Bible Commentary Forever คำอธิบายความเข้าใจในพระคัมภีร์ไทยสำหรับชีวิต

John 5

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Summary. . In this chapter, the Jews accuse Jesus, and Jesus presents His defense about being the Son of God. He has told them that He is One with the Father, and He is doing the will of the Father. John 5:1-15. The healing of a weak man on the Sabbath. The Son of God came down on earth to show the mercy of the Father to humankind. Bethesda means “house of mercy,” and the Lord Jesus passed by there and showed mercy to a weak man there who was neglected by all for a long time. This man didn’t give up, and the Lord saw his heart of faith and full of hope, which drew the beloved Son of God’s attention to heal him. John 5:16-18. The Jews persecuted Jesus. The Jews persecuted Jesus because He broke the Sabbath and called God His own Father, making Himself equal to God. But the Sabbath is the day of the Lord, and everyone should do good to one another on Sabbath. And, when Jesus called God, His Father, the Son did not try to be equal to the Father, but He has shown to all that He is just a Son who has come down to bring salvation to humankind. John 5:19-29. Jesus talks about His authority. The power between the Father and the Son may be different, but the authority between the Father and Son is the same because in the beloved Son Himself, the Father is there as well; whatever the Father does, the Son will do as well. The Son has spoken out of the Father’s authority that has been given to Him. Also, during the judgment time, the Father gives authority to the Son according to His will. John 5:30-47. Witnesses to Jesus as the Son of God. The Lord Jesus tells us that the Father Himself has given testimony about the beloved Son of God, and all His testimony is written in the Holy Bible. The Holy Bible is the witness for the beloved Son of God Himself because the Holy Bible tells how the beloved Son of God will be born on earth and die for humans. The Father sent Jesus on earth, and Jesus speaks the Word from the Father. Other witnesses are the truth spoken by John, the messenger, and Moses’ writings.
[1] After these was a feast of the Jews; and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.
Comments John 5:1 As the verse has told, after these, the Lord will participate in the feast of the Jews; the purpose of going up to Jerusalem is to let people know that the mercy of God has come down for them now. We are not told here which feast of the Jews this was.
[2] And there is in Jerusalem by the Sheep Gate a pool, called in Hebrew Bethesda, having five porticos.
Comments John 5:2 Bethesda means “house of mercy.” The Bible also calls the beloved Son of God merciful. If that pool means mercy, then the God of mercy should be there; that is the main reason.
[3] In these were lying a great number of the ailing, blind, lame, withered, < awaiting for the moving of the water >.
Comments John 5:3 The people that had problems came there and waited to receive mercy, and it turned out to be a tradition; every year, people would travel from all over and come there waiting for the moving of the water.
"awaiting for the moving of the water." We believe this part of the verse was part of the original manuscript given to John by the Holy Spirit but was not written down further; it was lost.
[4] < indeed, an angel descended according to fitting times into the pool, and stirred the water; then the first who entered after the stirring of the water was made whole, from what sickness he was held by at that time >.
Comments John 5:3-4 Verse 4, in this commentary, we believe was part of the original manuscript given to John by the Holy Spirit but was not written down further; it was lost. Therefore, these statements here from verse 3b to the end of verse 4 are true, and they happened as written.
As the verse has told, the angel's action has happened because of the mercy of the Father Himself. In certain times when people's hearts were at peace, the angel would come down and stir up the water; with the wave of the water, the blessing of the Father has come down, and whoever stepped down first would receive full mercy and be cured of all diseases.
[5] And a certain man was there, being thirty and eight years in his weakness.
[6] Jesus seeing him lying, and knowing that he has already been a long time, He says to him, Do you wish to be healed?
Comments John 5:5-6 We all readers can notice; God's beloved Son already knows that this man has been lying for a long time here. Yet, with a heart full of hope, this man wishes the Lord's mercy to heal Him; that is why the Lord asks Him, according to the man's heart itself; this man has been waiting for so long but has not given up faith and hope for healing.
