21. Jesus walks on the sea. Jesus performs the miracles of walking on the sea and shortening the time and distance for the benefit of His disciples and those who read after them. John 6:22-59. Jesus is the bread of life, the true bread from heaven. In Capernaum, the Lord Jesus teaches about the spiritual food for our souls and what is the true food and drink for our souls to gain eternal life. The life that the Lord Jesus gave on the cross is the true bread of heaven that all humans can take as food for their souls, but only if they learn to accept and admit in their souls that He is the Son of God. Therefore, when taking the communion as a believer, we must never forget His sacrifice on the cross and the meaning of His sacrifice for our lives and believe and follow His teachings. As true believers taking the communion, we must surrender completely, both soul and body, to follow the beloved Son of God; for any believer who does that, the beloved Son Himself will be with that person and will be an inner strength and vitality and protection for that person. John 6:60-71. The words of the Spirit of Christ are eternal life. The teachings of the Beloved Son of God are eternal life for those who listen and obey. Still, humans have the free will to follow or not follow His teachings.
[1] After these Jesus went away over the Sea of Galilee, of Tiberias.
Comments John 6:1 This verse tells us that Jesus traveled over the Galilee sea to the side of the Tiberias city. For verses 1 to 13, see Comments Mark 6:32-44. In the Gospel of Mark, we explain that the feeding event described in John 6:1-13 is a distinct feeding miracle, and it is different than the feeding miracle described in Mark 6:30-44, Matthew 14:13-21 and Luke 9:10-17. We can tell the difference by the feeding place; two different locations, not the same. In addition, Matthew 14:21, Luke 9:14, and Mark 6:44 (ESV, ASV) versus John 6:10 (ESV, ASV) are the separating verses as per the number of people. From Matthew 14:21, we can conclude that at the first feeding area (See See Map Jesus’ Travel from the Gospel of Mark), there were about "five thousand men besides women and children." And from John 6:10, we can conclude that at the second feeding area (See See Map Jesus’ Travel from the Gospel of Mark), there were about three (See verse John 6:10 – Codex Sinaiticus) thousand people (as per individuals). It is believed that when John 6:10 (ESV) says, "have the people sit down" and then, "so the men sat down," both refer to the same number of people. In John 6:10, people and men are one in God's eyes.
The difference in the number of people fed and the places where the miracles took place tell us that there were two distinct feeding events.
[2] Now, many common people followed Him because they saw the signs which He was doing to those being sick.
Comments John 6:2 From the verse, we can notice they saw the signs that the Lord Jesus was doing. So, the people have followed the beloved Son of God because they all expected to see all the more miracles that He will perform in healing the sick.
[3] And Jesus went up on the mountain, and there He sat with His disciples.
[4] Now the Passover, the feast of the Jews, was at hand.
[5] Jesus, therefore, having lifted up His eyes, and having seen that a great multitude is coming to Him, says to Philip, From where shall we buy bread, that these may eat?
Comments John 6:5 This verse tells about how much love the beloved Son of God has for humans. He saw so many have come, and He has mercy on them. Also, here, He wants to bring the disciples' attention back to the task at hand, many people, and much need of food; that is what the Lord wants His disciples to think now.
[6] And this He said testing him, for Himself knew what He was about to do.
Comments John 6:6 This is a continuation of the thought the Lord wants to bring for His disciples; the beloved Son of God knows already what will happen after He says the word, and here we can notice as well. But always, the Lord wants us to think about how to solve the problem when we can see who can help us; come first to the Lord of life in helping because He is the Lord and knows all the ways to help.
[7] Philip answered Him, Two hundred denarii of bread are not sufficient for them, in order that each one may receive some little.
Comments John 6:7 All believers can see clearly in this verse that Philip, one of the disciples, did not think about the Lord's miracles; he thought only about what he had in his hand and how much it could go. But instead, he should think about the little he has and how much the beloved Son of God can multiply to be more than enough for all; but, with his head only, he thought it would be not enough what he has.
Even 100 miracles before your eyes, Philip, a simple man, in his mind could not link them; the simple mind of man cannot link the past and the present together, and here Philip is an example of a simple mind. Here, a simple mind means thinking with our simple mind and not with our heart.