There was a multitude of them who were sick, but the Lord healed this man only. According to our comment, the heart that he has, and by not giving up in faith, has drawn the beloved Son of God's attention because that is the heart of a person that all have neglected, and the mercy of God is for these types of people, the ones that nobody pays attention to. But this person did not give up hope; that is the heart that all people should think about. Do you have that heart when you are without hope in this world?
Q: Do you want to be healed? Why did the Lord ask this man this question? He was already waiting there. A: When the beloved Son of God has asked this man the question, that question will make him think in his heart, he comes to expect to be healed or believes that he will be healed; it is a difference between expecting and believing.
[7] The weak answered Him, Sir, I have no man, in order that when the water is stirred, to put me into the pool; and while I am going, another goes down before me.
Comments John 5:7 The man has a conversation with the beloved Son of God and tells Him the truth about what had happened to him when he was waiting to be healed. Also, this tells all readers that always someone else will take advantage of a weak person because everyone thinks of themselves first, and here is an example.
[8] Jesus says to him, Rise up, take up your mat, and walk.
Comments John 5:8 The beloved Son of God did not ask him to get up but has ordered him to walk and be well because the beloved Son of God Himself has authority and power to heal everyone; this is a clear example here.
[9] And immediately, the man became healthy and took up his mat and walked. Now it was Sabbath on that day.
Comments John 5:9 Every reader should think at this point, the sick who did not walk but now suddenly walks and carries his own mat as well; the strength he has is from the beloved Son of God Himself, and this is the Lord’s love and mercy shown here.
Q: How did this man go from place to place? A: In that time, when he begs for money, some portion of that money will be a payment for someone to carry him.
Q: Why didn’t the man ask the Lord who He was or say thank you? A: Because it was just in his heart that acknowledgment that the pool he was by gave him this healing.
[10] Therefore the Jews said to the man that was healed, It is Sabbath, and it is not lawful for you to take up the mat.
Comments John 5:10 His own people have forgotten the meaning of the day; the Sabbath day is the day for showing mercy, and the man received mercy and carried his mat; this had nothing against the law; that is why the beloved Son of God had come to complete the law.
[11] But he answered them, The One having made me healthy, that One said to me, Take up your mat, and walk.
Comments John 5:11 The man has told all that happened to him; fear has made him talk. Even though he could not do things by the law, but the joy of being healed, and being like normal people, made him forget everything else.
[12] Then they questioned him, Who is the Man having said to you, Take up your mat and walk?
[13] Now he that was healed did not know who it is, for Jesus withdrew; a crowd being in the place.
Comments John 5:12-13 We can notice that the beloved Son of God did not come on earth to be famous for doing good to someone but came to show mercy to the needy. By moving away from the person, He had shown that the real purpose of healing this person was to show mercy to the unwanted people.
[14] After these, Jesus finds him in the temple and says to him, Look, you have become whole; sin no more, that not something worse to you happens.
Comments John 5:14 “sin no more”; This command “sin no more”, given by the Lord, refers to sin against the Trinity of God.
When the beloved Son of God met him in the temple, He also told the man that his sickness was not from cursing, but it could re-occur again if he did not keep himself clean, which is why he gave the warning "sin no more." All readers afterward should think as well about what this warning would be for themselves. In the old time, when bad things happened, people thought that someone had cursed someone to get sick, but the cursing of humans has no power; the sickness in the body appears from sin, either due to sinful action or sin in the heart.
Q: How does this healing and this command, “sin no more, that not something worse to you happens,” applies to us as Christians today? A: It is good that all readers should read and pay attention as well, do not take the command of the beloved Son of God lightly. When people sin, they think that nothing wrong happens to them, but they forget about their soul, and that sin will condemn their own soul to suffer; not that someone else harms them, but their own action and mind lead their own soul in torment; and in this world itself, the person that commits sin cannot find the deep peace of the mind, until they come and admit to the Lord, and ask forgiveness by the help of the beloved Son of God. Therefore, all Christians should learn this verse and keep it in their hearts; this is a commandment of the beloved Son of God, straight to all humans, not just to this person or in the past alone, but in the future until the judgment day comes.