[8] One of His disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, says to Him,
Comments John 6:8 “Simon Peter’s brother.” Think as well, in that place, could it be just one named Andrew or not? To be more specific, the better term is to bring the brother Simon as well, and in this verse, we can know who is speaking, which Andrew, people can think as well, and it is more explicit.
[9] Here is a little boy, who has five barley loaves, and two small fishes; however, what are these to so many?
Comments John 6:9 In the other feeding in Matthew 14:17, Mark 6:38, and Luke 9:13, we have the same number of loaves and fishes, but we do not have the story with the little boy.
This fact also clarifies to all readers that it cannot be one feeding when the other three Gospels do not mention the boy who has the fishes and the loaves. So, all readers should make a difference when reading the Bible, separate the story out, and then the mind will be clear; many people have read these feeding miracles and get confused, but bring the differences and the similarities and compare them, and then you will have the correct conclusion, that the feeding in the Gospel of John cannot be the same as in the Gospels of Mathew, Mark, and Luke.
This one (Andrew) had walked around the people and found the boy with food and has come to make a report to the beloved Son of God. However, he also feared that what food he had found was still not enough for so many people. The human mind cannot think beyond what is in front of their eyes; even though they have seen the miracles before, the mind still cannot link the situation and the way to solve the problem. They all have walked with the beloved Son of God for some time and have seen many miracles, but they still need time to make up their own mind and accept what they know.
[10] Jesus said, Make the people sit down. Now was much grass in the place. Then, the men sat down, the number about five thousand [original manuscript “three thousand” – See Codex Sinaiticus textual variants John 6:10: “τρισχιλιοι (three thousands) - singular reading. Amended to πεντακισχιλιοι (five thousand) by the second corrector”].
Comments John 6:10 This verse, John 6:10, uses both Greek words, for people or humans (ἀνθρώπους) and for men (ἄνδρες); while in Luke 9:14, Mark 6:44, and Matthew 14:21, the Bible uses only the Greek word for men (ἄνδρες).
It is believed that when this verse says, "have the people sit down" and then "so the men sat down," both, people and men, refer to the same amount of people. So, in John 6:10, people and men are one in God's eyes. However, in Matthew 14:21, we know that during that feeding, the number of people fed was about 5000 men plus women and children, so, much more than 5000 individuals, while here in this feeding in John, we believe the total amount of people fed to be about 3000 individuals as given in Codex Sinaiticus. We believe the number 3000 to be the correct original number given in the Gospel of John, which was potentially altered during the process of copying the original manuscript in order to match the numbers with the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke and have these feedings be the same. However, we believe that the feeding in the Gospel of John is a different feeding, and this number, the location of the feeding, and the story with the little boy are vital pointers to support this.
[11] Jesus, therefore, took the loaves, and having given thanks, distributed to those reclining; in like manner also of the fish, as much as they wished.
Comments John 6:11 See Comments Matthew 14:19.
[12] But when they were filled, He says to His disciples, Gather up the leftover pieces so that nothing be lost.
Comments John 6:12 As the reader can see, the miracle of the beloved Son of God has created more food than how much they could eat; the support is here; they even have leftovers. Therefore, if every believer trusts in the mercy of the beloved Son of God, everyone will have leftover food, not only physical food but also spiritual food. But moreover, here in this place, the beloved Son of God has taught everyone, when you have leftovers, take care of that as well; the things may come easy, but they don’t last forever if you are not taking care of them, that why He has told gather up the leftover that nothing be lost.
[13] So they gathered together and filled twelve baskets with broken pieces from the five barley loaves, which were left over from those having eaten.
Comments John 6:13 This verse supports the verse before, the beloved Son of God truly created food more than how much they could eat; notice the amount leftover from the original they had. You as well will have leftover of the blessing the Lord will pour down on you, but all of this is according to faith and trust in the beloved Son of God from your heart, not just an empty mouth speaking; when you tell people you believe, make sure your heart is agreeing with what you have talked, your heart holds the true faith in you.
[14] Then the people having seen the sign which has been done, said, This is truly the Prophet that comes into the world.
Comments John 6:14 The beloved Son of God has done miracles, and people have confirmed in their faith that the mercy of the Father has come down, and they have taken the beloved Son of God as a true Prophet from heaven that came down to this earth for them. In the humans' mind, the beloved Son of God is everything, human, prophet, even angel, because they also realize that all things are from Him as well.
[15] Jesus, therefore, perceiving that they are about to come and to seize Him in order that to make Him king, withdrew again to the mountain Himself alone.
Comments John 6:15 We can notice they want the beloved Son of God to be their king, now they have lifted the beloved Son of God to be their king, but the beloved Son of God had gone up to the mountain alone, to be with the Father to get the direction of work on this work.
Q: Are the events describing Jesus’ walking on the water telling the same story in all three Gospels (Mark 6:45-51, Matthew 14:22-32 and John 6:15-21)? A: All three Gospels describe one and the same event; they have some minor differences, but each difference is for a purpose, but none are against each other. For comments on this passage of Scripture, Comments Matthew 14:22-32 and Comments Mark 6:45-51.
[16] Now when evening came, His disciples went down to the sea,
[17] and having embarked on a boat, they were going on the other side of the sea, to Capernaum. And it had become already dark, and Jesus had not come to them.
Comments John 6:17 Q: In Mark 6:45, the Bible tells us that the disciples were going on the other side to Bethsaida, while this verse tells us that the disciples were going over the sea to Capernaum. A: The disciples sailed first to Bethsaida; this is just a way of travel, going back and forth between Bethsaida and Capernaum, and in the Gospel of John, we are given the further destination of travel. John tells the events from another viewpoint; he doesn’t go in the same way of events as the other gospels.
[18] And the sea was agitated by a strong wind blowing.
[19] Then having rowed about three or four miles, they see Jesus walking on the sea and coming near the boat, and they were frightened.
Comments John 6:19 Now the disciples have seen another miracle; the human eyes have seen the beloved Son of God's power to walk on water. The normal human will not be able to do that, but the beloved Son of God in human form also has the power as God, so He can walk wherever He pleases.
[20] But He says to them, I am, be not afraid.
Comments John 6:20 Q: In Mathew 14:28-33, we have Peter walking on water and the disciples worshiping the Lord Jesus as the Son of God; however, all these events are skipped in this Gospel. A: Because the Bible is one book, all readers must read every book in the Bible to get all the events complete and continuing. Every believer must read the whole Bible, not only one Gospel. Reading one Gospel does not mean you have finished reading the Word of God. In each Gospel, there are more details to support the events in a different way. For example, here, for this story in this Gospel, we need to look back to another Gospel as well, there, it tells in a different way, but if we analyze all the events, they will support each other.
[21] Then they were willing to receive Him into the boat, and at once, the boat came to the land to which they were going.
Comments John 6:21 Now in this verse, not only have the disciples seen the miracle, but all the believers who read the Holy Bible find the miracle. The power of God's beloved Son in shortening the time and distance as He steps on the boat is shown here. The verse has told, "at once" the boat has reached the destination; this is shortening the time and distance, and the proof in authority and the power of the beloved Son of God over time and nature has been written here for all.
[22] On the next day, the multitude standing on the other side of the sea, having seen that was no other boat there, except one, and that Jesus embarked not with His disciples into the boat, but rather His disciples departed alone;
Comments John 6:22 As the verse has told, people have taken notice that the beloved Son of God did not enter the boat with His disciples; this event will stir many hearts to think of who this Man could be, and later on, they will notice the signs He has done.
[23] but there came other boats from Tiberias near the place where they ate the bread, the Lord having given thanks.
[24] When the multitude, therefore, perceived that Jesus is not there, neither His disciples, they themselves embarked on the boats and came to Capernaum, seeking Jesus.
[25] And having found Him on the other side of the sea, they said to Him, Rabbi, when have Thou come here?
Comments John 6:25 Now all readers can notice, the people start to have questions in themselves, how and when the beloved Son of God has come there; when they themselves know that He did not enter the boat with the disciples, on the other side of the sea but now He is here in person as well on this side.
[26] Jesus answered them and said, Truly, Truly, I say to you, You seek Me, not because you saw signs, but because you ate of the loaves, and were satisfied.
Comments John 6:26 Here the beloved Son of God has pointed to all humans to check why they are following Him. Ask yourself as well the true reason you follow the Lord; do you follow Him because you want something or believe He will give something? If you follow because He will give something or because you want something from Him that has a different purpose of heart, check your true heart.
[27] Search not food that is perishing, but the food that is enduring unto eternal life, which the Son of Man will give to you; for Him, God the Father has sealed.