In this verse, in this case, both the soul and physical will suffer if this person has disobeyed the commandment because this commandment has been given straight from the mouth of the beloved Son of God Himself.
If a person is a true believer, this commandment applies directly as for this person here in this verse with the same warnings. True believers will not commit the blasphemy sin against the Trinity of God; if that person is a true believer, this commandment needs to be followed until the last minute of life on earth. When the Lord speaks into the heart of a person about a sin is the same as He spoke to this man.
[15] The man went away and announced to the Jews that it is Jesus who made him healthy.
Comments John 5:15 Most people do think that the man's action is wrong, but no one understands the situation at that time; he lived in fear all his life; when he got well, all he wanted was to tell who had helped him to get well; he did this with his heart full of appreciation for the action the beloved Son of God has shown to him. The mercy he has received made him want to tell everyone about the One who had that mercy for a man like him.
“It is Jesus”; When the beloved Son of God met him in the temple, it was when the man realized who had helped him to be well. The intention of telling people who helped him had moved him in his heart that he should go and tell the leaders as well, who was the Man that enabled him to be healthy, and they all can recognize the mercy and love of this Man that helped him, and also, he realized now that it was not the pool’s power that healed him, but he was healed by the Lord Jesus’ authority.
[16] And because of this, the Jews were persecuting Jesus because He did these on Sabbath.
Comments John 5:16 The Sabbath has been taught for a long time before; before the Jews were a nation, and in the end, it became a tradition, no work was allowed entirely on the day of the Sabbath, which is not what the Lord has taught humans to do. The Sabbath is a day of the Lord, and everyone should love each other and respect one another, but first, on the Sabbath should do all things for the Lord; even when you do good to someone, do it with the purpose of glorifying the Lord, and that is the Sabbath the Lord has been teaching to all.
[Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a sabbath of the LORD your God; in it you shall not do any work, you or your son or your daughter, your male or your female servant or your cattle or your sojourner who stays with you. For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day; therefore, the LORD blessed the sabbath day and made it holy. (NASB, Exodus 20:8-11)]
“you shall not do any work;” The work in this place is work that you do to earn a living, but it does not relate to the work you do for surviving. So, for example, you still need to eat and cook food which is not the work discussed in this commandment; but if you go out and make money to buy food, that becomes the work that is spoken about in this commandment. So, look at the purpose of doing work; if you do work in the day of the Lord according to glorifying the Lord, that is a different kind of work, it is not work for a living, but work for glorifying, and that is the difference between the work on the Lord’s day.
Q: "For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day." The Lord does not do work for a living, so how does this apply to our work for living on the Sabbath comment?
A: In this verse, the meaning refers to the Father when He was done the work of creation. The Father has returned to heaven, but He still sends His angels to look over all living things and make sure that all things, according to His creation, have stayed well and no harm comes upon them.
[17] Now Jesus answered them, My Father is working until now, and I am working.
Comments John 5:17 According to the verse itself, God the Father is working, He never stops working yet, and the beloved Son of God is also working in each moment. The Father and the Son work together in all things, and They never stop doing work.
The Sabbath is the Lord’s day, not only for working but for blessing; everybody needs blessings each day; so, if you do not need blessings at any moment, you can expect that the Lord is not working all the time.
[18] Because of this, therefore, the Jews sought the more to kill Him because He did not only break the Sabbath but also called God His own Father, making Himself equal to God.
Comments John 5:18 The Jews sought to kill the beloved Son of God, and they used the term Sabbath as a reason, which they themselves don’t really understand what it means; they have practiced Sabbath tradition, but they never tried to understand what Sabbath means.