Comments John 6:27 Ask yourself what you should expect, the things of this earth or the true joy of the earth that will come. Every believer should think as well, the things of this earth you enjoy for a while, but the things of the world to come are for eternity, and you do not know what it is yet, but this is the faith that you have or not have, so, expect for the things unseen yet.
“for Him, God the Father has sealed.” What the beloved Son of God has told, the Father has given Him power and authority; He did not give Him only what He can give to any believer on this earth but the power to make decisions for the world to come; the beloved Son of God has that authority to give as well. Therefore, have faith that leads to eternal life; when on this earth, if a person has put faith in the beloved Son of God, the beloved Son of God has that authority to receive that person to live an eternal life with Him in heaven.
[28] They said therefore to Him, What must we do, in order that we might search the works of God?
[29] Jesus answered and said to them, This is the work of God, that you should believe in the One whom He sent.
Comments John 6:29 The Father has sent the beloved Son of God for them; if they want to search for God, they must believe and trust the beloved Son of God, and also, they need to follow His teaching all their life; and that will be considered as you are doing the work for God. God's beloved Son has come down; the law is complete; there is no need for any burnt offerings anymore. The old law asks for sacrifices, but the perfect offering has already been made on the cross; there is no need for those sacrifices anymore.
[30] They said therefore to Him, Then what sign do Thou do, so we might see, and believe Thee? What do Thou work?
Comments John 6:30 This is a common question all humans would have, if He is who He claims He is, they want to see the proof as well; they all want Him to do something for them, which is not related to worshiping the Father but worshiping the convenience they would receive, that is what most humans want from Him.
[31] Our fathers ate the manna in the wilderness; as it is written, He gave them bread out of heaven to eat.
Comments John 6:31 They want to force the beloved Son of God to do something by using what the Father had done for their fathers when they were traveling out of Egypt. It is still the same way; they all want the beloved Son of God to do something for them, as the Father has done for their fathers to prove Himself, so they want the Son to do something as well.
[32] Jesus, therefore, said to them, Truly, truly, I say to you, Not Moses has given you the bread out of heaven, but My Father gives you the true bread out of heaven.
Comments John 6:32 Because their forefather told them what Moses had done, it made them all think that manna is the true bread of heaven; also, their mind kept thinking about the same bread of heaven, which kept them waiting.
“but My Father gives you the true bread out of heaven.” But now, the beloved Son of God has told them the true meaning of the bread out of heaven, which they will have to think about and accept.
[33] Indeed the bread of God is the One coming down from heaven and giving life to the world.
Comments John 6:33 As the verse tells, the true bread of God is the beloved Son of God Himself, who will give His life for all humans. The life that He gave is the true bread of heaven that all humans can take, but only if they learn to accept and admit in their own souls that He is the Son of God.
[34] They said therefore to Him, Lord, evermore give us this bread.
Comments John 6:34 As the verse tells, they were still misunderstanding. In their minds, they thought of physical eating, like Moses has given food eating; they expected that the beloved Son of God would provide them with food to eat; their mind was still thinking of physical things, but the food of life is the bread of spiritual, not physical. Therefore, humans can strengthen the soul not by physical food but by spiritual food, which is the Word and everything the beloved Son of God is teaching; meditate on the Word of God, which is the true food for the soul.
[35] Jesus said to them; I am the bread of life; whoever comes to Me shall not ever hunger, and whoever believes in Me shall not ever thirst.
Comments John 6:35 Here is this place all believers should carefully think about what should be done not to be thirsty and hungry; but do not think about the physical feeling; instead, use your heart to think and hunger and thirst to want to know more; most important of all, meditate on the Holy Word, that is how the soul of the believer will have a test of real food for the soul.
“whoever comes to Me shall not ever hunger”; The beloved Son of God has given His body on this earth as the bread for humans' life and soul; anyone who takes communion must remember as well, the beloved Son of God's human body has been tortured for all humans’ sins; the pain and suffering the Lord has received in His human body that is for the sins of the whole world that He has taken in the suffering of His human body; all believers should remember about this. Whoever comes to the beloved Son of God with a whole heart and begs for His mercy for yourself, the beloved Son of God will give the peace for your soul, and your soul will not be hungry of peace furthermore.
“whoever believes in Me shall not ever thirst”; For all believers who believe in His crucifixion and take communion regularly, the wine grape juice that you drink represents the beloved Son of God's blood that has poured out from His human body on the earth, for all who have faith in His death and resurrection, that soul will not be in thirst for peace, the peace deep in the soul, even in the moment of trouble, that peace will never leave you.
[36] But I said to you, that even you have seen Me, and yet believe not.
Comments John 6:36 This verse does not talk only to the people in the past; people nowadays have the Holy Bible portraying the picture of Jesus, and when the Holy Bible has spoken of the beloved Son of God, you all have read it. But, still, the real meaning did not get into your hearts because you did not truly believe what the Holy Bible has told about the beloved Son of God.
[37] All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one coming to Me I will certainly not cast out.
Comments John 6:37 Pay attention to what the verse has told; all the believers who come to the beloved Son of God do not come only by their own will alone but by the calling of the Father Himself. The Father has called those for the beloved Son of God, and when you have obeyed that calling and had considered yourself to be a servant of the beloved Son of God, by listening and obeying His teaching, the beloved Son of God will never deny you or cast you out from Him.
[38] Because I have come down from heaven, not to do My will, but the will of the One having sent Me.
Comments John 6:38 This verse many people have interpreted in many ways; some even say that the beloved Son of God did not want to be sacrificed, but He just did it to fulfill the Father’s will. Still, they all forgot that the beloved Son of God does not need to leave His throne, but by His own will, He left the throne and came down on earth, and then He obeyed the Father’s will after He was born on earth. He did not fight to live longer on earth but took the death on the cross with His own will to be tortured by His own creatures that He has created; that is the love of the beloved Son Himself.
[39] And this is the will of the One that sent Me, in order that all that He has given Me I should lose none of them but will raise them up in the last day.
Comments John 6:39 “… will raise them up in the last day.” When the judgment day comes, those that are faithful to Him, He Himself will raise them up, and they will be with Him.
[40] For this is the will of My Father, in order that everyone beholding the Son, and believing in Him, should have eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day.
Comments John 6:40 “everyone beholding the Son”; This saying means the same as saying everyone that is faithful to Him.
[41] The Jews therefore were murmuring concerning Him, because He said, I am the bread which came down from heaven.
[42] And they were saying, Is not this Jesus, the Son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know? How does He now say, I have come down from heaven?
Comments John 6:42 When the beloved Son of God has told the truth, those who have hearts against Him will not accept and will not try to understand what He has said. Even though the beloved Son of God has told them where He has come from, their ears and hearts have been shut off from listening to the truth. Because they have seen Joseph and Mary raise Him up from a young child until adulthood, their minds only think what they see; in their minds and hearts, only what they have seen is what they can use to justify their understanding.
[43] Jesus answered and said to them, Murmur not with each other.
[44] No one is able to come to Me, if not the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up in the last day.
Comments John 6:44 As the verse has told to all humans, the Father Himself is the one that draws the believers to the beloved Son of God. If all those will have obeyed the voice in their heart and have come to the beloved Son of God with true faith and believe in His word, those the beloved Son of God will raise them up in the last day.
When the Lord has said this saying, “I will raise him up in the last day,” also, He has told all believers that in Himself He has that power because He is the Son of Man, and the life of men belongs to Him; who He will please to raise up He will, the Father has given Him that authority as well.
[45] It is written in the prophets, And they will all be taught of God. All having heard from the Father, and having learned, come to Me.
Comments John 6:45 Isaiah 54:13 says, “All your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children.”
The Father Himself has given all understanding; it will start in the mind of man; in their mind, the question will come, and if they have no pride and benefit in those, they will be thinking and meditating on it and get understanding. Then, when that understanding has come to them, they will believe and accept the beloved Son of God who He is, and they will start and meditate on His teaching as well.
“have no pride and benefit in those.” They will think about what they can gain from that knowledge, go to make the believes for themselves, or go to make people understand what God would want them to do; if in their mind they can keep the greed in them, they will not take praise for themselves but tell the people and lead them to praise the beloved Son of God, that when we have told pride and benefit refers to here.
[46] Not that anyone has seen the Father, except the One being from God, He has seen the Father.
[47] Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes has eternal life.
Comments John 6:46-47 “whoever believes has eternal life.” The beloved Son has told them that He Himself is coming from the Father, and the beloved Son of God has seen the Father face to face as verse 46 has told, “except the One being from God, He has seen the Father.” Therefore, whoever believes what the beloved Son of God has said and believes that His Word is true, that person has earned eternal life.