“… but also called God His own Father, making Himself equal to God.” When Jesus called God, Father, the Son did not try to be equal to the Father, but He has shown to all that He is just a Son who has come down to humans and not only stayed up in heaven watching humans; He already has made Himself low by being human for them, and this is the reason, that they use to justify not to accept the beloved Son of God.
[19] Jesus therefore answered and said to them, Truly, truly, I say to you, The Son can do nothing of Himself, but only what He sees the Father doing; for whatever the Father does, these the Son also does likewise.
Comments John 5:19 Here is the proof that Jesus never lifted Himself to be equal with the Father. He has told all humans clearly; God's beloved Son does nothing of Himself but always does what the Father does, showing to all humans that He is a beloved Son who still follows God the Father Himself. Therefore, the accusation humans have made has no truth in it.
The Trinity is the term for three in One, three Gods, but all in One with the Father, and the Father Himself is the One who makes decisions in all; this also supports that God's beloved Son has never lifted Himself to be equal with the Father.
[20] For the Father loves the Son, and shows Him all that He does; and greater works than these will He show Him, that you may marvel.
Comments John 5:20 As the verse tells here, the beloved Son of God does only what the Father shows Him. The beloved Son of God, as God, but does only what the Father does; the obedient Son, that what the beloved Son is.
[21] For just as the Father raises up the dead and gives life, even so the Son also gives life to whom He wills.
Comments John 5:21 As the verse tells, the Father gives life to whomever He wills, but the beloved Son also will give life to whom He pleases; the power may be different, but the authority between the Father and Son is the same because in the beloved Son Himself, the Father is there as well; whatever the Father does, the Son will do as well.
“For just as the Father raises up the dead and gives life.” In this portion of Scripture itself, we as believers must think, from the beginning, the Father had given life to the first man when He created the man, and also, in the end, the Father will take the last man’s life. However, nothing that the Father created can disappear, the last man the Father will take it, but this is not the dead point; as the verse has told as well, the Father raises up the dead; when all humans are gone, the Father Himself will raise the dead ones up, as a beginning again, that is why the verse has told that He raises up the dead and gives them life.
“even so the Son also gives life to whom He wills.” This part refers to the period before the end time coming; the chosen ones that have given their lives in a special way only to the beloved Son of God, when those persons die, the beloved Son of God will give life to those ones, according to His own will as well.
[22] For neither the Father judges anyone but has given all judgment to the Son;
Comments John 5:22 The beloved Son of God has the authority in judgment according to the Father’s will Himself; the Father will give that authority to the Son. Because the Father and the Son are One, when the judgment time comes, the Son will be the one that talks, but the decision will still be from both the Father and the Son together; only the Son will be at the front who announces the decision.
[23] in order that all may honor the Son, even as they honor the Father. Who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father that sent Him.
Comments John 5:22-23 These verses are talking about the end time events.
“in order that all may honor the Son”; all here includes all heavenly hosts as well.
[24] Truly, truly, I say to you, the one that hears My word, and believes Him that sent Me, has eternal life, and comes not into judgment, but has passed out of death into life.
Comments John 5:24 “the one that hears My word, and believes Him that sent Me, has eternal life …”; According to the verse, all Christians who believe should think that "My word" here is not the word of the beloved Son Himself, but all that He spoke is from the Father; the true believer will hear the Father's word and believe. When the beloved Son of God has said that the Father sent Him, that also has told all that what the beloved Son of God has spoken everyone should think seriously and that He did not speak out of His own authority, but spoke out of the Father’s authority that has been given to Him. If you hear the Father's word, you will also believe the One He has sent because the One He has sent has not spoken out of His own word but out of the One who sent Him word Himself.
[25] Truly, truly, I say to you, The hour is coming and now is, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God; and those having heard will live.
Comments John 5:25 When the verse has told the hour is coming, it tells about the time that the beloved Son of God will give His life for all humans. During that time, He will go and speak to those that have died in faith in God Almighty but did not have a chance yet to know the beloved Son of God Himself. Because they all have already knowledge about the Father, He has gone there and told them there is still a chance for all to be saved if they only believe in the beloved Son of God now. Because by the Father's will Himself, all that will have life for eternity must believe in the beloved Son of God as well, and that is why the beloved Son has gone to the death realm to tell them about Himself. Including to those that did not believe, but those that deep in their hearts, have that feeling that all things did not come by themselves, but someone has created them, these have already the link to the faith itself. When they have that thought that someone has created all things, that already has shown the first step of faith in them; these are not the same as those who did not care who created them; those that did not care have lost their own chance to be saved.
“when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God.” Now He talks here about the dead; the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God. Here it is a difference between the dead and those living on earth; on this earth, He always calls Himself the Son of Man.
[26] For as the Father has life in Himself, even in this manner gave He to the Son also to have life in Himself,
Comments John 5:26 God of Three but One; what is for One will be for another as well. As the verse has told, the Father can give life, and also, the beloved Son of God can give life as well because both have life in themselves.
“as the Father has life in Himself”; The Father has life in Himself, and because of that, He can give that life further; all life belongs to the Father, including the life of the beloved Son of God; His life belongs to the Father as well. Jesus’ deity cannot be lower than the Father's deity because the Father Himself also is in the beloved Son of God, and in the same way, the beloved Son Himself is in the Father as well; the Trinity of God cannot be separated. When the beloved Son of God used the term to call Himself the Son of Man, the beloved Son of God has lowered Himself to be human; that is why the Father has given life to the beloved Son to have life in Himself.
“even in this manner gave He to the Son also to have life in Himself”; this portion of the verse refers to the Son of God as the Son of Man; here, they become One, the beloved Son of God, and the Son of Man; this verse refers to that time (when Jesus took the form of human on earth); what the verse has told in this portion, refers to when the beloved Son of God takes the form of human (from His conception in the womb).
[27] and gave Him authority to execute judgment because He is the Son of Man.
Comments John 5:27 The beloved Son of God has taken the form of a human, and all authority for judging the humans will belong to His pleasure. Even the Father created the humans, but because He has given the humans free choice, the beloved Son of God in human form has known the real human way of life, and His judgment will be fair for all humans; in this way, humans can’t say it is not fair for God to judge them if God does not taste what humans go through the suffering of life; but now it is complete judgment here. As we have commented before, in the Father, the beloved Son, and the Holy Spirit also exist; when we say the Father created the humans, that also has told the Trinity of God had created all things.
[28] Marvel not at this that the hour is coming, in which all in the tombs will hear His voice,
Comments John 5:28 Do not be surprised when the time is here because the beloved Son of God Himself in human form has passed through death; that is why the verse has told the hour is coming, do not be surprised. There is a level of judgment; at first, to bring the dead to be in judgment before the beloved Son of God that was crucified, they all must hear Him first, and then the judgment takes place. As the Bible has told, He went there, to the death realm, to tell them the good news; in that period of time, the dead that died before He was born on earth will have a chance to hear the good news and then, when the resurrection comes to receive judgment, it will be fair for them as well. Whatever their soul in that time will contain, it will be used for judgment. Those who did not have faith at all because they never heard about God will also have a chance as well; they did not know about the beloved Son of God, but deep in them where they were alive, they all could notice the creation and could see that everything comes from someone and that someone is the God Almighty; they all have already knowledge about the God of Three (through the creation around them) but did not have a chance to know the Savior, and that is why the beloved Son of God goes there to tell them, to eliminate the unfair in the dark world itself.
After Jesus' resurrection and the sending of the Holy Spirit on earth, through the ministering of the Holy Spirit, everyone has the same chance to know about God Almighty, and the judgment will be fair for all.
[29] and will come forth; those that have done good, to resurrection of life; and those that have done evil, to resurrection of judgment.