[48] I am the bread of life.
Comments John 6:48 The beloved Son of God has confessed the truth for all humans; He is the true bread from heaven, who will give life to all who believe and practice His teaching; that person will earn the life in Him.
[49] Your fathers ate the manna in the wilderness and died.
Comments John 6:49 Moses had given the manna in the wilderness, and all those people who ate that bread food all have died because that was the food for the physical; anyone who eats for the physical body will die because the physical body cannot last forever.
[50] He is the bread, who comes down from heaven that anyone might eat of it and not die.
Comments John 6:50 The beloved Son of God has told all of them the way to have eternal life. When anyone has accepted the teaching and believes in the beloved Son of God and meditates on His word at all times, that person has already eaten the living bread from heaven, which the beloved Son of God has come down to give to all; meditate on the Word of God.
[51] I am the living bread which came down from heaven; if anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever; and also the bread which I will give is My flesh, for the life of the world.
Comments John 6:51 “I am the living bread …”; Most people would link the living bread to taking the communion only, but the true living bread is the faith in the beloved Son of God and meditating, believing, and practicing all the teaching which He has given to all humans in the Holy Bible. So, when anyone says I believe in the beloved Son of God, that person also needs to act by reading, practicing and trusting in the teaching of the Holy Bible, and that is the right way for all. Living bread itself has a wider meaning, including the beloved Son of God Himself and the Holy Bible, which the Lord has given to all. Still, if someone has said, I believe, the way to reach to all, the faith and believing and practicing, that person needs to do as well not just believe alone, but the way to do is reading, meditating, and believing in the whole Holy Bible. “… will live forever”; As you read the Word of God, if this Holy Word has a part in your life, you will receive eternal life; part in your life means reading, meditating, and trusting, most of all believing what the Holy Bible has told what humans should do for their life.
“the bread which I will give is My flesh …”; “My flesh” is the life of the beloved Son Himself that He had put down on the cross when they crucified Him; the last words He had said were, “It is finished” (See John 19:30), and He took the last breath and departed from this earth. His human body and blood had been given to the earth, and also the beloved Son of God Himself, for remembrance of Him, instated the communion for all believers. So when you take the communion bread, think of His broken body on the cross, and when you drink the communion grape juice, think of every blood drop that has dripped off from His body, do not take the communion as only the way to show that you have faith in Him; think as well when you are taking the communion elements into your body. His body did not decay, but when they pierced the nails, those nails had already received the part of His flesh on them. When they drove the nails through the wood, pieces of His body had been left as well on this earth.
[52] The Jews then were arguing with one another, saying, How is He able to give us His flesh to eat?
Comments John 6:52 As the verse has told, humans think the way humans think; how can the Lord give humans to eat a human? But the Lord is talking here about the spiritual food that the Lord will give. The Lord’s body has every blessing in it; His flesh that refers here is the spiritual food; we as humans can think as well that the beloved Son of God also has the heavenly body, and the flesh of that body will be a spiritual blessing for all humans, for all those that have accepted and believe in Him; if their heart rejects the beloved Son of God, the spiritual blessing will never fall on that person.
[53] Jesus, therefore, said to them, Truly, truly, I say to you, Except you may eat the flesh of the Son of Man and may drink His blood, you have not life in yourselves.
Comments John 6:53 In this verse, the beloved Son of God has reminded all humans that the communion between believers is the most important; the bread that everyone takes during communion represents His body sacrifice for all, and the grape juice that everyone drinks represents His blood poured and is like heavenly water cleansing from inside of the person when that person takes communion with faith and believes what the beloved Son of God has done for them.
[54] The one that eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day.
Comments John 6:54 This verse refers specifically only to the true believers and not including the believers just by mouth. The true believers from heart and mouth obey and meditate on the Holy Word each day because the Holy Word is the path to faith; whoever calls themselves a believer but does not meditate on the Holy Word is a liar.
[55] Indeed My flesh is true food, and My blood is true drink.
Comments John 6:55 “My flesh is true food”; The flesh, in this place, the beloved Son of God talks about, is the bread of the communion itself when believers have taken it and think of His body that has been tortured for them on the cross.