Comments John 5:29 “and will come forth …”; As the verse tells, all humans, living and dead, will hear the judgment from the God of Three, no place for any can hide; because some have thought God is God of the living (has power only during they are alive on this earth) and when they die, God can’t touch them anymore, but they all have forgotten that the beloved Son of God in human form has died as well, and went to the death realm to tell about Himself, so even the dead can’t escape the judgment. As the verse has said, at the judgment time, all that have done good and have faith in the Son of God come to the resurrection of life, but all that did evil will come back to receive the judgment of punishment as well.
[30] I can of Myself do nothing; just as I hear, I judge; and My judgment is just because I seek not My will, but the will of Him who sent Me.
Comments John 5:30 The verse clearly tells, the beloved Son Himself always does the will of the Father; even He can judge by Himself, but He will never do it without the Father’s approval because the beloved Son of God always shows respect to the Father and abides all things according to the Father’s will.
“I can of Myself do nothing.” Because He will never do anything of Himself unless He gets approval from the Father because He is an obedient Son, and there will never be the issue arising that the Father and the Son disagree.
[31] If I bear witness concerning Myself, My testimony is not true.
Comments John 5:31 As the Bible has told, always the beloved Son of God gives the testimony about Himself according to the Father’s word; whatever the Father says to Him, that is what He has told all that believe in Him.
His “testimony is not true” because the one who has received did not believe and accept whatever He said. If nobody accepts, then His testimony becomes untrue in the thought of the unbelievers (those that do not believe what He says). We are not talking about the true believers here; give attention as well, between the true believers and the fake ones; this statement of the testimony being true or not true will be an argument between these two groups. Think of two parts, one is true believers, and another is fake ones; all His word will be between these two parts. Meaning that the true believers will believe His testimony and the fake ones will not believe.
[32] Another there is bearing witness concerning Me, and I know that the testimony which He bears witness concerning Me is true.
Comments John 5:32 Most believers who read this verse have linked it to the wrong place; now, the beloved Son of God has talked about the testimony of the Father and that the testimony which the Father has given relating to Him is true.
“… the testimony which He bears witness concerning Me is true.” The Father has given testimony about the beloved Son of God, and all His testimony is written in the Holy Bible. Therefore, what the Bible has talked about the beloved Son of God all is true, and everyone must believe it.
[33] You have sent to John, and he has borne witness to the truth.
Comments John 5:33 As the verse has told, John is a messenger from the Lord, and he will proclaim the coming of the beloved Son of God, as we all can see from his message.
[34] But I receive not the testimony from man; however, I say these, that you may be saved.
Comments John 5:34 The beloved Son of God has told all humans in this verse that He did not receive the testimony from anyone. When the beloved Son of God has spoken, those words will save those who listen and follow, as the verse has told “that you may be saved”; you all can be saved if you listen and obey the voice of the beloved Son of God because His teaching is from the Father Himself.
[35] He was the lamp burning and shining, and you were willing to rejoice for a season in his light.
Comments John 5:35 The lamp is John, and what he says is the truth burning and shining. Because John has told the truth about the coming of the beloved Son of God, and that truth was burning and shining. People who heard were willing to believe, but just for a little while, because their hearts were not open yet to receive the truth, but what the messenger had been talking has stirred their hearts to have thought, but only they were thinking, not believing yet. That is why the beloved Son of God must tell them as well, and the message the beloved Son of God proclaimed is to save all humans, but that will lead Him to be crucified.
[36] But I have the testimony greater than John’s. For the works which the Father gave Me to accomplish them, the same works that I do, bear witness concerning Me that the Father has sent Me.
Comments John 5:36 “But I have the testimony greater than John’s.” The beloved Son of God has the word greater than John has because John is the messenger, not the preacher; he has a specific duty. The testimony is the word that the person tells; the beloved Son of God has said the word from the Father, but John has said the word as a messenger to lead the way; it is a difference. John has the word from the Father as well, but with different authority and duty, as a messenger.
“For the works …”; Now, as the verse tells, the witness about the beloved Son of God is the work that the Father has sent Him to do. The work that the beloved Son did on earth is to save all humans, and that work will bear witness about the authority and duty of the beloved Son of God, which all the beloved Son of God has done; all of the work is according to the Father’s will.
[37] And the Father, the One who sent Me, has borne witness concerning Me. You have neither heard His voice at any time nor have seen His form.
Comments John 5:37 “And the Father … concerning Me.” The witness for the beloved Son of God is not human, but the Father Himself is the true witness concerning His Son. Humans have not taken the beloved Son’s word properly since when the beloved Son of God has spoken, it is not His own will alone but the will of the Father for those words as well.
“You have neither heard His voice at any time nor have seen His form.” Humans have never heard the Father’s voice or seen Him, but humans have heard and seen the beloved Son of God Himself, which the Father has sent. He represents the Father for the whole earth. All humans should think that the Father has created the earth, and if He Himself would come down on earth, what would this earth be like after that? His glory is beyond what the earth could hold. The Father is on His throne, but with the love the Father has for humans, He has sent His Son to bring all humans to glorify Him before it is too late.
[38] And you do not have His word abiding in you; because whom He sent, Him you believe not.
Comments John 5:38 The Father loves you, but you have rejected His love when you do not accept His beloved Son. When you do not believe in the beloved Son of God, you have not believed in the Father Himself as well. Therefore, read the Holy Bible and use the word leading your life; each word contains the love of the Father Himself; read, obey, believe, and always meditate on the Word.
[39] You search the Scriptures because you think in them to have eternal life, and these are they which bear witness concerning Me,
[40] and you are not willing to come to Me, that you may have life.
Comments John 5:40 The Holy Bible is the witness for the beloved Son of God Himself because the Holy Bible tells how the beloved Son of God will be born on earth and die for humans, but humans still do not come to Him and believe in Him to gain eternal life at the end.
You may think that only by reading the Bible you deserve to be saved, but to be saved, you must believe every word that is written and abide in every word every day of your daily life; transfer into your life the Word and use the Word to keep life clean; that will be considered as you have meditated on the Word itself. When you read the Word, the Lord gives you understanding; that understanding you must keep inside you and practice.
[41] I take not praise from people.
Comments John 5:41 This verse talks about how humans praise humans; the Lord does not need that kind of praise. The Lord Himself does not need praises with the mouth of humans, but He needs the heart that praises Him.
[42] But I know you, that you do not have the love of God in yourselves.
Comments John 5:42 Not all of the love in humans relates to the love for God. All humans love themselves before loving God; that is what the verse has said to all readers. Humans use the term love in many ways, but this verse has told us that some of that love is not the love for God but is love for the things He created.
[43] I have come in My Father's name, and you received Me not; if another should come in their own name, that one you will receive.
Comments John 5:43 “I have come in My Father's name …”; According to this word, the beloved Son of God has come not in His own name, but He has come to glorify the Father and has told all humans to glorify the Father, not themselves. But humans worship many things and other humans, but not all humans receive the beloved Son of God in human form because they all have thought God should not take the human form, and they use that as a reason not to accept the beloved Son of God Himself.
“if another should come in their own name …”; This part of the verse tells that humans have created many religions, many gods, and they are willing to die for those things they create just to make sure that someone else will believe as they do. How can humans be so foolish as to glorify the things they made with their own hands as gods?
[44] How are you able to believe, receiving glory from one another and the glory from the only God you seek not?
Comments John 5:44 Now the beloved Son of God is telling all humans that mercy from the Father has come for them all, but they are not willing to receive it, but when someone else claims to be a god, so many are going and following. So, humans glorify humans, but when the human Jesus has told them the truth, what God really wants them to worship, few accept it and come to worship the true God.
[45] Think not that I will accuse you to the Father; there is Moses who accuses you, in whom you have set hope.
Comments John 5:45 At first, we will talk about “I will accuse you to the Father”; the beloved Son of God will accept you in front of the Father but will also deny you if you do not believe in His word.