“My blood is true drink”; The blood of the beloved Son of God that has poured down on earth was the life of Him when He was in human form on earth, and in the communion time, we allow to use the juice of the grape vine in representing thinking of His blood poured down for us and be washed clean; all believers should remember this.
[56] The one that eats My flesh and drinks My blood abides in Me, and I in him.
Comments John 6:56 When true believers have taken the communion, that person has surrendered completely, both soul and body, to follow the beloved Son of God; for any believer who does that, the beloved Son Himself will be with that person and will be an inner strength and vitality and protection for that person. Now here we are talking about the Spirit of the beloved Son of God Himself. There is complete faith, but the person has to invite the Holy Spirit as well; the Spirit of Christ and the Holy Spirit both go together.
When the person becomes a Christian, if that person acknowledges the Trinity of God, the Spirit of Christ will be in that person at that time; however, to receive the Holy Spirit (the baptism of the Holy Spirit), the person needs meditation and time.
First, you must acknowledge Christ and ask Him in your heart before you could receive the Holy Spirit, but you could receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit before you get baptized in water.
[57] Just as the living Father sent Me, and I live on account of the Father; also, the one feeding on Me, that one also will live on account of Me.
Comments John 6:57 In this place, the beloved Son of God has said to all believers that He Himself is living on account of the Father; all those who believe in the beloved Son of God Himself will live on account of Him as well; what the beloved Son of God has received likewise He will also give to all that believe and trust in Him.
“and I live on account of the Father.” Here has told all readers that the Father and the beloved Son are One; the beloved Son of God also lives in the Father, and also the Father Himself lives in the beloved Son of God; this tells all readers that the God of Three is One, the Trinity but One.
[58] This is the bread having come down from heaven, not as the fathers ate and died. The one that eats this bread will live for eternity.
Comments John 6:58 Because their fathers ate the manna, but now the true living bread is the beloved Son of God Himself, and He has come down from heaven to earth, and whoever has taken this living bread, his spiritual life will be forever.
“not as the fathers ate and died.” The manna was food for the body, not for the soul. The manna itself did not give eternal life to their souls, but faith in Jesus, the beloved Son of God, does give life eternal to the soul. The manna did not give eternal life to their souls, but trust and faith in the beloved Son of God bring peace to the souls, leading to eternal life.
[59] These said He in a synagogue, teaching in Capernaum.
[60] Many, therefore, of His disciples, having heard, said, This is a hard saying; who is able to listen to it?
Comments John 6:60 As all readers can notice in this verse, His disciples as humans have heard the word from the beloved Son of God, but they did not think beyond what they could see; all they could understand was to eat His real meat from His body and drink His real blood from His body, they had not thought about the spiritual world but this world only; this is normal because they are just common humans as well.
[61] But Jesus knowing in Himself that His disciples are murmuring about this, said to them, Does this offend you?
[62] If so, you should see the Son of Man ascending where He was before?
Comments John 6:62 The beloved Son of God tried to link their minds back to what He was speaking about; they must learn to think about what He wanted to tell them about the heavenly place where He was before.
[63] It is the Spirit that gives life; the flesh profits nothing; the words that I speak to you are Spirit and are life.
Comments John 6:63 As this verse has told, the beloved Son of God did not want to teach only His disciples but also the ones after, who will read the Holy Word. So, we all should make the difference as well between the spiritual world and earthly world; the degree of difference has been told here as well; the beloved Son's word itself is Spirit, and it has life and gives life to those that believe, anyone who has faith and believes in the word of the Spirit of Christ will gain life eternal.
[64] But they are some of you that believe not. For Jesus knew from the beginning who they are the ones not believing, and who it is that will betray Him.
Comments John 6:64 The beloved Son of God has seen and heard every heart of humans. His knowledge about humans is clear as it is written on the paper; the multitude that followed Him not all truly believed in His teaching but followed with the expectation of food to eat. And also, the beloved Son of God had already known that one of His own disciples would betray Him, but to fulfill the work, He will not stop that disciple, everyone has free will to do, and this disciple has heard the Living Word but disregarded all things that he heard and betrayed the beloved Son of God.
[65] And He said, Because of this I have said to you, that no one is able to come to Me, if not it be given to him from the Father.
Comments John 6:65 As the verse tells all, the Father is always at work. He also has seen the heart of humans, and with mercy, the Father Himself will give the knowledge to each of us humans. When you have a chance to hear the Living Word, that word will work in the heart of a person and bring that soul to accept and believe in the Holy Word the beloved Son has told and set in the mind of the person to meditate on His teachings; then by faith, that soul will live forever with the beloved Son of God Himself.
“if not it be given to him from the Father;” This saying is not predestination at all, but each person has their own choice, free will. If the heart is darkened, the ear will not hear the truth; we can think here that one of His own disciples betrayed the Lord after listening to the Living Word for a long time, and still, his heart was not opened. So ultimately, it is their own free choice of everyone; will you listen to the little voice in your heart and follow God or just listen to humans cursing God.
Talking about the little voice in your heart, if you give attention to that little voice in your heart, you will not turn away from the Living Word; that is why the verse has told, "if not be given to him," to those that listen to that little voice, that little voice is from the Father Himself, listen to that little voice, and that will lead you to be saved. This is no predestination, everyone has that little voice, but some have chosen to ignore it and walk away from what that little voice has told them. All have the ability to hear in their hearts that there is a God, and they should worship Him. That is why the free choice has been told about; everyone has the freedom to listen to the little voice or not listen; that is what this verse has told.
"Given" here means that the Father speaks to all with the little voice in their heart, so all have the same chance to listen to His voice, but then they have the freedom to take what has been given to them or not.
[66] From this, many out of His disciples turned back and walked no longer with Him.
Comments John 6:66 The majority of the disciples got confused about what the beloved Son of God was really talking about and decided no longer to follow Him.
[67] Jesus said, therefore, to the Twelve, Are you not also wishing to depart?
Comments John 6:67 Here the Lord gives a free choice to His disciples, all twelve, to make a decision by themselves to follow Him or not; this is also an example of free will. The twelve disciples did not know yet what was waiting for them in the future, but this was the time to make the decision.
[68] Simon Peter answered Him, Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou have words of eternal life.
Comments John 6:68 All readers can see in this verse that Peter has acknowledged that eternal life is from the beloved Son of God. Whatever He is teaching that gives eternal life to all who listen and obey, this is the place to confirm this. Peter acknowledges that the real reason they stay with the Lord is because He has the words of eternal life.
[69] And we have believed and have come to know that Thou are the Most Holy of God.
Comments John 6:69 Now it is the time of confession from His own disciples that they have come to know and believe that Jesus is the Holy One of God Most High, which has come to the earth for humans.
[70] Jesus answered them, Did not I select you the Twelve, and one of you is a devil?
Comments John 6:70 This verse tells that the beloved Son of God has seen things ahead of what will happen to Him. He will be betrayed by His own disciple. Take notice of the words, “one of you is a devil”; one of His own disciples turned away and served Satan himself. The verse has told all readers clearly, that the beloved Son of God has known ahead what will happen to Him.
By selecting Judas, the Lord showed to all that He does not stop the free will of humans but lets them choose by themselves what path they want to follow.
[71] Now He was speaking of Judas of Simon Iscariot, for he was about to betray Him, one of the Twelve.
Comments John 6:71 The specific person who will betray the Lord has been named in this verse. At that time, among the followers of the beloved Son of God, many had the same name, but identifying the father, took away the confusion about the person. We all readers should give attention to this; not all believers will be faithful to the written Word as well; some will try to change and interpret it to fit their own agenda, and that person has walked in the same way as the betrayer had done to the Lord.
Life and Faith Application. 1) Read and meditate on all the Gospels and ask to understand the events presented in the light of the Holy Bible being Holy Spirit dictated. Try to solve the perceivable issues when you read, by prayer and meditation, and by matching the events in all Gospels to solve the problem and not by finding errors in the Holy Bible. We must believe that the original writings of the Scripture, as given to the writers, are Holy Spirit dictated and with no errors. Therefore, if you want a better understanding, use a more literal translation of the Holy Bible. For example, see our analysis of the miraculous feeding event presented in John 6:1-15. 2) As believers, we must take the Lord’s communion regularly. When you take the communion bread, think of the Lord Jesus’ broken body on the cross, and when you drink the communion grape juice, think of every blood drop that has dripped off from His body; think that what He did on the cross was to take us to live for eternity with Him. 3) The Lord created us with free will, but we should use our free will to believe that Jesus Christ is the Holy Son of God and become His followers, so we can live with Him eternally in the new world to come.