“there is Moses who accuses you …”; According to the Bible, Moses did perform miracles because of his faith, and because they had all seen those miracles, they believed what Moses had told them and set their hope that he would lead them to be saved. Still, he is the one who will accuse them of unfaithfulness. Even though he did miracles, they believed for a short while; the time hasn’t passed that long, and they all have turned back in the same wicked way again, as the Holy Bible has recorded their actions; and those actions are what Moses will use to accuse them.
[46] For if you would have believed Moses, you would have believed Me; for he wrote concerning Me.
Comments John 5:46 The beloved Son of God has never lifted Himself up above all; He only told what and who He is to all humans. And also, Moses wrote about Him, and they did not believe what he had written about Him because all their hearts tried to compare what the beloved Son of God did and what Moses did and weigh which one was the most powerful miracle; that is why they cannot believe even when they see the miracles the beloved Son of God has done, and they came to the conclusion that Moses has performed greater miracles than the beloved Son has done.
The following are some Bible verses where Moses wrote about Jesus: Genesis 3:15; Genesis 12:1-3; Genesis. 49:8-12; Numbers 24:17-19; Deuteronomy 32:43; Deuteronomy 18:15-19.
In Deuteronomy 18:15, the Bible says, “Jehovah your God will raise up unto you a Prophet from the midst of you, of your brethren, like unto me; unto Him, you shall hearken;” The verse content refers straight to the beloved Son of God. So, we can see from this verse that the beloved Son of God is the true Prophet of the Father, and we have the verse supporting this.
Q: Moses’ miracles versus our Lord Jesus' miracles. A: As a believer, think this way, Moses punished the enemy in front of their eyes; but the beloved Son of God will save their souls, the ones that have faith in Him, and the punishment for those unfaithful is eternal in hades, which in their living time they cannot see it yet; according to the faith they can see and feel, but because they lack both, their hearts did not rebuke them. When He was on earth as a human, the beloved Son of God had condemned sin on earth, He condemned the sin but did not punish anyone, but Moses has shown the punishment; that is the difference between Moses and Jesus' miracles.
[47] But if you believe not that one’s writings, how will you believe My spoken words?
Comments John 5:47 All people have seen and heard what Moses did, but they still did not believe his word, and then how can they believe what the beloved Son of God has talked to all of them about who He is and how to be saved. The comparison will be at work here; with Moses, they have already known his work, but the beloved Son of God has not shown significant works for many people to see and witness. Still, the beloved Son of God has worked with the poor and needy people to encourage them, these people are not important in the eyes of humans, but for the beloved Son of God, these are the people that have a place in His heart.
Even though the Lord will do many miracles, it will never be enough for them to realize the true way to be saved and what it means. The beloved Son of God came to give them salvation, but Moses came to get them out of oppression; both are not the same, and that makes the people cannot understand, and they will always expect that the Lord will deliver them out in the way they want, not only the salvation way alone. However, the Lord will deliver them out of oppression when all of them come and admit their faults and worship the true God as their forefathers have worshipped the Lord; until then, they will not succeed.
During Moses' time, the Jews were oppressed by the Egyptians, and during Jesus' time, the Jews were oppressed by the Romans. Moses delivered them out of Egypt into the promised land, so the Jews expected the Lord Jesus would deliver them out of Roman oppression. Many of the Jews were looking to the Messiah from this point of view, and they expected Jesus to do similar miraculous signs as Moses did and deliver them miraculously from Roman's hand. They were expecting a Messiah in a Moses way, not through salvation way.
Life and Faith Application. 1) God is a God of mercy, so do not lose hope in any difficult situation; just pray and wait on God's mercy. 2) Believe the testimony of the Bible about the Lord Jesus; the Father Himself sent Him on earth to bring salvation to humankind. 3) Humans have created many religions, many gods, and they are willing to die for those things; meditate on the Word of God daily, so you do not get influenced or trapped by them.